Categories: Finances

Як скласти бізнес-план — зразок з розрахунками + ready examples

Hi, Dear readers of the online magazine about money! This article will talk about that, how to make a business plan. This publication is a direct guide to action, which will turn a raw business idea into a confident step-by-step plan for a clear task.

We will consider:

  • What is a business plan and why do you need it?;
  • How to make a business plan;
  • How to structure and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

At the end of the topic we will show the main mistakes of start-up entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating a quality and well-thought-out business plan, which will bring the realization of your idea and success affairs in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished work, which you can just use, and you can take as a basis for the development of your project. Ready-made examples of submitted business plans can be downloaded for free.

in addition, we will answer the most common questions and find out, why a business plan, if it is so necessary, not everyone writes.

so, let's start in order!

The structure of the business plan and the content of its main sections - a step-by-step guide to its preparation

1. How to make a business plan - detailed instructions on how to write it yourself

Wanting to start your own business as soon as possible, many entrepreneurs start right away, without realizing it, what their actions will bring in the future.

There is another situation, when a person spends most of his time dreaming about wonderful dreams, doing nothing, because he does not know, from which side to approach the realization of the desired.

In both cases, the following is obtained: not having a clear plan of action, the businessman gets lost in a rather confusing world of economy and eventually loses the desire for the goal.

To start your own business, It is very important to write a competent business plan, which will play the role of a card on the field of struggle for one's own idea.

1.1. Business plan - what is it (concepts and purposes)

Despite the ambiguity of the term business plan, it can be given a fairly clear decipherment for its compiler:

Business plan - this is a clear guide for the creator of the document and investors, which by means of mechanisms of business system leads the basic described idea to realization in the material world.

Such a document is created on the basis of three knowledge of your idea, which will form the basis of all your further actions. Only a clear understanding of these things can give that a starting point, which will eventually lead you to the goal.

Here they are 3 knowledge is the key to the success of any project:

  1. Place, the level you are at now. That is, if you are an employee wishing to open your own shop, realize, what skills do you not have, what amount do you have to invest, what is the equipment, rooms, communication and so on.
  2. The end result. This should not be a dream from the series "I want to be rich". You need to be clear about the turnover of your business, what a profit, what a place in the market and all in the same spirit;
  3. You need to clearly describe and understand what steps will lead you from the first point to the second. Of course, everything cannot be calculated, however, it should be as accurate and detailed as possible, according to your realities understand, how to act.

Having dealt with these three bases, you can proceed to the next stage of preparation for the implementation of your business idea.

1.2. Why write a business plan and why you need it - 2 main goals

There are two main goals to creating a business plan. In each case, it is necessary to pay attention to certain information.

Goal №1. Drawing up a business plan for investors

In this situation it is necessary to understand, what is your main task, which will be performed by the mentioned document, - is to take money from investors, prove, that they will be used rationally.

Does not matter, whether you will need to repay the loan later or the money will be given to you irrevocably as grants or subsidies, you have to present the realization of your idea as beautifully and weightily as possible.

To do this, your work must have some characteristics:

  1. logical presentation, which is clarity, justification of each described action, procedure or term. Doubt something - do not write or study this aspect in more detail. Especially since this text may well ask you a few awkward questions, on which the overall decision will depend.
  2. The beauty of the story. Everything should be described smoothly and elegantly, do not use "negative" words, and the term "risks" should be kept away from the figures or kept to a minimum. You can decorate or smooth out this or that problem, with which difficulties may arise, but you, if desired, you will cope with it. However, it is worth considering, that you don't have to make unfulfillable commitments, even on paper, is in jeopardy.
  3. Confident delivery. Very important, so that you can adapt to make an appropriate presentation, found supporting statistics on the example of another company and all in the same spirit. Try and behave and say so, as if you were saying obvious things. Speak clearly, so that even a child could understand. Investors can be head and shoulders smarter than you, and trying to hide behind clever words will show insecurity and lack of business experience. People need to understand you as much as possible and absorb the spirit of the business idea.

Following these rules will give you a much better chance of attracting significant capital through your business planning.

Goal №2. Make a business plan for yourself

In this case, the business plan is written solely as a guide to action just for you. It is necessary to calculate everything you need and, based on their own capabilities, take effect.

This plan should be as close as possible to your real situation, in which you will open a business.

It all looks like this: Вам для організації роботи офісу необхідно купити меблі. Enter here 15 chairs on 1500 rubles, 5 tables on 7000 rubles and 2 cabinets for papers, standing on 4 thousands each. In the end it turns out a round sum. But you do remember, that you have a chipboard in the garage from which you can assemble the necessary cabinets, my father had an extra five chairs, and one table is ready to donate one to you on a charitable basis. As a result, budget for the device of the office "lose weight" in front of your eyes.

Such savings, especially in the early stages, is absolutely important for any business. It will depend on this, how quickly and efficiently you will develop.

What mistakes can be made here?

The two plans are often confused, when a person, instead of, to clearly explain to the investor what exactly his money will be used for, tries to save them in advance. If for quality work you need 10 couriers with a fixed salary, and should write.

Tell, that your three friends can run, when not at work, only Fedya is often ill, and Lyosha has a one-year-old son, in no case is it possible. Інвестор чекає від вас чіткої кошторису, allocating for which money he wants guarantees, rather than excuses.

Before creating a business plan, you need to clearly understand for whom you are writing it. If you have not yet decided on this, most likely your work will be in vain.

1.3. Make a business plan correctly!

How to make a business plan? This requires a clear understanding of the situation, in which you are now. Analysis of the current situation is the basis for future action. To spend it, you need to mobilize all the information you have.

If something is not clear, there are white spots left or you do not understand something - clarify, in the future it will solve a lot.

Don't do it yourself? This is an occasion to find a specialist on the issue. The tested technology for analysis is considered to be quite simple, but effective SWOT analysis.

1.4. We use a new tool - SWOT-analysis

What SWOT-analysis? The name of the method literally contains its general meaning:

  • Strengths — переваги;
  • Weakness — недоліки;
  • Opportunities — можливості (that can give);
  • Threats — загрози (risks).

The idea is just that, to assess all these factors, moreover, both within the company, and external influences. It should be as objective as possible and give the most realistic picture of the starting positions.

It should look something like this:

Advantages (+) such a decision:

  • The cost of production is quite low;
  • There will be only specialists in the team;
  • In essence, the idea is innovation;
  • The packaging will have an eye-catching look, the service will be available.

Disadvantages (-) ideas:

  • No personal retail space;
  • The brand has poor recognition.

usually items opportunities and threats combine together and divide after into two levels. The first implies external factors, to which the firm itself, its leaders and even investors are irrelevant and cannot influence.

Suitable for this role:

  • Political and economic situation in your area, country or in general, in the world;
  • Features of the character of the population of your region, his ability to buy;
  • How advanced is the technological side in your field;
  • What is the demographic situation and so on.

After studying these factors, move away from macro trends and closer to reality, concerning the idea itself. They are usually derived from global phenomena.


  • If the technology in your area is not very developed, you can bring some innovation and get a significant market share yourself;
  • Expect additional investment from the state or other investors;
  • Take into account the local flavor in the organization of advertising and design and increase through this sale.


  • Large fees at customs for the import of raw materials:
  • Great competition in the developing field of business.

This SWOT-analysis is performed quite easily and quickly, however better, especially in the first time not to hurry, and think about each item as carefully as possible.

Preparing a solid ground for writing a quality business plan, you can start studying and writing its sections.

