Cold glazing of the balcony with the removal of the window sill aluminum profile

Nowadays, services for glazing and finishing balconies are becoming increasingly popular. It has to do with that, that after repair work, balconies are separate enclosed spaces and complement the living space of the apartments, the size of which is often insufficient for a comfortable stay.

Repair work on the balcony is divided into internal and external. External consist of welding of a metal framework, wall cladding and glazing.

For glazing of a balcony it is possible to use as high-grade warm frames with double-glazed windows, and lighter - aluminum windows with one glass. The popularity of the latter is growing rapidly. "Cold glazing" of the balcony has its advantages:

  • light weight of designs;
  • low price;
  • ease of installation and maintenance.

Aluminum window constructions are extremely simple. As well as popular metal-plastic systems, they happen to open (arable land, sliding, folding, rotary) and deaf.

Opening, as well as deaf consist of an aluminum frame, but differ in the design of sliding sash, which, engaging with each other, form an integral window. Deaf represent a closed aluminum circuit around the perimeter, in which beads and rubber seals fix the glass.

Unlike ordinary plastic windows, NOT double-glazed windows are inserted into aluminum constructions, and one glass, which significantly facilitates them. The reduction of the total weight is influenced by the aluminum frame of the windows, which is much lighter than metal-plastic, however, it is not airtight and does not have high heat-saving properties.

In our example, the cold glazing of the balcony is performed after boiling the frame with the removal of the window sill and the outer wall siding.

Photo of a balcony with removal of a window sill to glazing.

Installation of window sills with cold glazing of the balcony

Installation of aluminum frames begins with the installation of window sills, which are mounted on the perimeter of the welded metal structure.

Photo of the process of installing window sills on the balcony with the removal.

Begin installation from the side. Using a tape measure, measure the distance from the wall to the outer skin (which is displayed above the metal frame by a few centimeters) and reduce by 5 mm. The gap is necessary to compensate for the thermal expansion of the window sill and the installation of end caps. The resulting size is transferred to the window sill and, using an electric jigsaw or hacksaw with a small tooth, produce its cutting.

The window sill is similarly adjusted to the opposite side.

Placing window sills on the installation site (if welding of a skeleton is executed correctly and the rectangular geometry of a design is observed - window sills become close to an external covering), remove the size of the front window sill, it is equal to the distance between the side plates minus 5 mm.

At the corners of the window sill can be joined to the undercut 45 degrees (there are special connectors for this), however, this option is more expensive, because the window sill is not fully used, and significant parts of it are cut down and thrown away, but more beautiful. This is especially noticeable on balconies with removal, there are used window sills up to 60 cm., And for many, economic feasibility is an important criterion when choosing a design solution.

Fitting window sill plates.

Plugs are put on the end of the prepared window sills, and window sills decompose around the perimeter. When installing them, three conditions must be met:

  1. The distance from the outer edge of the window sill to the protruding outer skin should be minimal and close to 0. Small gaps are allowed in violation of the geometry of the welded frame of the balcony. In this case, the window sills are still placed at right angles to each other and to the wall of the building, and the formed cracks from above are closed by galvanized window outflows.
  2. Regarding the front, side window sills should be located in the same plane, at an angle 90 degrees.
  3. Since aluminum frames are installed directly on the window sills, the latter are mounted with a clear exposure of the transverse and longitudinal level.

Window sills are fastened to a metal framework on perimeter from outside by self-tapping screws on metal, which will be hidden by an aluminum frame, with longitudinal and transverse level control. The level is adjusted as needed with plastic or wooden wedges, laid between the window sill and the metal structure of the balcony, on which the inner edge rests.

The inner edge of the window sills is fixed with screws on the underside. To do this, drill a longitudinal corner of the railing (profile pipe), on which the window sill rests on the inside and the screw is screwed through it into the lower shelf. The length of the screws is selected as follows, so that they do not pierce the front side when tightened, and drew window sills, punching only his lower regiment (suitable self-tapping screws on long wood 35 mm.).

Fastening of a window sill to old hand-rails of a balcony.

In the absence of a level on the old railings or their slight curvature of a few centimeters (in this case, the old railings were not removed and the "boiling" of the frame was carried out on their basis), these inequalities are compensated by substrates. Wedges lie on the support corner, and the window sill is attracted to the corner through them. This compensates for the distortion. The distance from the support corner to the window sill is filled with mounting foam (for its final fixation). The photo shows this distance, it is equal to the thickness of the substrates.

The external covering acting on a window sill on perimeter is cut off level with it.

The mounting film is removed at the end of all construction work.

