Categories: Finances

How and where to open a current account - instructions for opening an account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs + TOP-8 banks

Hello, Dear readers of the financial magazine ""! In this article we will tell, how and where it is more profitable to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, what documents will be needed to open an account and which banks provide services for opening and maintaining current accounts for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

You will learn from the article:

  • Why do sole proprietorships and limited liability companies open a current account?;
  • How fast and where it is better to open an account;
  • Advantages and features of having a company.

All owners of large and small companies need to know about the current account, individual entrepreneurs and managers of enterprises and organizations.

If you want to know, how to open a current account quickly and profitably, then read our article below. So let's go!

About that, how to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company and what documents are needed to open a current account in a bank - read this article

1. What is a current account and why you need it - definition and benefits

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all legal entities can keep their funds in a current account in a bank.

Current account Is a bank account, which has a unique number, assigned to the client, in order to identify him, for non-cash payments in the course of economic activity, payment of taxes and other payments.

Accounts can be opened for legal entities (IP, Ltd. and others), and for the physical. The main feature of the current account is, that it is opened for commercial purposes (or another) activities.

Useful to know: the current account is not opened for the accumulation of money, no interest is accrued on it (with rare exceptions). It is necessary for the current activities of the firm.

Advantages (+) availability of a current account

The company with a current account has the following advantages:

Advantage 1. Status of a legal entity

Having a bank account increases the status of the company, increases the trust of suppliers, to prove, that the company is reliable and stable.

Advantage 2. Security of storage of own means of firm

Non-cash payments are considered the safest compared to cash payments. The possibility of obtaining counterfeit notes is excluded, theft, force majeure.

Advantage 3. Customer solvency

The presence of turnover on the current account convinces the bank of the customer's solvency. When applying for a loan, he will be offered favorable individual conditions. in addition, there will be no need to provide evidence of the profitability of the enterprise.

Advantage 4. Speed ​​and convenience of operations

The capabilities of the Internet allow you to make payments online, without mandatory bank visits. Payments are made on a day-to-day basis. Funds are credited quickly, in the system of one bank without commissions and additional payments.

Advantage 5. Mobile payments

You can make payments from anywhere, where there is internet.

Advantage 6. Control over the receipt of funds

Implementation of timely control over the receipt of funds from contractors. You can always monitor the receipts on the current account online.

With the help of a current account, the company gets the opportunity to settle with suppliers, receive money from buyers, pay taxes, withdraw cash under the report, for wages, Mr.. needs, travel expenses and other expenses, receive and repay loans and so on.

What documents will be needed to open a current account in the bank of an individual entrepreneur (IP) / limited liability company (TOV) - You will learn more

2. Necessary documents for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Banks have different requirements for opening accounts. Sometimes credit institutions hold special promotions to attract customers, they mean simplified provision of a package of documents.

Standard requirements of banks for documents when opening a current account:

  • Constituent documents of the organization (Statute, decision to establish an enterprise (decision protocol, if there are several founders), founding agreement.
  • Orders on the appointment of the director, chief accountant (if necessary).
  • Passports of persons, who will have the right to the first and second signatures in the bank.
  • Extract from the USRLE or EGRIP, made for a period not exceeding 3 months.
  • Information on the presence / absence of arrears of taxes and fees.
  • When submitting documents by an authorized person, documents, confirming his authority.
  • The seal (in the presence of).

To save time, you can open a current account via the Internet, with mandatory subsequent submission to the bank original documents.

The bank fills in the card with sample signatures. You have to be very careful, putting your sample signature, it will continue to carry out all transactions on the account, and, if the operator's signature seems different from the original, documents can be returned without execution.

In order to transfer funds to a current account, it is not enough to know only its number. Bank account details required, which are specified in the bank account agreement, concluded between the client and the bank.

All legal entities are required to open a current account. The legislation provides for the possibility of working without opening an account only for individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs), working without opening a legal entity.

