Categories: Auto

How to flush the engine with flushing oil

As you know, the cleanliness of the lubrication system and the entire engine is one of the most important components for the normal operation of the engine. Many motorists in the course of operation of the vehicle heard or actively applied in practice such decision, as flushing the engine before changing the engine oil.

Sometimes there is also an urgent need to flush the oil system in case of some emergency faults (example, abundant oil or antifreeze oil, etc.). In the list of possible methods of washing there are several available options.

To be precise, you can wash the motor:

  • diesel (gas) or a mixture of it with engine oil;
  • active rinsing "five minutes" for quick cleaning;
  • by means of ready full-volume washing oil;

If washing with diesel fuel is more practiced in garages and is done mainly on old motors, special tools are actively used even in some official car repair shops. Note, that each of these methods has certain advantages, and shortcomings.

In this article, we intend to discuss the latter method in detail, namely to raise the issue of washing oil. Next we'll talk about that, whether to use flushing oil when changing the oil in the internal combustion engine, how to use washing oil, as well as what such washing consists of, what results should be expected and when the use of such flushes is undesirable for the motor.

What do you need washing oil for?

It is well known, that different types of engine oils are oil-based, to which a package of chemical additives is added. These additives provide the lubricant with anti-seizure and cleaning properties, make the oil resistant to oxidation, etc.. d.

In those cases, when the engine is working, it uses quality oil of the same type and brand, which according to the tolerances and recommendations meets the requirements of the manufacturer of the power unit, as well as the oil is changed strictly according to the regulations and taking into account the operating conditions, then in the motor there is no intensive accumulation of various pollution and deposits.

All wear products, which accumulate in the oil, effectively removed from the engine when changing oil. If one or more of the above requirements is violated (example, the owner often switches from one type of oil to another, service intervals have been increased, motor worn, etc.), then precipitation will inevitably accumulate in the engine.

The oil quickly loses its properties after overheating, the decomposition of the lubricant. On worn out engines quite often there is an active hit of hot exhaust gases from the combustion chamber in a crankcase.. Quite obviously, that in such conditions the oil is contaminated and coked, deposited in the form of indelible deposits on the walls of the crankcase and oil channels.

It turns out, slime, soot and decay products of the triggered package of additives contaminate the oil system. For this reason, engine flushing may be required to remove various deposits before the next oil change.

It is still important to understand, that it is not possible to completely drain the used oil from the internal combustion engine in the usual ways. If you take into account, what's left in the engine 15% working off, as well as that, that mixing oils is not recommended, pre-washing eliminates the possibility of undesirable consequences after mixing the remnants of old and new oil.

Even if the same type of oil is used, when interacting with fresh oil, the old material causes rapid oxidation of the new, that is, there is a significant reduction in the life of fresh oil. It turns out, fresh butter will not be able to fulfill the entire claimed resource, continuing to create deposits.

This information is also relevant in this case, when planned, example, transition from synthetics to mineral oil (it is forbidden to mix such oil bases among themselves). Flushing in this situation helps to replace the remaining old oil, to avoid side effects.

The composition of the washing oil

Let's start with that, that the washing oil for the petrol engine and the diesel engine can differ in the basis and the used packages of additives.

Such oils may have a mineral base, be synthetic or semi-synthetic products.

The main difference between these oils and conventional materials is that, that the viscosity of the wash oil is reduced. The difference is also noticeable in the change in flash point and ash content. It is quite logical, that the manufacturer does not expect a long service life of such a product in the internal combustion engine, focusing on cleaning the engine even in the most inaccessible parts of the power unit.

For this reason, the viscosity of the washing oil should be lower, than the usual base. In the composition of quality washing oils there are dispersing and washing additives, stabilizers, antiwear additives, etc.. d. Manufacturers also take into account the characteristics of a particular type of internal combustion engine. This means, that diesel engine flushing oil may have special unique additives, different from analogues for gasoline engines.

It is worth using washing oil

Now let's answer the question, whether it is possible to wash the engine with washing oil. First of all, it is necessary to proceed from a specific situation. If the engine is clean and the type of oil is used, which can be mixed, then rinsing is usually not required. To flush the engine, it will be enough to reduce the interval of change of the used oil for the first time on 50-60%, and in the second on 30-40%.

If the motor is dirty, but not much, then you can use washing oil. In situations, when the oil system of the power unit is thoroughly contaminated, a separate consultation with motorists is required. The point is, that flushing oil can soften heavy dirt, but do not dissolve them.