Adjustment and installation of window ebbs

Photo of fitting the ebb when glazing the balcony.

The technology of installation of aluminum structures differs from the technology of installation of plastic windows, ebbs on the same configuration have differences. In cross section, they represent an unfolded corner with shelves 30 and 70mm.

When installing the low tide, the narrow shelf is directed inside the balcony, wide (performed with a bend at the end for rigidity) - looks outside.

Marking and adjustment of ebbs is carried out as follows. Ebbs begin to be mounted on the sides of the balcony. The length of the ebb is measured with a tape measure, it is taken on the side window sill, namely from the edge, which rests against the wall of the building, to the outer corner and attached 70 mm for overlap on the front outflow and the formation of the corner joint.

Trimming is performed at the angular end of the low tide. Draw a line across the low tide at a distance 65 mm from the edge. It has a smaller regiment (30 mm) cut off completely, great (70 mm, with a twist) bends obliquely, along the line, which connects the corners of the remaining square diagonally. On the bent part, during installation, lies the front ebb, it is necessary to connect the ebbs to each other. The curved part can be reduced, leaving a strip along the fold width of approximately 20 mm, this is enough to connect the corner.

The lateral outflow fit is complete, on the other side of the balcony it is similar.

Installation of ebbs on the balcony with the removal of the window sill.

The front bar trims in the same way, except for death, it should not be. After marking and cutting the smaller corner shelf, a large shelf is cut diagonally without bending. This operation is performed on both sides of the front outflow. Its corners lie on top of the curved shelves of the side slats. Given the large length of the balcony, the front outflow is twisted from two parts.

The narrow shelf of ebbs should lie completely on a window sill (on top of it, along), but wide (facial) with a slope to the street over the cladding of the balcony frame.

Ebbs from above are screwed to window sills, and at the corners are connected by small screws or rivets.

Assembly and installation of window frames

Cold glazing aluminum frames.

Aluminum structures from the factory are delivered disassembled. First of all, assemble the front frame, in which retractable sash windows are inserted. It consists of four profiles, interconnected by 8 self-tapping screws are included.

Installation of aluminum profiles.

It is important not to confuse the upper guide profile with the lower one, the main difference of which is the presence of drainage holes in it.

Side profiles also have differences. When dividing the entire window sash into four retractable sash, the two inner ones ride on the inner guides of the frame, external - external. Based on this, the "toothed" parts of the side profiles, during installation, must be located on the outside, these longitudinal grooves enter the side sash when closing the windows.

Special stickers are glued at the ends of the profiles at the joints, they are included in the delivery set and look exactly like the intersection of the profile, to which they are glued.

Assembling the front frame, begin to remove the glass from the blind sides, which are delivered intact.

To remove the glass, you must first remove the rubber seal around the perimeter, which is located between the bead and the glass itself, and then remove the beads, alternately tightening them with a knife with a wide blade or a special sharpened spatula.

Rubber sealant for aluminum windows.

So, remove the glass from both sides and screw the connecting corners to them, through which the side frames are connected to the front. We connect the frame together with self-tapping screws on the metal.

We install the assembled frame on the perimeter of the balcony approximately along the line of bend of the ebb with control of vertical and horizontal levels.

The bottom of frames is fastened by self-tapping screws on metal to a metal framework through window sills with a step approximately in 70 cm.

Photo of installation of aluminum balcony frames.

Sidewalls are anchored to the wall with a vertical level.

Photo of mounting the side balcony frame "cold glazing".

The upper part of the aluminum frames around the perimeter of the balcony slab is attached with rigid perforated plates, one end of which is attached to the window itself, the other - dowels to the top plate. Since the visor is wide, the pitch of the plates should not exceed 60 cm.

The length of the plates when cutting is determined as follows: the length of the balcony removal + 20 cm.

To avoid sagging of the upper profile during installation (this will make it difficult to install the retractable sash), before attaching the perforated plates to the plate, in the center of a forward frame the temporary support from a bar is established.

Fastening of the top part of aluminum frames to a balcony plate.

Fastening of top of frames is carried out with periodic check of vertical levels of a design.

Adjustment and installation of visors of a balcony with removal of a window sill

As well as ebbs, installation of visors is carried out, starting from the sides of the balcony. To determine the length of the side canopy to reconcile the distance from the wall of the building to the corner of the aluminum structure and attached 13 cm. 10 cm overlap with the front visor, 3cm. - on a bend in adjacency to a wall, directed to the top (fasten dowels to the wall adding rigidity to the wide galvanized visor).