However, there are restrictions on the maximum amount of cash transactions in the amount 100 thousand. rub.

Example: The individual entrepreneur has concluded a contract for the supply of materials in the amount of 500 thousand. крб. Payment can only be made non-cash, and the entrepreneur will be required to open a bank account.

If the condition is not met, then during the inspection by the tax inspection, fine will be for individual entrepreneurs to 5 thousand. rub., for TOV 10 (ten) times more. You can read about the taxation of individual entrepreneurs at the link.

This limit does not apply to funds, received for wages, for issuance under the report, social benefits, for the personal needs of the entrepreneur (this will have to be proved).

The Bank may suspend operations on the account at the request of authorized persons.

The account may be seized or files filed in cases:

  • Overdue payments to the budget.
  • Delays in filing income tax returns.
  • Lawsuit of judicial authorities.

You can close the account in the following cases:

  • Decision of the authorized person.
  • Liquidation or reorganization of a legal entity.
  • Bankruptcy.
  • Judicial decisions.

If when closing the account, there is a balance on it, it is transferred to another account or withdrawn in cash at the request of authorized persons.

Today, companies can have multiple accounts in one or more banks.

3. In which bank to open a current account for a sole proprietor and / or LLC - 5 basic criteria for choosing a bank

Having registered a company, you need to decide on the bank, in which the current account is opened.

Consider the main criteria for choosing a bank to open a current account.

Criterion 1. Stability of the credit organization

Saving the company's funds will depend on the bank's reliability.

You have to remember, that the balance on the current account in the bank is not insured by anyone (in contrast to the contributions of individuals), in the event of bankruptcy of the bank, the company can wait a long time for a refund.

Criterion 2. Tariff grid and commissions (cost of service)

The second most important selection criterion is the tariff plan used to open and maintain the account. The difference in tariffs in different banks can be very much substantial, regardless of the level of services provided. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate tariff plan.

Banks charge a fee for opening a current account, its magnitude may be from 100 rub. up to several thousand. You can find a credit institution, offering to open an account for free, but a higher rate may be charged for the service.

The article below will present the optimal rates in stable and reliable banks.

Criterion 3. Availability of Internet banking

Internet banking has now become a necessary element of the enterprise. It allows you to make payments quickly, mobile, without visiting the bank.

Importantly learn the opinion of the bank's customers about the available Internet banking, as the system may not be used and inconvenient to use.

Criterion 4. Accrual of interest on the account balance

In some credit institutions there is a service of accrual of interest on the balance of funds on the current account. This is usually done for important customers of the bank, in order to attract and accumulate all the client's funds in one credit institution. The percentage is usually purely symbolic, but carries a positive mood.

Where it is more profitable to open a current account for LLC and VP - rating of the best banks for opening a current account

4. Where it is more profitable to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company - TOP-8 banks (classification by tariff plans)

You can choose a bank according to various criteria, it is important to determine the most important for a particular enterprise. If the company needs an account only for tax calculations, you should not choose banks with mobile and Internet applications.

In the constant absence of funds in the organization on the account, there is no point in choosing tariffs with accrual of interest on the account.

4.1. Banks, where you can open a free and fast current account for LLC and VP online - 4 modern and innovative bank

Young progressive banks offer good conditions for their customers. Below are the TOP 4 banks, where you can open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs free of charge online. These banks are the most technologically advanced and have reasonable rates for opening and maintaining a current account.

1) Tinkoff Bank

According to customer reviews, Tinkoff Bank has good service, convenient internet banking, the ability to open an account via the Internet. This is a young progressive bank, successfully conquers the financial market. The disadvantages of his work include the lack of an extensive branch network.

The bank has two tariff plans: Simple, Advanced.

Tariffs for opening and maintaining a current account with Tinkoff Bank:

Monthly maintenance 2 months for free, further from 490 rub.
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+ free

+ free

+ free

The cost of payment From 29 крб.
Funds transfers to cards Free on bank cards.
Cash disbursement 0,25%
Percentage on the balance 8%

It only takes a few minutes to open, the account can be used immediately. The bank has long operating day - з 7.00 to 21.00

The disadvantages of his work include the lack of an extensive branch network.

