How to become rich and successful from scratch - 15 glad to get rich

You keep asking yourself questions: "How to get rich?" Perhaps, you have already turned to business literature on this issue. Our site - is not the first, who claims to answer the question, however, unlike many, he will offer only effective ways to get rich.

Immediately about the main thing. It is inefficient to dream of multimillion-dollar profits and do nothing about it. The following tips will not work for those, who does not want to spend a minute working and waiting, that a bag of money will miraculously fall on them from heaven. Once you find yourself on our site, you are not satisfied with your financial situation.

And what did you do?, to get rich or improve your financial situation? Clearly not enough. Are you ready to do more, if you want to get richer? Forget the word: "Want". Start giving yourself an installation: "I CAN GET RICH". Are you ready to believe, that it is really within your power? Then you will achieve a lot.

so, from this article you will learn:

  • How to become a rich and successful person - tips and tricks + practical exercises;
  • How to get rich from scratch in Russia;
  • Ways to find financial freedom and live happily.

Detailed guide on how to become a successful and rich person. Principles and advice of millionaires + ways to gain financial freedom

1. How to get rich - 15 useful tips

Consider 15 important and useful tips, which will help you get rich or rich.

Advice № 1. Don't stop dreaming

By themselves, without action, dreams will not help. But if you do not dream of anything, you are unlikely to achieve much. It is from the cherished desire to achieve something that great things begin. Refer to those stories, who has already achieved a lot, became a rich and successful man. Is there at least one of these stories, starting with words: "I did not want anything in particular, wealth itself has come »?

Council №2. Take your time

Find half an hour for that, to be alone with yourself and give honest answers to several global questions:

  • What I do better than others?
  • What real benefits I can bring to society?
  • What I consider the meaning of life?
  • If my time was not taken away for money, why would I dedicate my life?

The main thing in this introspection - do not deceive yourself. You will be surprised, but honest answers to these questions will really allow you to answer the main one: "How to get rich?»

Council №3. Time to study

Spend some time each day studying the biographies of multimillionaires. Absorb useful material, investing in your knowledge will always remain the same profitable. in addition, a famous person's opinion can inspire you to create your own business idea.

Write quotes, set you up for success, and write in prominent places. The more often you look at the right thoughts, the faster you rebuild your consciousness.

Council №4. Constantly think about earning

Think every minute, how to get rich, how to get rich, how to make a million (from one hundred thousand dollars and more) for a month and become a millionaire.

At first it may seem unattainable, only obsessive ideas will appear. But one day you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of constant reflection.

Council №5. New acquaintances

Make new acquaintances, be more sociable. Money comes to us through other people. It is almost impossible to earn a fortune alone.

Council №6. Think about your employment

You are still working for someone? It is time to leave slavery in the past! The more time you spend, making a profit to someone else's uncle, the less resources you have left for self-realization, personal business and achieving your goal - wealth.

Council №7. Think about your professional activities

Not ready to leave office work yet? At least forget about the requirements of corporate culture. Do only the work within your interests, don't let the company profit from your knowledge and skills just like that.

Council №8. Think of sources of passive income

That could be profitable all the time, regardless of your efforts? The road to wealth often begins with the answer to this question. Later in the article we will offer several options for investment.

Council №9. Minimum effort maximum result

Make a minimum of effort to achieve maximum results. No matter how difficult the tasks may seem, they are easier, than they seem. Leave long thoughts - boldly start to perform tasks and solve problems as soon as possible.

Council №10. Be kind

Be kind to others: compliment them, give your support. Praise your colleague for that, how stylish it looks. Prepare a delicious dinner for a loved one.

Turn on your imagination and do something nice for your family, loved ones and even for those, who do you see for the first time. The support provided will return a hundredfold, and she, believe me, it costs a lot.

Council №11. Help people unselfishly

Today you helped - tomorrow you. You never know in advance, what benefits this or that person can bring, but casual dating does not happen. Look for like-minded people, they will support your faith in yourself and will pull you up, to success and wealth.

Council №12. Choose a circle of communication

Communicating with people, carefully choose the circle of communication. Poor environment, if you do not fight it off professionally, drags poverty and despair into its swamp. Surround yourself with optimistic people, knowing, what they want from life, and who know how to achieve this.

