Categories: Pets

Abscess in a cat and its treatment

A cat is a free-spirited animal. If she knows and uses all the steps and exits to the street, will thoroughly check everyone and everywhere. Trees, the roof, other people's yards, and in private yards - barns, buildings, basements. Protects the territory of walks zealously, biased, considering her as his own. But such is the mobility of a cat, the ability to move "in all planes" is dangerous for the animal. It can get hurt, often complicated by suppuration.
Most often an abscess (purulent inflammation) occurs in a cat, but can also be in a cat or kitten. Let's talk about that, why it happens, what is dangerous, what to do and how to treat.

What is an abscess in a cat??

An abscess is a boil, which is formed in a cat under the skin inside, which requires treatment. An ailment occurs due to an infection. The skin rises, swelling is visible (sometimes large). Purulent contents accumulate in the cavity between the skin and muscles. Abscess in cats (in the photo) can occur in any part of the body, if it is traumatic in nature. Possible (often happens) in the area of ​​the cheek, under the eye, when caused by inflammatory dental disease. The classification of abscesses in cats depends on the place of their occurrence and the reason for their occurrence. They distinguish dental (tissues around the root of the tooth become inflamed) and combat (consequences of injuries in cat fights) abscesses in cats. According to the type of course of the disease, both types are divided into:

  1. Superficial - a small abscess, close to the surface, usually reveals itself. There is not much manure, not complicated, heals easily.
  2. Deep. A bite with a fang creates a small, but goes inside the morning. The infection penetrates deeper, the disease is more severe. Sealing is palpable at the damaged place, the appearance of the skin is not necessarily changed.
  3. Acute - rapidly flowing, so-called "hot" abscesses. They often reveal themselves.
  4. Cold. The name does not reflect the seriousness of the process, although this is a chronicle. Usually — a kind of deep, may be repeated (recrudesce) over a long period (years).
  5. Benign. The process proceeds with the formation of thick yellowish-white masses. There is no sharp smell, the prognosis is favorable.
  6. Malignant. The name is informative: immunity is weak, pathogenic organisms take over, the infection spreads (spillage) on adjacent tissues. An abscess of this kind in the mouth emits a sharp unpleasant smell when breathing in a cat.

Causes of abscess in cats

Scratch, wound, the bite of another "neighbor on the roof" - any damage to the skin opens the entrance of infection. The less trauma, the greater the risk of an abscess in a cat. The reason is simple. When the wound is open, then the microbes that got into it can come out together with blood or pus, the animal recovers. Small surface damage, especially pointy (like an injection), heals very quickly, drags on. Foreign microorganisms that got inside remain alive. If the cat "fought" with another pet, was bitten or scratched, then the probability of infection with the subsequent occurrence of a purulent abscess is high. There could well be pathogenic microbes on the enemy's claws or in his saliva. The problem is common, although there are not many causes of abscess:

  1. Immunity is included in the work, phagocytes flock to the site of invasion of pathogenic flora, leukocytes. Purulent content is formed, and the way out (outflow) he doesn't have. The site of this battle of microorganisms swells, swells up, a purulent abscess develops.
  2. Inflammatory process, caused by dental disease. This happens from trauma to the tooth with excessively hard food (example, bone), age is also not the last factor.
  3. Secondary infection during treatment can also be the cause of the disease. Carrying out medical intervention, that breaks the skin (injections, dissection of abscesses) with non-observance of sterility. An abscess in a cat can occur even at the injection site. All manipulations are carried out with a sterile instrument, animals are not immune to infection.

Symptoms and during an abscess in cats

It is difficult to notice a small wound under the coat. It lasts quickly, traces are almost invisible. Therefore, the animal's lethargy is often the first sign of illness. If the problem in the mouth is related to the teeth, then the cat stops eating or tries to chew on one side, pitying the other. Sometimes spits out food, rubs his cheek against the litter or the ground.

The cat is in pain, she is patient, don't cry, therefore, it is worth watching her behavior carefully. An abscess in a cat (especially in the mouth) not only painful, but also dangerous complications, up to general infection of the blood.

Prone to sick and feline AIDS (immunodeficiency), the risk of contracting it persists after recovery.

Missing the first stage will cause the painful process to intensify. A tumor will appear, it can no longer be seen.

Without treatment, the abscess continues to worsen, its development scheme looks like this:

  • the introduction of infection through the site of damage (it is not noticeable yet);
  • slight swelling, sometimes redness of the skin;
  • the area becomes hot to the touch (local temperature increase);
  • morbidity (the cat withdraws, does not allow to be felt);
  • intense redness of a rounded shape;
  • swelling increases, clearly visible;
  • the contents of the affected cavity are visible through the skin;
  • unless revealed independently or under duress, then the purulent content of the abscess spills over other tissues.

