Drainage of the site with your own hands. Goals and necessity. See. Drafting and carrying out works

Drainage of a country site by the hands - set of operations, which is becoming absolutely necessary, when its owner faces problems of excess moisture and is going to solve them on their own. With a high level of groundwater and drainage of moisture from the lowlands can cope, without involving outside help, if you find the right approach in finding a way out of the situation.

Drainage system is a necessary measure, if there is a threat of flooding of the site and buildings on it

For what purpose drainage is carried out on a country site

Before you start drawing up a work plan, should be determined, for which the arrangement of the drainage system on the site with their own hands is started. The drainage system arranged on a country site has to provide:

  • removal of excess moisture from the foundation and basement. The appearance of moisture in the basement is accompanied by the formation of mold and fungi, and the combined effects of precipitation and soil salts can destroy building structures. The appearance of cracks is not excluded, destroy the walls, skew of window and door openings;
  • in combination with the storm sewer protection of the bases of buildings and the territories adjoining to them;
  • sewer system prevention. The contents of the septic tank will not rise to the surface when the groundwater level rises;
  • protection of the soil from waterlogging. This will avoid rotting the root system of country vegetation, providing conditions for its growth and normal development;
  • in the presence of a significant bias to prevent erosion of the upper, the most fertile layer of soil, redirecting water currents formed during heavy rains to the drainage system at the site. Prevention of water erosion on the territory of the country site is quite an acceptable goal for drainage on the country site with their own hands;
  • prevention of deformation of artificial ponds and pools, which can go into the ground;
  • removal of excess moisture from the country fence, for the construction of which a strip foundation was used;
  • no puddles, constantly occur after rains and complicate the use of garden paths, paths and recreation areas.

Removal of excess moisture creates comfortable conditions for growing plants and prevents premature destruction of the foundation of buildings

When it is necessary to make drainage of a country site

There are situations, when there is no other way out, how to make drainage of a site. Drainage becomes forced, if:

  • annual rainfall is quite high, and the country site has a smooth surface;
  • the situation becomes even worse when the country site is located in the lowlands, where moisture will flow from all the surrounding areas;
  • basements are flooded, basements and foundations;
  • there is a strong bias, in which the rapidly flowing water washes away the top layer of soil, destroying humus, the best part of the soil;
  • heavy soils on the site, loam or clay. They slowly pass water through themselves, causing the formation of puddles of stagnant water, attracts pests and becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria;
  • swelling of the soil is manifested;
  • groundwater rises to the surface at a distance of less than one meter;
  • the foundations of buildings are excessively deep, falling under the influence of seasonal floods;
  • lawn watering is carried out by an automatic system, and on a country site a considerable part of the area appeared under coverings of an artificial origin, moisture-proof (under the paving slabs, example).

It is important to know! Lack of drainage system for any of these factors threatens to waterlog the soil and the subsequent unpleasant consequences for tree roots, shrubs and other vegetation.

How to determine the need for drainage on the site with your own hands

It is easy to determine, whether a drainage system is required, at the stage, which precedes the start of construction, When:

  • conduct topographic survey;
  • are the characteristics of the soil;
  • determine the position of groundwater.

Topographic survey is one of the measures, to identify the need for drainage in the area

Conducting geodetic surveys ends with the preparation of recommendations, concerning, including, and before drainage. Buying an already operated cottage, geodetic surveys can also be invited. Get the necessary information, it is possible without the involvement of specialists, which will cost a considerable amount. You can learn about the wetlands (or guess) as follows:

  • by asking the former owners about their conduct of any actions to combat flooding;
  • conducting a cursory inspection of basements and cellars, where the presence of moisture will appear immediately;
  • talking to homeowners in the neighborhood;
  • paying attention to the water level in the surrounding wells and wells. It's good to do this during flood seasons;
  • to consider, which is the plant world, grows in an interesting area. The rapid growth of bright vegetation in the dry season - evidence of close surface water. Faced with nettles, reed, sedge, rush, you can be absolutely sure, that groundwater lies no deeper than two or three meters;
  • seeing puddles of stagnant water;
  • resorting to the tried and tested folk method, when using an egg and a piece of wool, placed under a clay pot in a shallow pit. If both objects are covered with dew, then the water layer lies near the surface;
  • after a test drilling. With the help of a garden drill, as soon as the snow falls and the water level becomes the highest, a well is made, half a meter below the level of the foundation. The appearance of water in it for a day or two - a sure sign of the need for drainage.

The drainage system fits into the intact soil, and trenches are dug in those places, where there are no buildings

Some requirements of regulatory documents for the drainage of the site with their own hands

Codes of rules 31-105-2002 and 50-101-2004 urgent problems are regulated, arising from the arrangement of drainage of a certain area in the construction zone. Here are some of them:

  • the groundwater level should be lower than the length of utilities and basement floors more, than half a meter;
  • drainage trenches are laid on the territory, free from construction;
  • laying of pipes is carried out on the intact ground or carefully rammed;
  • the effectiveness of tubular drainage is manifested, usually, at the soil filtration coefficient, exceeding two meters per day;
  • choosing a drainage system, come from the reasons, leading to flooding;
  • drainage calculations consist of filtration, hydraulic and selection of sand-gravel scattering;
  • the system must be considered strong enough and capable of capturing, and pass the incoming water mass;
  • the magnitude of the longitudinal slope is set at the level, which eliminates siltation of pipes (in clay soils - from 20 mm, in sandy - from 30 mm per running meter);
  • the gasket is dry (drained) soil and below the line of estimated freezing of the soil;
  • tubular drainages are sprinkled with draining materials (crushed stone, sand, geocomposites, etc.). The composition of the soil and the type of filter determines the choice of the composition of the scattering, number of layers, layer thickness.

Choice of drainage system

To make a decision, how to make drainage on a country site by the hands, it is necessary to make a clear idea of ​​the nature of flooding, it depends on seasonal floods and precipitation or is caused by close occurrence of the groundwater surface. Before you start working directly, It is important to determine the type of system you are installing.

The local drainage system is laid shallow, and water collection points are located in a specific place, example, under the gutter

Surface drainage of the site with their own hands, usually, to drain water, which accumulates during precipitation, melting snow or car wash. It must be arranged in such places, as the area around the buildings, and is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Local (point). Water is collected in one place, in front of the door, gates, next to the tap, etc.. P.;
  2. Linear. Water is removed from a large area in an open or closed way. The open method involves digging trenches with walls at an angle 30? for unimpeded drainage of water and carrying out crushed stone dumping. It prevents the destruction of the walls of the trenches and gives an aesthetic appearance of the structure. The closed method is used, using trays and channels, sloping. The system is supplemented by the installation of sand traps and protective grilles. The base is made of concrete, and all the elements, mainly, are selected made of different types of PVC plastic, PP, PE (PND). Additions to linear drainage can be point.

Deep drainage is carried out, to reduce soil moisture. If you just need to remove excess moisture from the root systems of plants, then you can do without complex calculations of the depth of the gasket. As a general rule, it will be:

  • 600 mm - for lawn or flower garden;
  • 900 mm - for forest trees;
  • 1500 mm - for the orchard;
  • 1000-1600 mm - for peat soils, prone to subsidence.

Deep drainage requires the use of perforated drainage pipes and wells:

  • rotary - for audits, washing and cleaning;
  • water intake, arranged when it is impossible to drain water outside the cottage or in depth;
  • absorption, to the device which is resorted to with good absorption capacity of the lower layers of the soil, if it is not possible to divert water outside the country.

Importantly! Deep drainage is the most difficult of all and the most expensive.

Trenches are required for linear drainage, the depth of which can reach 1600 mm

Drafting and conducting surface linear drainage

The system of surface linear drainage is a shallow trench passing along the perimeter of areas and places of greatest accumulation. The project must include a main trench, accumulates water, collected in the ditches. The completion of the main trench is a water intake, as which use the storm sewer or reservoir, to him (ravine) outside the country site. The project envisages laying trenches to the main water supply system from all places, where water stagnates.

When choosing an open method of arrangement of crushed stone, when larger fractions are stacked at the bottom, will significantly reduce system throughput. The use of so-called "fashion drainage" is possible, in order to save gravel and achieve a decorative effect. In this case, crossed pegs are installed at the bottom of the ditches (goats), and on them stacks of dry branches in the thickness keep within 250-300 mm upwards.

Closed linear drainage is carried out in several stages:

  1. At the design stage, the location of sand traps and rainwater catchments is envisaged (or connecting the sewer pipe directly to the trays).
  2. Turf is cut and the soil is selected for width, exceeding on 200 mm dimensions of the installed elements, and depth, that takes into account 100 mm on a concrete basis and filling with rubble. The base is being cleaned, trampling of soil and backfilling of gravel. The tray installation level is marked.
  3. Approximate laying of elements and openings in them is made, to connect sewer pipes. On extreme trays installation by means of sealant is necessary, always offered when selling trays, end caps.
  4. The concrete basis is arranged, it houses a sand trap. The placement of trays and sand traps is as follows, so that the plane of the installed lattice was in 3-5 mm from the surface. Then the water will flow freely, and play will not hurt the car wheels. The installed sand trap is fixed on the sides with a concrete heel.
  5. On a flat surface, has no bias, cascade installation of trays is possible, at different depths. Trays, to avoid deformation of concrete, mounted with a lattice, wrapped in plastic wrap, to prevent contamination. Joints are sealed after installation of trays.
  6. Upon completion of installation of all elements the concrete heel is formed. When restoring previously removed paving slabs (cobblestones) it is necessary to preserve the expansion joint, separating it from the trays. It can be done with rubber cords or with a folded strip of roofing material with sealant.
  7. When the concrete clings (it will take 2-3 days), backfilled excavated soil. Compact the soil from above, stack turf on 50-70 mm above the lawn surface, subject to further subsidence.
  8. After rinsing the system and checking its operability, rain gutters and sand traps close the lattice. Until the end of the week and a half, do not subject the system to vertical loads.

Metal or polymer nets are used in the deep drainage system, which close the water intakes

Drafting and conducting deep drainage

Deep drainage projects are very difficult to implement. To avoid mistakes, which will turn into a neighborhood of dry places with wet, it is recommended to involve a specialist in drafting.

The design should reflect the diameter and location of the drainage pipes, depth of their occurrence, main trench in section, going to the water intake, placement of inspection and other wells.

Installation of the system can be reduced to three stages:

  1. Arrangement of trenches. They are laid wide 400 mm, and the depth for loams and clay soils is recommended to be equal 600-800 mm, for sand - 800-1200 mm Checking for biases, pour a layer of sand, wet and tamped by hand. The bottom is lined with fixed geotextile fabric, with access to the side walls.
  2. Installation of wells. Trying on the position of wells and noting places, where the couplings will crash, pull them out, cut couplings and install bottoms. Having installed wells, pour and compact a layer of gravel or gravel. Segments of drainage pipes with a diameter 110 mm of the required length, equipped with caps if necessary, and trunk (collector) pipe diameter 160 mm stacked in a trench. When connecting to the couplings of the wells check the depth and angle of inclination.
  3. Backfill. Sketching a ball 200 mm of gravel or gravel, ram it and cover the geotextile cloth previously fixed in the trenches. When checking performance, pouring a large amount of water at the place of laying drainage pipes, control, how is the absorption into the layer of gravel and leakage through the wells and entering the water intake. After checking, cover the geotextile with a layer of sand 200 mm and tamped. Fertile soil is applied on top of the sand. Wells are covered with lids.

Carrying out of surface drainage on a country site can quite be executed by own forces. And here to undertake to carry out deep drainage independently, without the help of specialists, stands with apprehension. Arrangement of deep drainage is a troublesome matter, costly and requires special training.



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