Ginger, lemon, honey: recipe for immunity, useful properties

Ginger, honey, lemon for immunity - who invented it and why such a combination? Burning root, sour fruit and bee products are each used separately in cooking, cosmetology, medicine. But their triad is really a "mafia", which is able to withstand external and internal enemies ". And they turned out to be a lot of human verification.

Influence of negative environmental factors, infections, bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms - all these hostile agents seek to settle in a comfortable environment and progress there. But the immune system is on guard and in time to stop hostile invasions. However, note, if it is normal.

Synthetic immunostimulants, Supplements "magic pills" are offered to us on each advertising poster. But let's make our health stronger with natural remedies, what will be the mixture of ginger, lemon and honey.

Useful properties

It's no secret, that "the team makes the result". In our case, it's a trio of components, components of a miraculous mixture. Each of them differs in its features, which makes the composition so useful for children and adults.


Sun fruit is no longer exotic. In the fall, in winter and spring it is present in every home, as everyone knows its useful qualities in the fight against colds.

Citrus contains vitamins (most C, then almost all groups B, A, E, R, RR and others), macro - and micronutrients, antioxidants, sugar, cellulose, pectins, acids.

Thanks to this set of "benefits", lemon has wonderful properties:

  • strengthens immunity, helps the body cope faster with colds and viruses;
  • useful in atherosclerosis, as it helps to strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels of various "calibers";
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with severe headaches (even a migraine), normalizes sleep;
  • promotes the dissolution of stones in the kidneys and bladder, has diuretic properties;
  • helps pregnant women cope with toxicosis;
  • activates the digestive system. Despite the presence of acids in the composition, reduces gastric acidity, improves motility and helps remove toxins, toxins;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

According to official medicine, regular consumption of lemon helps to slow down the aging process, prevents the deposition of salts in the joints, promotes bone preservation.


We perceive ginger as a spice for sushi. Not everyone knows about the properties of fragrant root. And they are all associated with a rich lineup.

How to prepare medicine from bee stings?

Disassembling into chemical elements, can be argued, that the root contains B vitamins, WITH, A, micro - and macronutrients, amino acids, burning substances, carbohydrates, natural mucolytics antiseptics, essential oil.

The action of ginger is as follows:

  • reduces bouts of nausea and vomiting during toxicosis (although pregnant women should be very careful about consuming the root in large quantities), seasickness and during chemotherapy sessions;
  • significantly lowers blood cholesterol, which prevents the formation of blood clots, and therefore, and strokes and heart attacks;
  • helps strengthen bones, restores cartilage and relieves inflammation of the joints;
  • used in the treatment of colds and viral diseases as an effective antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent as an adjunct component of complex therapy;
  • is an aphrodisiac, which has long been used by the strong half of humanity.

Brought, that ginger successfully helps to deal with psycho-emotional problems, depression, headaches, deterioration of cognitive functions.


There is a lot to be said about the benefits of this unique beekeeping product. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, proteins, sugar, carbohydrates. Scientists still can't "decipher" about 15% composition of sweet bee delicacy.

Honey has long been used as a treatment, and in the prevention of almost all diseases. Today, apitherapists say, that with its help it is possible to cope with such problems:

  • skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and others;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system, in particular - anemia;
  • increase the body's resistance to viruses, infections, colds.

This list could go on and on. But there is one significant disadvantage - allergenicity. Due to its biological activity and rich composition, bee products can cause allergies.

Although justice should be noted, that in the world there are only about 5% people, suffering from complete intolerance to honey.

We prepare and accept correctly

Lemon, ginger and honey for immunity - a vitamin-strengthening mixture, can not only help in treatment, but also prevent the onset of many diseases. There are many recipes. Consider the most successful and frequently used. In addition, the preparation of such drugs is very easy to perform.

Aromatic puree

Apparently, the simplest recipe. It will be needed for him:

  • 100 city. fresh ginger root;
  • 4 medium lemon;
  • 150 city. light liquid honey.

The use of honey in pancreatitis

Such proportions of ingredients are the most optimal, since the potion will not be too nauseating or spicy.

The root should be chosen fresh, elastic and moist to the touch. Lemon - with a shiny smooth skin, honey - only natural, purchased or in specialty stores, or familiar beekeepers (especially if the potion will be used by children).