An abscess is a boil, which is formed in a cat under the skin inside, which requires treatment. An ailment occurs due to an infection. Source: Flickr (Julie_Krawczyk)

Treatment of a purulent abscess in a cat at home

Having probably established the diagnosis based on the listed symptoms, the animal must be shown to the doctor. An abscess in a cat's mouth or body is a common phenomenon. A veterinarian can easily diagnose, will choose treatment tactics. Most often, the abscess has to be cut, open to drain the contents. The clinic can perform this operation under general or local anesthesia, depending on the stage of the process and the condition of the hairy patient. Naked cats are less prone to abscess — this is not a paradox, and the result of the conditions of detention. They usually do not walk on roofs, they do not have to fight with their relatives. And the owners watch their teeth, know the characteristics of the breed.

In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed, sulfonamide drugs help well with healing and elimination of unpleasant symptoms. The antibiotic is given for at least five days, often seven. Treatment cannot be interrupted, even if the patient with a mustache looks already healthy. If you stop taking it earlier, then the resistance of microbes to this drug will be formed. And again it will be useless.

There are no identical situations, you and your pet can be far from the cat doctor. And it is necessary to help. An abscess in a cat is a serious phenomenon, treat him. Be patient, courage, make an algorithm of actions. Be the savior of your pet yourself. Circumstances will "ask" you to become a surgeon for a while.

How to treat an abscess in a cat yourself at home? Let's consider it step by step.

  1. Determine the stage of the disease. The initial one is treated with warming - warm compresses, a heating pad will accelerate the ripening of the abscess. If the cat is very depressed due to pain, then you can give her an injection of novocaine, even a blockade in a circle (several injections of novocaine), to numb the pain. But keep in mind, that with an elevated temperature in your cat and / or a significant tumor has formed on the affected area - heat is contraindicated.
  2. The disease has progressed and requires surgical intervention, the accumulated masses need a way out. Prepare a sterile needle, if accumulation of exudate (contents of the abscess) small, and the puncture will be enough for this mass to flow out. If a cut is necessary, a razor blade sterilized in alcohol or hydrogen peroxide is suitable. A scalpel is even better.
  3. Wear sterile gloves. More gauze will be needed (preferably ironed or sterile) napkins, hydrogen peroxide. It is possible - a solution of potassium permanganate, alcohol. Antibiotics will also be needed (solutions or in ointments).
  4. All right, if there is an assistant. He will hold the cat's paws during the procedure. It is not easy to make cuts or punctures on the head, but if necessary, it will have to. Purulent abscess, what happened to the cat is no joke. If you help no one, then think, how best to keep a pet.
  5. First - pain relief. Novocaine, lidocaine - choose from available funds. A prudent animal owner has a first aid kit for them in case of emergency. Two or three injections around the abscess will help the cat to undergo the operation more easily. Wait ten minutes, the medicine will start working.
  6. Now you act. Do not be afraid - this is a good thing. Now the cat is definitely not grateful to you, bear with it both, you are saving a little friend's life. How best to fix the cat - decide on the location of the tumor.
  7. If the cat has an abscess on its neck, then after treatment it is advisable to put a special collar on the victim. It is made in the form of a cone, put on with the wide end forward. This will protect against further combing of the cut or puncture.
  8. Treatment of an abscess after freeing the cat's cavity from exudate at home is not difficult. Washing the incision with antibiotics, bandages.
  9. Monitor the wound, it should not grow, until purulent contents cease to separate. The bandage is applied freely, as air circulation is required. Keep an eye on it, its too tight fit will disrupt the outflow, will increase inflammation.

With normal healing, the treatment of an abscess in cats lasts one or at most two weeks (when the incision is large).

Prevention of abscess in cats

  1. It is important to remember, that the main risk factor is cat fights. How to protect your ward from them? Aggression of animals is reduced many times over by castration or sterilization. It will not harm their health, will make the character calmer. There will be much fewer problems in the content.
  2. Staying at home will protect you from injuries most reliably, without walking. At the same time, worries about your pet will disappear, at home, besides, he does not run the risk of getting any contagious disease.
  3. Finding damage to the cat's skin, do not let crusts form, heal wounds. Carefully remove these crusts, soaking them with a gauze swab soaked in a disinfectant solution (or a bandage, folded square). If there is a pathogenic process inside the tissues, then the content will be able to come out, while the morning is open. Knowing, that your pet is a jerk, and seeing the consequences of another skirmish, examine it very carefully.

Abscess from a bite, scratches can happen to a cat on any area of ​​the body: neck, paws, tails. Most often it happens in those places, for which they fight with their paws, or where they bite. Abscess, that formed in a cat in the eye area, easy to notice. But only when it is already swollen, formed. If you find the morning on time, then process it and do not let it grow back immediately. This way you can prevent the problem. You have to find all the damage, sometimes the fluffy handsome men have to cut out areas of wool for this.

Prevention of an abscess in a sick cat after an injection is extremely simple. Use only sterile instruments (as for a person), with all cautions, only then the risk is minimal. Never use the same syringe for different animals, if you treat or vaccinate them. Check the expiration date of the syringe, integrity of packaging.

It is always easier to prevent any surprise, than to eliminate it later. Pay attention to preventive measures, and your pet will be insured to the maximum.

Your care will pay off - the pets will live nearby for many years, full of pleasant events, bringing joyful emotions.

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