Council №13. Stop looking for the culprits in your failures

Forget about whining and stop looking for culprits. Only you are to blame, that you sit without money. When you admit it, that the source of failure is in yourself, then you will understand, that you can ensure your success.

Council №14. Keep a diary of achievements

The human psyche is arranged this way, that we often fix on the negative. Write down your little victories and reread these notes each time, when you lose heart. Such a diary of joy can apply to any area of ​​life, not just work.

Council №15. Want to make more profit?

Bring something really to market valuable! It has long been known, that people do not need a specific product. They need something more, and the product is only a means to an end. Describe the real benefits for people like this, that they themselves bring you money. Lots of money.

Use these tips, start doing something today to achieve your goal (wealth and success), and the result will not take long.

2. What is wealth - concepts and formulations

Not many can give a clear answer to this question. And if you don't know, what exactly do you want to achieve, then you are unlikely to ever achieve.

Of all the definitions of wealth, the most accurate, apparently, belongs to the American millionaire Robert Kiosaki.

He defines wealth as such amount of time, which a person can afford not to work, while maintaining the usual comfortable standard of living.

Who would have thought, is not it? But it is very logical to measure wealth by this time interval, rather than the amount of money, because everyone needs their amount for that, to recognize your standard of living as comfortable.

Essentially, rich man - this is him, who owns the assets, which bring sufficient passive income, that is, it does not depend on labor effort.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Why some people manage to make a lot of money and get rich, and some do not?
  • Why someone is forced to work around the clock, but gets a penny, and someone is doing their favorite thing a few hours a day, has time to rest actively, and gets decent?
  • Why someone is happy in the financial sphere, and someone lives from one salary to another, and even on credit?

Perhaps, you still consider these questions rhetorical. But soon a lot will change.

3. Thoughts are rich - speech and expressions of many people

If you think about it poor man, then you will not be able to keep the money, even if they suddenly fall into your hands.

If you think like the middle class, then yours eternal purpose will be a job search, and the boldest demand - salary increase. In old age you will remain dependent on social services.

If it is really important for you to constantly increase your fortune, start following your thoughts and words. Get rid of language expressions, inherent in the poor ( "Give me a discount", "Buy as cheap as possible") and start thinking in terms of the rich.

Here are just a few words and phrases, which can be heard from the wealthy, rich people (The list is taken from Kiosaki):

  • i can do it;
  • I can create businesses;
  • I can afford it;
  • financial freedom;
  • excess money;
  • around a huge number of opportunities;
  • my money is in constant motion;
  • money works for me;
  • capital increase;
  • I work, only when I want;
  • attract cash flows;
  • control finances;
  • make money;
  • money is at your feet;
  • develop financial intelligence;
  • make a profitable investment;
  • my money comes back quickly.

Does not matter, do you have a decent amount of money right now. Scroll through these thoughts constantly, even if there is no reason. The habit of thinking like this will gradually transform you and the reality around you.

Learn to react differently to the usual. If you used to turn away from an expensive foreign car with a negative, twists, that you can't afford that, then look at her and speak: «What I need. How to afford it?"It simply came to our notice then, which you will see.

But this is not the main thing. The most important thing - search for such financial ideas, which will really make money work on these installations above. If you have worked before, and your money was lazy, then now everything should be the other way around.

reprogramming of installations

If any negative attitudes often come back to you, write them down on a letter and work with them. Close your eyes and imagine a negative attitude on the mental screen in the form of an inscription. Now there, mentally erase this formula with an eraser and write down a new one, which supports. Put all your positive emotions into it.

For complete reprogramming negative installations in positive the subconscious will take about a month. Do this exercise every day.

Basic principles of wealth, which are followed by millionaires

4. How to get rich from scratch in Russia - 10 principles of millionaires

Each of us is allowed rare weaknesses. Many successful entrepreneurs at the beginning of the journey asked themselves the question of "if». Will I be able to get rich, if I was born in Russia, if I was born into a poor family, if I have no influential acquaintances? I'll handle it, if I don't have large assets, that allow you to maintain a decent standard of living? The same "ifs" bite newcomers to the business. In vain. In short, really everything, if you work hard.

And now in more detail.

Follow the principles of millionaires.

In search of financial freedom, attending seminars of large entrepreneurs will not be superfluous, whose profits are transparent, that is, they can prove, what amount and in what period earned.

