Categories: Auto

How to convert an injector engine to a carburetor

Some motorists (usually, owners of domestic VAZ models) frequently asked questions, whether the injector engine is suitable for a carburetor car. Let's answer at once, in practice there are a large number of such installations. In some cases, the finished unit can be delivered without significant improvements to the vehicle itself.

The main difficulties are usually related to the implementation of the fuel supply from the gas tank, as on the injector the electric petrol pump stands directly in a fuel tank and pumps gasoline in a fuel rail under a certain pressure. Also, some difficulties arise in the process of placing and connecting the ECU and other elements, during the laying of wiring, etc.. P.

Many are also converting an existing carburetor engine to an injector. In this case, more work, as it is necessary not only to establish the necessary elements, but also to perform certain modifications and manipulations with the engine itself. We will note still, that some car owners are also interested in, whether the injector engine can be made carburetor.

The need to replace a more modern injector with a carburetor is relatively rare, however, there is also a place to be for one reason or another. Next we'll talk about that, what is needed for that, to install an injector motor instead of a carburetor engine, as well as how to make a carburetor engine from an injector engine.

We convert the injector into a carburetor

Let's start with that, that the decision to put a carburetor instead of an injector is not very popular and usually occurs in that case, when with the injector engine power system (gasoline pump, nozzles, etc.), as well as the ECU itself and the ECM sensors are starting serious problems.

If the fault affects several expensive elements of the system, then the cost of purchasing spare parts can be relatively high. In other words, the owner does not want to change these items, preferring to immediately install a simpler and cheaper to maintain and repair carburetor dosing system.

As mentioned above, most often such work is carried out on old foreign cars with monoinjector and Vazov models, which allows us to consider the experience of refining these machines as a clear example.

  • To install the carburetor, remove the injector and its components, and also to put an inlet collector from the carburetor engine.
  • It is not necessary to completely change the cylinder head to modify the motor, as it may seem at first glance. The only thing, there is a possibility, that the camshaft will need to be replaced. Such a replacement is necessary in the case, if there is a special pin under the sensor. In this situation, the camshaft is changed to the usual option.
  • Work with the fuel supply system also in some cases does not involve the replacement of the fuel tank. It is enough to turn off the standard electric fuel pump, then install the fuel pump from the carburetor version. It is also common practice to install a low pressure electric pump.
  • As for the ignition system, you will need a shock absorber, high-voltage candle wires, fasteners, etc.. d.
  • It is also necessary to bring the gas and suction cables, and perform a number of other additional works (manipulation of the cooling system, removing the catalyst from the exhaust system, wiring, etc.).

We will add, that the total cost of such processing of the engine may approach the amount of quality repairs of the existing injection system. It is also important to consider, that after replacing the injector with a carburetor the car will become less economical and environmentally friendly, possible detonation, MS can noticeably lose in dynamics at incorrect adjustment of the carburettor, etc.. P.

Note, that in the process of replacing the electronic injection it is also desirable to separately integrate the injector ignition on the carburetor engine. Most often, we are talking about the installation of a microprocessor ignition system MPSZ.

Competent implementation will allow to achieve stable sparking, as well as to avoid frequent and common problems with the standard coil and a number of other malfunctions of the ignition system, which in practice are inherent in obsolete carburetor engines.

Replacing the carburetor with an injector

Now let's look at a more popular and frequent option for upgrading the engine power system, namely the installation of the injector on the carburetor power unit. In short, to solve the problem you need to replace the intake manifold, receiver, install the air filter housing, change the fuel line, put another gas tank with an electric fuel pump, to mount the ECU, etc.. d.

As an example, take the replacement of the VAZ model, which was available in various configurations with carburetor and injector (2108, 2109 etc.. d.). Usually, second-hand spare parts are used for such processing. At the heart of the electronic injection system, many use the Bosh M1.5.4 control unit.

This type of ECU is relatively easy to flash, there are many upgraded firmware versions for it. The catalyst and lambda probe are also excluded from the general scheme (oxygen sensor).

  • so, work begins with the replacement of the fuel tank. If the tank is dirty, then it must be pre-washed. After that the installation of the electric petrol pump is carried out. Let's add, that in some cases it is possible to insert the pump into the fuel line without replacing the tank itself.
  • Next in the BC you need to drill an additional landing hole for DD (detonation sensor). Holes for mounting the bracket are also made. A bracket is required to install the ignition module.

Note, that on some motors the holes can already be drilled in the factory. If there are no such holes, then you need to look for special ebbs on the BC. The depth of the hole under the detonation sensor 1.6 cm, for bracket 2 div. You need to drill carefully, so as not to spoil the unit. Also after drilling it is necessary to cut an internal thread.

