Categories: Auto

How to flush the engine when changing the oil: different ways

The need to flush the engine of old oil and dirt arises for various reasons: for prevention, when switching from one type of oil to another, in emergency situations, when we had to mix oils of different types and manufacturers, after significantly exceeding the recommended service replacement interval, etc.. P. Slight overheating of the engine or its frequent operation in the modes of the maximum loadings can serve as the reason for washing.

We also recommend reading the article about it, whether it is possible to mix motor oils of different classes and manufacturers. In this article you will learn about it, which types of motor oils are compatible with each other, as well as what types of lubricants it is not desirable to mix.

The point is, that in the conditions of strong heating and rigid operation engine oil can lose the useful properties prematurely, as a result, it is recommended to additionally clean the lubrication system before the next scheduled replacement. Next we will consider, the better to rinse the engine before changing the oil, and answer questions, how to use engine oil.

How to flush the engine when changing the oil: diesel, "Five minutes", rinsing or ordinary oil

Today, there are several practical ways to flush the engine before changing the lubricant. Each of them has its advantages, and certain shortcomings. Some drivers wash the engine of the so-called "five minutes", others use washing oil, others pour ordinary oil and simply reduce the interval of its replacement by up to two times.

There are also many motorists, who never use flushing before changing the oil, and there are some, which pour ordinary diesel fuel into the engine. Now let's talk about popular washing methods in more detail.

We also recommend reading the article about it, which oil is better to fill in the engine, synthetics or semi-synthetics. In this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of these types of oils, and in which cases it is advisable to pour a fully synthetic or semi-synthetic product.

Flushing the engine with diesel fuel

Let's start with that, how to flush the engine with diesel fuel before changing the oil. Note, that this method was actively used by motorists 10-15 years ago, moreover, drivers often practiced diesel fuel washing on domestic models (VAZ, GAS, ZAZ, etc.) at independent change of engine oil.

The advantages include that, that such processing is a cheap and easy option. As for efficiency and expediency, even many owners of domestic cars have long been skeptical of such washing, and the owners of more technically complex and "whimsical" foreign cars completely bypassed this procedure. Let's understand.

It is well known, that diesel dissolves well and washes away various pollution, and also has a certain ability to lubricate. For this reason, the use of such flushing seems quite justified, because in theory it allows you to wash the channels of the engine lubrication system, remove dirt and deposits from the surfaces of parts.

In parallel, it should be taken into account, that diesel fuel:

  • is not a special detergent, resulting in the effectiveness of this method is questionable.
  • partial removal of contaminants after washing the engine with diesel fuel can not be considered sufficient to clean the engine.

pay attention, even the use of special means does not always provide a positive effect. Given this statement, the great benefits of diesel fuel are all the more not to be expected. But it can cause harm, since diesel contains many impurities, which additionally pollute the internal combustion engine. Also, the use of diesel fuel leads to swelling of the seals, gaskets and seals, resulting in oil leaks.

Another disadvantage is that, that diesel can soften, but is not able to dissolve the deposits inside the engine. The result is that, that after hit of diesel fuel in the pallet and softening of deposits which have accumulated there last clog a grid filter of the oil receiver. The consequences for the engine are obvious: oil starvation, increased wear or rapid failure of the unit.

It becomes quite obvious, that although diesel fuel can qualitatively wash the parts of the disassembled engine, it is not recommended to pour it into the lubrication system before changing the oil. If you still lean towards this method, then the whole process of washing the engine with diesel fuel is as follows.