There is one famous seminar, dedicated to the so-called commandments of millionaires. That's what a capable businessman called his principles. Some of these commandments lie on the surface, and some will be for you a stunning discovery.

You can read the outlined principles following the workshop leader or even put a list on your desktop.

periodically reread it, and it will give you a dose of inspiration regardless of your location. After all, there are rich people in the United States, and in Africa, and in Russia.

Principle # 1. Think, whether there are goals, to which you aspire, your

Explain. Some of our goals are just introjects, removed from our environment or imposed by our parents.

Aged, when there was still a lack of awareness, we followed the example of others, so as not to look worse, than they are.

But one day we stop and ask ourselves, why this path to success is difficult, because we copy actions «sample». Here we return to the technique of introspection described above ( "What is the meaning of my life??»)

Remember: If you personally are not attracted to the chosen path, it is useless to copy other people's actions - so you will not be able to succeed, or he will not satisfy you.

Give yourself a break. Watch yourself at this time: what you do most often? What makes you happy?

Compare, to what extent this activity is correlated with the former in the way of copying. Are you doing something to achieve those goals, which please you personally? Or you still lack motivation?

Principle # 2. Understand, that only you are responsible for it, what happened to you and is happening

Even if you understand, what current place of work - The result of ideas imposed by parents or others ( "Everyone needs higher education", "You will work for pennies for the sake of experience - only thieves and swindlers become rich" and so on. D.), Do not rush to blame anyone out of habit. And from that moment, as you stop doing it, everything is subject to you.

When you understand, that other people's influence is always present, but you are free from it and free to build your life, as you wish, you will be able to start active actions on the way to achieving your goal - wealth, success, etc..

Don't think, that just takes time, that change will happen by itself, that you are lucky, and you will instantly become rich and rich. No. Changes will begin only then, when you take responsibility and start changing your own life, including to wealth.

Principle # 3. Analyze the main goal

so, you have goals, and now you know, which ones are really yours. Now analyze your main goal.

Why do you need it? Imagine: here you have reached it, and? What's next? Our psyche does not tolerate emptiness and does not allow the option of aimless pastime after reaching a certain financial threshold - should always be interpreted as some kind of self-development.

Explain the logic of your actions, and then your resources will be directed in the right direction.

Principle # 4. Change your attitude towards money

Understand, that it is only a means of obtaining concrete material goods. You should not reduce money to the rank of a cult. Giving something excess potential, you risk not achieving this.

Principle # 5. Break a big goal into small tasks

If you move towards gaining wealth consistently, on the steps, it will be easier. Write down specific steps to achieve wealth and monitor their implementation.

Do not set yourself such global goals, how to "become self-confident" and "get rich" - except for the final, which requires prior training and education.

Principle # 6. Plan your day and find opportunities for self-realization

When you start to consider, how much time you have this or that activity, you are horrified, how many hours you used to spend in vain. Starting to plan your day, you are unlikely to want to lie in bed until dinner, about the second to spend on pointless surfing the web, an hour - to chat on the phone, etc.. D.

Most of the energy you want to focus on creative activities. Create your own theories, which will seem effective to you, and test them in practice. Many great people once created them.

Principle # 7. act constantly

The result comes with experience, and experience will not come without constant action for a long time. The more global the goal, which you put in front of you, the more time it will require execution.

It does not mean, that you need to overload yourself with work so much, to soon want to do anything at all. Act as usual, simply NOT stop.

Principle # 8. Do not use for recreation

If you are currently burdening yourself with work, cherishing the dream of it, the day will come, in which you earn enough, to stop doing that, it's time to change something in your views. The man is one step higher, compared to all creatures, this is why, that cannot live aimlessly. He needs active action.

Challenge yourself: set a goal to get rich from scratch, get it and don't stop on what has been achieved. To start, take a not very high bar, you will reach it, then raise. And so again and again.

Principle # 9. Find mental balance

Your main task is not to get rich. Your main task - get to know yourself. Having solved it, you will come to an intuitive understanding of everything, which is important. Big money can only be made in a quiet environment.

Get to know your character in the process of earning, make mutually beneficial acquaintances, and you will be satisfied.

Remember the proverb: "Don't have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred friends ". It's not about that at all, that friends are more important than money, as we were told at school (remember the misconceptions imposed).

Actually, the essence of the proverb is, what priority - create a harmonious environment and make many friends. These are the people who will help you earn such sums, which alone you did not even dream of.