  • The front bumper must be removed to gain access to the unit, drain the antifreeze, remove the cooling radiator, etc.. d. Still to be considered, that the coolant outlet pipe needs to be replaced with a similar one, but with a temperature sensor.

Some also change the thermostat, using a tee from VAZ 10th model, which allows you to implement the connection of the expansion tank. In parallel, you will need to replace the gasket, as the old after removal of a branch pipe usually collapses or is damaged.

  • The next step is to work with the engine itself. First you need to drain the engine oil, to dismantle a timing belt and a gear pulley, remove the engine pan. As for the gaskets, you should try to keep the existing ones, since buying new good quality can be difficult.

Further modifications to the engine involve the replacement of the oil pump lubrication system. You also need to replace the standard pulley of the generator with a damping. In parallel, the generator is changing, for which fastenings are prepared separately. The generator belt is replaced by a wedge-type belt.

  • You can now switch to ignition systems, power and electronic control. You need to remove the battery, trambler, fuel pump, air filter housing, carburetor, collector and other elements.

You still need to remove the gas cable, as on versions with the injector this cable has big length. The air damper cable is still being removed, wiring of the ignition system under the hood, coil and switch, management system XX. Replacement work will also require the removal of fuel lines, vacuum amplifier hose, which also needs to be replaced with a hose with a longer length (suitable from the "classics" VAZ).

  • A sufficient number of manipulations requires the connection of various elements of the ECMS, ignition, sensors, etc.. P. In other words, work on electricity begins, for what it is necessary to disassemble the panel of devices.

Among the main operations should be noted the need to lay the wiring harness from the ignition lock, perform the implementation of the input of the tachometer. Connecting a "check" bulb also requires a separate wire. Wiring from the hood space should be pushed into the cabin, then the connection is made. You also need to connect the injection system wiring to the mounting unit.

Wiring is also required to connect the instrument panel to the wires on the fuel pump. This is necessary for the correct operation of the fuel gauge in the tank. Regular wires, walking on the floor to the tank, are replaced by new ones, and there must be a special connector for connecting the pump.

We also recommend reading the article about it, how the carburetor differs from the injector. In this article you will learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of these fuel supply systems to the engine.

In addition, you need to take care of it, that the cooling system fan was operating normally. To do this, you need to close the wires, which go from the fan to the sensor of its inclusion. Next, the controller is mounted, fuses and relays in those places, where their placement was planned in advance. Upon completion, the so-called plug is mounted on the cylinder head, to which connects the "mass" of the injection system.

  • You can now install the collector, to make installation of a fuel ramp with injector nozzles, put the receiver and the throttle. Also at this stage the gas cable is replaced.

Then the laying of the fuel line on the bottom of the car is realized. The most difficult point is often the omission of "return", which must be carried out under the steering mechanism. To solve the problem, you need to loosen the steering rack mount on one side, then ask the assistant to press the mechanism with a crowbar or mount.

  • The final stage of work with the power supply system of the internal combustion engine can be considered the final installation of the fuel tank. If all is well, fuel lines should be connected. Adhere to secure fastening with clamps and fasteners of all elements.

You can now activate the fuel pump (apply power to it) and create pressure in the fuel system. This is required to check for leaks, moreover, such a diagnosis must be made by that time, how the nozzles will be installed in their nozzle holes. If the injectors and all pressure connections are tested successfully (fuel does not flow anywhere), then the fuel rail can be attached to the collector.

  • Next you need to install the necessary ECM sensors, mount the ignition module, put candle wires. It is necessary to check separately reliability of fastening of "weight", the quality of wiring, tightness of connection of hoses and branch pipes.

The installation of the air filter can be considered as completion of all process of completions, and also connection of heating of a throttle branch pipe and hoses of ventilation of the crankcase of the internal combustion engine. You can now start the engine, then you may need to adjust the quality of the fuel-air mixture at idle, etc.. d. It is best to entrust such work to those, who specializes in chip tuning EBU.

Let's summarize

As you can see, to convert the injector into the carburetor and vice versa is a feasible task. The main thing, have the necessary spare parts and certain skills. We will note still, that the return from the injector to the carburetor can be considered rather an exception.

We also recommend reading the article about it, how to adjust and adjust the idle speed on the injector engine. In this article you will learn about the features and nuances of setting XX on the injector.

Owners are much more likely to want to change an outdated carburetor system to a more economical and practical injector.. It is also important to understand, that the use of new details for such refinement calls into question the expediency of the whole idea.

If otherwise, it is more profitable to change the available carburetor car on analog with a factory injector. The most rational approach to this task can be considered the purchase of most spare parts exclusively used.

The main problem will be to find and buy the intake manifold, receiver, controller, ramp with injectors, fuel lines, gas tank with fuel pump, air filter housing and other necessary elements at a similar price. In this case, the cost of installing the injector will actually be able to pay off after a while.



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