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How to clean the printer print head with flushing fluid

Cleaning the print head is done in those cases, when paint and dust clog the nozzles, where the ink comes from. Usually, this occurs after a long period of inactivity - the toners are covered with dust and dry slowly, after which the user receives incorrect prints with various defects. The solution to the problem of dried ink is manual washing of the print head with special liquids. The procedure is not the most complicated, but will require accuracy and attention. With the right approach and compliance with all the rules, the result will be cleaned elements in the printer and quality printing.

When you need to clean the print head

In which cases should the print head be cleaned??

  1. When the ink nozzles of one or more cartridges become dirty, the correct supply of toner is broken. Faults are evidenced by the printing of the test nozzle, when the printer prints with streaks, incorrectly transmits color (one color is missing when the cartridge is full) or blurs the picture.
  2. After a long downtime, it is also recommended to do a nozzle test, and if distortion is detected, then produce cleaning by regular software, and then clean the print head of the printer with a special tool by hand, if necessary.
  3. When changing the ink. Tuners may differ in their characteristics and composition, in accordance, it is forbidden to mix them. To replace a dye of one type with another, cartridges and CISS should be flushed of residue. When changing inks from different manufacturers, it is also necessary to clean the cartridges and installed CISS.

Canon service experts say, that flushing is an extreme measure of printer maintenance. Incorrect printing can have other causes: getting air bubbles, printhead adjustment, excess pressure (when the CISS tanks are set above the head level) or dirt contamination, saw. Another cause of the defect in the imprint is the failure of the piezoelectric crystal when the device is overloaded (Epson technology) or burnt out heating elements (HP technology). With intensive use of technology, the print head is cleaned once a quarter or less.

Cleaning is not performed, when system errors are displayed on the printer's LCD, informing about the toner expiration, or flashing cartridge icon.

Software cleaning of the print head

Before starting mechanical cleaning, you should test the system and run a regular cleaning program. The start of the program can be in the menu of the PC or the printer itself, depending on the model. If you use a computer, you need to go to the control panel, find an active printer and go to the "service" section, where nozzle inspection and software printhead cleaning are available. Then you need to run the software.

Experts recommend spending no more 2 — 3 cleaning system. If the operation does not bring a positive result, manual mechanical cleaning is required.

After completing the software cleaning, you need to re-test the nozzles. From the imprint we can draw conclusions, whether a mechanical cleaning procedure will be required or not. Usually, this operation solves the problem of low contamination of the nozzles, if the ink has dried, software commands will not help.

Mechanical cleaning of the printer

Maintenance of the printer begins with preparation and check of all knots. First, a visual inspection is conducted to assess future work, dust often accumulates in the printer, dried ink particles, pieces of paper.

You can manually flush all types of cartridges, except for models with filler. Such elements can be cleaned only with the help of specialized devices - centrifuges or vacuum devices.

Then check the CISS for fractures of the paint supply hoses, the tightness of the joints between the gateway and the cartridge. If there are air bubbles in the sluice, first of all make adjustment and balancing of CISS. Donor containers or cartridges must be filled, if necessary, refuel the printer and print a nozzle test test page.

Check the paint supply hoses

Not so long ago, such a service device was actively discussed on the network, like an ultrasonic bath. The benefits of the device have not been proven (and it does not matter, medical is the equipment or the device for delicate cleaning of small details). If you consult a specialist, then opinions are ambiguous, but most often - negative. The facts of successful use of the ultrasonic bath among the masters is difficult to identify, but observations show a negative effect on the print head of the printer (failure during the day or the first use).

Use of ultrasonic bath

Everything, what you need to know about flushing fluids

Apparently, one of the most useful recommendations is to use a cleaner of that brand, as well as ink. No one knows the exact composition of the dye better than the manufacturer, so, only the manufacturer knows, how to remove it effectively and safely. Special flushing compounds are safe for printers and their components. Usually, several of them: for external cleaning, to remove water-soluble ink, pigment dyes, aggressive liquids for splitting dried toners and heavy debris.

Flushing fluid universal RDM №1 for inkjet printers and MFPs

The following liquids are suitable for removing water-soluble inks.

  1. Desalinated water (specialized liquid WWM W01).
  2. Distilled water.
  3. A solution of a mixture of distilled water and 5 — 10% ammonia (not to be confused with ammonia) in proportions 1-10: 1 (the exact proportions are calculated experimentally). The finished solution based on ammonia must be filtered through a sieve of size 0,01 microdistrict.

Pigment dyes are dissolved in other compositions:

  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • various specialized liquids.

In addition to branded cleaners, there are companies, which conduct various liquids for certain purposes. Example, WWM boasts a good line of cleaners.

  1. Desalinated water W01.
  2. CL-10 enhanced cleaner.

    Flushing fluid CL10

  3. Cleaner for water-soluble inks, the upper surfaces of Epson CL printer parts-04.
  4. Liquid for removal of black or color pigment dyes CL-06.
  5. Special solution CL-08 for washing or soaking, suitable for Epson Quick Dry ink.

