Sour house wine, how to fix this problem?

Sour house wine, how to fix this problem?

Even an experienced winemaker finds it difficult to be sure 100%, that he will receive wine of the highest quality. beginners much harder, and mistakes are possible at the beginning of the creative path. If the house wine turned out sour, don't worry. There are several ways to remove excess acid in the taste.

Blending or mixing

This is the easiest way. An experienced winemaker collects a collection of drinks of different types and terms of production. Sour wine can be mixed with sweet, relying only on their own taste. It is necessary to keep in mind, that homemade grape wine can only be mixed with grape, and wines from fruits and berries blend with excellent results in a variety of combinations. Sangria is very popular - it is a wine with any additives. Suitable juices, lemonade, herbs, fruits. Everything, anything, it would be delicious.


Bacteria and fungi will die when heated, living in guilt, and with the addition of sugar, the acidity of the drink will not change. Wine bottles are placed in a tank or pan on a stand - they should not touch the bottom when heated, and filled with cold water to the neck. The water in the tank is heated to 60 or 70 degrees over low heat. Do not remove the bottles from the liquid until completely cooled. This process is largely similar to pasteurization is a prolonged heating at a temperature of 50 to 70 degrees. It allows you to preserve the taste and aroma of products, in our case - wine.

The bottle needs to be hermetically sealed.


Cooling corrects many shortcomings, including high acidity. Bottles are exposed to cold at a temperature of - 2, -5 degrees and remains at 1,5 or 2 months. A dense precipitate is formed in the wine. The drink drains from the sediment, bottled and tightly closed.


Most of the population, having basements and cellars, treated them from fungus and mold with sulfur checkers. All, who carried out this kind of processing, this contact with sulfur is remembered for a lifetime, and, Of course, do not want to add its salts and oxides to wine. Whatever the outcome, you are promised, limit yourself to smoking the cellar together with the wine container.

vinegar preparation

Homemade wine turned out too sour and even smells sour, like vinegar, this means, that you have nothing does not remain, except to turn it into acetic essence. The product is needed on the farm and stored for a long time. Vinegar is to blame, apple, fruit and berry. It is much more useful than bought in the store. It is easy to cook. In an enamel or glass dish, pour sour wine and dissolve sugar in it, 15 or 20 city. per liter of wine. Wine no longer needs airtight sealing, don't forget to stir it. After a couple of weeks, the vinegar will finally ripen and it will be necessary to strain and pour into bottles. Close the bottles tightly and place in a cool place. The natural vinegar essence is stored for a long time.


Sour wine from grapes can be left until the new harvest. When preparing the wort from the juice of the new harvest, you can add to it last year's drink in proportion 1:10 — 1 part of old wine and 10 parts of fresh juice. So you get dry wine.

causes of acidification

A novice winemaker will not want to repeat his mistakes and him, Of course, will interest, why wine is sour and what to do, so that this does not happen again. The reasons may be as follows:

1. Too little sugar was used in the preparation of the wort.

2. When the wort matured, air entered the tank. Oxygen supported the development of bacteria, which cause acidification.

What shall I do, to prevent it?

1. Add sugar to the wort according to the recipe.

2. The water seal or device in the form of a medical glove must not be airtight.

Winemaking is not an easy task and experience comes with time, and mistakes happen in any case. Everyone is well aware of the saying, that is not wrong, who does nothing, so do not lower your hands, when something goes wrong!

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