2) Modulbank

The bank module offers a free tariff plan for small businesses, has a handy mobile app. According to the management, balances on current accounts are insured in the amount of up to 1,4 million. rub. The disadvantages of the bank include an unbranched branch network, because the bank is still young, he does not have the full trust of customers.

Offers three tariff plans depending on turnover: Start, Optimal, Unlimited.

Tariffs for servicing and opening a current account with Modulbank:

Monthly maintenance According to tariffs from 490 rub. from the starter pack for free.
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+ free

+ free

+ free

The cost of payment Bl plan for free, on the other from 19 rub.
Funds transfers to cards To 0,5%
Cash disbursement According to the optimal and bl plans for free, by starting 1,5%
Percentage on the balance To 5% annual, depending on turnover and tariff plan.

The bank account is opened within one day, although you can use it right away. The operating day is long - з 9.00 to 20.30.

The disadvantages of the bank include a small branch network, because the bank is still young, he does not have the full trust of customers.

3) UBRD Bank (Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development offers a convenient tariff plan. A feature of the bank is the ability to call the manager to open an account in his office.

IS 5 tariff service plans:

  1. Business kit 3 - All inclusive principle 3 months;
  2. Business kit 6 - All inclusive principle 6 months;
  3. Business kit 12 - All inclusive principle 12 months;
  4. Online - real time mode;
  5. "Everything is simple" - payment only for account transactions.

Tariff connection is a paid service, costs from 2,5 thousand. rub.

Tariffs for opening and servicing a current account with the UBRD Bank:

Monthly maintenance Free of charge at all rates, in addition to the Online tariff (for him 450 rub.)
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+, free

+, free

+, cost 39 rub.

The cost of payment From 25 rub.
Funds transfers to cards Through your bank for free
Cash disbursement 1-3%
Percentage on the balance

The bank opens an account within one day. Operating day is standard - з 9.00 to 18.30.

A feature of the bank is the ability to call the manager to open an account in his office. The bank offers a cheap tariff plan, but paid SMS notification.

4) Bank Point (Discovery)

Bank Tochka offers convenient terms of service for customers, makes transfers in the bank's system around the clock. Tariffs may be different in different regions of the bank's presence. The Moscow bank has the most expensive tariffs. Offers online acquiring services, mobile acquiring, performs translations with counterparty verification. The disadvantages include the lack of offices and representative offices.

The bank has 3 tariff service plans:

  1. Lowcost;
  2. Economy;
  3. Business.

Tariffs for opening and servicing a current account in Tochka Bank (Discovery):

Monthly maintenance From 1,9 thousand. UAH to 7,5 thousand. rub.
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+, free

+, free

+, free

The cost of payment From 30 rub.
Funds transfers to cards Through your bank for free
Cash disbursement Free of charge within certain amounts
Percentage on the balance To 8% annual

You can open a bank account in a day and use it immediately. Extended operating day - з 00.00 to 21.00.

The bank offers online acquiring services, mobile acquiring, performs translations with counterparty verification. What is mobile, trade and online acquiring, we wrote in the last material.

The disadvantages include the insufficient number of offices and representative offices of the bank.

4.2. Current account in the largest banks in - 4 reliable and large bank

Let's move on to an overview of the largest banks in the country with tariffs for opening and maintaining current accounts of legal entities.

1) Savings Bank

Sberbank does not need to offer preferential terms of service, it attracts its customers reliability and the presence of many representations and offices. Therefore, tariffs for maintenance and opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs, Ltd. and other forms of entrepreneurship in the Savings Bank are quite high.

Only "Important" can count on preferential terms (VIP) customers of the bank with good returns on the current account, using various banking products. As a bonus, Sberbank offers the opening of the second and subsequent current accounts in the mode online without visiting the bank and submitting additional documents.

