The machine for correction of disks by the hands

Even a very careful driver can not be insured against dents and cracks on the wheels, які утворюються при попаданні автомобіля в ями в асфальті. Even deepening in depth 10 cm can seriously disrupt the geometry of the wheel, which will lead to the following problems:

  • Suspension bracket breakage.
  • Uneven abrasion of tires.
  • Problems with the steering rod.

The machine for rolling of disks

In cases of violation of parameters of accessories in wheels the machine for editing of cast disks is irreplaceable. This disc allows you to correct the geometry and remove dents, giving the product a completely smooth appearance.

Usually the machine for editing of cast disks can be found only at car service, and there for such a service you will pay a considerable amount. However, not everyone knows, that the machine for rolling of disks can be made and the hands, significantly saving money on periodic rolling of wheels in the car service. When carrying out work it is necessary to understand, that repair is different from disk recovery as follows. After recovery, the product can be used for a long time, in contrast to repair work.

Drawings of a machine for rolling wheels with your own hands

Production of the stand for correction of wheels

The stand is intended for correction of roughnesses of stamping and light-alloy disks by the hands and can be developed in house conditions. Compared to manual finishing, it significantly increases the productivity and quality of edits.

Light alloy repair, steel car wheels with their own hands

To make a device for fixing disks, follow this algorithm:

  • install the shaft on the frame, where to fix a universal nave;
  • put the product on the hub, which needs to be fixed;
  • fasten the frame to the stand. The stand itself is fixed to the hydroelectric power station, which will power the mobile hydraulic cylinder. A tool for fixing disks is mounted on its rod;
  • operate the cylinder with a hydraulic distributor with a pressure reducing valve;
  • to be able to install the cylinder at any angle relative to the repaired product, use a pair of movable brackets.

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That the machine for rolling of cast disks could fix products with various diameter, its hub must be equipped with washers ??centers the type of desired diameters (everything will be needed 18 fasteners).