Preparing bee hives for winter are important rules

Every experienced beekeeper knows, how to prepare bees for winter, and the beginner needs to take note and strictly adhere to this wisdom of life, after all, the success of each honeymoon season depends on the correct and successful wintering of bees. And for that, to make it so, you need to know some nuances, which come with years of hard and painstaking work in the apiary.

A strong bee colony in the spring guarantees a good honey harvest. Number of worker bees, their strength and endurance directly depend on it, how well the hive overwintered.

To create the necessary conditions for a successful winter, preparatory work is carried out almost the entire period of active medical collection. And the autumn audit will help to determine the readiness of the hive.

The main objectives of the autumn audit

During such an important manipulation, as the autumn revision of the hive, every beekeeper should find out the following points.

  1. Age of the uterus. Its ability to sow brood and increase the number of nests for wintering depends on it.
  2. The number of brood. This indicator makes it possible to estimate the number of young bee colonies, which will ensure a successful winter.
  3. Quantity and quality of fodder stocks - honey and perga.
  4. Assessment of the suitability of honeycombs for wintering and the general condition of insects in the hive - activity, disease infection and other factors.

These are general indicators, which must be evaluated by every beekeeper. In the review of the hive, every detail matters.

Autumn revision is only the first stage of preparation for winter, which makes it possible to identify all the shortcomings in the hive and outline the front of the work. You need to have time to correct all the shortcomings of their own or natural, to ensure successful wintering of insects.

For, to do everything on time, it is necessary to conduct an audit in a timely manner. The best time for the middle lane - the end of the main bribe. It is at this time that you need to carefully inspect the hives, to have time to complete all the work in good weather, without disturbing the usual rhythm of life of bees.