As a result, the oil pan grid is often clogged, there is a blockage of the channels of the lubrication system, contaminants fall into the compensators, etc.. P. The result is an oil starvation, significant wear or failure of individual engine components.

We will add, that washing oils are divided into two types. The main difference will be the peculiarity of the application. If simple, some warehouses are filled into the engine, then the unit is idling 10-15 minutes. Other wash oils suggest that, that on such lubricant the car can be operated some tens or even hundreds of kilometers. At the same time it is forbidden to load the motor.

By the way, thanks to this information it becomes clear, whether it is possible to drive on washing oil. The answer will be yes, but only if flushing is specifically designed for this. If you aerate or ride on washing oil, which is not designed for such working conditions (do not forget about the reduced viscosity of such compositions), then the risk of damage to parts and engine failure increases significantly.

It should also be noted, that flushing, on which you can ride, today they are very rare. They were replaced by washing oils for quick cleaning. Usually, they are considered a less harmful way to flush the engine than five-minute cleaners.

First of all, as a part of full-volume washing oils less active washing components, than in rapid washing, which is poured into old used oil. This means, that the effect on seals and seals when using flushing oils is clearly more gentle. Also, many experts and car owners note, that washing oil washes away dirt better, since it runs longer in the engine.

How to flush the engine with flushing oil

  • The process of flushing the engine with this tool is not very difficult. At the very beginning, the used old oil must be drained.
  • Then the engine is filled with flushing material. It's not hard to guess, how much engine oil you need. This product is full volume, that is, its amount is similar to the volume of oil usually, which is poured into the internal combustion engine regularly.
  • Also, some drivers are interested, how to pour washing oil. In this case, the filling is made at the level or even closer to the mark "max". The reduced viscosity of the product allows this to be done without risk to the internal combustion engine.
  • Then you need to start the engine, allowing the unit to idle 10-15 minutes. The washing time should be specified for different formulations, having studied the packaging in advance. Usually all the information about it, how long to flush the engine with flushing oil, specified by the manufacturer and contained on the label.
  • Remember, in case of using this type of washing it is forbidden to aerate on idle, as the flushing oil will not be able to protect the motor under load. At the end of cleaning the motor should be stopped, drain the flush with the engine, then change the oil filter and pour fresh oil.

How much is washing oil and which to choose

There are many engine cleaning solutions on the market today. Every manufacturer strives to attract customers, promising cleanliness and the absence of harmful effects of flushing on the motor and its parts, as well as fresh oil after pouring.

It is necessary to understand, that any cleaning composition contains packages of alkaline detergents and other additives. Anyhow, but the properties of rubber products are affected by such additives. Now let's look at some of the most popular and common sentences from the list of quick washes and cleansing oils.

  • Quick flushing Liqui Moly allows you to effectively clean the lubrication system of the power unit, occupying leading positions in the rankings of the best washing oils and detergents. Good removes accumulated deposits, washes the walls of the channels and the surface of the parts. The average cost is about 20.e..
  • ZIC flushing oil provides high-quality motor cleaning. Safe enough for seals and other sealing parts. Does not contribute to the oxidation of fresh engine oil in the engine. The canister of such washing costs about 15 у.е..
  • Eneos has not only outstanding cleaning properties, but also prevents blockage of the channels of the oil system. The composition is able to contain contaminants and impurities in the form of a suspension. Capacity with 4 liters of this oil will cost about 22 USD.

We also recommend reading the article about it, how to flush the engine with diesel fuel before changing the oil. In this article you will learn about the features of this method of cleaning the oil system, as well as how to rinse the engine with diesel fuel properly.

  • Among the washing oils of domestic production should be noted Lukoil. The solution is affordable and cleans the power unit well. The composition uses a rich package of additives, which provide anti-wear properties, quickly dissolve all sorts of contaminants. The price for such washing is about 14.e..
  • Another well-known product is Rosneft wash oil. The washing composition is a mineral oil, which additionally contains detergent additives that are safe for gaskets and seals. Qualitatively dissolves sludge soot, removes various deposits from the lubrication system. You can use flushing as in gasoline, and diesel internal combustion engines, in order to remove dirt and for preventive cleaning. The price is on the average around 15 у.е..
  • Also noteworthy is the washing oil of TNCs. The Promo Express product is a popular solution, is actively used in the conditions of technical stations. The solution is a successful combination of effective cleaning properties at an affordable price. The average cost is about 13 у.е..

