Categories: Garden and town

How to plant a peach and properly care for the tree

A competent approach to the choice of variety allows you to grow a peach tree not only in southern climates. The main thing, know, how to plant a peach, what time to choose for planting, and how to care for young seedlings, that they may take root quickly and enjoy a good harvest.

When it is better to plant a peach

Planting a peach is possible in spring or autumn - it all depends on the climate of the region, where it will grow. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. When planting in the spring there is always a risk, that the young seedling will suffer from heat or pests.

However, given the low frost resistance of the culture, in areas of risky agriculture, spring planting is recommended. In the regions, where winter is mild and comes later (south and surrounding areas), peach trees are best planted in autumn, about 2 months before the first frosts. During this time, the tree will have time to take root and will not freeze in winter. In addition, the period of winter dormancy will allow him to strengthen, and with the advent of heat to grow more actively.

Which variety to choose

When choosing a variety should always give preference to regional - designed for a particular region. These characteristics can be obtained from the State Register of Varieties. It is also advisable to inquire about new breeding. Now new varieties are regularly bred, adapted to cold climates. Definitely not worth planting varieties, bred for other climatic zones, and even more countries.

Condition and choice of rootstocks and seedlings

The right choice of rootstock and peach seedling simplifies planting and subsequent care of the crop. Almost everything depends on the rootstock: viability, durability, yield, resistance to disease and even the size of the tree. That all these qualities remained in the cuttings, it is necessary to choose vegetative rootstocks (obtained from cuttings).

The following criteria should also be considered, as frost resistance and compatibility with graft. Peach goes best with apricot, plum and almond tree. As for the choice of seedlings, it is safer to buy two-year-old trees - they take root more successfully.

The quality of the seedling itself can be judged by the following criteria:

  • root system - in a healthy plant it is lobed, well branched and not dry;
  • condition of the bark - the surface of the shoots is smooth, glossy, without traces of gum flow;
  • the vaccination site should be level 6-8 cm above the root collar;
  • height and size - age 2 years peach seedling is usually tall 1,2-1,5 m, 3-4 well-branched shoots, the thickness of the trunk is not less 2 cm.

Seat preparation

Peach - a very heat-loving tree, so the place for it is chosen sunny and windless, preferably on the south side of the site. Because the culture does not tolerate waterlogging and accumulation of cold air, peach trees are best planted on small slopes or hills. You also need to take care of sufficient distance between the trees.

Within a radius 3 m should not be tall plants, plantations or buildings. Ideally, the peach should be planted away from adult fruit trees, as they can take away nutrients from young seedlings. Landing pits are prepared in advance: for spring planting - from autumn, if we plant in the fall - then at least for 2-3 weeks. The depth of the pit depends on the size of the roots - for an annual plant, usually, enough 50-70 cm wide and deep.

In the center of the planting hole you need to kill a strong peg. It should protrude above the surface by about 0,5 m - will tie a tree to it. That the plant did not feel deficiency in nutrients at the first and most important stage of the growth, fertilizers are added to the pit. To do this, put compost or humus on the bottom (1-2 buckets), then part of the earth is mixed with ash (200-300 G), superphosphate (70-100 G) and fall back into the pit in the form of a slide.

Landing methods and step-by-step instructions

Nectarine or peach seedlings are planted in two ways: "In the liquid" (liquid mixture of soil and fertilizers) and "on the cone" (a mound of earth, mixed with fertilizers). The first method is convenient, that landing can be done alone, without anyone's help, as the viscous soil mass holds the seedling well.

The algorithm for such a landing is as follows:

  1. Fertilizers are poured into the pit (humus, superphosphate, ash), then pour a bucket of water.
  2. As soon as the water is absorbed in half, falls asleep 1 bucket of fertile land, and everything is mixed.
  3. The root of the seedling is immersed in the formed liquid mass.
  4. Then the pit is slowly filled with earth, periodically pulling the tree by the trunk up - this is done for this purpose, so that the roots are at the right angle (about 45 °).
  5. When the pit is completely filled, the location of the root neck is checked, then another watering and mulching of the stem area.

There is still a lot of controversy about the location of the root collar of peach trees. Some gardeners believe, that the deepening of this place increases the frost resistance of the tree, which is very important for this culture. But then there is the risk, that the grafted plant will go to its own roots, having lost all the positive characteristics of the rootstock. Therefore, in southern and temperate climates, it is still recommended to place the neck a few inches above the soil surface..

Now consider, how to properly plant a peach "on a cone":

  1. They flow into the pit 2 buckets of water. While the water is absorbed, a soil mixture of soil and fertilizers is prepared in the amount described above.
  2. When the water is absorbed, the prepared soil is poured into the pit.
  3. The seedling is placed on a hill, and its roots are straightened like this, that the angle of inclination was 45 °.
  4. The pit is gradually filled with earth and lightly compacted.
  5. Then the seedling is watered, and when the moisture is absorbed, the trunk area is mulched.

It is important to follow, so that the mulch does not come into contact with the thin bark of the young tree.

further care

Drought or waterlogging should not be allowed, as in both cases the root system may be affected. Fruit trees are watered less often - in hot weather 1 times in 10-15 days of calculation 2-3 buckets / tree. In the absence of precipitation, watering the week before flowering is mandatory, and then during fruit ripening.

Feed the trees from the third year. Fertilizers are applied during the entire growing season 2-3 times. Organic liquid mullein can be added (1:10) or manure (1:20). During fruiting, watering with ash solution is recommended. Organic fertilizers can be replaced by mineral ones: superphosphate, saltpeter, potassium chloride - on 2-3 spoons) on 1 bucket of water. Approximate cost - 25-30 l / tree.

Crown formation is the most important stage in peach cultivation. For full fruiting, it is necessary to annually prune and shorten the shoots. The first time this is done immediately after planting. For the winter, the young tree must be covered.

Peach Planting Video

You will learn from this video, how to plant a peach in the fall.



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