Detailed analysis of how to write a business plan yourself according to a template

2. The structure and content of the business plan - the main sections

Dealing with that, for whom a business plan is written, for what purpose it is done and how it changes depending on the direction and other nuances, you can start studying the sections and subsections of this document.

2.1. It all starts with the cover letter

Preparing the right cover letter is no less important, than any other part of the plan. To do it well, it is necessary to enter there such information as:

  • full name of the project, under development;
  • organization name, for which the developed documentation was created;
  • organization location - country and city must be specified;
  • all phone numbers needed to communicate;
  • data of the owner of the organization and the compiler of the documentation itself;
  • date, to which the document was created.

In addition, this page may contain some information of a financial nature. This is done for that, to immediately attract investors or creditors.

You will need to specify the time in this section of the title page, for which the project will pay off, what is the planned income after the implementation of the idea, what is the need to obtain investment resources and how many will be needed.

Having indicated all of the above, it is worth considering that information, which will allow or not allow third parties to study the document. This is usually done as a simple sentence, that the paper cannot be shown to anyone else.

2.2. writing a resume

This is the first informative part of the work, which is the most important. Strange as it may sound, but it is on these first pages that most investors and lenders make up their first and, as experience shows, often the last thought.

The point is that resume - this is a summary of all the work, about each of its sections, about the conclusions made in them.

Is it worth talking about, that all this should look as attractive as possible, but overdo it, not worth it either. Most investors are well aware of what is real, and that's not very much, therefore paints need to be added to a reasonable limit.

This section is written then, when all the others are finished, all calculations are ready and so on, necessary information. In the resume you will reveal the tasks and the essence of the whole project, so paragraphs should be present here, dedicated:

  • first of all the immediate goals of the project, his task;
  • resources, which are planned for a pleasant stay;
  • methods of realization of the intended;
  • as far as possible success in this enterprise, the description should take into account the novelty and relevance for the target audience;
  • amount, which the project owner wants to borrow, since he himself does not have such funds;
  • all the data about it, how and when, resources taken from investors and creditors will be returned;
  • short, brief information on performance indicators.

It is not necessary to paint everything beautifully in the resume. Confident figures and clear data should speak for you here.

The point is, that this section should be short - one and a half - two pages and "shock", to inspire people, which can give you money. Show, that they are also interested in implementing this project.

2.3. Setting clear goals

This part of the business plan is dedicated to that, what you want to achieve. It will be either a certain activity, or products or services you create. Here it is very important to mark such moments:

  1. Be sure to mention the technological processes, which you intend to use. It is not necessary to go into all the details and list all the details. To do this, it is better to develop a separate application, which will include all the consistent and detailed information on the entire technology embodying the goal.
  2. Clearly state, highlight and bring the evidence base under those advantages, which consumers will receive;
  3. It is also worth proving, what is that, what you are going to do uniquely. What exactly, not so important. This may be the lowest cost of production on the market, which you were able to achieve thanks to the cheapest suppliers or certain terms of the contract with them or the creation of a special, technology not repeated by anyone;
  4. Immediately after that you need to specify, that you are not going to stop there, and intend to, develop the business further. Show possible ways to develop the same technology or increase production itself, attracting new suppliers or developing new methods to achieve the goal;
  5. Also, if you own unique patents or copyrights, this must be specified, to build investor confidence in the originality of the offer.

Well-thought-out and completed items in this section will help convince creditors of this, that your future idea will stay afloat, and will not be absorbed by competitors.

2.4. We analyze the industry, to which the idea belongs

This section is important and will help win the trust of investors, if drawn up honestly and in as much detail as possible.

First, what you need to do is analyze the market, on which you are going to work. It is important to say, what is his condition, that it sells well, and that's not very much, how technically equipped it is and where it lags behind. The fresher and more relevant the information will be, the better.

Having written all this, you will get a background to implement your idea. Here you can tell the show, what niche will your project occupy, what will be its prospects for development.

In addition to the internal state of the market and need to describe external factors, example, general crisis or shortage of skilled labor in the region. Everything, which may affect the effectiveness of your idea.

The more details you take into account, you will find answers and solutions to them, the more impressive the project will look in the eyes of investors and creditors. This will increase the competitiveness of your business and give the owner ready-made algorithms to solve many pre-calculated problems.

Competitors in this field should not be left out. If your project is not completely unique (example, no one sells flowers or books in this region), then listing their products, its benefits, opportunities for their business, will only increase investor confidence in you. Of course, your own idea should stand out against this background.

Also a great addition would be to make a portrait of a typical buyer of your product or service. Identify the target audience, occasion, for which she will need you, reasons, why a person will come to you.

It is not necessary to paint the accumulation of different situations. Compose and systematize the overall image, which will contain the main idea of ​​your product. Probably, he will leave the national team, but it's not scary. All right, whether it will be compiled with knowledge of at least the basics of psychology or some statistics will be given.

2.4. Assessment of the company's capabilities within the industry

This is one of the most important points, as it actually demonstrates that, what are you capable of with your idea.

Include the following information in this section:

  • services and products, which will be sold by your organization, directions of its activity;
  • all administrative and legal data: when the organization was created, how many employees in it, how many partners, who are they, which is the general structure, who is the specific owner, information on the organizational and legal form;
  • Economic and financial indicators of the organization, without details, in general form;
  • Information about personal property of the organization, its physical location, address of its premises, in general, all, what can be seen on the map;
  • Details of selected activities, example, if it is agriculture, then the seasonality of work or if it is the delivery of drunks home, then it's night mode and so on.

Particular attention should be paid to this point in the case of opening a new case. In this case, the description of each item should be more detailed, and more thorough elaboration. New items on the probability of successful development and data on the abilities and skills of the owner will be added.

This section is basic, as its main task is to convince investors and creditors, that the whole idea will really work, it is reliable and promising.

2.5. Full information about that, that you are going to sell

Here you need to tell all the information about the served product in terms of that, who will buy it, that is, the consumer. A great idea would be to add to the section high-quality and beautiful photos of products. You will need to clearly write the description and technical parameters.

This should be stated in the following sequence:

  • product name;
  • How to use it, what it is for;
  • Description of important characteristics, enumeration of secondary;
  • Highlighting benefits, emphasis on its competitiveness;
  • If you have copyright or patents on the product in whole or in part, note this;
  • If you need to get a license, the right to produce or sell - be sure to indicate this;
  • Certificates, which indicate the quality of the goods, should also be included in this list;
  • Impact on human health and the environment;
  • Complete delivery information, the appearance of the package;
  • What are the guarantees for the product, where and how you can get service;
  • Data on that, what are the performance characteristics of the product;
  • How can you dispose of the product afterwards, as its service life expires.

Taking into account all the points, you will get a quality description.

Marketing planning in a business plan

2.6. Marketing plan and its preparation

After, how did you deal with the assessment of the industry, product and its place in this market, it is necessary to pass directly to strategy of its advancement. To do this, you need to calculate the amount of consumption and potential buyers. In addition, you will have to describe the levers of influence on demand, which may include price fluctuations, launch of an advertising campaign, improving the quality of goods and all in the same spirit.

You will also need to report ways, which you are going to sell the product, how much it will cost, what will be the advertising policy and other details of the promotion.

Mentioning buyers, specify, how exactly they will buy the product, wholesale or retail, whether you work for the end consumer or for resale, status of buyers, whether it is ordinary people or legal, individuals.

You will need to evaluate the parameters of the product in terms of its appearance, value, Togo, what tasks he will perform, service life, suitability, its safety in operation and for human health and the environment.

