How to drink alcohol, so as not to get drunk while walking?

Human life is multifaceted and unpredictable. Sometimes situations can arise in it, the way out of which must be sought based on the ingenuity or knowledge of the experience of previous generations. Example, you get to the Russian feast, you do not know how to give up alcohol, and you can't get drunk. There are quite a number of ways to do this, how to drink alcohol and not get drunk. Most of them are folk, tested in practice by no generation of Russians.

Golden rules

In the practice of generation, there are different ways, how to drink and not get drunk or something, how to relieve a hangover, sober up quickly, etc.. P. All of them are tested by time and practice of millions of inhabitants of the planet. By following them, everyone can achieve the desired result.

body preparation

Knowing about the upcoming feast, a person can take measures to protect their body from alcohol attack. For, such training is very important in order not to get drunk and suffer from severe hangovers. It is necessary to hold it:

  • Prepare the liver for extra drinks before the extra load. You can achieve this by drinking for 3 hours before the feast 50 grams of vodka. It will start the body's processing of alcohol until a large amount of alcohol enters it.
  • Eat before drinking strong drinks 2-3 boiled eggs, plate of rice porridge with butter and drink 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil.
  • For, to avoid getting drunk during a meal, you need to eat fatty foods.

Fat, contained in food, envelops the stomach wall with a fatty film. This reduces the rate of absorption of alcohol into human blood.

Among the ways, how not to get sick from a hangover rule of raising the degree. It is most often used to explain that, how to drink vodka and beer, but can also be used for other spirits. Its essence comes down to that, that when drinking strong drinks you need to go from lower to higher degrees, and not vice versa.

Snacks and cigarettes play an important role in the speed of intoxication. The former slows down the process of intoxication, and others accelerate them. Another rule of thumb, how to drink alcohol does not recommend drinking alcohol with carbonated beverages. The gases contained in them contribute to the faster entry of alcohol into human blood. Fatty meats and lard sandwiches are the best snacks for strong drinks. That's a great way to do it, how long not to get drunk.

The process of intoxication can be slowed down during a meal by going out into the fresh air.

Rhythmic slows down the process of intoxication, inflammatory dances.

How to drink alcohol, so as not to get bored?

There are a number of tricks, which can be used in those cases, when you need to drink a lot and not bring yourself to the gag reflexes. Most often they are provoked by alcoholic beverages, have a large fortress. Drink alcohol, so as not to cause nausea, need slow small sips, breaks between drinking and a new stack or glass.

Slow drinking is another effective way to do this, how to drink and not get drunk until the end of the feast. You always have to remember that, that you can not eat alcohol with lots of sour fruit. You can not mix cognac with any kind of wine, and whiskey with beer. Among the tips, how to drink vodka is a recommendation not to mix this drink with energy drinks and medicines, as well as lemonade and other alcohol.

What you can drink strong drinks?

Drink a lot and don't get drunk, you can choose the right not only snacks, rhythm of drinking and type alcohol, but also his requests. Frankly, drinking something strong is not recommended. Drink alcohol only if, when there is no snack.

Any drinking of alcohol accelerates the process of intoxication.

When choosing a drink, it is better to focus on compote or juices. Women believe in watching their figure, that pure alcohol does not contain unnecessary body calories. So, they never drink alcohol or drink cocktails, prepared on its basis.

How to drink different drinks?

Existing alcoholic beverages differ from each other in chemical composition. This determines the principle of their impact on the human body. You need to keep this in mind in order to know, how to avoid a hangover, accompanied by severe headache and nausea.


You should eat a little chili pepper before eating tequila. You need to drink it in small piles. Before, how to throw them in your mouth, it is necessary to get off from the back of a palm edge the salt poured on it. A drunken stack of tequila snacks on a slice of lime or lemon.


Sommeliers recommend drinking pure whiskey. That's the only way, how not to get sick from a hangover in the morning after drinking a strong drink in the evening. For, to reduce the degree of whiskey, ice cubes are added to it. They occupy in a glass 2/3 volume. Whiskey with cola is very popular. Laid on the bottom of the glass ice is poured on 1/3 whiskey, then circles are added to the edges of the vessel.


The drink is drunk in small sips, warming it in a glass with the palm of your hand. The right way, not to get drunk on cognac is a snack, consisting of hard cheeses, meat or seafood.


The main way, how not to get drunk on alcohol, revered by pirates, there is the use of silverware for its bottling. Drink rum only chilled. The pharynx should be small and not in a hurry.


The world's most popular alcoholic beverage. Your recipes for that, how to drink vodka and not get drunk is in many countries around the world. A good snack can neutralize the effect of vodka. It can be fatty pork or lamb. A simple sandwich with butter and herring is also suitable. Drink chilled vodka. This significantly reduces the speed of intoxication.

Is it worth drinking on a stick?

Russian tradition of drinking on a stick is like a control shot. In the old days it goes the guest left a pile on the staff. If the guest threw her on the floor, he was left to spend the night. In addition to sticks, Russian folk traditions know other stacks that must be drunk. Including:

  • Lifting. Drinks when the guest leaves the table.
  • Zaporozhye. It is poured to the guest after a stick, when he goes beyond the threshold of the house.
  • Of the courtier. They drink it in the yard.
  • On the move. It is poured to the guest during his meeting at home.

All these stacks are only a very small part of a long Russian feast. The best way, how to prevent a hangover is a refusal to follow all the folk traditions of drinking alcohol. You can do this by setting a strict alcohol intake. People with a strong character can cope with such a task.

What to do to weak-willed people with a mild temperament and inability to refuse persistent offers to drink? Do not participate in feasts. Use available funds, causing aversion to alcohol. In those cases, when a feast cannot be avoided, necessary:

  • limit the amount of its use;
  • snack on strong drinks with fatty foods;
  • do not drink alcohol with carbonated liquids;
  • do not smoke or mix strong drinks.

How not to get drunk, or how to drink properly: