Categories: Garden and town

Grape formation: the simplest scheme for beginners

Growing this culture is a laborious and special process. Proper formation of grapes and proper care will help to achieve the desired result and get a rich harvest.

Why form a bush

Because we are dealing with a plant, which is a vine, its growth has specific properties. Therefore, the formation of a grape bush is an extremely important aspect of growing this berry on your site.

You should choose the most appropriate way, based on external environmental factors. Take into account the climatic features of the region, location of the site, varietal features of culture.

From that, how comfortable the plant will feel, depends on the future harvest. Since the vine is well located this year - this is the key to success of the harvest for next year.

If you carelessly treat the formation of grapes in the first year, then the plant will grow chaotically and give a poor harvest.

Basic schemes

The formation of the bush has several basic methods, including:

  • Guyot scheme;
  • rukavna;
  • fan;
  • border;
  • stamps.

You can also select the method of Lenz Moser, although it is much less common.

Guyot scheme

Guyot approximately 150 years ago invented, how to form a grape bush without the use of trunks. The simple rules of this system are well suited for beginners. To begin with it is necessary to grow one strong shoot. Regardless of varietal characteristics, the formation of grapes by the method of Guyot involves sheltering the plant for the winter.

Grow strong in summer 2-3 escape, others trim. In autumn, cut the bottom of the two shoots as text, and shorten the top to 5-6 eye, it will be productive. Next year, tie the fruit branches horizontally to the wallpaper, directing in opposite directions. Shoots should be tied vertically, as they grow.

The first harvest can be harvested in three years. Then you will need to cut the fruit shoots to the knot. We leave only two arrows. In a year from them the young knot and a new vine will be formed. And so every year.

So, to grow by the method of Guyot - the most convenient practice, which is considered a classic.

Sleeve formation

Plus this type of molding in that, that it will take up less space in the garden. The sleeve is the main branch, which will constantly give fruitful vines. Stem type involves the complexity of the first stages of development, in contrast to the process of creating a system of cultivation with sleeves. It will be necessary to form a bush correctly every year, including he needs a competent pruning of the plant. If care is performed incorrectly, the sleeve is quickly depleted.

The main disadvantage of this method - these forms do not live long, on average close 10 years.

Guyot described it quite well, how to properly form sleeves. The task of the first year is to choose the strongest shoots, growing close to each other. The rest must be removed. One is cut short - leave three buds, we leave the other longer - approximately 8-9 kidney.

At the end of the second year, in the fall, cut a long branch with all the shoots. In short, you should find the two strongest vines, we leave only them. Pruning is carried out on the same principle - one replacement vine, one is short. The second is long, fruits, will yield.

The procedure is repeated every year.

Fan formation

Fan formation of grapes is similar to hose. Its essence is, that the sleeves will be more - close 5-6 branches. They will be located on different sides of the root. Such a bush will have a relatively high immunity, that is, it will be more powerful than a single sleeve.

The first stages do not differ from the formation of sleeves. Only in this case we must grow no 2 pieces, a 5-6. Depending on that, how much space you allocate for this on the site.

After two years on each sleeve you need to get two strong vines. The fan should be tied vertically. Pruning of annual shoots occurs throughout the growth. To lengthen the main vines, you can leave two or three shoots.

As a result, grow 6-8 sleeves. They are placed on a support with a fan. This bush gives an excellent harvest, and it is much easier to care for.

Border formations

This is how bushes are formed in those regions, where the plant is exposed to frost. Pruning is carried out in autumn, after which the branches can be bent and covered before the onset of cold weather. Due to its proximity to the ground, this option is more prone to various diseases.

It should be noted, that the border takes up a lot of space, he needs more labor-intensive care. It can be started in one direction, and in two, but it will take up much more space on the site.

The border is formed by creating one perennial strong sleeve, from which the fruiting link departs at a distance of approximately 0,3 m.

The main shoot is cut every year to a strong bud. It must be laid horizontally. At a distance 0,3 m leave healthy kidneys, the rest must be thinned. All shoots should be grown vertically, and only one extreme - horizontally, to extend the border.

After the first year the shoots, who managed to grow, for replacement cut on 2-3 kidneys, for fruiting - on 5-6. The main thing is to leave this length, which sleeve do we need. The border is restored only in the working segment.


The trunk is a form, looks like a cordon, but the main branch will be much higher.

If your climate is warm and there is no risk of severe frosts, this scheme will suit you exactly. You will need to take up a lot of space on the site, to properly form grapes. Berries will grow at the level of human growth, the yield will be slightly higher. This is due to the fact, that nutrients will flow abundantly directly from the mighty trunk. At the same time pest defeats meet less often.

Moser formation

There is such a specific system of formation, which was invented by Lenz Moser. It is designed to facilitate care, as well as the process of growing berries.

Placement occurs at a height of approximately 1 m 20 cm, only fruit-bearing shoots are tied to the wallpaper, on which there will be bunches. This is necessary for that, so that gusts of wind do not distort the vine and do not knock down the berries. Other parts hang arbitrarily.

But in our region there may be a problem with maturation, and next year it will be difficult to distinguish replacement shoots from fruiting ones, to trim properly.

Terms and basic rules of formation

In order to form a grape crop, you will need approximately 4-6 years. This process will begin after about the second year of cultivation.

Just choose the most suitable model and know, how to properly form a bush. On average, after three years of growth, the berry will begin to yield. Next, you need to maintain the desired shape based on the model of your bush.

That bunches of young grapes in the summer were not very exhausting, extremely important, to carry out a competent autumn pruning.

In order to avoid the disease of the plant or change the taste, another variety can be grafted on it. So, vaccination can solve a number of problematic aspects of growing this crop.

Following all the rules, terms and procedures, you will get not only a delicious harvest, but also a beautifully decorated plot!

Video "Formation of a grape bush"

In this video you will learn about it, how to properly form a grape bush.



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