To do this, follow this plan:

  • Examine and analyze future consumers;
  • Determine the competitiveness of a product or service;
  • What are the possibilities of their implementation;
  • All the way from the beginning of its production to the hands of the final buyer:
  1. Description of the outer shell;
  2. Storage places;
  3. Storage methods;
  4. Service after purchase;
  5. In what form to sell;
  • Methods of attracting consumer audience:
  1. Advertising companies and promotions;
  2. Free distribution of the product for testing;
  3. Various exhibitions and so on.

Importantly, so that the connection between the three parameters is clearly visible: price, profitability and quality.

Creating this item of a business plan will require a lot of effort. Mechanisms and factors must be taken into account here, relating to the behavioral side of the audience, ways of advertising, open and hidden, identification of specific interests of the target audience, creating forecasts and many others, quite complex manipulations.

2.7. Creating a production plan

This section is devoted exclusively to the stages of production of goods, that accompanies this technical process. Information about the premises available in your assets must be recorded here, technical equipment, trained and qualified staff, which will or is already working under your leadership. Methods should also be described here, with which you can, if necessary, increase or decrease the amount of material created.

If in your work you report, how you plan to set up the workflow and the whole production as a whole, must be described the whole chain of product creation. This should be done from the cost of raw materials and elements and ending with the packaging of finished products. Everything must be taken into account here, even the smallest details.

If you have a partner, which assumes part of the obligations, all his details must be presented in detail, Sumy, what he spends on it and the amount, which he performs. It should also be explained, why the contract was concluded with this company, its advantages in this market, all such information.

If a partner provides your business with the necessary raw materials or equipment, then each product or brand of equipment must be described separately. Also count, how much it costs you and how profitable it is.

Be sure to count here, how much will be the cost of the product. Specify all variable costs, which may vary depending on the amount of raw materials purchased or similar factors and fixed costs, which do not change under any circumstances.

Follow these steps to write this section correctly and completely:

  • How developed production, which are original or innovative engineering solutions, how developed the transport system is, how well the resources are supplied, what quality they are;
  • Detailed description of the technology used, including the objective reasons for such choice;
  • Is there a need to purchase or rent additional premises;
  • What other staff is needed for your idea, its characteristics, education, experience, number of employees required, additional information;
  • We will have to prove the facts, that the product you produce is safe for widespread use and will not harm people, nor the world around;
  • Report the required amount of production capacity, while describing, already available, if any;
  • Tell, what additional resources or raw materials you will need, and in what quantity;
  • Description of all subcontractors, suppliers of materials, third-party contracts and their terms;
  • Each manufactured product or service must have its own estimated cost;
  • Estimates must be present, in which you need to mention current expenses;
  • Creating an analysis, in which the structure of production costs will be considered.

2.8. organizational plan

In this section it is necessary to mention or cite excerpts from laws or regulations, which regulate the activities of the selected industry in the state.

You also need to describe a clear schedule in detail, on which the project will be implemented. Be sure to describe all the required terms in detail here.

2.9. Financial plan

This part of the business plan will be perfectly designed, if you put here information on such successive items:

  • Plan income and expenses for the next few years;
  • How long do you plan to implement the idea, at the same time paint the first year as much as possible, preferably monthly;
  • Asset and money transfer plan;
  • General, approximate balance, for the first year of the plan;
  • Break-even analysis, in which perspectives must be studied, schedules of financial activities, break-even point detection.

You should also describe the likely investment, example, leasing. More about that, what is leasing we have told in simple words in one of our articles.

Funding opportunities need to be carefully considered, chances of getting money, it is calculated how profitable their use will be, Also be sure to describe, how you intend to repay all these debts.

At the end of this section, you should provide an analysis of the effectiveness of all work. You can take any method for the necessary manipulations, example, analysis of financial and economic activities. This is done to determine profitability, financial stability of the whole project and many other indicators.

It is worth maintaining the structure of this section:

  • Annual reporting on income and expenses;
  • The structure of tax payments;
  • A plan to describe the dynamics of finances in the first year;
  • The planned balance for the first year of the business plan;
  • How much investment is needed;
  • Costs, which will follow the use of hired money resources;
  • An analysis of all business plan documentation was performed using a certain methodology.

2.10. Study and analysis of possible risks

Every case of any complexity has many troubles in its path. The same applies to the implementation of any business plan. That is why this section is so important. A competent author will pay as much attention to this section as possible.

It is important to calculate all possible risks and think carefully about effective ways to prevent or address them.

This is where strategies for resolving all perceived difficulties should be presented. This will be a great incentive for investors and a convenient tool for the owner of the idea, as he will already have ready to work out the removal of many troubles.

Determine the degree of each of the risks and confidently, facts, justify them. Understanding the problem is one of the most important steps towards solving it.

It would be important to create alternative actions, to cover losses, compensation for probable losses. The more you anticipate at first, the less you have to hold your head in the future. Use the already familiar SWOT analysis or qualitative study.

We talked about the latter option, then here you can count not only the possible risks, but also probable losses. There will be relevant and different methods, from expert to statistical.

Detailed consideration of risks, ready algorithms for their solution will attract partners and investments to your side.

Here are the most important decisions:

  • Receiving support and guarantees from the authorities at various levels;
  • Insurance;
  • Creating a pledge;
  • Bank guarantees;
  • Possibility of transfer of rights;
  • Guarantees of finished goods.

2.11. What to include in applications

There may be different data, as this is a general "archive" of documentation, used in the main sections of the plan.

This may include:

  • Copies of official agreements and licenses;
  • Confirmation of the veracity of the stated characteristics;
  • Prices and catalogs from potential suppliers;
  • Tables with financial statements, removed from the main text, to facilitate the reader's perception.


This is a general form of business plan. According to your service or product, you must change it for yourself, maybe add somewhere, and where to reduce the information. If you understand correctly, what are you going to do, then create such a project will not be difficult.

Possible difficulties with marketing, but here you can turn to an expert in this field.

If you are far from the topic, then or turn to professionals and based on their work study your idea in detail, or start mastering and understanding the topic yourself.

This is the only way to achieve high results in business.

3. Typical mistakes when drawing up a business plan

In creating a business plan, as in any other mental work without proper experience it is easy to make a mistake. Even working out all the necessary parts with sufficient care, following the advice of experts and based on ready-made options is easy to set off on the wrong path. So what are the typical mistakes in this case?

exist three main types of errors, to which you need to pay close attention:

  1. Technical errors, which include poorly processed information, collection of unreliable facts, incorrect presentation of even reliable data, blots and errors in calculations, which are not written facts and conclusions, lack of references to sources of information;
  2. conceptual errors appear due to lack of education in business, lack of understanding of sales technology, implementation of the selected technology and so on;
  3. methodical, which, even with a good business plan, can give you an unpleasant surprise, which is especially annoying.

We will talk about the latter option in more detail below.

Error № 1. Moving the problem from a sick head to a healthy one

Creating your own business project, its author is usually extremely inspired by his idea, considers it unique and ideal for implementation. It may well be so, however, even with perfect project design, you may be denied funding, if you do not want to invest in the case and your money.

Investors usually understand the situation and are quite willing to invest in 70% from all planned. However, it is important for them to understand, that you are also financially interested in it, ready to give their money to work, make every effort to implement the project properly.

Even if you don't have and 30% - Look for a partner, from which you can get them, other possible investments. Only then can you be sure, that a well-designed project will be carefully studied and taken into account. Such a gross methodological error has buried many promising ideas.

