How to drink tequila with salt and lemon

Tequila, she is a mescal, she is Mexican vodka, she is a cactus moonshine, today it is known to anyone outside its homeland - Mexico. The drink itself, I must say, is the national pride of Mexicans and competes in the world market even with the most famous varieties of vodka or whiskey. However, not everyone knows, how to drink tequila. There are a few basic rules in this process as well, if you want, traditions, based on the use of different varieties of tequila.

Before we begin to consider the issue, how to drink and what to eat tequila, you should look at its types. There are only five varieties in Mexico:

  • silver;
  • gold;
  • young;
  • sustained;
  • sustained of the highest grade.

Better, Of course, take a more mature drink. Despite his fortress, easy to drink, plus everything - and the head does not hurt (truth, with a limited dose).

How to drink tequila with salt and lemon

To understand, how to properly drink tequila, or what to snack on a drink, it is not necessary to take master classes with native Mexicans. It is enough to know a few simple rules.

so, let's start with, how to drink tequila with salt and lemon, since this method is classic and, so to speak, generally accepted. There is only one caveat: it is better to use not lemon in the process of drinking, and lime, cut into quarters.

First you need to pour the drink into a small glass, then pour a little salt on the palm of your hand (in the hole between the thumb and forefinger), then lick the salt and tip the glass of tequila in one gulp and bite it all with a slice of lime. This method is mainly used for silver tequila.

No less popular is another option. You need to use golden tequila, which is poured into a special tall glass, called cabalito, about'єm 30-60 ml Orange cut into small half rings. Next, mix a little sugar with cinnamon powder, put a slice of orange in this mixture, drink tequila in one fell swoop and eat a sweet orange.

How to drink tequila boom

Tequila boom is no less popular (sometimes called tequila boom). In principle, it is a cocktail. Why the name is called "boom"? Everything is very simple. The point is, that tequila is mixed with carbonated beverages and shaken, then foam is formed.

How to drink tequila boom? It's so simple! Pour 30 ml of tequila in a wide glass with a strong bottom, then add approximately 150 ml of "Sprite" or any other tonic, then cover the top of the glass with a stand or palm and beat the glass against the bar to form a stable foam.

This cocktail is drunk exclusively in one gulp. But the effect of it is much stronger, than from tequila in pure form.

When you add beer, you get a "Mexican ruff", which literally falls off its feet.

What to eat tequila

Now let's see, than to eat tequila, except citrus, after all, our husband is not limited to one glass, and with the use of lime or orange, the horizontal position can be taken much faster.

Experts in question, than to snack on this drink, advise seafood. Example:

  • mussels, fried with onions,
  • fried shrimp with garlic or garlic sauce,
  • boiled shrimp with kiwi slices and chips (mini sandwiches),
  • etc.. d.

You can also eat deep-fried pita bread with steak or cheese. However, eating tequila while eating is not recommended.

How to drink tequila, so as not to get drunk

The issue of tequila intoxication is quite acute. Naturally, do not get carried away with the dose. in addition, as already mentioned, tequila boom affects a person at a higher level, than a drink in its pure form.

In general, there are no special recommendations in this regard, although with the right snacks (as described above) the onset of alcohol intoxication can be somewhat slowed down.

The main thing, To drink tequila and not get drunk - the snack should contain a significant amount of fat and protein, which interfere with the absorption of alcohol in the blood.

However, our man has never had such rules by decree. Yet, though, that tequila is easy to drink, and after it there is almost no hangover syndrome, you still have to keep yourself in check, because you can get drunk much faster, compared even with vodka or cognac. In general, than to eat tequila, this is everyone's business, after all it is considered, that consumption while drinking lime or orange is no more, than the usual exotic advertising gimmick, designed to warm up interest in the drink.

And what do you drink tequila with?, share your original drinking recipes in the comments. Well, rushed: licked, drank, bitten…

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