Categories: Pipes

Diagnosis of pipelines. Reasons for the need to assess the condition of the pipes

Over time, deposits form on the walls of process pipelines. This process does not depend on the method of operation of the system and leads to a decrease in its bandwidth. And for this reason there are emergencies. To minimize the risk of equipment damage and localization of problem areas, diagnostics of pipelines is carried out. Today, methods have been developed to perform this procedure without dismantling and opening the equipment.

Modern methods allow diagnosing pipelines without opening the system

Reasons for assessing the condition of pipes and diagnostic methods

In general, diagnostics of pipelines is performed in the following cases:

  • when planning repair work with their subsequent implementation;
  • as prevention of possible malfunctions;
  • to assess the condition of the pipes after the repair.

Hence the conclusion, that in the maintenance of technological engineering communications, this procedure is mandatory.

It is also necessary to check the condition of pipelines of this type, when they are used, and not just before commissioning. Before you run them, specialists check the degree of compliance of welds with the requirements of GOST and SNiP, investigate the quality of connections and find out, whether the internal integrity of the pipes is preserved.

There are currently four diagnostic methods.

1. Magneto-optical flaw detection. Allows you to see with the help of magnetic flux defects, present in the ferrimagnetic material. It is impossible to determine their depth with sufficient accuracy in this way.

2. Ultrasound diagnostics. In this way, the quality of the connection of the components of the pipelines is checked, operating under high pressure and at nuclear power plants. This is due to the absolute safety of ultrasound of tubular products. The principle of defect detection is the inherent ability of ultrasonic waves to easily penetrate through homogeneous material. In the presence of obstacles, the waves are reflected.

3. High pressure crimping. This inspection of pipes has been used for a long time. Low cost of work - one of the undoubted advantages of this method. Inert gases, gas mixture or water vapor is pumped into the pipeline so, to create pressure inside it, v 5 times the working time. Then the joints are inspected, seams and joints of boiler equipment and pipes. Definition of sites, in which steam leaks occur, carried out in the presence of condensate on them.

pay attention! This is how diagnostics of apartment heating and water supply systems is carried out in apartment buildings during scheduled repair and maintenance works in the summer season..

Defectoscope inspection allows to detect defects in the structure of the pipe

4. Video diagnostics. Its other name is telediagnostics. This method allows you to visually assess the condition of the pipeline. Information is used for analysis, recorded by special video cameras, mounted on a pushed fiberglass rod, or at work. Works, moving inside the highway, remove everything, that will meet on the way. Then the image is analyzed. This technique is able to detect gross violations of the integrity of the pipes, leaks on segments in soils or closed tunnels, places of formation of large debris and silty deposits. This technique has been adopted by many specialized construction companies, therefore, this method of diagnosis deserves a separate discussion.

When you need video diagnostics

Inspection of pipelines by this method is relevant in the following cases:

  • when commissioning new systems, including sewers. Then a video document is attached to all parameters of sewage disposal systems, confirming the compliance of the pipelines with Snipe, valid in our country.;
  • the system is damaged or clogged (to solve the problem, you need to find the source);
  • it is necessary to check the dilution of the pipeline. The need for such work arises, when the circuit is lost.

In-tube diagnostics is performed using special equipment. It includes:

  • sapphire lens camcorder head. All this element is placed in the case from stainless steel;
  • push the cable. It is wound on a drum;
  • camcorder control unit.

Teleinspection of pipelines is carried out by means of the camera on a long cable, which transmits the image to the monitor

The camcorder moves along the length of the collector under the influence of force from the pushing cable. The image formed by it is transferred to the display of the control panel. To ensure the proper functioning of all elements of the system together with the camera moves powerful (usually LED) light. It is installed on a special mobile module.

The following problems can be identified:

  • shortcomings in the solution of the system;
  • leakage and leakage of seams;
  • foreign objects, stuck inside, and clogging;
  • the presence of defects in the material of the pipe.

