Categories: Metalworking

How to bend fittings at home: ways, video

The question is, how it is possible to bend fittings not only at production, but also at home, interested in many of those, who is engaged in construction on their own plot. The urgency of this issue is due ??team, that the correctness of this process largely depends on the reliability and durability of erected buildings and concrete structures for any purpose.

Reinforcement of the grid angle using bent elements

Why you need to bend the fittings and how best to do it

As you know, concrete structures do not tolerate bending loads, under the influence of which they begin to collapse. To avoid such negative consequences, concrete structures are strengthened by means of frameworks from steel bars, and recently composite reinforcement has been used for the same purposes. Without a reinforcing frame it is almost impossible to make a solid foundation for any building, as well as concrete structures, who experience mechanical loads during operation.

The weakest points in any reinforcing frame are the joints of the bars, which is especially true for corner joints, the creation of which by crossing straight reinforcing bars is a serious violation of technology.

Reinforcement of the reinforcing frame with bent rods

Corner sections of the reinforcing frame, formed in the wrong way, significantly weaken the concrete structure and can lead to its stratification. That is why for such connections it is necessary to bend and lay the reinforcement in this way, that on each rod adjoining to it the overlap of size at least was formed 80 cm. Bent reinforcing elements are used not only to create frames for the foundation, they are also used as binders, which are operated under the influence of tensile loads (hooks for various purposes, quotes, etc.).

About that, how to bend fittings this way, so that it does not lose its original strength, only experts know. It is important to keep in mind, that it is allowed to bend only metal fittings with your own hands, but not of composite materials (information about that, than to cut fiberglass fittings, can be found at the end of the article).

Minimum bending radius of reinforcing bars

Bending of reinforcement to obtain a reliable framework for the foundation should be performed only mechanically, avoiding the formation of sharp corners at the bend. Radius of rounding of rods, which is formed at the bend, must have a value in the range 10-15 diameters of the product itself.

Those, who performs bending of fittings with his own hands, often make such blunders:

  • make a saw or incision of the bend, to make your job easier (such an incision, breaking the structure of the metal rod, significantly weakens the structure of the frame);
  • place, where it is necessary to perform a bend, pre-heated with a blowtorch or by placing a rod in a fire.

After making an incision or heating the wire at home, it is usually bent with the help of improvised means - sledgehammers, hammer, a piece of pipe, etc.. Naturally, that all such procedures lead to weakening and destruction of the reinforcement structure. To preserve its characteristics, bend elements, of which it consists, necessary only in the cold state and without violating the integrity of their structure, ate it is not additionally stipulated in the project documentation.

Devices for bending reinforcing bars

Devices and simple machines, allowing to bend any fittings with the hands, quite a lot has been invented. All such devices work on a similar principle, and their differences are in design and technical characteristics, the most significant of which is the largest diameter of the bent rod.

The principle of operation of machines for bending fittings

Armature, which needs to be bent, fixed on such a machine between two rollers: central and persistent. The bending process itself is carried out by influencing the rod of the third roller, which is so called: flexible. Influencing the rod in the process is flexible (it can be performed clockwise, and in the opposite direction), the flexible roller allows to receive on a product a necessary angle of a bend. The persistent roller or shaft performs a limiting function, thanks to it the armature is not deformed on all length, but only in that place, where you need to form a bend.

To date, two categories of such machines are used:

  • devices, manually operated;
  • models with a mechanical drive.

Manual machines for bending fittings

Constructive scheme of machines, equipped with a mechanical drive, looks as follows. On the shaft of the device, located vertically, mounted disc, on the surface of which are fixed the central and curving fingers. Video clip, in which rests the reinforcing bar in the process of bending, fixed on the rack of the machine. The armature with the use of such a machine is bent according to the following scheme: the rod is placed between the central and bending fingers; when rotating the disk in the horizontal plane, the rod rests on the stubborn roller and under the influence of the bending finger begins to bend around the Central roller. The bending finger in the process of bending moves along the outer side of the formed bend.

Machines, the design of which is described above, may differ from each other in their power and performance, and by purpose are divided into three main categories:

  • models for flexible light fittings with a diameter 3-20 mm;
  • device for working with heavy fittings (20-40 mm);
  • models for bending of heavy heavy reinforcing bars (40-90 mm).

PF32 armature bending machine

On the machines, belonging to the latter category, it is possible to bend several reinforcing rods at the same time. Universal equipment can also be found on the market today, technical capabilities of which allow to perform bending of metal rods in the range of diameters 3-90 mm. If desired, you can find a device with a hydraulic drive, by means of which receive difficult reinforcing designs with variable angles of a bend and even form a ring from a metal rod..

The use of such equipment allows you to make very high quality bends, the angle of which can reach 180 degrees. Surfaces of workpieces, who have passed the bending on such equipment, do not have folds and breaks, and in their internal structure there is no metal stress.

The small machine is easy to move and secure at work

In a fairly large range are on the market and manual devices for bending, among which are as portable, and oversized models. To bend fittings at home, can be purchased as a specialized hand-held device, and pipe bender. Such simple devices, allowing to carry out various bends of reinforcing bars, whose diameter does not exceed 14 mm, mounted on the surface of the desktop or machine. This option is quite suitable for equipping a home workshop, but, if it is necessary to perform large volumes of work on bending fittings, it is better to buy a more serious machine.

The choice of equipment, by means of which fittings can be bent in house conditions, mainly two factors influence: diameter of rods and volume of works, which you need to perform. When bending, different parts of the reinforcing bar are subjected to loads of different directions: outer surface of the bend - stretching, internal - compression. Such loads, if you select and configure the machine incorrectly, can lead not only to disruption of normal operation on the surface of the rod (fractures and folds), but also before its destruction. That is why you should choose a bending machine taking into account all the characteristics of the fittings, which will be processed on it, and the parameters of the formed bends. Proper adjustment of the machine is also important for high-quality bending of the valve.

How to make a device for bending fittings with your own hands

Focusing on drawings of serial bending machines, as well as numerous videos on the Internet, you can make a similar device with your own hands. You just can't do without such a device, if you are going to make a reliable reinforcing framework for strengthening of the base of the future house and constructions of other function.

A simple homemade machine for bending fittings

The elements of the self-made machine for bending fittings are a metal frame, to the surface of which a stubborn pin is welded (you can use the usual corner), and a swivel metal platform, controlled by a lever (on its surface fix the central and flexible pins). The choice of the size of such a device, as well as the distance between its elements is affected by the diameter of the rods, which you are going to bend on it. You can fasten this device either to the surface of the machine with bolted connections, or to the workshop floor, but for this purpose the machine must be equipped with legs.

The simplest ways to bend reinforcing bars

When reinforcing the foundation of small buildings, it is not always advisable to make special devices, allowing to bend fittings for it. In those cases, when the future structure, reinforcement of the foundation which you are going to carry out, will not put serious strain on the base, you can do without bending devices.

The easiest way to bend the fittings

Metal rods, whose diameter does not exceed 8 mm, you can bend with your hands, it is not special ??complexity. Truth, it is not necessary to count on qualitatively executed bend in such cases. A better bend is obtained with two pipes, one of which acts as a lever, and the second - as persistent ??element. Pipe, acting as persistent ??element, can be clamped in vices, buried or even concreted in the ground. About that, how to bend any armature without special devices, you can learn from the many videos on the internet.

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to bend fittings made of composite materials. In this case, the question is more relevant, than to cut fiberglass fittings. To perform this procedure, depending on the number of cuts performed, a conventional hacksaw for metal is suitable, Bulgarian or bolt cutter.



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