You can choose an analogue, example, This is not the first year that workshop specialists have used ordinary Muscle glass liquid for this operation. The main thing, choose the right liquid for the ink: water-soluble dyes green and pink composition based on ammonia (ammonia), pigments are removed blue and orange, based on isopropyl alcohol.

To increase the effectiveness of any solution, heat it to temperature 30-60 ° C.

If you don't know, which ink was used, do not rush to start rinsing. Wrongly selected composition is able to quickly and permanently disable the print head. Take some ink and dissolve them in different formulations (or in one, to choose from). In a couple of hours, analyze the result. Under the influence of distilled water on the pigment dyes precipitate. The transition of the liquid to a jelly-like consistency also indicates, the cleaning fluid is selected incorrectly, the right solution dilutes the ink and loosens the dried dye clots.

Step-by-step instructions for washing

After preparation and checks, you can proceed to the procedure of cleaning the print head of the printer. This will require technical flushing fluid, two syringes (preferably on 10 ml), several transparent tubes made of soft plastic or rubber, capacity, bandage.

Cleaning the cap and knife

Printer service experts recommend cleaning the cap and rubber knife first. Accumulated here dust and dirt depressurize the system, air gets into it, which leads to defective printing.

  1. Unlock the carriage - this can be done through software, or turn off the printer immediately after turning it on, when the carriage starts to move.
  2. Disconnect the printer from the network and PC.
  3. Using a syringe, pour the cleaner into the cap, leave on 10 minutes, then drain.
  4. Rubber knife for cleaning wipe with a napkin or bandage, soaked in a special liquid.
  5. The cap is washed until then, until the cleaner stops staining. It is better to pour the liquid on diapers, but can be removed with a syringe.

Sometimes a rubber knife may be in the printer, inside the case. It will be useful to print out the details of the device with the decoding of the details.

Inkjet printer device

The first option is to clean the head

The print head should only be removed before rinsing. At the bottom, remove the accumulated dirt with a bandage, soaked in cleaner. If the contamination is severe - use a few pieces of bandage and repeat the procedure, until the debris is removed.

Remove the cartridge from the print head, under it there are fittings for ink collection. Gently wipe the grilles of all colors. To wash the head, you will need a syringe, filled with washing liquid. The spout of the syringe should fit snugly on the fitting, if the size does not match - increase the diameter of the syringe (example, heated with a thin screwdriver). Usually, the difference in diameters does not exceed 1 mm.

Releasing air from the syringe, slowly and smoothly pump the flush into the fitting, avoiding the cleaner hitting the head. If carelessly the liquid still spills, quickly remove it with a second syringe or napkin, do not connect the appliance to the mains until the moisture has completely evaporated.

Wash all colors in the same way, carefully monitor the pressure on the syringe rod and the "reaction" of the fittings to flushing. If one or more colors are heavily clogged or have large clumps of dried toner, the cleaner will pour slowly and unstable, in some cases - do not go at all. To eliminate overdried elements of the ink requires more rigid, aggressive cleaning.

When finished, remove all moisture, wiping dry GHG, housing and all available elements. Install the cartridge in the carriage, take her to the parking lot.

pay attention: if the cleaner is compatible with the ink, and new pigment dyes, the system should be thoroughly rinsed with desalinated water (distilled is not recommended, a precipitate may form).

The second option is for "serious" cases

Another way to "resuscitate" GHG is not much different from the first, but will help with moderate clogging. In this case, the syringe is NOT placed on the ink supply port, and the washing liquid is slowly dug by hand through the grate. A clean bandage should be placed under the head, folded in several layers, as it is contaminated, it is changed to a new one.

The procedure will take longer, close 1 — 2 hours, but the methodical effect of the cleaner will effectively remove the accumulated ink. If the result is missing, you can strengthen the process.

  1. Cut a few transparent tubes, suitable in diameter to the holes, and put on the head fittings.
  2. Pour the cleaner into the tube through the syringe, leave for a few hours, possible all night.
  3. If the technical fluid passes evenly through the GHG, means, the operation was successful.

When in one or more tubes the cleaner does not arrive at all or leaves, but slower, than in others - this indicates severe pollution.

This cleaning procedure can be called sparing, it is allowed to repeat it several times (week, two).

The third option is forced broaching of the cleaner

This method is suitable only for very difficult situations, when no method helps. The algorithm for hard washing is as follows.

  1. Remove all tubes, in addition to "problematic" colors.
  2. Make an adapter from the tube to the syringe, to keep the joint tight.
  3. Exhale the syringe (fold the syringe) and connect to the handset.
  4. The print head is put in a container soaked in bad weather, put a bandage under it, pour a little washed liquid on the bottom (at a level not higher 2 — 3 mm).
  5. Gently press the head against the bandage and pull the cleaner through the upper hole with a syringe. Importantly, so that no air gets into the head.

If forced rinsing did not help, the next step for "advanced users" is a complete disassembly of the head. As practice shows, it is better to trust a specialist. The reason is, that due to inexperience it is easy to damage the nozzle or the printhead board, after which it is no longer restored.

Cleaning the head can be a long and laborious process, but the procedure itself is quite simple. It is important to follow the rules and safety rules: disconnect the printer from the network and PC, protect the print head of the printer and electronics from moisture.



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