Infusion of moonshine on the roots and herbs: the best gourmet recipes

Clean, like a tear, filtered with charcoal, purified with soda and expelled by fractional distillation moonshine - a product extremely pleasant to drink. And every distiller wants to get just such homemade alcohol. But drinking it can be a bit boring, I want to brighten it up with something, to get something original in your distillery. The healing and fragrant infusion of moonshine is just that, what you need. Especially since there are hundreds of interesting recipes for infusion, tested by colleagues and their colleagues.

Ancient potions

If you haven't come up with one yet, what to insist on moonshine, we recommend that you look to the depths of the centuries. Then every healer, every pharmacist was a real magician, everyone invented and collected recipes for healing herbs, most of which were prepared on strong alcohol.

In those days, no one was aware of herbal antibiotics, but even then they knew, that you can infuse alcohol on such herbs, like lavender, sage, rosemary, add garlic to the mixture… And with the help of this drink to overcome a number of infectious and inflammatory diseases, example, such as skin and nail fungus, pneumonia, chickenpox and many others.

Table of the recommended amount of spices for infusions per 1 liter of moonshine

It is interesting: there is a legend of three marauders, who fearlessly robbed people, patients with plague. They were protected from disease by a magic infusion, prepared from the most common herbs - thyme, rosemary and sage. Modern pharmacists tend to consider this legend, as quite real.

Infusion of moonshine on herbs and roots

Truth, in those days no one cared, to make the potion delicious, most often it was really terrible to taste drinks. Apparently, therefore, the infusion of moonshine with additives was considered a devil's potion. But nowadays sugar and honey are not a problem, so we can make moonshine on herbs not only useful, but also pleasant to drink. Remember the most famous vermouths, balms. In their composition to 40 different ingredients, some of which have a rather sharp taste. Does anyone dare say, that they do not please the taste buds?

Cooking recipes

The easiest way to preserve healing raw materials is to dry them. However, how to be treated later? Bite a dried root or a dried berry? Easier to pick up, what to insist on moonshine, prepare a wonderful potion and take it for pleasure and for good.

Warning: all dosages are given for adults, in which there are no diseases, preventing alcohol intake.

  1. Of the options, what is better to insist on moonshine, to begin with it is necessary to choose the simplest. Well, and if

    Tinctures on moonshine

    the experience will be successful, there and to forty-forty liqueurs nearby. This simple recipe for an ordinary infusion helps with colds and many inflammatory diseases. Necessary:

  • moonshine purified strong 40 ° - 0,5 liters;
  • cranberry leaves - 100 city.;
  • cranberry berries - 100 city.;
  • dried St. John's wort - 50 city.;
  • honey to taste.

Mix all the ingredients and send to infuse this moonshine in the bins. You have to endure 7 days, then filter, try, if there is bitterness - add more honey and keep for another week. After that, the drink can be used for medicinal purposes 25-50 city. in a day, and just drink a glass at dinner.

  1. All bitter alcoholic beverages are great for digestive problems, gallbladder, in case of poisoning and colds. If you have similar health problems, then of the options, what to insist on moonshine, select next:
  • galangal root - 2 city.;
  • angelica root - 3 city.;
  • dried ginger - 3 city.;
  • Carnation - 1 city.;
  • ground black hot pepper - 1,5 city.;
  • strong alcohol 50 ° -45 ° - 0,35 liters.

Pour all the dry chopped ingredients with pure moonshine, shake the container well and leave in a dark place. Insistence should last at least a week, that moonshine extracted from the roots and spices all the healing substances. If desired, the drink can not be filtered. Therapeutic dose - 25-50 ml per day.

Advice: if the infusion of moonshine needs to be filtered after herbs, then it is first withstood 1-2 weeks, then filtered, put the light in the fridge on 2 days, then again passed through a thin filter in cold form.

  1. This infusion of moonshine is called "Golden Root". It is prepared mainly from Rhodiola rosea, use the roots and the basal part. It helps with memory impairment, attention, in diseases of the central nervous system, muscle weakness and pain, colds and high blood pressure. Properly prepare it this way:
  • strong purest moonshine 50 ° - 1 liter;
  • dried rhodiola root - 100 city.;
  • honey - 25 city.;
  • propolis - 5 city.

Mix all the ingredients and stand in a cool dark place nearby 10-14 days, we filter. Add honey to taste and drink, preferably a course 2 weeks: 3 times a day on 15-25 grams before meals. The drink should be stored in the cold.

  1. If there are problems with hematopoiesis, high blood pressure, inflammatory processes, joint pain - birch buds will help. They need to insist on moonshine, to preserve all the healing substances of this amazing natural material. For "Berezivka" it is necessary:
  • strong alcohol 45 ° - 1 liter;
  • birch buds - 20 city.;
  • ground ginger - 2 city.;
  • galangal root - 1,5 city.;
  • cinnamon - 1-2 city.;
  • honey - to taste.

All components of the tincture must be crushed and poured 200 ml of alcohol. You need to insist at least 30 days, then you need to filter the drink and add more alcohol. Take by 20 city. 2 times a day before meals.

Natural health

They often say: nature endowed with health. But that's not the point of this proverb, that a person may be weak or healthy from birth. All in our hands. You just have to use natural resources, know the power of herbs, understand, how and what to insist on moonshine, in order to, like the ancient healers, prepare for yourself priceless infusions.