Let's make a retreat. Probably, you argued and will say, that there are examples of people, who have achieved wealth alone. IS. But what did it cost them to achieve this wealth? With what a bunch of psychological traumas they then come to the psychologist (example, with depression) and give him a considerable part of the earnings? (We have already written an article - "How to get out of depression", what is it and what can this disease lead to)

And look at the people, on which wealth fell "from heaven" - this lottery winners. Світ не знає жодної такої історії зі щасливим кінцем. At best, these people a year later were in debt due to improper disposal of an unusual amount of finances, and at worst… Let's not talk about the bad.

But still, if you are interested in the lottery theme, then especially for you we have prepared an article "How to win the lottery", in which they told in detail about the basic techniques and technologies of winning a large sum of money.

Principle 10. Don't give up

You will always have time to give up your goal, and to return to it will be much more difficult, than continue to work in the right direction now. Don't create a life scenario for yourself, in which you return to office work, where you will live from salary to salary and torment yourself with one question: «And what would it be, if I hadn't given up then?»

Constantly work on changing your thinking. all, what's going on neutral. Only our perception gives to events positive or negative assessment. And you can and should work on your perception.

5. Exercises to achieve wealth

If you realized, how strong the motivation for wealth should be, it's time to move on to practice.

Exercise 1. Get rid of the mood of poverty

As soon as you start working to achieve your goal, consciousness will begin to protest. The mind will whisper, that you will not succeed. You will have doubts about your abilities, you will start to envy them, who is more successful.

You will think, that you will never be able to do your favorite thing and make a profit. Such moods are natural, after all, you have been told about it since childhood, that "out of the mud in the prince" can not get out.

Start fighting these limiting settings. And this exercise will help.

  • Relax.

As soon as you feel it, which overwhelmed with despair, disbelief in their own strength, feel them. Take a couple of minutes for that, to relax and sit, closing his eyes.

  • Give free rein to your imagination.

Imagine, that you are already very rich, that you have everything, what you dreamed of. Finally you can afford it, what do you love. Disconnect from reality, does not matter, what is your real financial situation.

Play the rich. You think, it's a useless game? No way. Such games are useful to our consciousness, as they expand the boundaries of reality. Imagine, that you have achieved something - and it will begin to happen in reality.

  • Wish other people to get rich.

Now think of those, whom you envy because of their riches. Remember the game? Now you are rich, you are on an equal footing with them. No, you are even richer! So wish them more wealth. Imagine financial flows, coming to them. Let them become stronger, until they are flooded.

  • Wish to get rich yourself.

Now you can imagine the big financial flows, coming to you. The more streams you send to others, the more you get yourself.

  • Wish everyone well.

Wish yourself and others all the best. Tell yourself mentally: «I am rich and worthy of it!»

Now you can open cases and return to everyday affairs. Return to this exercise, if negative thoughts suddenly return

Exercise 2. Plan your wealth

Now, when you get rid of unnecessary doubts, it's time to specify plans.

  1. Decide, how much money you want to earn to begin with and imagine it as clearly as possible. You see this money in front of you. What kind of currency is this?? In which she packs? Where is the money: in a suitcase, on the table, in a personal safe or in your hands?
  2. Imagine, what bills to the touch, as they crunch and rustle.
  3. Set yourself a specific deadline, by which you will receive this amount - the date of the beginning of your financial independence.
  4. Decide, what part of the amount you will invest in your business, to get an even bigger amount. Set yourself up for that, that you are investing a large share, to multiply capital at times. Imagine, how many times more rich you will become.
  5. Make a decision, how you spend the rest of the amount. You have to spend it on yourself.

Pay attention to the order, it is very important! First you do profitable investment, which will work for you, and only then spent on personal needs.

  1. Write it down on a piece of paper: What amount and for how long is required, how exactly you distribute it.
  2. Compose and write down key phrases, that begin with the words "I want".


  • "I want life, financially free ".
  • "I want to stop depending on others financially".
  • "I want to, to make money work for me ".
  • "I want to do my favorite thing".

The more you can come up with similar phrases, the better. Take this letter with notes every day and re-read - it will harden your focus. In case of doubt, sometimes return to the first exercise.

6. How to deal with the fear of losing money

If you really want to get rich, necessary to learn rito bind. If you are afraid, then you will never be able to make your money work, after all, to increase profits you need to invest, and deposits are always at risk.