Even worse, when in addition to everything you inform investors, what to pay money, you intend only then, when the project is implemented and starts to make a profit. That's exactly what will happen. Demonstrate to creditors, that you are willing to invest in your own project, and they will believe in you.

Error № 2. The investor must be more independent

Unfortunately for many project creators, the investor does not owe anyone anything and simply does not intend to give you the necessary amounts.

Man, who manages or owns money, first of all think about your benefit, which is very logical. Therefore, having received an offer, in which he does not clearly see, how much money is required of him and when they will return to him, he will naturally evaluate the project many times lower, even under the most attractive other conditions. Why?

The answer is simple, you should, as interested ??person, to convince the investor, give guarantees, that his money will return to him and he will earn enough on it, that it was worth it.

If you did not specify the required amount in the project, but simply described on the way to the project what you lack here and here, not reported, when exactly you return the money, at what percentage do you expect to take them, then the investor will not understand anything from your idea. It turns out, that you offer him to finalize your business plan for you and then give you money.

It is quite possible to correct such a mistake. To do this, you need to paint clearly, what money transfers do you need, in what terms you plan to receive them, provide the exact date, when you plan to return the money, what guarantees are ready to provide for the issued financing and so on.

If you feel, if you can't handle it, consult a specialist, it will clearly articulate your desires according to the market offer.

Error № 3. The organizational and legal framework is hopelessly forgotten

investor - man, who wants to have maximum guarantees, which is not surprising, since he plans to give you his money. That is why ambiguities and nebulae with the legal framework, example, official documents, confirming the ownership of industrial buildings and warehouses or similar "subtleties" alert him and force him to stay away from such a project.

Especially the case takes a sharp turn in the case of participation in the share financing of the enterprise. Not spelling out the most important issue of selling your stake to an investor for profit will terrify your idea. Not seeing possible profits, he gets only all sorts of risks. So no wonder, that he will try to run away from such a project.

This section of the plan should be developed by a specialist. The point is, that you need to know all the intricacies of the legislative organization of production and participation in this process of investment and credit, for, that this part of the document is true.

If you decide to do it yourself, prepare for many hours of work on the study of legal and regulatory frameworks.

Error № 4. As always, the experts were forgotten

Independent work on the project is a positive phenomenon, as the author as a result understands more in a situation, than a stranger. However, there is an underwater rake. An expert in this matter will write much more accurate, well-thought-out and attractive plan for the investor.

This is one of the most common methodological errors, since a person is trying to save money on it, as a result of giving the whole idea, even good, in complete unfitness.

If you do not feel the strength to fulfill all the necessary conditions and study the necessary processes - it is better to consult a specialist, the money spent will definitely pay off.

Error № 5. Unforeseen costs

Quite often there is one methodological trouble, in which the compiler of the business plan forgets about some costs. This is due to incomplete understanding of the production process, inattention, haste and many others, quite human, factors. Such shortcomings can have serious consequences.

The most common forgotten costs are:

  • Unloading or loading of goods;
  • Non-payment of money by the client;
  • Loss of a certain percentage of output due to marriage;
  • Commissions, taxes, VAT and other payments;
  • Loss during storage of goods;
  • Installation of products;
  • Training employees in specific skills and so on.

If you are not confident in your abilities, consult a specialist in your chosen field and an experienced financier. They will tell you, what expenses you did not add to your list.

Error № 6. Careless attitude to the study of risks

For every investor very important, that all his money be returned to him. That is why, investing in a project, he wants to know about all the possible risks.

Mandatory plan item, containing this information, is the last, but is one of the most important sections, which need to be worked out first.

The first mistake in this methodological error is to consider the investor a fool. A person with big money wants the least disrespect and negligence from you, so if you write, that all is well, risks are minimal in a few lines and end the section - do not wait for investment.

The investor in this situation will instantly understand, how important for you is the quality of the project. Another mistake, that does not balance high risks with good returns. If you don't, then money to you too, most likely will not give.

The risk section should be carefully and carefully studied. The investor must have confidence, that even with the most global risks you have an algorithm of action, which will overcome the difficulties with minimal losses. In this situation, this information will make the whole project more attractive through honesty, confidence and ability to fight for the interests of the investor.

It will be even better, if you describe and large, risks that do not depend on you, example, a sharp fall in the currency or economic crisis.

data 6 methodological errors are quite typical and human, for the first time sat down to develop a business plan, will be completely incomprehensible, why his work is doomed to failure. However, everything can be fixed, it is enough to get all the necessary information and expect a positive result.

4. A ready-made example of a cafe business plan is a sample with calculations

Cafes are located on every corner and the demand for them never falls. People go to such institutions for various reasons, therefore, it is one of the most commonly developed business plans. so, consider how to write a business plan - an example is a cafe.

The possible monthly income of such an institution will be approximately 200 thousand rubles, and the total start-up capital is required in quantity 2 millions. However, your first step is to make a business plan.

4.1. market analysis

When choosing a place to organize a new cafe, it is necessary to walk carefully on area and quarter for a subject of search of competitors.

A large number of bakeries, summer establishments, restaurants, confectioneries and cafes will create an unfavorable environment, since they all have a certain permanent clientele, which will first "eat" a piece of your pie.

Next you have to choose format of your cafe. You should choose from such ideas, as:

  • Mini-restaurant with food from the fast food series;
  • Cafe, which means self-service;
  • A place of fast service;
  • Cafe, which is sharpened for the delivery of its own products.

It is also necessary to decide on that, what exactly you will cook. It can be an establishment with a wide range of dishes, and can be specialized for children's recreation, sushi bar or Italian dishes.

The following sections, to concretize the example, follow the calculations and information about the discovery pizzerias.

4.2. The main laws of the menu

Pizza is prepared for a long time, so it would be a good idea to grab the customer's attention with light snacks and salads, which can be quickly put on the table. It would also be important to create quick Italian desserts, which would promptly please the visitor at the end of the meal.

Do not ignore the wide range of drinks. This may include different types of tea, coffee, all sorts of juices, water, alcohol-free beer.

The range of the main menu can include not only the well-known standard types of pizza, but also original options. This may be a fruit product from the dough, vegetarian option, an unusual combination of sweet and salty flavors and all in the same spirit.

in addition, you can allow visitors to "play with the toppings" and let them make their own pizza. They can become the basis:

  • All kinds of cheeses and sausages;
  • Different varieties and methods of cooking mushrooms;
  • Chopped vegetables and greens;
  • Dari mora, shrimp and anchovies;
  • Onions after marinade, olives of different colors;
  • Meat of different types and methods of preparation, bacon;
  • Marinated vegetables, fruits;
  • Sauces of different flavors.

4.3. case registration

First, what you need to do to register your business is to decide on the premises. Without this, this procedure is impossible. Lighting will be crucial, area and location of the pizzeria.

pay attention! If you choose a separate building, you will have to draw up much more documents. However, if you rent a hall in the mall, this will significantly reduce paperwork. This is due to the fact, that the administration of the building has already issued documents to the SES, agreed on the shopping area near the fire service and long ago approved the architectural project.

After renting a room in the mall, you will need to draw up a lease agreement, register your own company and inform the city administration about the opening of a new institution.

An excellent option would be to register a limited liability company. Under this form of registration you will be able to pay tax under the simplified taxation system (SSO) or 6% From the full income of the pizzeria, or 15% From "income minus expenses".

