Categories: Pets

Diseases of the ears in cats: symptoms and treatment

Cats! In ancient Egypt, they were considered sacred, and the Cypriot government subsidized their maintenance, because once mustachioed predators saved the island from the invasion of snakes. How wonderful, when they are in the house, delight the hosts with games and excellent health. The attentive owner will determine immediately, that something incomprehensible is happening to his favorite. When he tries to stroke her head, then she begins to growl, shows aggression.
Unfortunately, but ear disease in cats is quite common. And they can not be underestimated, if you don't want to, to make your pet deaf.

Diseases of the ears in cats: symptoms and treatment

Cat ears are a complex organ, thanks to which the animal has sensitive hearing, it is able to distinguish from the many sounds of that, which is most interesting to him. Healthy, a little shiny, with some accumulation of sulfur inside - that's what they should be. Identifying ear diseases in cats is quite simple: they tilt their head to the side and "thoughtfully" hold it for a while, scratch her paw. What other symptoms do you need to pay attention to:

  • the pet shakes his head, does not allow himself to be stroked and shows aggression;
  • the auricles are contaminated, emitting an unpleasant odor;
  • the skin of the ears may be moist, annoyed, with sores;
  • too much sulfur in the ear.

Sometimes the animal is very worried: meows "for no reason", walk on a cola, as if someone "leads" him by a sore ear, can't lie down. He is uncomfortable and it intuitively signals this. At similar symptoms it is necessary to go to veterinary clinic and to show the four-legged friend of the doctor, you can't hesitate. You will not be able to determine the causes of ear disease in cats, since there are many of them, they are diverse on almost the same grounds. Examining the animal and making a diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe therapy.

Otodectosis is a disease of the ears in cats and cats

One of the common ear diseases in cats is otodectosis. It is manifested by separation from the ear of a dark brown mass, outwardly similar to coffee grounds. This disease is also called scabies, signaling, that pets live and breed ticks. They are not visible to the naked eye, one can only notice the traces of their vital activity.

Worst, that ear disease in cats due to ticks can cause otitis and even lead to the death of the animal.

Severe form of the disease looks completely different, than its initial stage. The cat becomes lethargic, his temperature rises, then the nervous system is affected, possible seizures and seizures.

Why otodectosis requires a doctor's examination? He will take a tissue scrape and perform a laboratory test, to draw a final conclusion: ticks are one or another ear disease in cats, whose symptoms are approximately the same. Treatment of a patient with scabies is reduced to the following actions:

  • the auricles are cleansed of parasites (using furacillin, 3% -hydrogen peroxide and other disinfectants);
  • treat the ears with acaricides (acaromectin and others);
  • support feline immunity (add vitamin complexes to the diet, immunomodulators);
    conduct a re-examination.

A person with otodectosis cannot be infected, but still therapy is accompanied by regular thorough cleaning, ventilation of the room, washing cat litter. If there are several pets, and the disease is detected ??only one of them, then you need to treat all cats, so that the patient does not become a source of infection for others.

It is much easier to prevent ear disease in cats, then no treatment is needed. Source: Flickr (Cindy)

Otitis: causes and symptoms, treatment

Severe otodectosis can progress to the next stage of cat ear disease, symptoms and treatment of which differ from the first case. She is restless, rubs against various objects, shakes his head (less often, than in otodectosis). The ward's temperature rises, the ears inside turn red, purulent are allocated (sometimes bloody) education.

Your pet suddenly jumps, he looks around frightened, pours an unpleasant odor, while not showing interest in food? Urgently to the doctor! This is an inflammation of the ear (otitis), accompanied by acute pain. The disease can be caused by various infections, hypothermia, allergy. Otitis can cause a transition to a chronic stage, when the ear canal will gradually deform and lead to rupture of the eardrum. Severe form of the disease is accompanied by atypical behavior of the animal, subsequently can be fatal due to impaired brain function.

It happens, that ear disease in cats (otitis, example) - the fault of the owners, who do not clean the pet's ears at all or treat them until the complete "elimination" of sulfur, depriving of natural protection against bacteria.

Even with a "quiet" course of the disease, you should seek the help of a veterinarian, who knows about all the nuances of this ear disease in cats. The specialist will prescribe treatment, will tell about the proper care of the animal, how to prevent secondary infection.

Chronic otitis is an ear disease in cats, requiring multi-stage treatment: cleaning the ear from dirt, use of ear drops and ointments, taking antibiotics, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs. In advanced cases, surgery and a long antibacterial course are required. To increase the immunity of the mustachioed pet during treatment, you need to enter in his diet supplements with vitamins and minerals, watch out for that, so that he does not catch a cold and does not come into contact with sick cats. Disease prevention comes down to proper care and nutrition, regular examination by a doctor, processing of auricles, disinfection of premises and objects, about which the pet rubs.

Such ear diseases in cats, both dermatitis and eczema, manifested by rashes on the body, partial hair loss on the head. Dermatitis can be simple or chronic, when the animal's body reacts to a "dangerous" substance by losing hair, the appearance of abscesses, constant itching. The allergen can be as in food (example, in new cat food), and as part of detergents, in the cosmetics of the hosts. Judging by the photo of ear disease in cats, they look unsightly: blisters, blood clots, ulcers, scaly, baldness.

To get rid of dermatitis, the veterinarian will prescribe ointments for local therapy and antibiotics, which destroy bacteria.

Treatment of ear disease in cats should be accompanied by hygiene. It is necessary to protect the ward from small children, who like to touch everything, wash her bedding more often, to diversify food and supplement it with vitamins and microelements necessary for strengthening immunity.

Prevention of cat ear diseases

Probably the owners of Murok and Barsik will have a question, whether every ear disease in cats should be accompanied by a veterinarian? The answer is yes! Unless a representative of the feline is sometimes injured, washing thoroughly. Even a foreign object, that accidentally hit the cat's ear, it is necessary to pull out with skilled hands, so as not to "kill" it even deeper and not to damage the delicate auricles.

In other cases it is necessary to show the animal to the doctor unambiguously, especially with ulcers with wet skin, hematoma, tumors. Self-medication can cause irreversible processes, until the death of a furry friend. It is much easier to prevent ear disease in cats, then no treatment is needed. Not so much is required from the owners: attentive attitude, regular pet care, carrying out preventive treatment of ears. When bathing you need to watch, so that water does not get inside the ears of the pet. He, who wants to start a murka at home, should know the basic ear diseases of cats, their symptoms and treatment, to respond quickly to the slightest signs of illness. Love your cat, and he will reciprocate!

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