Certainly, nobody talks about it, to invest without sufficient financial literacy, but you need to consider the likelihood of defeat and be able to accept it.

To overcome the fear of losing money, take the following:

  1. Life will endlessly challenge you, so there is no point in hiding from dangers. accept the connection - so life becomes brighter. If you lose, it is worthy, and if you win, then on a grand scale.
  2. fail - it's not bad and not ashamed. Great victories are always preceded by a series of failures.
  3. absolutely normal - learn from mistakes. We can get the experience we need, just trying and making mistakes. Do not worry - it is better to analyze the situation, draw conclusions, develop a new strategy instead, that didn't work, and start over, again and again.
  4. Never give up, if you failed the first time. Many throw, because they are afraid, that there will be a second failure and a third, etc.. D. But these failures are a reward for further success. So learn the same lessons.
  5. The most important thing. Remember, that the so-called stable life with regularly paid work gives only the illusion of an orderly life. Actually, workers for wages inevitably take risks, after all, they are provided with a poor old age.

If you cannot accept these settings, if the pain of losing you lasts much longer, than the joy of luck, you too can become rich, but not so fast.

In your case, the right strategy - do not take big risks, act only for sure.

Practice - mini-training

Here is a mini-training to help you overcome your fears.

When we try to escape and hide, we are just beginning to fear more. You need to look your fear in the eye - and it will pass, and the released energy can be directed to creative purposes.

Take a comfortable position and allow yourself to relax, close your eyes. Imagine, what you - the hero of a fairy tale, who travels the imaginary world. It is not for nothing that we tell you to imagine a fairy tale: «A fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint in it…»

so, you go and see the mountain, and on it - the castle, in which an unusual reward awaits you (come up with, which). This castle is your goal. Obstacles await you, but you have enough determination to overcome them. Only you have made a plan of action - in front of you grows an impenetrable wall as high as the sky, infinitely long to the right and left. Think, how do you get around it. Make different attempts. Don't give up! The usual methods will not work, but keep looking for not the most standard solutions.

Remember, what you - in a fairy tale, so, any event is possible here. May be, there will be a secret door? Or you apply a miracle, allowing you to walk through walls? Anyhow, but you have to find a way out of the situation.

You have overcome the first obstacle and move on. On the way there is a deep and wide abyss, at the bottom of which is a stormy river with sharp stones. Think, how will you overcome it.

You go on, you are almost there. On the approaches to the castle, from nowhere - a forest with fierce predators. A tiger jumps out to meet him and makes a terrible roar. If you now turn your back on him and run, you die. look for a way out. It doesn't matter if it's a battle with a beast or an attempt to make friends. You have to overcome an obstacle.

This is the last obstacle. If you overcame it, then you will pass the forest slums and finally get to the castle, in which you will receive the long-awaited award.

You think, it's just a game? Actually, your subconscious mind will remember this and form an algorithm for the winner's actions, who overcomes any obstacles without fear or excuses.

So, at first you struggle with obstacles only in your imagination. But if you learn it successfully, but it will be much easier for you to wake up, because fear will no longer rule over you.

7. How to properly manage profits - 7 useful tips

How to manage your wealth - 7 Work

You probably know more than one story, in which a person developed confidently and began to earn well, but immediately returned to zero or even went into the red.

If you don't want to, to have this happen to you again, listen to some tips.

1. Set aside at least 10% from profits

earned fifty thousand for the first month? Put at least five in the piggy bank, preferably ten to fifteen. Your wealth - this is not the amount, which managed to earn, and that, which managed to save.

Only yesterday's poor people determine the wealth of others by status things: expensive housing and car, branded clothing, etc.. P. Actually, people, such a show stands out, often live at zero or even on credit. Instead of, to show off, deal with your future. And put it aside.

2. Choose effective ways to save your deferred amount

If you put money at home in a desk drawer, anything can happen to them. We will not even talk about natural disasters, fire or flood.

Often everything is much simpler: The owner of the money can not resist the temptation to spend it.

The only reliable place to store savings today is bank. You can rent a bank cell, from which you can withdraw funds at any time, but with rising inflation, you will have less savings each year.

It makes sense to study the proposals for deposits from leading commercial banks. Put the amount not deductible, which will be enough, to live a year or two.