If the amount, which will be invited by the mall (TC), will seem too high, it is enough to make calculations, to make sure the payback of the enterprise.

in addition, such cooperation with the shopping center has a number of other advantages:

  • The number of visitors will be constant, since the mall is a popular place, in which crowds of people go, who spend a lot of time there, feed the appetite and under the enchanting smells of pizza wander into your place;
  • The target audience is quite profitable, since people usually go to shopping malls with a certain amount of money, which they are willing to spend, just did not decide where;
  • It turns out excellent self-promotion, at the expense of own resources of shopping center, which allows you to save on marketing activities.

Enough to count, what balance you will receive monthly with good and stable work of the institution.

Rent a room in 60 sq. m. will cost about 130 thousand. rubles per month. Weekdays will bring you about 50 man per day, and the weekend will please and 100 visitors on average. The final flow of clientele will be approximately 1700 man. The cost of an average order in a pizzeria is approximately 530 rubles per person, and this at the usual margin v 250-300% bring you 900 — 915 thousand rubles per month.

4.4. Financial plan

For, you will need to start your own pizzeria minimum 2 millions of rubles. Such figures are justified by the initial costs.

They consist of the following items:

  1. Rent for the required area of ​​the premises in the mall, which will have to be paid in two months while the repairs continue, opening and the first profit will appear - 260 000 p. (It is possible, by the way, agree on the start of the lease from the start date of your facility and, so, reduce start-up costs);
  2. Registration of all necessary papers for rent, legal services and costs of organizational tasks will be 100 000 p .;
  3. Creating the design of the pizzeria itself, payment for materials and quality finishing works - 460 000 p .;
  4. Expenses for advertising and promotion of the institution during 2 months will be worth 130 000 p .;
  5. Purchase of equipment and inventory to create quality and fast pizza - 940 000 p .;
  6. Design and development of menu text - 40 000 p .;
  7. Formation of a stock of products - 70 000 p .;

As a result, we get the same 2 millions, which were mentioned at the beginning. The largest and monetary item of expenditure is equipment. It is impossible to save on this in any case, since your customers will come for a delicious and quick pizza, instead of admiring the interior or just reading the menu.

Importantly! If there is not enough money, save only on equipment.

The following equipment is a must for a good pizzeria: dough mixer, flour sifter, dough divider, automatics for rolling out the dough of the necessary size, press and professional oven.

You will also need equipment for quick preparation of ingredients - orphan, device for cutting vegetables, slicer.

The last item in this section will be furniture and refrigeration: showcase, cabinets, as well as cooking tables and shelves.

We offer you to download a free ready-made sample business plan of the pizzeria with calculations.

4.5. Marketing strategy

City, in which there are more than half a million inhabitants, will have significant competition on the ground. That is why it will be justified to create a large advertising campaign, to introduce the consumer to the new service.

For high-quality promotional activities, you need to consider a few important points:

  • Age category, which will consist mostly of young audiences, and fluctuate from 16 and till 45 years;
  • There is an excellent opportunity for advertising within the mall;
  • Active action on the target audience of Internet resources, which will be able to influence, to entice customers.

Before opening your own pizzeria, you should try the following methods of acquainting the population with your institution:

  • Creation and distribution of flyer advertising, postcards;
  • Outdoor advertising, which is visible to a large population, due to the placement of banners and banners in places of large crowds;
  • Organization of a project to promote the service within the Internet, and especially in social networks;
  • Present the idea of ​​opening as a holiday, on which there will be free meals, promotions and many other pleasant surprises.

That day, when you are about to open your cafe, the possibility of such events should be considered, as:

  • Installation of a large billboard, which will showcase the seductive products of your cafe in combination with very loyal prices and promotions for certain groups of customers;
  • In the mall itself should be periodically announced about the wonderful, fragrant pizza, which will seem even tastier to tired customers of various stores with a bunch of purchases;
  • Place outdoor advertising throughout the area, so that the nearest office workers and students flock in honor of the opening and low prices in your institution - to try.

In the next days of work it is worth paying attention to that, which of the marketing methods gave the greatest result, for the smallest amount. then follows refuse from unprofitable advertising solutions and focus on the most valuable.

We must not forget, that the case is not limited to the number of customers. It is important to adhere to a decent level of service and most importantly - excellent pizza quality.

You need to pay enough attention to regular customers, prepare promotions and discounts for them. The more pleasant will be the atmosphere in the institution, the more people you will be drawn to as a result.

4.6. Schedule of preparation for the opening

The minimum term, which will take you to open and design your own cafe - about two months. All covenant from that, how quickly you will find the right staff, how to quickly repair and restore the proper appearance of the room, how much time will be spent on registration of all registration documents.

Given that, that you open a food establishment in the mall, which already has a number of permits and papers, you can count on the next work schedule:

The first month:

  1. Registration of the organization in state institutions. Development of all relevant documentation;
  2. Communication and verification of documents with the fire service and SES;
  3. Creating interior design;
  4. Purchase of all necessary materials for the planned repair;
  5. The beginning of promotional activities;

the second month:

  1. Renovation of the premises, its design;
  2. Hiring workers, if necessary, their training;
  3. Purchase and installation of equipment;
  4. Lighting installation;
  5. Continuation of the advertising campaign;
  6. Purchase of basic ingredients.

the third month: Opening of a cafe.

4.7. Estimation of income level

In order to calculate the profitability of the company must take into account all costs, as basic, and monthly.

We already know the first ones, the second is given right now:

  • Remuneration of staff - 213 500 p .;
  • Rent space in the shopping center - 130 000 p .;
  • Utility costs - 24 000 p .;
  • Promotion of the institution, advertising - 30 000 p .;
  • Transport services - 20 000 p .;
  • Accountant services - 8 000 UAH .;
  • Payments to the insurance fund - 64 500 p .;
  • Unexpected costs - 15 000 p .;
  • Buying products, raw materials - 160 000 p.

We consider everything in the sum and as a result it turns out 665, 5 thousand rubles. In this state of affairs, the most costly item is the salary of employees. This was calculated taking into account the hiring of such employees, as:

  • The head chef;
  • Five ordinary chefs;
  • The administrator of the institution;
  • cleaners;
  • Three dishwashers;
  • 4 a man in the role of a waiter or supplier;
  • Payment for the services of an accountant.

As a result of income (? 915 000 rubles), calculated above, subtract monthly cost (? 665 500 rubles) and get? 249 000 rubles, and if you subtract the necessary 15% Tax from 249 000 rubles (it?: 37 500 rubles), then net profit will come out ? 211 500 rubles.

Once launched and stable 16 місячної роботи the bet will pay off, and subsequently profits will increase due to the emergence of more and more new customers, attracted by advertisements or rumors about your most delicious pizza in town.

P.S. When using SSO "income" at the rate 6%, Net income will be equal to? 194 000 rubles (249 000 — 54 900). So, application of SSO "income minus expenses" at the rate 15%, It is more profitable and, in accordance, the payback period of the institution will be shorter.

5. Small Business Plans - You can download ready-made examples for free

In this section of our article you can get acquainted with various business plans of organizations, belonging to small businesses.

If you decide to make your own plan, then it will be extremely useful for you to read ready-made developments and analyze them.

From this information you can extract interesting and witty ideas, notice suddenly crept up mistakes, pay attention to general concepts.

If you decide to order a specialist business plan, ready examples, located below, will help you evaluate advantages and understand risks and the profits of possible small business options. This is a great opportunity to gain experience and knowledge from other people's work and mistakes.