To open a current account in Sberbank, offers 6 tariff service plans:

  1. Minimum;
  2. Basis;
  3. Active;
  4. Optima;
  5. Trade plus;
  6. Salary.

Tariffs for opening a current account and its maintenance for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in Oschadbank:

Opening an account Minimally 1,5 thousand. rub., when connecting Optima or Trade Plus plans, the opening is included in the tariff
Monthly maintenance From 1,5 thousand. rub.
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+, free

+, free

The cost of payment From 100 rub.
Funds transfers to cards Through your bank for free
Cash disbursement From 1%
Percentage on the balance

The bank does not differ in the speed of service, it will take from one to several days to open an account. Schedule of work with clients - з 09.30 to 20.00.

Among the main disadvantages of working with Sberbank is its low level of service quality, weak technical support, duration of request processing.

2) Alfabank

Alfabank also takes its reliability and stability, there are individual maintenance programs, bonuses and coupons are provided.

Customers note a fairly high tariff plan and strict control over transactions, carried out by customers.

Tariffs for opening and maintaining a current account with Alfabank Bank:

Opening an account The first bill from 3,3 thousand. rub, second and subsequent from 990 rub.
Monthly maintenance From 300 rub.
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+, connection 990 rub.

+, free

+, free

The cost of payment From 25 rub. to 250 rub.
Funds transfers to cards Through your bank for free
Cash disbursement From 0,5%, min. 300 rub.
Percentage on the balance

It will take time to open an account with Alfa Bank 3 days. Duration of the operating day standard - with 09.00 to 19.30.

3) Avangard bank

Avangard Bank does not offer the best terms of service.

According to customer reviews, the bank has imposed cases of service, harassment calls, although on average the impression of the bank is positive.

The bank offers the following tariff plans:

  1. Base;
  2. Expanded;
  3. All inclusive.

Tariffs for opening and maintaining a current account with Avangard Bank:

Opening an account 1 score 3 thousand. rub., further 1 thousand. rub.
Monthly maintenance From 500 rub.
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+, free

+, 500 rub. per month

The cost of payment from 25 rub. to 150 rub.
Funds transfers to cards At your ATMs for free
Cash disbursement From 1,2%
Percentage on the balance

It takes time to open an account in Avangard Bank 1 day. Short operating day - з 09.00 to 17.30.

4) Raiffeisen Bank

The bank is a representative office of the Austrian banking holding company "Raiffeisen Bank International AG». Enter to 20 largest banks, operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, by assets.

Offers average service rates. The bank offers 2 tariff service plan:

  1. Start;
  2. Base.

Tariffs for opening and maintaining a current account with Raiffeisen Bank:

Opening an account free
Monthly maintenance From 0,5 thousand. rub.
Internet banking

Mobile banking

SMS notifications

+, connection 2,5 thousand. rub.

+, 190 rub. per month

+, 190 rub. per month

The cost of payment 50 rub.
Funds transfers to cards Through your bank for free
Cash disbursement From 0-1%
Percentage on the balance

It will take time to open a bank account 1 day. Has very short operating day - з 09.00 to 17.00, which is a very inconvenient moment for customers.

The bank offers average rates, at the rate Start Internet banking is paid. Customers note the fact of trying to impose additional services on the bank

4.3. Summary table of tariffs for opening / servicing a current account with banks

It is necessary to choose a bank according to individual needs, choosing advanced technology companies.

The table below summarizes the main parameters for a complete picture of tariffs for popular banks.