In the event of an unforeseen situation and the collapse of the current case, you can afford not to work this period, to start a new business.

While others take loans to maintain a normal standard of living, you will be afloat at your own expense.

If you have a large amount, look at deposits with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment. Monthly interest will be a good bonus.

3. Use Cashback

Throw away old plastic cards, which only become an item of additional costs (annual maintenance, mobile services…)

Get a debit card with a decent cashback from any purchase, paid in cash, and monthly accrual of interest on the amount, what is on the map.

4. Invest

so, you put it off 10% to deposit. Will 10% you need to invest: in action, bonds or your business. Or at least set aside this amount for further investment. Don't miss this point! Without it, it is impossible to increase capital.

Develop analytical skills, to choose the most profitable types of investments. The richest investors believe, that there is nothing more profitable, than investing in stocks (acquisition of business shares) or real estate.

Try this path or your own, but be sure to invest. We recommend reading the article - "Where to invest money? Ways to invest money »

5. Do charity work

Someone is arguing with me, but I believe, what else 10% from the income it is necessary to donate to charity. Why? Because you can't get it, giving nothing. And vice versa, money, devoted to a good cause, will return three times.

Saying goodbye to that amount, you seem to negotiate with your mind: «I have enough money. I can not only provide for myself, but also others». The only rule: help with a pure heart, only those, who you really want to help.

6. Give up all loans

We have already decided, that it is risky to spend all the money earned. It is even more risky to borrow money. Even if you are on 150% are confident in your business and want to improve it with credit, think three times.

Do not drive yourself into debt debt for the sake of vague prospects. It is better to move to the growth of profits slowly, but independent and confident steps.

7. Review your needs and live on your income

We have already discussed the stereotypes about rich people above, created by the poor. The first stage does not require yachts and mansions. The only thing, what really sets rich people apart - it is their self-control.

Whereas weak people want to spend and consume more, strong personalities buy only what is necessary, and the rest of the funds are invested and reinvested.

Fight the usual temptations, make a profitable investment (having previously analyzed the risks) and you will be closer to wealth and success, than ever.

8. 7 proven ways to find financial freedom

Certainly, There are many more ways to become financially independent. Every now wealthy man has come to that success in his own way, which he now enjoys and is proud of.

But first we will offer you seven schemes, which really work and are guaranteed to bring income to everyone. This requires only the desire and ability to work solely on themselves.

Way 1. Generation of passive income

This way of earning money is not in the first place. The logic is this: if you don't understand, what does this concept mean, it is too early for you to do any business on your own.

Passive income - this is, that will bring you profit, regardless, whether you take part in the project every day. We consider passive income to be the most important component of financial independence.

There are several common ways to earn a passive income:

  • rental of housing;
  • receiving interest on a bank deposit;
  • receiving dividends when working with securities;
  • work as a distributor in the field of network marketing (suitable only for sociable individuals);

This type of income is suitable even for those, who is afraid to throw a job at someone. You can continue to go to your usual job and get paid, but in addition you will have a passive income.

Agree, even a few thousand rubles a month - not superfluous, considering, that you don't need to do almost anything for this.

Way 2. Mediation in large transactions

Think, in what area your abilities are developed at a decent level. Acting as an intermediary in large financial transactions, you will receive a percentage of each transaction.

The more solid the deal will be, the more a decent amount you get personally. Example, experienced realtors now earn more 5000 $ monthly.

Way 3. Earnings on the Internet

Right now, while you are reading this article, tens of thousands of people earn, without leaving home. Working on the Internet at home is gaining momentum, new ways of earning money appear: from freelance and remote work to Infobusiness.

Way 4. Creating a profitable site

If you have any idea about Internet technology and understand, that sites today create as platforms for advertising, then you will be able to earn this way.

Read more in the article - "How to create a site yourself - step by step instructions". And the same about the online store - "How to open an online store"

Way 5. Starting your own business

Do not be afraid: it's much easier, than it seems. Of course, some financial investment will be required to start a serious business, but some types of earnings will start from scratch.

example, you can already implement your knowledge and skills online. Tens of thousands of people are doing this right now and finding grateful listeners.

Way 6. Investment in the stock market, in action

Investing in the stock market, you will understand, what is your real relationship with money.

The stock market is aggressive, ruthless mentor, which shapes your character. The consequences of the slightest mistake grow very quickly to a barely manageable scale. This type of investment will teach discipline and the ability to look ahead.