As you can see, imported warehouses are often almost twice the value of domestic products. The cleaning properties are at about the same level. As for the impact on the seals, oil seals and gaskets, practical operation shows some advantage of foreign solutions (especially Liqui Moly, Shell, ZIC and Eneos) against the background of other washing oils.

Features of the use of flushing and a few words about fakes

Like any other popular product, washing oils can be counterfeit. For this reason, there is a significant risk. The point is, what are these products, usually, have cleaning properties, but do not contain expensive anti-emergency and anti-wear additives.

This means, that after their application burrs of crankshaft liners can be formed. The reason is clear, as the composition washes away contamination, the amount of waste and contaminants in the oil increases, however, the flushing fluid does not provide adequate protection.

It is also important to consider, that before the use of washing compositions (regardless of their quality), you also need to change the oil filter. It turns out, one filter is placed before rinsing. At the end of the process, this filter is removed, a new one is installed in its place.

This approach avoids an unpleasant situation, when an old dirty filter can become completely clogged when using a flush. If easier, cleaner washes away dirt, clogging the filter element. Then the bypass valve is opened and the flow of dirty oil goes directly into the motor past the filter. In this case, the oil pan can also become clogged, oil starvation will start in the engine.

As for the seals, seals and gaskets, small cracks appear in such products during operation. Sludge accumulates in these cracks, contaminants settle. The accumulation of these contaminants allows the parts to remain airtight, since the defects are literally clogged.

However, the use of washing can result in leaching of such deposits. As a result, it is a frequent phenomenon, (especially on worn-out internal combustion engines), there is a leak of oil through oil seals and gaskets after the use of washing compositions.

Flushing oil or washing - "five minutes": which is better to use

The main competitor of washing oils is fast washing. Their main difference is that, that such funds are poured into waste oil, restoring and increasing its cleaning properties. In other words, liquids are packed in containers on 300-350 ml, they are added to the old oil and allow the engine to run on this mixture at idle for a few minutes. The whole subsequent process is similar to work with washing oils.

Let's note at once, five minutes have high cleaning properties and are quite aggressive additive. At the same time when using them must be taken into account, what old oil is poured into the engine, its quality, condition, etc.. P. It is not difficult to understand, that the basis for the removal of deposits from the motor will already be available in the engine testing, but not 300 ml of washings.

Also, when using five minutes, be sure to follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer of the composition. Such an aggressive drug should not be kept in the engine. If specified in the instructions, that the flushing motor must be running 5 minutes, then in no case is his work allowed close 20 minutes and more.

You still need to remember, that after draining the oil 10-15% amount of work, additionally mixed with aggressive washing, remains in the engine. At the same time five minutes have stronger influence on fresh oil in comparison with washing full-volume products..

We also recommend reading the article about it, how to flush a diesel engine when changing oil. In this article you will learn about the features and nuances of washing a diesel power unit.

It turns out, in most cases it is optimal to use washing oils, not five minutes. The only drawback is the large amount of work (you must first drain the used lubricating fluid, then wash oil) and the higher cost of such solutions compared to active detergent additives.

Tips and tricks

so, let's summarize, in which cases it is necessary to think separately about the need to flush the engine and how to do it right. First of all, you need to use rinsing then, when the history of car maintenance is not known (example, purchase of a used vehicle).

In this situation, the engine is flushed, then the motor is filled appropriately according to tolerances and viscosity (API і SAE) base oils. Then the oil drains through 1-2 thousand. km. Then the exact same oil is poured again (without the use of washing), while the average replacement interval increases to 4-5 thousand. km.

This method is considered the best rinsing, since the base engine oil also contains a range of active detergents, which are less aggressive. The only downside is the high cost of the method, as frequent lubricant changes are required until then, until the waste oil begins to merge normal in consistency and color of waste oil.

Only a gradual increase in the replacement interval can effectively remove scale and sludge from the motor, as well as the remnants of the washing itself. It is also recommended to rinse the lubrication system before changing the oil, when the driver decided to switch to another type of oil. Example, the change is made from mineral oil to synthetics or hydrocracking products.

It is undesirable to mix these types of oils, as a precipitate may form, which clogs the oil channels. Another power unit is washed in cases, when the emergency refueling was carried out earlier, which is different from the one poured into the motor. In other words, mixing took place again. Additionally, washing is recommended even then, when there is a transition to oil with similar properties and within the same brand, but already a class higher.



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