  1. It is necessary to prepare 5-10 liters of quality diesel fuel and, in some cases, close 5-7 liters of cheap motor oil (depending on the degree of contamination of the internal combustion engine). Next you need to decide, whether you will fill in the engine only diesel fuel or in addition dilute it with oil. The point is, that some drivers dilute the oil with diesel fuel in proportion 50/50, as such a mixture is considered a more optimal option. At the same time you need to buy a minimum 2 oil filters. One of them may be the simplest and most affordable, as after washing it will be replaced, that is, its further work is not planned.
  2. The next step is to warm up the engine to operating temperature, after which the plug in the pallet could be unscrewed from the case and the fulfilled oil merges, the old oil filter can also be removed. Then a new oil filter is installed, in which a little fresh oil is poured. We do not screw a stopper in the pallet.
  3. Now through the oil filler neck in the engine you can pour plenty of liters of pure diesel fuel or a mixture of oil and diesel fuel, which will flow through the drain hole in the pan.
  4. Then the drain plug can be tightened, then add diesel fuel or a mixture of oil and diesel fuel to the mark "max" on the probe. Then start the engine 10-15 seconds. During operation, you can press lightly on the gas and raise the speed. Increasing the speed leads to an increase in pressure in the lubrication system and better cleaning of channels and parts.
  5. Then you need to shut down the engine, then allow the power plant to cool slightly (close 2 minutes). After that the drain plug could get out of the case, the washing liquid is removed, a new portion is poured. The procedure is repeated several times, increasing the duration in time. pay attention, the motor must not be allowed to heat up during rinsing at each stage 50 degrees Celsius. When the temperature reaches the specified mark, the unit must be switched off immediately, giving her time to cool down.
  6. Completion of the procedure is a drain from the flushing system, then the drain plug is not screwed, as it is necessary to fill diesel fuel in the engine again and to wash out the pallet once again.
  7. When all the leftovers are drained, you can tighten the drain plug and pour the previously prepared cheap engine oil. After that, you can let the engine run close 15-20 minutes before reaching operating temperatures, also some drivers are driving 2-3 kilometers at low and medium speeds (2500-3000 rpm). Residues of diesel fuel and exfoliated contaminants are washed off the surfaces and mixed with the poured oil.
  8. Next, the specified oil must be completely drained, and remove the oil filter. Now you can pour normal oil and install a quality oil filter, that is to carry out planned change of oil in the engine.

Care should be taken during this cleaning procedure, how much sediment and dirt is washed away at each stage. For a heavily contaminated oil system, speed increases or prolonged operation of the internal combustion engine in the initial stages of flushing are unacceptable actions.. An indicator of the degree of contamination is the general condition of the drained washing liquid. The pressure in the lubrication system and the flushing time can only be increased, when viscous deposits are washed away.

After washing (especially pure diesel fuel) should be prepared for that, that the engine can be started with great difficulty at every stage. The point is, that diesel fuel has insufficient lubricating effect, as a result, the crankshaft becomes more difficult to turn the starter. This is a big disadvantage of washing with diesel fuel, as there is an increased wear of the engine at each start. Also, before rinsing with diesel fuel, it is desirable to recharge the battery and make sure the starter is working.

Five minute wash, flushing oil and reduction of base oil change interval

The use of special tools allows you to count on the best quality of engine flushing, as such solutions contain active detergent components to remove various contaminants. There are two main types of flushing: "Five minutes" and washing oil;

The so-called "five minutes" is a detergent additive in waste oil, on which the engine runs for several minutes before changing the lubricant. The compositions are actively used during service oil change. Their obvious disadvantages rightly include the negative impact on the seals, seals and other elements.

Flushing oils are similar solutions, which are divided into two types:

  • the first type is a product, which is filled into the motor after a complete drain of the test. Then the unit runs for some time at idle, then the wash oil is drained and poured fresh. Note, that such oils do not have sufficient lubricity, so you can't ride them. To understand, how much to wash the engine with washing oil of this type, just look at the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the package.
  • the second type is a less common option, when the engine is operated on the fuel oil in gentle mode (avoiding revs above 2000 and load) several tens of kilometers. Then you need to drain the rinse and pour fresh lubricant. The composition of the washing oil of this type is usually a mineral oil, adapted for short-term work in the internal combustion engine. This wash contains an enhanced package of detergents for effective cleaning. Let's add, that although the use of this oil is the least dangerous for the engine, such products are being actively pushed out of the market by "five minutes" and other washing, which allow you to remove dirt faster.

It is also worth noting, that although the washing oil for a diesel engine or gasoline engine is a target development, simplifies the cleaning process and allows you to achieve good results, it can also aggressively affect various elements of the motor.

Given the above, unequivocally answer the question, which flushing oil is best for a gasoline engine, does not work. A similar situation is observed in the case of diesel. The general recommendation is that, that it is better to use more expensive and necessarily original washing oils of well-known brands, which promise minimal damage to the engine.

We also recommend reading a separate article about it, whether to use engine flushing at all before changing the oil. In this article you will learn about the feasibility of this procedure, as well as the possible consequences of engine flushing.

Given all the risks, many motorists prefer another affordable way - to reduce the intervals of replacement of ordinary oil in the engine. If easier, quality oil already includes a package of detergents, which are much less aggressive to rubber and other parts of the internal combustion engine compared to special flushing, diesel fuel, etc.. d. It turns out, enough to pour good oil, on which you plan to continue to ride, then ride on it 2-3 thousand. km. and pour the same again.

Let's add, that several such replacements will suffice when changing one oil to another, as well as for washing lightly contaminated lubrication system, which allows you to do without the use of special tools. The downside is that, that this method is quite expensive, as it is necessary to change engine oil and the oil filter at least twice for a short period of time.



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