The cost of opening and maintaining a current account with banks
Name of the bank Opening a current account Maintaining a current account Internet banking The cost of payment Accrual of interest on the balance
Tinkoff Free 2 months for free, further from 500 rub. Free From 30 rub., unlimited 990 rubles / month To 8% annual
Modulbank Free From 0 to 3 thousand. rub. Free From 0 to 90 крб. From 3 to 5 % annual
UBRD Free From 300 rub. Free From 25 rub. No
Point (Discovery) Free From 500 UAH to 7,5 thousand. rub. Free From 0 to 50 rub. To 8% annual
Savings Bank From 1,5 thousand. rub. From 1,5 thousand. rub. Included in the cost of maintenance 100 rubles from the payment. No
Alpha Bank Free From 850 rub. 990 rub. per connection From 25 rub. from the payment. No
Vanguard From 1 thousand. rub. 900 rub. Free From 25 rub. from the payment. No
Raiffeisen Bank Included in the tariff From 1,5 thousand. rub. 2,5 thousand. rub. per connection From 15 rub. from the payment. No

So, large banks offer quite expensive service rates, which explains their position in the financial market. Along with the old stable banks, such as Savings Bank, Alfabank, Vanguard, young promising banks are not inferior in stability and complexity of the proposed programs. They often offer more attractive rates and terms of service. All represented banks have a high rating according to rating agencies.

Importantly! Because some banks offer service for a certain period of time free, it makes sense to open accounts in more than one, and several banks and look at a personal example of convenience and quality of service.

For small businesses, when the turnover on the current account is planned to be small, but stable, the best options can be considered Mobulbank, bank Point, Tinkoffbank. They offer free service for new customers (for several months), they offer free internet banking, mobile banking.

If the LLC or individual entrepreneur will receive more on the current account 1 million rubles a month, it is better to stop the choice on Sberbank, Alfabank, Bank Avangard, bank UBRD. They offer individual service programs, they are stable and reliable.

Assistance in opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is a detailed step-by-step instruction

5. How to open a current account - step by step instructions (help) in the opening of R / R for LLC and VP

Opening an account is a prerequisite for legal entities and desirable for individual entrepreneurs. If the ENTREPRENEUR plans to develop the activity, he will need an account to pay taxes, settlements with suppliers and so on.

so, consider the step-by-step procedure for opening a current account.

Step 1. Choice of bank (credit institution)

The account can be opened in one or more banks at the request of the client. Choosing a bank, the client turns to his manager to clarify the required package of documents. After preparing the documents, he fills out an application form.

Some banks offer online account opening service and providing copies of documents, but with their obligatory confirmation during a personal visit to the bank. Usually the second and subsequent accounts of a legal entity in one bank are opened online.

Other banks offer a specialist visit to the customer's office, where the account will be opened on the spot, without visiting the bank.

Step 2. Choice of tariff plan

The second important step is to choose the right tariff plan. It depends on the value of the planned turnover on the current account.

Selected individually, possible transition from one tariff plan to another. This procedure is usually free for customers.

Step 3. Paperwork

At the bank, the client fills out a card of sample signatures, a contract for opening and / or settlement and cash service is concluded (sometimes from presented in the form of a contract-offer on the company's website and does not require a separate signature). What is RKO (settlement and cash service for legal entities) and why it is needed, we wrote in one of our articles.

It is also necessary to sign documents for additional services.

All authorized or proxies must be present when opening a bank account (the power of attorney is notarized). Required умовою є підтвердження повноважень.

Step 4. Setting up additional services

After signing the documents, the Internet banking or the client-bank is set up, mobile banking, acquiring and so on.

What is acquiring and why you need it, read in our last post.

If the client is poorly versed in the legal intricacies of opening and maintaining a current account, he can contact specialized companies, which provide services for the preparation and verification of all documentation for opening an account. Their experience and knowledge of the law will help solve all problems, arising.

6. How to find out the current account of the organization - 4 simple ways

Consider some simple ways to determine the current account of the organization.

Way 1. To find out your current account number just look at the contract, concluded between the bank and the client.

If you want to know the account number of a third-party organization, which you are going to transfer money, then it can also be seen at the end of the contract.

Find out the current account of the organization (IP) it is possible according to requisites at the end of the contract

Way 2. If the Internet banking service is connected, you can go to the personal account and find the necessary information.