The cut of corners is carried out similarly to trimming of ebbs: rear (wide) the regiment is cut off completely, front protrusion - diagonally, leaving a tab for connection.

Corner canopy corner with takeaway.

Adjusting and fixing the side parts of the balcony canopy, trims the front visor. He, given the great length, consists of two parts. The halves are joined overlapping, followed by sealing the joint with silicone or mastic.

Photo of mounting the front canopy of the balcony.

Visors are attached to the window frame with screws. Their inner side - in the upper plate dowels. The slab is pre-coated with bituminous sealing mastic. The inner edge must go under the plate at least 10 cm.

Since the balcony with the removal of the window sill 50 cm mounted wide (close 70 cm) galvanized visor, after installation, it requires external and internal noise reduction.

A good option for external noise reduction - applying a layer of bituminous-polymer mastic on the upper surface of the visor.

Silence of a balcony peak with bituminous mastic acts.

Mastic has the necessary properties to effectively dampen vibrations and noise.

It is convenient to work with bituminous and polymeric mastic practically at any time of the year, it is suitable for operation in the temperature range from -10 to + 50 degrees and does not require heating.

Bituminous mastic.

The operating temperature of the mastic should be close +15, so it is advisable to keep it indoors until use.

Applying mastic on the visor is carried out with a paintbrush or roller in one or (if necessary) two layers.

The work is carried out after bringing the mastic to the desired consistency by adding solvent and thorough mixing. It should be quite liquid, to lubricate the roller and thick enough to prevent leakage on the balcony.

Especially carefully smeared places of adjacency of a peak to a house wall. It is more convenient to use a brush for this purpose.

Photo of finishing the place of connection of the balcony canopy to the wall of the house with mastic.

Installation of "cold glazing" on the balcony

This work requires care and caution. The glass can easily break or crack even from a minor blow. It is necessary to exclude collisions of glasses with firm surfaces, placing and emphasizing them only on pre-lined towels or other soft materials. To avoid cuts - take them with gloves.

Suction cups are used to move large glasses. Basically, these precautions relate to the installation of blinds. Opening at installation of removal of glasses do not demand.

Start with glazing the blind side sash. Act in order, reverse order of disassembly of frames made before installation.

Installation of side windows "cold glazing" of the balcony.

The glass is put in place, namely on rubber substrates, which are fixed in the "grooves" of the aluminum frame. It should be monitored, that glass became on rubber, descending to the aluminum frame, it may get chipped or cracked.

The glass is fixed with aluminum n-shaped profiles (beads), which are locked in special grooves of the frame.

Beads for fastening glass in aluminum frames.

It is necessary to take into account some points. First, the upper bead is installed, then lower and side. This is done taking into account the asymmetry of the shelves, the inner one has a more curved shelf at the end (to enter the groove), external - more gentle - for locking.

Adherence to this point is essential, because at first glance the bead seems symmetrical, and incorrect installation during assembly can result in unpleasant consequences.

Then along the perimeter of the frame insert a rubber seal. It easily enters the small gap between the glass and the bead.

Photo of installation of a rubber sealant of aluminum windows.

The next step is to install the sliding front sash.

Installation of aluminum sliding sash on the balcony.

Glass from the factory is marked with numbers from left to right. The end sash is placed on the outer guides of the profile, medium - for internal. The sash is first inserted into the upper profile, then their bottom is started in place and lowered to the lower guide.

After installation of all shutters adjustment of latches is carried out, which before twisting and installation are got in the grooves corresponding to them and then can change the position on height.

Adjustable sliding window latches on the balcony.

For adjustment it is necessary to have a set of hexagons of the small sizes.

Internal noise reduction of a peak of a balcony, filling the gaps with foam

Silence of a peak from within is carried out by sheets of expanded polystyrene in the thickness 20 mm. The sheets are unfolded into strips and after applying the mounting foam they are pressed to the visor from the inside.

Silence the balcony canopy with removal from the inside.

If there is a space between the visor and the perforated plates, letters can be inserted into it. In this case, the plates will fix the polystyrene until the foam dries, pushing it to the visor.

On areas of the visor, which did not close with letters, then foam is applied.

The next step is to fill the gaps around the perimeter of the installed frame with foam.

Filling the gaps between the window frame and the wall of the house with foam.

After the foam dries, these places are closed with galvanized finishing strips, which, closing the foam, screwed to the window frame.

Photo of balcony glazing with removal and cold glazing.

Cold glazing of a balcony with removal of a window sill by an aluminum shape can be considered executed and to pass to internal furnish of a balcony.



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