To make the right purchase, important to know, how the vacuum cleaner works. Understanding the principle of operation of the device, fundamental differences between its varieties, qualitative characteristics and design of the device, you can choose such a vacuum cleaner, which will be an excellent helper in the household.
The principle of the vacuum cleaner
Such a device in the standard configuration is not endowed with a complex mechanism of action. The principle of the vacuum cleaner is, that during operation of the engine in the device draft is created, due to which garbage, dust and dirt particles are absorbed through the pipe. A special brush is installed at the end of the pipe, which raises the pile and allows you to remove dirt from the base of the carpet. Dust and dirt with air are drawn through the filter into the dust bag. With the help of a filter the air is cleaned and returned to the room.
Air filtration is one of the most important actions of the device. In cheap devices, the air is poorly cleaned of dust. As a result, she returns, it does not just accumulate in the pile, and mixes with air. Then it is inhaled by the inhabitants of the room. Quite often a tank is used as a filter, filled with water. Dust and dirt remain in the liquid, and air, additionally cleaned, goes back into the room.
Be a vacuum cleaner, regardless of its value, equipped 3 filters:
- basic, that collects dust and debris particles;
- motor;
- fine filter, which cleans the air before it enters the room.
Even the most expensive models are not equipped differently, therefore it is necessary to consider at purchase, that information about the availability of additional cleaning elements is a marketing move. In fact, the additional filter will not bring any significant differences.
Productivity of work taking into account characteristics
When buying a device you should pay attention to 3 main characteristics of the device:
- engine power;
- suction power;
- filtration system.
It is important to distinguish the power of the entire vacuum cleaner from the suction power. The first indicator means the amount of electricity, which will be consumed by the unit during operation. Average for conventional vacuum cleaners, used in everyday life, 1300-2000 W. Most consumers associate the power consumption with the quality of the device, but this is a false argument. Products of different brands with the same engine power can work differently. The cleanliness of cleaning is affected by several factors.
It should be taken into account, that the power of the device is concentrated on all additional functions, which the device will be equipped with.
Suction power determines the quality of the output. The stronger it will be, the more dirt the vacuum cleaner will be able to absorb. High-suction devices will be able to clean bulky lint and large dirty stains. The speed of the performed cleaning depends on this indicator. The average power is 250 W. With this vacuum cleaner you can slowly clean the living space and clean the dirt. For faster cleaning in conditions of high pollution, a device with a capacity of better 300 W. For fans of a turbobrush models with an indicator in-350 W will approach. Selecting the appropriate product, should be correlated 2 these capacities.
The device must have a decent suction rate, while consuming as little electricity as possible.
As for the filtration system, then it also plays an important role in the operation of the unit. It is important not only to collect dust and dirt from upholstery and pile, but also leave it in the device, that not letting back into the room. This figure is measured in the amount of dust, contained in 1 m? space. Even 1% dust can contain so many bacteria and allergens, how much is enough to cause an allergic reaction or harm to the body. This is especially true in those families, where there are small children and pets. The optimal filtration rate is 99,97%. This level is considered minimal to ensure clean indoor air.
Read also: in the design of the vacuum cleaner bag - the pros and cons of the device.
Principles of functioning of different species
In the modern market of home appliances there are a large number of different vacuum cleaners. Allocate 2 main types of devices: dry cleaning device and vacuum cleaners. Dry cleaning units are divided into:
- vertical;
- built-in;
- work.
Vacuum cleaners are not so common due to their high cost. They have more features than conventional models. With their help you can perform wet cleaning of almost any things and surfaces in the house: carpeting, sofa upholstery, pillows, bedspreads, curtains, floors, covered with wooden material, parquet, laminate, linoleum, crap. With this device you can easily clean stains difficult to remove.
The principle of operation of the vacuum cleaner is a little more complicated in comparison with models of dry cleaning.
It has a large number of components, which must be installed in a certain sequence. The mechanism includes a tank, filled with water. You can add powder or special detergent. During cleaning, the treated surface is moistened with soapy water, dirt is cleaned with a brush, and together with air is sucked through a pipe of the vacuum cleaner. There, the dirty liquid enters a separate container. The air exits through a fine filter.
Vacuum cleaners, carry out dry cleaning, are the most common household appliances. Their design performs all standard functions. It is not so difficult to find a product among all the variety of vacuum cleaners, which will meet the required quality indicators, the necessary set of functions and have an adequate cost.
Considering a dry cleaning device, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on its varieties. The vertical vacuum cleaner differs from usual in the design. First, what is striking is that, that there is no hose in it. The device itself is a box, in which the motor and the bag are located. The brush can be stationary or rotating.
The main difference in the work of such a vacuum cleaner is the cleaning of the surface from dirt due to the movement of the nozzle. Most of the engine energy is directed to the same activity.
Built-in vacuum cleaners are a new word in home comfort. The unit itself is difficult to call a household appliance, since it has a complex structure, but the functions and the basic principle of operation are similar to conventional models. The built-in device is a system of air duct pipes, located throughout the house. These pipes are built into the walls, therefore in no way interfere with normal life. Only sockets come out, in which the hose with a brush is inserted. Absorbed dust and dirt escapes through these pipes into the utility room. If the design of the house allows, pollution along with air will go directly into the sewer. In the utility room there is a motor and other components of the vacuum cleaner.
Robot vacuum cleaners are compact devices, which can be programmed to perform the required functions. There are models, which are carried out as dry, and wet cleaning. The appliance will clean the selected floor area for a set time. It is convenient, which does not require control and can perform its work independently.
Vacuum cleaners are invented, to make life easier for housewives. Any model has its advantages, and cons. To decide on a choice, you need to assess your capabilities and needs. There are many products on the market for every taste and budget.