Way 3. You can find out the current account of the organization via the Internet (Tax Service Website - (

You can find out the current account of the organization via the Internet and the Federal Tax Service

Way 4. If the listed options did not help to find out the account of the organization, the most obvious way - call the bank.

To enter into contracts / contracts for the supply of goods and services, you need to know the details of the legal entity. They, usually, prescribed at the end of the contract, in the section:Addresses and details of the parties ». It is impossible to transfer funds without the details of the legal entity.

Details include:

  • Name of organization, account number.
  • Name, BIK, TIN, COR / ACCOUNT, Bank checkpoint.

When specifying erroneous details, funds usually "hang" in the bank, and are awaiting confirmation for enrollment. The customer must notify the credit institution in writing of the exact details of the payment.

7. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Consider some questions, which are often asked by entrepreneurs when registering their business.

Question 1. Where it is more profitable to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur?

An individual entrepreneur can open an account in one or more credit institutions at his discretion. High competition forces banks to fight for every customer, offering favorable terms of service.

Highlights, which are taken into account when choosing a bank:

  • Stability, stability, high credit rating of the credit institution. This information is available on the website of the Central Bank, various rating agencies.
  • Tariff plan, offered by the bank. It is worth noting, that young progressive banks offer cheaper rates, than credit institutions, who have already gained prestige in the financial market.
  • Customer reviews about the bank. They are usually subjective, but create a general impression of the levels and complexity of service in the bank.

Some credit institutions offer temporary free service to new customers (Tinkoff Bank, Modulbank), therefore, the EP has the opportunity to open accounts in several banks and see, how profitable it is to work with them.

In other banks there are temporary shares to open an account with preferential tariff plans. Example, in the bank "Point" is a promotion at a reduced rate of account maintenance on 3 months - from 750 UAH / month.

If the turnover of individual entrepreneurs is less than one million rubles a year, special tariff plans with the minimum cost of services are offered.

The table presents data on popular credit institutions, in which you can profitably open a current account for an individual entrepreneur:

Name of the bank The cost of opening an account The cost of maintaining an account (minimum) per month Cost 1 payment (minimum)
Bank Point (Discovery) Free from 750 rub. from 30 rub.
Tinkoff Bank Free 2 months for free, further from 500 rub. from 30 rub.
Bank module Free from 500 rub. from 25 rub.
UBRD Free from 300 rub. from 50 rub.

The cost may vary in different regions of the banks. Current information on the regions is available on the websites of banks.

Question 2. It is obligatory to open a current account with a bank and whether it is possible to maintain a sole proprietorship without a current account?

Russian law does not require individual entrepreneurs, that he must have a bank account. If the maximum amount of calculations is not more 100 thousand. rub. (under one contract), SP can make calculations "in cash". You can also pay taxes and other payments in cash.

There is no mandatory cash balance limit for sole proprietors (unlike LLC). How convenient it is, to decide the entrepreneur himself.

Individual entrepreneurs, working on the patent system of taxation or SSO can do without opening a current account.

Having a current account allows the entrepreneur to reach another level of activity. The trust of contractors will increase, there will be an opportunity to participate in various government business support programs, increase the preservation of own funds.

Question 3. Is it possible to run a limited liability company without a current account??

According to the Law on Limited Liability Companies, companies have the right to open a current account, that is, the legislation itself does not require its opening, but are introduced restrictions on the amount of the cash transaction (to 100 thousand. rub. under one contract), banks set the cash balance limit at the company's cash desk, in the direction of cash expenditures, transfer of taxes and other payments.

Therefore, in fact, the company needs a current account to conduct normal business activities.

Question 4. How much does it cost to open a current account?

The cost of opening an account varies from bank to bank. Some credit institutions open an account free, in others the cost may be one or two thousand rubles. All information is available on the official websites of banks.

Question 5. What do you need ready-made companies (TOV) with a current account and where to buy them?

