Categories: Auto

The oil pressure lamp is idling: possible reasons

A fairly common problem during the operation of the internal combustion engine is the ignition of the oil pressure lamp on the instrument panel. The specified lamp signals about it, that the engine oil pressure in the engine lubrication system falls below the allowable level. Low engine oil pressure can occur for a variety of reasons. Among the main faults, experts point out:

  • malfunctions of the oil pressure sensor;
  • low quality engine oil;
  • inconsistency of engine oil of a specific type of engine;
  • reduced oil levels due to leaks or increased oil consumption (to waste, problems with rings or oil caps);
  • use of oil, which by its characteristics is not suitable for current operating conditions (Too high or low viscosity index);
  • malfunctions of the oil pump, reducing its productivity;
  • blockage of the oil filter or oil channels of the engine lubrication system;

We also recommend reading the article about it, whether to use additives to reduce oil consumption in the engine. In this article you will learn about the features of these compositions and the possible consequences of using additives in engine oil.

Next we focus on the problem, when the emergency oil pressure light illuminates cold and / or hot. In other words, the oil pressure warning light does not go out or blink / flashes after starting a cold engine, and the oil pressure lamp illuminates on a warm engine, idling.

Why the oil pressure lamp on the warmed up and cold engine can burn

Let's start with that, that the oil pressure warning lamp is not an indicator of the level of the oil itself and its quality. The task of this device is to fix the oil pressure or its absence in the central line of the engine lubrication system. It turns out, the oil pressure light comes on in that case, if the pressure in the system has dropped below the allowable.

Note, that short-term ignition of the oil pressure bulb (1-3 sec) Or blinking it after starting the engine is the norm. The point is, that the oil pumps do not maintain a constant pressure in the system after stopping the engine. Oil pressure begins to be created from the moment of scrolling of the cloned starter. If the oil pressure light does not go out or continues to blink after starting for a longer time, then this may indicate a malfunction, low level or problems with the quality of engine oil.

It should also be added, that in the cold period the engine oil in the crankcase thickens (especially mineral) and the oil pump takes longer to raise the pressure in the lubrication system to the required level. If the oil pressure lamp burns longer than usual, then first of all it is necessary to stop the engine and to check up oil level by means of a probe or by means of the analysis of indications of oil level on the instrument panel.

If the oil level is normal, then the ignition of the low pressure oil lamp during cold start on 3-5 sec. in low temperatures is quite acceptable. During prolonged parking, engine oil drains from the highways into the crankcase and thickens. The oil pump lubrication system takes time, to fill the system mains and create the right pressure. We will also add, that the oil is fed to the root and connecting rod necks faster, than reaches the oil pressure sensor. For this reason, the burning lamp is close 3 sec. is not talking about the wear of engine parts and work "dry", and about that, that the oil simply did not have time to reach the pressure sensor.

It is necessary to mention such a phenomenon, when the oil pressure light flashes briefly in motion on a fully functional vehicle. This can occur as a result of strong body rolls during active driving of a vehicle with a so-called "wet" crankcase. If simple, the oil in the crankcase pan is heavily poured into one side of the slope, shake up, foams. All this leads to the impossibility of efficient collection and supply of oil by the oil pump into the system under the required pressure. To eliminate this phenomenon and prevent negative consequences for sports rally cars, which involve long-term operation in similar conditions (overcoming difficult obstacles, jumps, constant roll), a dry crankcase system is installed. In all other cases (at longer burning of a signal lamp) the situation can be considered emergency.

Engine oil under the required pressure must be stably supplied to the loaded vapors and friction units: crankshaft and camshaft bearings, on the turbocharger rotor, to the timing valve compensator, hydraulic belt tensioner, phase shifters of the system of changing the phases of gas distribution, etc.. Operation of such units at low pressure in the oil system leads to the formation of burrs on the liners and necks of the crankshaft and camshaft, rapid abrasion of antifriction coatings at the joints of parts, overheating of loaded elements, etc.. The engine is prone to severe wear and overheating at insufficient pressure in the lubrication system, possible turning of inserts, jamming of shafts, turbocharger failure, etc..

