Categories: Garden and town

How to feed a pumpkin in the open ground: fertilizer review

Among all the variety of vegetables, which are grown by domestic gardeners, the pumpkin differs in the largest dimensions. Mature fruit can reach a weight of about 200 kg. We are talking about the middle lane of Russia. However, in other regions of the country successful cultivation of pumpkin is quite possible. To do this, just follow the basic recommendations for care and proper choice of place for the pumpkin. Timely feeding of pumpkins is also important. Special attention should be paid to this point.

How to prepare the soil in the spring

Knowing, than you need to feed the pumpkin in the open ground, you will be able to grow large and nutritious fruits on the personal or garden site. But the cultivation of this culture will not be successful without you following all the preparatory stages. It is better to start with the application of complex fertilizers to the soil. You need to prepare for planting pumpkins in early spring. To begin, evaluate the composition of the soil in the selected area.

Experts say, that the cultivation of pumpkins and other vegetable crops requires land with medium or low acidity. Another important nuance is looseness. This agriculture will develop in full, if moisture in the ground can not accumulate. Otherwise, the root system of the plant may simply rot.

However, not all farmers are lucky with the nutrient composition of the soil. If it is sour, you need to correct the situation before sowing pumpkin seeds. Apply chalk or lime to the soil. Another common problem for the gardener is heavy soil. In this case, compost or humus should be added to it. The ideal option is to apply fertilizers in the autumn, and in the spring to saturate the earth except with leaf humus. Among the traditional ways of preparing the soil for sowing seeds can be planted green manure. Not every gardener will decide on such events, but the result is worth it. It is recommended to plant green manure in the season before sowing pumpkin seeds. They saturate the soil with the necessary components for growing pumpkin crops.

When to feed a pumpkin

Growing pumpkins in the open ground is unthinkable without timely fertilization. But you need to know, when and how best to fertilize the land. If you decide to grow a pumpkin with seedlings, with top-dressing it is necessary to wait. When it comes to cultivating vegetables in the open ground, there are several stages:

  • use organic fertilizers in the process of sowing seeds. Fall asleep in the hole before planting the grains, then water thoroughly with warm water and only then sow the seeds;
  • the next feeding will be needed, when three to five leaves appear on the plant;
  • the third stage of application of nutrient mixtures is necessary during the formation of tendrils or shoots on the plant.

Feed the pumpkin, grown from seedlings, also necessary, but this is done on a slightly different principle:

  • you will need to apply fertilizers for the first time a week after the first seedlings appear;
  • in the process of transplanting seedlings into open ground feeding is desirable, after all, for a young weak plant is a serious stress;
  • across 10-12 days after transplanting, carry out the next feeding of pumpkins;
  • final feeding is carried out, usually, during the appearance of tendrils.

Feeding pumpkins during fruiting

It is quite easy to choose the necessary fertilizer for growing pumpkins. But when it comes to the fruiting phase, many novice farmers are confused. However, the main thing is to pay attention to the properties of the plant during this period, and choose useful nutrients will not be so difficult for you. Among the useful mixtures should be noted:

  • manure. This folk remedy is a good alternative to store-bought fertilizers. It includes almost all the necessary components for the soil, in addition reduces its acidity. When the pumpkin fruit begins to actively ripen, it is recommended to make liquid manure in the ground;
  • chicken manure. You will not find the best mineral fertilizer at home. The mixture contains nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium. It is easy to cook. To do this, fill the manure with water in the ratio 1:20 and then infuse for 10 days. Apply the composition correctly. It cannot be poured directly into the wells, otherwise burns may appear on the roots of the plant.

How to feed crops in the open ground

After planting vegetables in the garden, many novice farmers are thinking, than to feed a pumpkin. Before you start choosing nutrients, make it a rule to water the crop regularly. Without the presence of moisture in the soil, no fertilizer will help you grow a pumpkin on your site.

What fertilizers for pumpkin is recommended to use in the open ground:

  • nitrophosphate. When the first leaves begin to actively form on the plant, you can resort to the use of dry nitrophosphate. It is scattered at the rate 10 g on the bush and then watered. If you need to fertilize the soil at the stage of formation of tendrils, the amount of funds increase to 15 p. Pre-dilute the powder with water;
  • ash. This tool also crumbles under the bushes in dry form. Its key advantage is, that it loosens the ground well;
  • mullein. Shortly after planting pumpkin seeds, you can use liquid mullein as fertilizer. Dilute it with water at the rate 1:8;
  • potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. They are widely used at the stage of growing pumpkins. If desired, you can make compost in the soil, compost and chicken manure.

In the open ground, to grow pumpkin agriculture really, but without timely and competent feeding you can not do. Pay special attention to this moment - and gather a bountiful harvest of pumpkins in your garden at the end of the season.

Video "Planting a pumpkin in the open ground"

In this video you will learn about it, how to plant pumpkins in the spring in open ground.



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