You can download ready-made business plans later in the article

5.1. Cafe business plan

Cafe Is one of the most popular public institutions in any city. The point is, that new companies open almost every day, students go to study, banks and law firms function and they all need somewhere to eat. And cafes grow, like mushrooms after rain, however, not all of them are successful. In order to take into account all the nuances of the arrangement of such an institution, it is necessary to work out in detail all the basic available information..

We have a ready example of a business plan for a cafe, in which you will get visual information about it, how to read competitors, what to do with marketing plan, how to compile data on risks and many other interesting information, which will help you write your own successful project, which will win the love and popularity of any audience.

Download free cafe business plan (.zip 632 KB)

5.2. Business plan business center

Business center in the city - is the concentration of economic and legal life. Thousands of people come here every day for different purposes, offices open and close, offices, banks.

Essentially, it is a building, which is just being built for business development. It should be located in a convenient place, accessible and remarkable place, be nice in design, have their own parking, elevators - in general, all, that will help the client to get to the desired office.

That is why opening such a business is very resistant to crises and various troubles. However, it requires large initial investments - close 5 millions of dollars, and pay off only across 5-6 years. It will also require a lot of energy from the creator and a lot of trouble.

In order to prevent possible risks and calculate all the opportunities and prospects, you should think of a quality business plan. An example of a business center business plan and action guide can be found at the link below.

Download free business center business plan (.zip 532 KB)

5.3. Beauty salon business plan

Opening of a new beauty salon this is always a relevant and popular solution. The point is, that not many people go for service to another area or even another neighborhood. Extremely convenient, when your hairdresser is at your side and you can get a manicure in five minutes.

All these factors contribute to this, that opens such a business quite often, however, only every fourth salon has a normal income and does not require constant additional external influences. The situation is as follows, because this is usually done by women and they do it out of boredom or because, that the man gave money and told not to stay at home.

Profitable beauty salon, this is a rather complex business, which will require from the hosts efforts to organize it.

Quality of services, provided, constant expansion of the customer base, firing girlfriends and recruiting professionals is their thing, that should be in the institution, which will bring money.

To think through all these steps, anticipate risks and pitfalls along the way, to calculate the competition and solve all the problems with the registration of the institution you need to make a clear business plan, in which the listed points will be registered in detail. You can download an example of a ready-made beauty salon business plan below.

Download free beauty salon business plan (.doc 966 KB)

5.4. Restaurant business plan

creating a restaurant requires an understanding of the special intricacies of the organization of the food establishment. There are many different nuances, example, atmosphere or lighting, which will directly affect the number of visitors to the institution.

must be understood, what to bet on, for which class of the population the pricing policy will be calculated, which kitchen will be presented ??on the menu, how to hire professional and important waiters and more.

The business plan of this project must take into account the initial investment and payback period in two - three years. In addition, in the case of a restaurant, the marketing side of the development is especially important, which will sell your service, make your place special and attractive.

On our website you can download a ready-made example of a restaurant business plan, which will give you a clear end to it, how it is necessary to draw up such a document to obtain funding.

Download the restaurant's business plan for free (.doc 219 KB)

5.5. Business plan online store

Discovering a new territory for doing business, it is necessary to understand its rules. Economic activity on the Internet has its own characteristics, although it does not require large initial costs.

To create your own online store, you also need to study the competition in the area, ways to promote your resource, opportunities for its creation and filling and it is still without taking into account the physical side of the issue - the purchase and storage of products. To make it easier for you, We have prepared for you an article "How to create an online store for free - step by step instructions", in which you will find answers to many questions on this topic.

For optimal starting start, to avoid unnecessary costs, create just that, What did you want, successfully sell the product, necessary thoughtful business plan taking into account the work in the Internet space.

При бажанні ви можете завантажити готову роботу бізнес-плану інтернет-магазину на нашому сайті за посиланням нижче і взяти її як приклад для власної розробки. В інтернеті дуже складно знайти якісну пояснювальну інформацію, проте за прикладом зробити все буде легко.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план інтернет-магазину (.doc 503 KB)

5.6. Бізнес план автомийки

Відкриття власної автомийки — це легкий бізнес, який не потребує особливих навичок і умінь. Так думають багато. Саме тому він користується особливою популярністю серед бажаючих відкрити невеликий бізнес.

Для того щоб автомийка почала функціонувати, необхідно зняти або купити землю, побудувати бокс, закупити готове обладнання, миючі засоби і можна заробляти.

Однак крім всього цього потрібно визначитися яку саме автомийку ви хочете відкрити, скільки грошей на це потрібно витратити, яких співробітників найняти, акая сума знадобитися для старту і через скільки вона окупитися.

Для усвідомлення і прорахунку всіх цих питань потрібне створення грамотного бізнес-плану, який буде поетапно розповідати про кожну частину діяльності майбутньої автомийки. Такий план важливий для прорахунку ризиків і продуманої маркетингової стратегії.

Завантажити приклад бізнес-плану автомийки можна безкоштовно на нашому сайті за посиланням нижче. Дана інформація стане відмінно основою для вашого власного бізнесу з миття машин.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план автомийки (.rtf 461 KB)

5.7. Бізнес план кав’ярні

Дане харчове установа на перший погляд не є нічим особливим, але тільки подумайте, за що ви любите такі заклади? За атмосферу, смачну каву, особливі тістечка, старі спогади і цей ряд можна продовжувати нескінченно.

Відкривачеві кав’ярні доведеться врахувати всі — конкурентний ринок, інші харчові закладу в окрузі, зручне місце розташування, доступність швидких замовлень для офісних працівників або студентів і багато інших нюансів.

В такому випадку дуже важливо перед початком дій уважно продумати план, за яким ви будете рухатися до своєї мрії. Також створення якісного бізнес-плану дозволить отримати відсутню фінансування, яке зможе допомогти почати роботи значно швидше, ніж ви розраховували.

За основу ви можете взяти знаходиться нижче готовий приклад бізнес-плану створення кав’ярні, в якому будуть дійсно враховані всі нюанси. На цій основі ви зможе написати свою систему дій і швидко, і ефективно здійснити задумане.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план кав’ярні (.doc 228 KB)

5.8. Бізнес план перукарні з розрахунками

хороша перукарня — це надійний дрібний бізнес, який приносить впевнений дохід. Для того щоб відкрити якісне заклад такого характеру, потрібно відступити від прийнятих у нас традицій, що це «чисто жіноча справа» і «особливо уваги йому не потрібно».

Працюючи над такою задумкою не покладаючи рук можна швидко окупити вкладення і почати добре заробляти, що дозволить з часом розвиватися, розширяться і надавати все нові послуги. Однак у розвитку варто враховувати безліч нюансів, які знаходяться далеко не на поверхні.

Перукарня здатна приносити серйозний прибуток, може швидко розвиватися, якщо враховувати залучення професійних майстрів та ввічливого обслуговування. Також необхідна доставка оригінальних і якісних матеріалів, різної продукції косметичного характеру і інших нюансів функціонуванні такого закладу.

Для того щоб ретельно продумати весь проект, вам знадобитися бізнес-план перукарні, в якому буде враховуватися конкуренція, можливості і оригінальні послуги саме вашого закладу, типовий споживач і витрати на рекламу. Також варто скласти фінансовий план, який допоможе розрахувати і збалансувати прибуток і початкові витрати. Приклад хорошого проекту ви зможете знайти нижче.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план перукарні (.rtf 192 KB)

5.9. Бізнес план фермерського господарства

Створення фермерського господарства це складний і трудомісткий процес, який потребуватиме певних вкладень. With, при значній підтримці держави даний вид бізнесу з кожним роком стає все більш привабливим. Пільги і додаткове фінансування допоможуть вам отримати необхідну суму для реалізації свого проекту.

