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How to plant a peach - tips and secrets, deadlines, step by step instructions, technology + Photo

If you do not know, how to plant a peach, consider some important features, namely, what the pit should be, what fertilizers to use, how to water, at what level should be the root collar, what to do after landing and how to care for the future…

Soil preparation and compliance

Peach tree is considered a southern plant, therefore more demanding of various external factors. Before transportation, the rhizome should be turned into a damp cloth, and the seedling itself - in a bag, or polyethylene. It is necessary to monitor that, that there were no sharp differences of temperatures.

Peach needs light, warm and sunny place, fenced off from the winds. It is best to plant as far away from other trees as possible, since the peach is not able to tolerate shade. Avoid wet and wetlands, and, plots, in which the air is heated for a long time.

As for the soil, it is necessary to determine the land composition on the site, where the tree will grow. Peach will not be able to get used to sandy lands either, vice versa, in moist soil. An excellent option would be drained fertile soil.

A hole is dug in the allotted area, at the bottom of which is covered with gravel, stones or brick crumbs. Also, peach tree suitable chernozem, enriched with humus.

If after determining the composition of the land it became clear, that it contains few trace elements - the place for the seedling should be prepared a year before planting. To do this, make organic or mineral fertilizers. If the soil was suitable for planting, you can only add ash and humus.

Fertilizers and planting holes

The composition of the soil affects the amount of trace elements, which include in the process of planting and then gradually contribute throughout the care of the peach.

Lands are usually fertilized with lowland peat, containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Do not forget to follow the regular watering, which will wash away most of the fertilizer, therefore, a large amount of fertilizer must be added to the soil.

The first 2-3 years after planting, the tree is fed with nitrogen fertilizer - ammonium nitrate or urea. In the process of development, the amount of fertilizer is gradually increased annually by 15-20 city. Peach trees are also fertilized with green nitrate, representing different cultures (oil radish, rival, lupine, rapeseed), which replace humus.

Most trees, like peach, planted in early spring - before the buds open. It is better to dig pits in advance, before the first colds, will fall. The size should be medium, the main thing that the root of a tree conveniently settled down in it and did not bend.

The standard peach planting hole has depth 50-60 cm and diameter 40-45 cm. The soil mixture is prepared for filling. It will be necessary 1-2 buckets of humus, superphosphate simple - 150-200 city, potassium sulphate - 80-100 gr or ash - 400-500 city.

How to plant a peach - technology

Buy peach seedlings, like any other garden culture, preferably only in every flower shop or specialty outlets, given the place, where the tree was brought from and whether it will be able to adapt to your territory. Take this variety, which climatic conditions will be best suited. In the process of buying, make sure, that the place of splicing of the rootstock with the rootstock is quite flat and has no inflows and juice.

Planting a peach should be carried out with care and attention. Before landing, all dry elements of the roots are cut. But, if the whole root began to dry out - it is immersed in water for a day. Then the seedling is placed in the pit, at the bottom of which is pre-poured mound of a mixture of soil and fertilizers, mixed together. A tree is placed on the mound, and the roots are covered with a layer of earth. The abdomen of the seedling is unfolded to the north, the ground is trampled, and the tree is watered (2-3 buckets).

Since the peach is a southern tree, it takes root best after planting in the spring season. Besides, in the spring the soil retains a large amount of moisture, which will be needed for peach growth. If you plant a tree in the fall - it will not have time to prepare for temperature changes and most likely, freezing, when the cold starts, especially, if cultivation is planned in the Urals or Siberia, ??as well as in other northern regions. Planting a peach in the fall can be done in the Kuban, in the Stavropol Territory and other southern regions due to climatic features.

The depth of the root is approximately 40-50 cm. If planted a little deeper - the process of necrosis of the stem bark may begin, which will interfere with the natural development of the tree. Peach tree has no special problems in fertilization, but, Nonetheless, some requirements need to be met. If you do not sprinkle fertilizers with earth and plant on these fertilizers, the rhizome will simply burn. All fertilizers are added to the planting hole, starting in the fall.

Tree care

After, how you planted the tree, important to remember, that it still needs more attention and care, after all, it depends on its development and regularity of fruiting.

First of all, it is worth thinking about mulching and watering. Mulch will not allow the ground to be covered with bark and cracks. Although the tree is resistant to drought - the land should still be watered once from June to August 2-3 weeks. To do this, pour into the root zone 1-2 bucket of water.

Peach is constantly exposed to various diseases and attacks by dangerous pests. The main enemies of peach are powdery mildew, moniliosis and curliness of peach leaves.

In winter, the tree trunk is wrapped in burlap cloth in several layers, or, make a hill of earth and branches around the trunk, height 50-60 cm, which protects against frost. The hill is built in autumn and dismantled in spring.

Following all these rules, you will be able to secure the peach tree and prolong its life as long as possible. So, it will bring you a big and sweet harvest of peach fruit. Now you know all the rules, how to plant a peach. Good harvests!



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