If the oil pressure lamp illuminates at idle or in motion, the engine must be switched off to prevent the cause of the fault to prevent consequences.. Remember, idling or driving with a burning oil pressure lamp is strongly discouraged.

The oil pressure light comes on on the unmarried: verification methods

Now let's talk about that case, when the low oil pressure warning lamp illuminates when the engine is idling. Below are the available troubleshooting methods, which will generally be useful in diagnosing the condition of the engine oil system and engine oil pressure.

  1. If the oil pressure light comes on, then check the engine oil level and condition. When the level drops, add oil. Suspicious oil condition (black, excessive density) will require thorough rinsing of the oil system and subsequent oil change. The smell of gasoline / diesel fuel, emulsion on the cover of the oil filler neck or a strong vacuum of the engine oil will indicate problems with the CNG or cracks BC / GBC. Combustion chambers must be sealed on a working engine, fuel and antifreeze from the cooling system must not enter the lubrication system.
  2. The oil pressure lamp may flash at idle immediately after changing the oil at the time of first start-up. In this case, the warning light may be on 10, 15 or even 20 seconds. If the low oil pressure lamp does not go out after the specified time, then check the oil filter. The product may be of poor quality, poorly bolted (noticeable oil stains in the area of ​​the filter mount) or defective.
  3. Check the oil pressure sensor. The oil pressure level at idle at rpm is close 800 — 900 about / min should not be less than the figure 0.5 kgf / sm2. It is also worth noting, that the emergency oil pressure sensors on different engines may have a different range of operation, which on average ranges from 0.4 to 0.8 kgf / sm2. This means, that in the case of a sensor, designed to operate at 0.7 kgf / sm2, already during the pressure drop to 0.6 kgf / cm2 will turn on the sensor of the emergency oil pressure lamp. This is done for a conditional message about the pressure drop in the main lubrication system.

The initial test of the sensor should be performed with a small increase in crankshaft speed (1000-1100 about / min). In other words, if the oil pressure light goes out when you press the gas, then the following options are possible:

  • idle speed too low (morgue light);
  • low oil pressure in the lubrication system;
  • malfunctions of the oil pressure sensor;
  • engine failure;

To accurately measure the oil pressure in the engine, it is necessary to unscrew the sensor and to install the manometer in its place. Also do not rule out erroneous operation of the oil pressure sensor at idle, which may occur due to contamination as the device itself, and engine oil channels. In this case, you will need to clean the sensor and clean the lubrication system channels.

We also recommend reading the article about it, what is a Hall sensor. In this article you will learn about it, how to self-identify device malfunctions and check the camshaft position sensor (DPRV) with their own hands.

As for engine breakdowns, which reduce the oil pressure, indirect signs are increased consumption of fuel and motor oil, the engine smokes blue or blue smoke. In such cases, the oil pressure lamp illuminates at idle with the engine warmed up. This is because of that, that the heated lubricant thins and flows freely through the gaps between the various parts (inserts, shaft necks, etc.).

Another reason may be a malfunction of the oil pump itself. During operation of the engine wear of a gear pair can occur, internal and external surfaces of the case of the oil pump. Let's add, that engineers lay such performance of the pump, which initially allows you to create a pressure higher than recommended for the motor. It turns out, the pump always pumps oil "with a stock". At the same time the drive of the oil pump is realized from a cranked shaft, that is, the oil pressure depends on the speed (crankshaft speed).

As you know, at idle the crankshaft speed is minimal. In parallel, the oil pump also develops a minimum pressure. As a result, a relatively small deviation can cause the oil pressure lamp to ignite at idle, while when raising the speed and increasing the oil pressure in the lubrication system, the problem of lighting the emergency low pressure oil lamp on the dashboard may not appear.



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