Щоб сподобатися державним інвесторам варто створити хороший бізнес-план, який наочно пояснить ваші цілі, покаже можливості і задумки, продемонструє необхідність тих чи інших грошових впливів. Також він допоможе переконати чиновника в тому, що ваша ідея буде стійка перед ризиками і зможе розвиватися під вашим чуйним керівництвом.

Готовий приклад такого бізнес плану фермерського господарства ви можете завантажити нижче. Він стане продуманої основою для створення вашого проекту і допоможе розрахувати необхідні суми і дії.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план фермерського господарства (.doc 182 KB)

5.10. Бізнес план готелю

Для того щоб створити хорошу і приносить прибуток готель, необхідно знати досить багато нюансів: сезонність місцевості, кількість приїжджих, способи їх пересування, якісний сервіс, зручні номери з лояльною, але вигідною ціновою політикою. Крім того необхідно врахувати і просування вашого проекту, яке буде виражено в маркетингової стратегії.

Визначитися з усіма деталями, вирішити який розмір закладу такого характеру вам по кишені, скільки ви готові вкласти самі, а скільки знадобитися грошей інвестора допоможе продуманий бізнес-план готелю.

Також в нього необхідно включити праві документи, розрахувати ризики і способи їх запобігання або подолання. Відмінною основою для цього послужить проект, розташований по посиланню нижче.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план готелю (.doc 153 KB)

5.11. Бізнес план тренажерного залу

Останнім часом стає все більш модним вести здоровий спосіб життя. Чому б і не допомогти людям досягти своєї мети і не заробити на цьому грошей. (У нашій статті «Чим зайнятися щоб заробити грошей» ви знайдете кращі способи заробітку). Для таких цілей відмінною ідеєю буде відкрити тренажерний зал.

important to understand, які капіталовкладення вам знадобляться для покупки або оренди приміщення, закупівлі всієї необхідної техніки в достатній кількості, наймі та утриманні штату кваліфікованих співробітників. Також обов’язково потрібно розрахувати конкуренцію в районі будівництва і переваги саме вашого залу.

For, щоб зробити всі розрахунки вам необхідно буде звернутися до створення якісного бізнес-плану тренажерного залу, який допоможе структурувати всі ваші дії і створити дійсно ефективний план, згідно з яким ваша ідея буде окупатися, приносити прибуток і розвиватися. Чудовим прикладом буде готова робота, розташована по посиланню нижче.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план тренажерного залу (.pdf 295 KB)

5.12. Бізнес план інвестиційного проекту

Створення свого проекту для залучення інвестицій досить складний захід, яке вимагатиме від вас солідних знань економіки, права та маркетингу.

Для того щоб переконати людину віддати вам свої гроші, необхідно завірити його що ризики мінімальні, а з можливими неприємностями ви завжди зможете впоратися, що проект обов’язково окупиться і інвестор не тільки поверне свої гроші, а й заробить.

Потрібно піднести основну ідею так, щоб ваш опонент загорівся їй, зрозумів, що саме в вас слід вкласти гроші.

Для таких цілей просто необхідно створити докладний і якісний бізнес-план, який по пунктам, пропозицій і циферки переконає, що ви пропонуєте вартісну ідею, яка повністю відшкодує інвестору все його турботи, хвилювання, a the main thing — грошові кошти.

Приклад такої роботи знаходиться за посиланням нижче. На цій основі можна створити дійсно хороший проект.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план інвестиційного проекту (.rtf 501 KB)

5.13. Бізнес план квіткового магазину

Відкриття дрібного бізнесу зазвичай не вимагає величезних капіталовкладень на початку, проте відповідальний і уважний підхід необхідний. Для того щоб облаштувати власні квітковий магазин, потрібно врахувати такі фактори, як вибір вигідного місцеположення торгової площі. Це повинно бути людне місце, в якому щодня проходять сотні людей, тільки так можна прилягти увагу покупців красивою вітриною, що дуже важливо для квіткового бізнесу.

in addition, варто звернути увагу на облаштування самого приміщення. Це дуже впливає на споживача. Зі смаком створене торгове приміщення, в якому немає зайвих деталей помпезності, в якому існує підсвічування виключно для квіткових композицій, сильно впливає на враження клієнта.

Врахувати всі можливі чинники, risks and opportunities розвитку допоможе якісно створений бізнес-план. Хороша основа для дрібного бізнесу це правильне і ретельне планування, яке не надто популярно в наше країні.

Це і створює таку велику картину ризиків і часті відмови кредиторів і інвесторів. Добре продуманий, якісний план дозволить відчути впевненість в своїх діях, мати готовий і продуманий алгоритм дій у разі тієї чи іншої проблеми і допоможе переконати інвесторів вкласти гроші в ваш проект.

Приклад якісно написаного бізнес-плану ви можете знайти за посиланням нижче. Він стане відмінною основою для вашого власного проекту.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план квіткового магазину (.doc 232 KB)

5.14. Бізнес план автосервісу

У всьому світі попит на автомобілі зростає. Тепер в сім’ї прагнуть купити вже не одного залізного коня, а двох або навіть трьох. Це створює вкрай сприятливий фон для розвитку бізнесу, який би займався обслуговуванням машин. Це вигідна ідея, яка навряд чи коли-небудь залишить свого власника без прибутку. У створенні автосервісу важливо врахувати безліч інформації.

Example, який саме буде профіль закладу, де буде розташовуватися, щоб випадкові проїжджаючі машини натикалися саме на нього, яку суму необхідно вкласти в нього для початку і через скільки таке інвестування окупитися.

Для того щоб врахувати все необхідне, не потрібно записувати на папірці пункти до дії. Для грамотного планування потрібен бізнес-план, which систематично роз’яснить всі подробиці, розкладе ідею по поличках, розрахує всілякі ризики і виділить справжній висновок — чи варто таку ідею втілювати в життя чи ні.

Грамотний приклад бізнес плану автосервісу перебувати по посиланню нижче. Він стане відмінною базою для вивчення основ планування в цьому бізнесі.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план автосервісу (.doc 195 KB)

5.15. Бізнес план аптеки

Здоров’я людини — найбільша цінність життя, в результаті цього потреба в лікарських препаратах і, Consequently, в аптеках ніколи не відпаде, тому аптечний бізнес буде одним з найприбутковіших в усі часи.

Готовий приклад бізнес плану аптеки ви можете завантажити нижче за посиланням.

Завантажити безкоштовно бізнес-план аптеки (.zip 81 KB)

Скориставшись інформацією, розміщеною в цій статті, постарайтеся сформулювати у своїй голові більш точний образ вашої ідеї. Це допоможе і в самостійному створенні бізнес плану і в разі звернення до фахівця. Безліч даних — це відмінний грунт для роздумів і пошуку дійсно своєї справи.

in addition, на основі вивчення різних варіантів різних проектів, ви зможете отримати неоціненний досвід, який туди вклали інші люди. Отримати такі дані досвідченим шляхом буде коштувати великого кількість часу і грошей, включаючи те, що для створення деяких розрахунків і алгоритмів дій необхідно отримати ту чи іншу юридичну, економічну або рекламне освіту.

Не варто створювати свій бізнес-план, копіюючи дослівно прочитаний текст. Ефективність планування полягає саме в тому, щоб розрахувати всілякі ризики і можливості саме в ваших умовах.