Currently, you can not waste time and effort on preparing documents, their registration with tax and other authorities, account opening. You can buy a ready-made operating company.

The need to buy may arise due to urgency of the operation under contract or in connection with lack of time for the study and preparation of documents.

Buy a company with a positive credit history, then it will be easier to take a bank loan. If necessary, you can buy a limited liability company with a current account and the presence of licenses for certain activities, consisting of SROs and so on.

Buying companies is possible through various Internet portals, according to the announcement in the press and so on.

If you have time to register, it is desirable to open a company yourself. So you will know for sure, that the company is recently registered and has no debts or disputes with third parties. Moreover, that we have already told you how to open a sole proprietorship and register a limited liability company on our website.

Question 6. How to close the current account of an individual entrepreneur and a limited liability company?

The need to close the account may be caused by switching to another bank, termination of the entrepreneur. (Read more about the closure of the company and the liquidation of the SP in the relevant section of the site

Closing a current account in the bank for LLC and VP procedure is not complicated and, usually, free.

To close the account, the individual entrepreneur submits to the bank an application for closing the account in the form of a bank. It states, what to do with the money, which remained on the account. They can be obtained in cash or transferred to another account.

When entering the bank's current account closed in the bank, the bank will return the payment without execution, marked, that the account is closed.

Importantly! The tax inspection is notified of the account closure, pension fund during the week.

There may be a penalty for failure to submit or late submission of account closure information from 5000 rub. on the organization and from 1000 rub. on the head.

All contractors of the applicant under contracts are also notified.

Question 7. How to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank

Oschadbank has the widest network of representative offices, branches, additional offices across the country. Therefore, it is convenient to work with him, in addition, it is stable, reliable bank, has long been one of the main credit institutions in the country.

To open a current account in the Savings Bank submit the following documents:

  • Extract from EGRIP for a period not exceeding one month.
  • Certificate of state. Registration.
  • Tax certificate, certificate from the statistical authorities.
  • Individual passport and seal (in the presence).

Either originals or notarized copies of documents are submitted.

The application and the card of sample signatures are filled in the bank, an agreement on opening and maintaining an account is signed (RKO), agreements for the connection of additional services: internet banking, sms notifications.

To open an account in Sberbank підприємцю (depending on the region) will need to pay close 2000 rub., maintenance costs about 1500 rub. monthly (depending on the speed).

Question 8. Lease of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs with a current account is legal?

Legally, it is impossible to rent a limited liability company or a sole proprietorship because the organization is not property, and cannot be rented by a person (IP).

in addition, renting a firm, the tenant gets the opportunity to manage all accounts, but the owner of the firm also retains the authority to dispose of cash flows. If you are a dishonest landlord, you can run out of money.

In any case, the shortcomings of the lease of LLC or SP (organizations) much more benefits.

Question 9. Do I need to issue a notice of opening a current account?

WITH 2 May 2014 laws were issued in, which abolished the obligation of economic entities to notify public authorities about the opening of bank accounts.

The responsibility for informing / notifying the opening of a current account now lies solely with the banks.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic

Opening an account is not particularly difficult and does not involve large expenditures. A current account is necessary for the proper functioning of any production or trade activity. Without it, the work of LLCs and inconvenient activities of individual entrepreneurs are impossible.

Finally, we recommend watching the video, which tells in which cases to open an account and which bank to choose:

We hope so, that this article fully covered the topic of current account for businesses and entrepreneurs and answered topical questions.

Questions to readers!

In which bank did you open a current account and which banks would you prefer to open and maintain an account now??

P. S. The team of the business magazine "" wishes success in opening and conducting business activities using a current account. Share your thoughts on the topic and ask questions in the comments below.



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"The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at the wrong time", - says Forrester in the film "in…

2 years ago

What hair clip is best for your hair, so that she can complement the created image

Modern hairpins can not only fulfill their immediate obligations, но и сделать образ девушки индивидуальным

2 years ago