Categories: Garden and town

How to prune roses in the fall - polyanthus, hemispherical, floribunda, tea- hybrid + Photo

There are a few rules, how to cut roses in the fall for propagation and how to save until spring in the cellar, basements, refrigerator at home. The best results are obtained when using vegetative parts of polyanthus, semi-climbing and climbing species, also well propagated by this method floribunda and tea-hybrid varieties, other groups are not desirable to cut - they form a weak root system.

When you can cut roses in the fall - deadlines

The most common method of propagation of roses - cuttings. Plants grown using this method do not form sprouts from the root and withstand winter. It is considered, that the ideal time for this procedure begins in the fall, when the shoots ripen and acquire elasticity and hardness.

Experienced flower growers recommend to begin autumn grafting of roses after woodiness of shoots. This period comes closer to autumn, when plastic substances from the leaves turn into stems.

In central Russia and the Moscow region, rooting begins in the first days of autumn, at the same time cut cuttings of roses in the Leningrad region, and in the Urals and Siberia and other northern regions, the propagation of roses by cuttings in the fall at home begins in the first decade of September, and in the south - in the third decade of the month and in early October.

There are no universal terms for cutting cuttings of roses in the fall, therefore it is necessary to be guided by a condition of bushes - if leaf plates have withered and have started to fall off, you can start cutting shoots for propagation.

How to cut roses step by step

Before, how to cut roses in the fall, it is necessary to carefully examine the shoots, from which planting material will be taken. Ready to take root shoots are dark green or brown, well separated skin, on the cut stem is visible core and woody subcortical layer - these are the signs that indicate the maturity of rose shoots, their suitability for grafting in the fall. It should not be on the shoots:

  • live green leaves, which continue to grow
  • pests - aphids, ticks and others
  • molds and foci of fungal infection
  • signs of drying (death) escape

Cuttings of roses with the described changes are sick or immature, they are not suitable for grafting in the fall. Stems are considered the best for rooting, whose diameter reaches 4-5 mm. You need to cut them like this:

  1. Cut the appropriate shoots and divide them into several parts, on each petiole should be at least 3 kidney, ideally 5
  2. Above the upper bud should be left 2-3 cm, and the lower section is made just below the kidney
  3. Trim the bottom of each petiole at an angle, and the top should remain straight, this will help not to confuse the sides when landing
  4. If you plan to plant roses cuttings in October immediately into the ground, the remaining leaves do not need to be cut. If the cuttings will be stored and rooted until spring at home, leaves are best removed. In any case, the lower part of the shoots should remain without leaves

If winter storage of rose cuttings is not planned, their lower part is treated with a rhizome Cornevin or Heteroauxin according to the instructions. Cuttings are planted in a trench depth 30 cm, the bottom of which is lined with 2/3 depth of grass (necessarily without seeds and roots) and sprinkled with a layer of compost thick 10 cm. Place at an angle, immersing on 2/3 heights in compost. It must remain above the ground 1 or 2 kidneys. The distance between the cuttings of roses should be 5-7 cm.

As it is necessary to cut roses in the autumn and in the conditions of the city apartment, you can plant the prepared cuttings in pots, filled with a mixture of garden soil and vermiculite in proportion 1 to 1, while preparation and planting look different:

  1. The upper part of the cuttings is immersed in molten paraffin or wax, to prevent the escape from drying out
  2. The lower part is treated with rooting agents according to the instructions
  3. Cuttings are inserted into the container with the soil vertically, at a distance 2-4 cm
  4. Containers are wrapped in plastic or a bag, the upper part of which is fixed with a fabric strip or clothespin. The film should not adhere to the petioles

Pots with cuttings are placed on the balcony, if it is glazed and does not freeze, or in a cool pantry. During the winter, rose cuttings will take root, and they can be planted in open ground or pots.

How to save cuttings of roses until spring

If planting is planned in the spring, flower growers are faced with the question - how to save cuttings of roses before planting, while they have no roots and can be done in several ways:

  • in the drip form
  • in the fridge
  • in the basement

Since cuttings of roses in the fall, some gardeners can not in time, or there is no possibility to store them in the apartment or basement, it is recommended to leave the cuttings until spring in the trench - trench depth 15 cm. Its bottom is lined with dense natural fabric, preferably burlap, on which stack cut twigs at a short distance from each other. They should not collide! Then the rose cuttings are covered with a layer of the same fabric and covered with soil. By spring, they form a callus, and they can be planted in nurseries or in a rosary. Plant overwintered cuttings are recommended on the day of removal from the trench.

Way, how to store cuttings of roses until spring in the refrigerator, will be useful to city dwellers, who have no other options to save planting material. This will require a little sphagnum moss, polyethylene and Fitosporin-M, which should be diluted according to the instructions and moistened with a solution of moss. Cuttings of roses wrapped in moss and folded into a bunch. That it did not fall apart, you can use x / b thread. Then placed in a plastic bag, tightly wrapped and placed in the refrigerator in the vegetable department.

The easiest way to store rose cuttings in the winter in the cellar or basement. The temperature in them is always kept at the same level +2? + … 5 ° C, and bright light is absent. To save the cuttings in such conditions requires a bucket or a spacious pot, filled with a mixture of garden soil, peat and perlite (4: 2: 1). Cuttings of roses are inserted into slightly moist soil, then put on top of a tight plastic bag, preferably black. In winter, you need to periodically inspect the cuttings, moisten the soil, if it has dried out.

These are not all ways, how to cut roses in the fall and, if necessary, store them until spring. If you know how to harvest rose cuttings and store them with your own work, share in the comments.



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