Categories: Garden and town

Grapes turn black and dry during ripening: What shall I do

Growing a vineyard on your plot is about that, apparently, many gardeners dream of. But you will have to work hard, because this plant must be treated in a timely manner against various infections and pests. However, brown spots on the grapes are not uncommon, even with timely refueling. Why grapes rot and dry, and how to prevent it - that's what you need to understand, before you start your vineyard.

The main reasons

If dark spots appear on the berries, then a key factor, which caused a similar result, not always the same. Example, if your vineyard has been affected by infectious diseases, pathogens can be fungi, viruses or pests. Much depends on the characteristics of your care.

Frequent mistakes can be, if not the key cause of the disease, then at least help him. We must not forget about the possible mechanical damage to the branches and leaves of the plant, as well as the climatic conditions in your particular region. All this in general can cause the development of certain diseases. If there are dots or spots on the berries, it's time to figure it out, what exactly are you dealing with this time.

Infectious diseases

When pathogenic microorganisms get on the leaves or berries of grapes, the disease begins to develop rapidly. You will soon notice, as small spots on the fruit increase in diameter, and the berries become sluggish, blacken and dry up. What's interesting, There can be several ways to infect shrubs. Disputes do not have to be transferred from a diseased plant to a healthy one.

Sometimes fungi and other harmful microorganisms get on grapes with the help of animals, human clothing or water. If the green grapes turn black, Be sure to consider the most common infectious diseases:

  • mildew or false dew. These microorganisms can safely overwinter on plant remains, and with the onset of spring their disputes are blown away. This disease primarily causes serious damage to grapes. They soon begin to darken, and the leaves curl and may dry out;
  • anthracnose. With the development of this disease, all parts of the bush wither and dry out. Initially, the leaves and shoots of the plant are covered with brown spots with a dark border. If the stem of the shrub is affected by anthracnose, it is recommended to cut and burn all affected areas as soon as possible. If you don't, plant lose up 70% leaf;
  • black spot. If the grapes turned black soon after the rain, obviously, the reason was this disease. In the future, it will spread to leaves and shoots. You can correct the situation with Bordeaux liquid. It is sprayed with shrubs.

Knowing, What shall I do, if dark spots appear on the grapes, and the leaves change color or dry up, you will be able to save your plants from destruction.

non-communicable diseases

Let's say, the grapes began to turn black and dry. The cause is not always an infectious disease. Sometimes she makes mistakes, allowed by you in the care of plants. Example, if you excessively bend the ridges of the bush, this contributes to their drying. Lack of moisture is not the best way to affect grapes. That is why watering the plants during the growing season is mandatory.

treatment of grapes

When the reasons for the drying of the vineyards were clearly defined by you, it's time to start treating the disease. The optimality of a method will depend on the disease itself. Example, if your shrubs have been affected by mildew, they must be uprooted and then burned. Otherwise, the disease will spread to healthy grape bushes.

Let's say, your vineyard has suffered from black spot. In this situation it is much easier and cheaper to start timely preventive treatment of the plant. Special fungicides are used for this purpose, which grapes are sprayed at least twice a season. So that black spots do not become your problem anymore, follow the key recommendations: Unnecessary or damaged shoots of the plant are immediately removed, and places of cuts are processed by special means.

It is recommended to spray the bushes twice during the growing season (before the flowering phase and during fruit ripening). Don't forget that, that treatment will be effective, if you use medication after rains. When it's time to harvest, with spraying of bushes it is better to wait. But if the problem has not been completely eliminated, in the autumn it is recommended to continue treatment.


Blackened bunches of grapes - not the most desirable result for any grower. However, if the infectious disease affects the entire bush, it is difficult to cure. Therefore, experts, usually, recommend timely preventive treatment. To do this, use special drugs or Bordeaux liquid.

Monitor the condition of your vineyard from the beginning of the growing season. Regularly inspect the bunches and leaves of the plant for blackheads, stains or dried parts. If you devote enough time to this, then you will not need to look for ways to treat infectious or non-infectious diseases. Save the grapes from rot, and be able to enjoy their taste.

Video "Diseases of grapes and control"

In this video you will learn about grape diseases and how to treat them.



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