Teleinspection of pipelines can be performed in pipes of different diameters and configurations, only the equipment changes - it can be floating or portable. The latter applies, when the pipelines are not yet connected to the water supply system. Floating equipment is used if there is water in the network. Most of these systems are equipped with a winch with an electric meter. These devices allow you to determine the depth of immersion and location of the camera.

Today there are four types of systems, used to diagnose pipelines:

  1. Portable push system. Has a hard cable, with which the operator pushes the video camera on the element of engineering communication.

Useful to know! This cable is also a means of supplying power to the camcorder and it transmits information to the operator's display.

  1. Camcorder with remote control. This device has a large viewing angle, powerful backlight and high resolution, which allows you to get high quality images. After all, only then will it be possible to verify the fact that the state of the studied structure meets the requirements of SNiP. The movement takes place with the help of an operator-controlled self-propelled conveyor.
  2. Satellite cameras. These are auxiliary cameras, present in the device next to the main. With their help teleinspection of branches in pipes is carried out.
  3. Special equipment. This includes devices, allowing inspection of deep wells, as well as wireless equipment.

Cameras are also used for research, mounted on self-propelled devices, operated by operators

Features of video diagnostics and its results

Diameter of pipes, in which it is allowed to carry out this procedure, fluctuates in the range of millimeters. The camera can be mounted on a cable of close length 250 meters, which allows you to explore fairly long sections of pipes and objects at depth. However, the latest technological developments, aimed at ensuring video diagnostics at a distance, exceeding 500 meters!

The designers foresaw the need to change the viewing angle of the camera and the configuration of the equipment, used in push wheel systems. This is realized by the possibility of using wheels with different diameters. Recommended power of LEDs used for lighting - from 500 lumen.

At the end of the video diagnostics you can get the results, allowing:

  • to locate areas of engineering communication with a high degree of accuracy, prone to corrosion;
  • pinpoint the causes of clogging and take the necessary prevention measures, preventing their occurrence;
  • timely identify the points of the branch of the highway.
  • the ability to choose an effective way to clean pipelines from debris, meets the requirements of Snip non-violation of the integrity of the system design.

    Regular inspection of the condition of pipelines allows you to quickly identify damage and make timely repairs

Examination of industrial safety of pipelines

In addition to the main pipelines, today there are several other types of pipeline transport. These include process pipelines, located on the territory of enterprises and ensure the technological process, as well as equipment operation. in addition, these include industrial pipelines, which transport gas and oil, etc..

Conduct an examination of industrial safety (EPB) need those of them, which fall under the Federal Law No. 116-FZ.

Importantly! Organizations have the right to perform this procedure, having the appropriate license.

EPB begins with a careful study of the documentation for engineering communication. Having identified the most dangerous areas as "papers", comparing the design and actual location of the pipeline, and finding out, whether the operating conditions met the requirements of SNiP, specialists begin to technically diagnose the object under study.

Initially conducted external and (if possible) internal review. At this stage, areas of the pipe with a broken shape are detected, metal and insulation defects, the condition of welds is determined. According to statistics, most cases of failure of process pipelines are due to corrosion processes. All of the above methods can be used to identify internal defects.

Upon completion of diagnostics by means of non-destructive testing, pneumatic and hydraulic tests may be performed (pressurized air or water). However, their feasibility is the subject of controversy among experts in this field. Some say, that hydraulic tests impair the crack resistance and ductility of the metal. Others argue, that without carrying out functional tests and without complex control to receive the reliable information on conformity of a design to requirements of SNiP it is impossible. After all, the equipment can fail, example, due to incorrect setting of the flaw detector or due to incorrect selection of the piezoelectric transducer. Therefore, there is a danger, that after starting the pipeline will leak again.

You need to understand, that testing is related to pipeline owners with technical problems, associated with the cessation of the production cycle. For this reason, disputes may arise between the customer and the contractor during the EPB. Therefore, one of the priority areas of development of industrial safety examination technologies is the adaptation of non-destructive testing methods to the conditions of the diagnostic process without the need to decommission the pipeline..



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