Gall mite on a pear: control measures and prevention

Gall mite causes significant damage to pears. Because of it, the development of the tree slows down, the yield decreases. Let's learn more about this pest, and about that, how to get rid of it.

What is dangerous tick

The pear mite sucks the juices from the tree, disrupting the water balance and leaf structure. Due to the decrease in the amount of chlorophyll, the process of photosynthesis slows down, and this weakens the tree, delays or completely stops its development. If one leaf is attacked by many parasites, soon it dries up and falls. Due to weakened immunity, the pear becomes vulnerable to other parasites, infections, including fungal, adverse weather conditions.

In the spring, ticks feed on the juice of the kidneys and can destroy them before that, how they will have time to dissolve.

An infected tree continues to produce, but the fruits become small.

Causes and signs of appearance

Adult ticks can independently move from tree to tree. Provocative factors for their violent reproduction are thickening of the crown, lack of sanitary pruning, an excess of phosphorus fertilizers. Sometimes the fertility of pests is increased by stimulating drugs for the tree.

Some insecticides, which are used to fight other parasites, harmless to ticks, however, they lose their natural enemies (attendants, turuns, etc. d.), which also leads to an increase in population. The ticks themselves are very small (0,25 mm) - they have a long one, like worms, body, with two pairs of legs closer to the head.

Pear leaves, infected with a tick, pimples with a diameter of up to 3 mm In these plaques are found as adults, and eggs laid by females. At first, they have a light yellow-green shade, then darken to brown and black. Finally, a leaf wasted by parasites dries up completely.

The presence of a pest is also indicated by the so-called "witches' brooms": bunches of shoots without fruits and with underdeveloped leaves. in addition, ticks can hide in tree bark. They usually hibernate in the kidneys.

Ways of fighting

What measures should be taken to combat gall mite on pear?


If the tree is affected by a mite and it could overwinter in the buds, before the start of sap flow, the tree is sprayed with "Inta-Vir" (1 tablet on 10 And water). The second spraying with this agent is carried out after harvesting.

Other effective means: "Fufanonom", Carbophos, Akrex, "Actellik", "Nitrafen". Spraying with them is carried out with a break in 2 weeks.

When processing wood, do not forget about safety measures. Periodically alternate drugs, as the tick can produce immunity to them.

Since it is not recommended to fight the mite with chemical means during fruit growth, a number of gardeners get rid of the pest using such a progressive method, like injecting the tree with acaricides or insecticides. Getting directly into the system of juice movement, these substances help to quickly get rid of the tick. This procedure requires special equipment, therefore, it is usually ordered from garden center specialists.


The fight against the gall mite is also possible with folk remedies.

Dandelion infusion helps well: 1 kg of fresh leaves pour 3 l of water and insist 3 gained. After filtering the infusion, pour some liquid soap into it before spraying.

Infusion of ginseng (grass): v 1 l of water add 100 g of flowers and boil. Insist the decoction 5 days. Strain and dilute with water before spraying 1:1.

Infusion from potato ghychka: take it 1 kg of fresh or 0,5 kg of dry ghee, grind it and fill it with a bucket of warm water (not hot) water. Insist 4 years, then strain and add a tablespoon of liquid soap. You can use the infusion within a day after preparation.


As noted, the gall mite on pears reproduces especially quickly due to an excess of phosphorus, therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage of supplements.

It is important to regularly carry out sanitary pruning of the crown, clean dead bark from the trunk, in autumn, remove fallen leaves and dig up the soil near the tree. Regularly whiten the trunks with lime. Weeds can be completely destroyed or trimmed, so that their roots replenish the soil with useful substances.

Spraying with the above chemical preparations can be carried out for preventive purposes as well (1 once a month).

Use trap belts made of burlap or corrugated paper - they help prevent the appearance of many types of pests.

Video "Galls and how to protect plants from them"

In this video, an expert will talk about head mites and methods of combating them.



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