Raisin tincture on vodka, alcohol and moonshine: drink recipe

Raisin vodka has a very mild taste. At home it is prepared for holiday table and medical purposes. White or yellow raisins are most often used to prepare the drink. It has no bones, contains a lot of natural sugars. The dry product retains all the beneficial properties of fresh grapes. It is recommended to include dried grapes in the diet, having various heart diseases, to increase immunity and anemia.

Recipe for healing vodka tincture

Classic recipes are used to make grape vodka. The drink does not contain unnecessary components. Everything is concise and simple. Fill a clean glass jar 300 grams of raisins, which is flooded 0,5 l of vodka. If the tincture of raisins is prepared on alcohol, then it can not be diluted. Sugar syrup is used to regulate the strength of the drink, which is introduced into the finished drink.

Classic raisin tincture can be an intermediate in the process preparation of liqueur or spicy tincture. The duration of the infusion process 2-3 weeks at room temperature +20-22 degrees. Jar with ingredients embedded in it, cover with a lid, shake well and put in a closed kitchen table.

Advice: it is not recommended to open the lid of the jar during the infusion process. This can cause bacteria to enter the product, capable of causing the oxidation of the beverage.

Drink a teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach with ovarian cysts.

Advice: it is better to coordinate reception of a product with the attending physician. Do not take patients with diabetes, obese and gastric ulcer. Contraindications include product intolerance and entrocolitis.