How to properly grind coffee in a coffee grinder?

How to properly grind coffee in a coffee grinder?

According to statistics, one of the most popular hot drinks today is coffee. Most of his fans know, that the secret of a "good cup" is ground coffee, and therefore prefer to grind the grain yourself. However, having in his arsenal of kitchen appliances coffee grinder, not everyone knows, how to properly grind coffee in it. Let's look at this question in more detail.

see pomelo

Grinding coffee beans is a very important and responsible moment, on the results of which depends the aroma and taste of the drink. The choice of a certain degree of grinding depends on it, which coffee making option do you prefer. There are several types of grain grinding:

  1. Large. Coffee particles up to 0,8 mm. Optimal extraction time - 6-8 minutes, duration of grinding 10 seconds. Suitable for drip coffee maker.
  2. Average. A granule the size of a grain of granulated sugar. Extraction time - 4-6 minutes. Grinding time in an electric coffee grinder - 10-13 seconds. It is considered universal and is used for various brewing methods.
  3. Small. Extraction time - from 1 to 4 minutes, grinding time - 15-20 seconds. Intended for carob type coffee makers.
  4. Espresso. Optimal only for those coffee makers, which are equipped with the function of making espresso.
  5. Ultrathin. Drinking coffee, grinding time - more 30 seconds. It is used for brewing directly in a cup and cooking in a Turk (cezvy).

Types of coffee grinding by particle size

Remember, that the type of grinding should correspond to the chosen method of coffee preparation!

varieties of coffee grinders

The taste of coffee is born in the coffee grinder, therefore it is necessary to approach the choice of the kitchen device considered by us with special seriousness. There are three types of coffee grinders on the market, differing in appearance and method of management:

  1. knife (rotational) a type;
  2. Жерновий;
  3. manual.

The most common models are rotary type devices, coffee is ground with rotary knives, which rotate at high speed, grinding fragrant grains. In this case, the adjustment of the degree of grinding depends on the duration of the rotary knives. That is, the greater their rotation, the finer the grind. The main disadvantage of this method is the heterogeneity of grinding. The capacity of knife tools is usually no more 120 m

Conical or cylindrical millstones are used in grinders. They function like a grain mill, falling between the millstones, crushed and ground into small particles. The degree of grinding is regulated independently, and depends on the distance between the millstones. In this case, the degree of grinding is satisfied homogeneous. Capacity in these models - up to 300 g of coffee beans. Among all coffee grinders, this type of device is the most popular.

The main advantage, which distinguishes the grinder coffee grinder from the rotary, - is the presence of a container for ready-made ground coffee.

A hand-held coffee grinder is a great way to get the right amount of freshly ground fresh coffee. The manual version of the device consists of two millstones, one of which is attached to the bottom, and the second rotates due to the handle. The advantage of a coffee grinder is, that it is impossible to "burn" coffee. Pour the grains, turn the knob and behind 15-20 minutes you get the finished coffee powder, which is poured into a specially designed container.

Advice. Do not use a coffee grinder to grind other products, so as not to attract additional odors.

Instructions for grinding grains

How to properly grind coffee in an electric coffee grinder? To do this, follow this procedure:

  1. Make a coffee grinder.
  2. Fill it with grains.
  3. Turn on the appliance.
  4. Count the time: 10 seconds - coarse grinding, 13 seconds - average; 15-20 seconds - small and more 30 seconds - super thin.
  5. Open the lid and pour the ground grains.

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