How to properly wear and wear vacuum, overhead and other headphones

How to properly wear and wear vacuum, overhead and other headphones

There are some simple rules and hundreds of interesting life hacks about it, how to properly wear headphones or headset. Reply, it would seem, simple, but experienced users have repeatedly encountered such problems, as a drop of headphones, cracked wire in the cold or completely damaged hairstyles. Not to mention the factors of fashion trends, which have to be reckoned with.

Vacuum headphones "plugs"

In-ear or vacuum headphones have become quite common among users. They are comfortable, compact and, in theory, must be securely held in the ears. Quite a common problem, when using headphones is inconvenient: they either bring noticeable discomfort, or do not hold at all. It, usually, caused by the wrong choice of silicone vacuum headphones - then they cause pain and fall out of the ears. What to do in this case? Replace the headset, which causes unpleasant sensations.

How to wear vacuum headphones, the instruction describes, it is necessary to get acquainted with it before use or purchase. You can find information about it on the package, how to properly insert headphones.

Plug-in headphones are inserted into the ear canal, completely blocking external noise. There are several modifications of the device, each of which can be worn differently.

  1. Classic headphones can be worn with the wire down, but this is considered incorrect. The wire should pass behind the auricle, and the earphone itself is inserted from above. This method minimizes wiring oscillations, the headphones do not fall out of the wind or accidental touch.
  2. In some models, the wire is constructively wound up for the correct position in the ear. They can be worn in any way, although manufacturers, usually, well thought out nuances of ergonomics.
  3. If one wire is longer than the other, it can be wound through the neck: so the device will be almost invisible, and the wires will not cling and interfere.

Safety rules do not recommend making an effort, inserting a headset. Unfortunately, not uncommon, when the silicone pad remains inside the channel, and can only be removed by a traumatologist. If wearing the device is uncomfortable: presses on cartilage or scratches, then the device is not suitable for use.

Sulfur plugs in the ears are a common problem for those, who wears vacuum models for a long time without interruption. in addition, Prolonged listening to music is the beginning of the development of some diseases or hearing loss. It is enough to take a short break, to rule out possible health problems.

How to wear "inserts"

In-ear or droplet headphones are the simplest model. The advantages of such an accessory are obvious, they are compact and invisible. The diverse range can be divided into two groups: with one or more speakers. The larger the diameter of the membrane, the more built-in speakers, in accordance, wider frequency range.

Wear the device in the same way, as well as vacuum models, in three ways. Structurally different devices may differ in membrane size, direction or length of wire. How to wear in-ear headphones, manufacturers do not clearly distinguish.

Useful to know! Unlike intracanal, "Inserts" are not so securely held in the ears. To fix the wires, they can be passed under outerwear or fastened with a clip.

Modern man style

A famous saying, that "meet on clothes" exists for many years and is not without grounds. Creating your own style, can not be overlooked and the rules of etiquette. Regarding headphones, they should be removed when communicating with people. This nuance should be taken into account when wearing the device - the user should be comfortable to quickly remove and put on the accessory.

Clothing style dictates the choice of model: So, a bright monitor device does not go well with a business suit, but a good fit for sportswear. If you lower the bracket around your neck, full-size headphones can be combined even with casual wear, but it is a matter of taste.

Overhead "ears" are less noticeable, they can be worn with almost any outfit, naturally, excluding the official. In the cold season, an interesting solution for girls will be "warm" full-size accessories. They can be different colors and often become a full-fledged element of the image.

It is important to know! It is not recommended to wear headphones in winter in severe frosts. Plastic of medium or budget quality may crack. Wires often harden from the cold, which makes them fragile.

Suppose you put a full-size device on top of the cap, the sound will be slightly reduced, but for sports or walks the option is more than optimal.

And the last, what you need to consider are individual preferences. Some strict rules, how to wear headphones correctly or incorrectly, does not exist. If you have previously purchased devices of different models, then you already have an idea about it, how to wear headphones, and how to use them.

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