Тільки так можна створити ефективну і продуману систему, яка в результаті не приведе вас до банкрутства. Тут відмінно допоможе психологічне вливання в середу обраного вами бізнесу.

Спробуйте познайомитися і поспілкуватися з людьми, які намагалися або роблять те ж саме, походіть по їх закладам, розгляньте їх недоліки та переваги і на основі цього виведіть свою універсальну формулу. бізнес — це заняття, в якому краще вчитися на чужих помилках, не здійснюючи своїх.

6. Frequently asked questions

Question №1. У яких випадках необхідний бізнес-план, а в яких ТЕО?

Є суттєва різниця між бізнес-планом і техніко-економічним обґрунтуванням. The point is, що другий документ (ТЕО — техніко-економічне обґрунтування) досить простий і призначений для формальних, нескладних процедур. Example, з його допомогою можна переконати інвесторів, що розширення площі магазину буде актуальним для вас і вашої справи.

Бізнес-план пишеться для проектів, в яких є вищі ризики. Особливо це стосується ситуацій, коли діяльність вашого підприємства привноситься якась інновація або новинка. Інвесторам необхідно бачити, які ризики і вигоди вони отримають в результаті.

Для того щоб точно зрозуміти, який саме документ вам необхідно створити, ви можете взяти в організації, яка буде виступати інвестором, перелік необхідних для подачі заявки паперів.

Question №2. Скільки коштує замовити бізнес-план?

Вартість роботи цілком логічно залежить від кількості самої роботи і передбачуваної суми інвестування. Якщо вкладення не досягають 20 millions, ніякої інформації шукати не потрібно і реалізованих товарів не багато, свій план можна отримати за суму в 20 or 30 non-taxable minimum incomes.

With, якщо сума, на яку ви розраховуєте, comes to 300 мільйонів і вам необхідні якісні маркетингові умови, плата може збільшитися to 100 thousands. В цілому все залежить від складності самої задачі.

Question №3. Скільки часу розробляється бізнес план?

Все залежить від вихідних даних. Якщо його пишуть професіонали, у яких є вся необхідна інформація, то процедура буде тривати close 10 days. Якщо не вистачає якихось даних, все може розтягнутися і to 20 days. Тому в інтересах замовника надати максимальну кількість необхідних фатов відразу.

Якщо ж ви плануєте писати план самостійно, то тут процес його створення цілком залежить тільки від ваших навичок і бажань.

Question №4. Навіщо звертатися в консалтингову компанію для розробки бізнес-плану, якщо я можу зробити це сам?

Тут вся справа полягає в ваших знаннях і досвіді. Навіть якщо ви ніколи не становили подібних планів, проте маєте солідний досвід в роботі в цій галузі, знаєте і можете провести маркетингові дослідження, то ви цілком в змозі скласти необхідний документ.

The point is, що інвестори, banks, кредитори сприймають вашу пропозицію всерйоз тільки в перший раз. Решта презентації будуть виглядати обдурюванням і «підгонкою цифр». Саме тому ваша ідея повинна вистрілити і «вбити» аудиторію at once.

Якщо в вас немає впевненості, що ви створите саме такий проект, щоб підтвердити його всіма необхідними дослідженнями, статистиками та іншими даними, краще зверніться до професіоналів. Це дозволить втілитися ідеї, а не залягти в дальній ящик до кращих часів.

Question №5. У чому особливості бізнес плану для отримання субсидії на розвиток бізнесу?

Отримання субсидій, тобто допомоги від держави, вимагає певних коригувань. Так як інвестором в даному випадку виступає держ. budget, варто розписати всі статті витрат максимально докладно для того, щоб відповідальні чиновники змогли прийняти рішення, точно уявляючи, куди підуть кошти.

Також ви повинні довести беззбитковість свого бізнесу, мінімальні ризики. Це в значній мірі схилить чашу ваг до вас. in addition, потрібно з інтересом поставтеся до своєї задумом, вкласти в неї свій максимум.

Чим більше грошей ви витратите самі, тим більше вам дасть держава.

Ще матимуть значення кількість створених робочих місць. Якщо ви будете розвивати пріоритетну в області галузь, means, ваші шанси зростуть на ще один пункт.

Question №6. Якщо планування так важливо, чому реально пишуть бізнес план не багато?

Це твердження не зовсім відповідає істині. Практично всі великі компанії починають будь-яку нову діяльність зі створення бізнес-плану. This is due to the fact, що кожен керівник значних капіталів розуміє які ризики і можливості є в бізнесі, що краще іноді передбачити, чим після розгублено плескати руками.

Малий же бізнес в Росії являють собою повну протилежність концепції розробки бізнес-плану, діючи при цьому на свій страх і ризик. Так відбувається через те, що практика такого підприємництва відносно молода в країні і культура плануванні ще не проникла на достатньому рівні.

При цьому вже зараз спостерігається тенденція все більшого розвитку бізнес-планування, так як не встигнувши почати свій бізнес, підприємець буде вивчати питання закриття ТОВ або ІП.

Якщо залишилися питання, то можливо Ви знайдете відповіді на них у відеоролику: «Як скласти бізнес план (для банку, для себе, для інвесторів)».

7. Conclusion

Для кожного підприємця, який бажає розвиватися сам і розвивати свою справу, бізнес план дуже важливий. Він виконує безліч відповідальних функцій, які не здатний зробити по-іншому жодна людина.

З його допомогою ви можете заручитися фінансовою підтримкою і відкрити, розвинути свою справу набагато раніше, ніж ви зможе назбирати значиму суму для бізнесу.

На хороший, продуманий, написаний без помилок бізнес-план інвестори реагують в більшості позитивно, так як бачать в цьому спосіб спокійного заробітку з усіма вигаданими і описаними неприємностями.

exept this, ще до відкриття закладу ви бачите, що вас чекає. Які ризики можливі, які алгоритми рішення будуть актуальні в тій чи іншій ситуації. Це не тільки сприятлива інформація для інвестора, але і потрібний план, їли ви потрапите в халепу самостійно. Finally, якщо розрахунок ризиків виявляється занадто страхітливим, можна кілька переробити, трансформувати загальну ідею, щоб скоротити їх.

Створення гарного бізнес-плану — це відмінне рішення для пошуку інвестування та розробки власних алгоритмів дії навіть в найскладніших ситуаціях, яких в бізнесі більш ніж достатньо.

That is why, крім власних зусиль варто користуватися і «чужими мізками». Бізнес-план має на увазі безліч розділів і розрахунків, досліджень і знань, тільки при вдалому оперуванні, якими можна досягти успіху.

Ідеальним варіантом було б вивчити всі аспекти самостійно. Для цього мало сидіти і читати відповідну літературу. Варто змінити коло спілкування, звернутися до курсів і тренінгів, знайти для консультацій фахівців з тих чи інших питань. Тільки так можна дійсно розібратися в ситуації і розвіяти всі свої сумніви і помилки.

Бізнес-план варто писати з багатьох причин, however home — це чіткий алгоритм дій, за якими ви зможете оперативно дістатися з точки А (вашого нинішнього становища, повного надій і страхів) до точки Б (в якій ви вже будете власником власного успішного бізнесу стабільно і регулярно приносить дохід). Це перший крок на шляху до здійснення мрії і впевненому статусу середнього класу.

That's all we have. Бажаємо всім удачі в справах! Також будемо вдячні вам за коментарі до даної статті, діліться своїми думками, задавайте питання по темі публікації.



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