If you want to invest in stocks, approach the choice of the company wisely. It must have the following indicators:

  • has developed a unique niche and holds a strong market position;
  • has a business plan with calculations (for clarity, you can download free ready-made examples of business plans) and has competent management, who has a clear goal;
  • sells an exclusive or almost exclusive product, which consumers need, for which they are willing to pay;
  • demonstrates a significant increase in turnover and net profit;
  • be on the list 500 largest companies;
  • known for low levels of borrowed funds and interest costs;
  • the stock price is constantly rising;
  • large stakes were owned by directors and managers.

Watch the stock price for a long period of time. Newcomers are often tempted to buy stocks, whose price goes down, hoping for a drastic change in the situation. But who knows, how long the price will continue to fall?

The most reliable strategy - Wait, until the stock price goes up, and make a purchase. And you need to sell them, when you are satisfied with the profit - do not procrastinate too much in this case. Sold shares - forget about them. Don't count, how much could you earn, if sold later.

Way 7. Real estate investments

Let's dwell on this option as one of the most relevant for the people of Russia. In our country, real estate investment has become a proven and reliable investment. This is not about troubled regions, where wars and natural disasters wreak havoc. Cities of millions are taken into account, in which the demand for rent and purchase of housing, it seems, never falls.

Despite various financial crises, property owners do not suffer much. Housing is not afraid of inflation, and most of the time it rises in price.

There are two ways to reduce the payback period of investments:

The first way. Increase real estate liquidity

If you plan to rent a home, rent it daily, and not for the long term. It would seem, aggressive way with their risks and lack of regular customers, but if you arm yourself with a calculator and estimate the approximate income, then you will understand, that advice is correct.

The second way. Invest in rental income

If the income from the apartment will be immediately directed to the investment flow, the payback period of real estate investments will be reduced. How many times - depends on your ability to invest.

When buying real estate, you can apply the so-called strategy "leapfrog games». It allows you to acquire one property after another, without investing their personal funds in it, until then, the loan will be serviced.

This is ensured as follows:

  • margin or cash is used as the first deposit;
  • cosmetic repairs are being done to increase the value of the property;
  • then the rent rises;
  • there is an appraisal of real estate and its refinancing to withdraw money for the next deposit;
  • then there is an increase in margin and income, allowing you to repeat this cycle over and over again.

9. Advantages of owning your own business

so, you already understood, that you can get really rich, only if it is so profitable to invest money, to return your investments quickly and also make a profit from them.

But for that, to make this scheme work, you have to provide cash flow, from which you can easily allocate funds for investment - the so-called surplus money. This can be achieved only on one condition - if you have your own business.

You will never provide yourself with a lot of free money, working in an office with a stable salary.

in addition, investing in your own business is considered the most profitable. So if you want to be an investor, become a businessman first. We recommend reading - "How to open a sole proprietorship?»

The next important reason is to start your own business. When you work for someone, the inevitable onset of such a moment, when your employer considers you "too old". Does not matter, that you will feel great in 40-50, and your head will be full of ideas - employers always need younger employees.

And you will understand, that's all yours career growth, your self-improvement in your chosen profession, your relentless work has brought you to a dead end. Everything, what you have left is unskilled work as a janitor or caretaker for money.

Contact and another scenario may occur. Professional burnout is almost inevitable in office work with its strict rules. Suddenly, in one day, you will find, that you no longer want and cannot work with the same enthusiasm. You will become inattentive, start making mistakes, and you will be released. The result is the same.

The problem is, that in our universities do not learn to look so far ahead. If you are now about twenty, for you it is empty words. But years later 10-20 (And they will fly by quickly), you will understand, what we are talking about.

And the last reason to start your own business. You can always sell it! Unlike the usual workplace, which feeds you for a long time, and then instantly ceases, your business will always be a worthwhile investment.

The sooner you start thinking about starting your own business, the better. But if you already for 40, and you nodded in agreement, reading about the release from the heated town, and it's not too late to start!

In this case in general it is not too late: There are no age restrictions, no burnout problems, no pitfalls. You're just doing things, until you decide to move away from them, becoming quite rich.

10. How to make a business successful and make a profit - laying the foundations of business

It is widely believed that starting a business is impossible without start-up capital. Actually, the main thing - it is an idea and a goal. If your only goal and idea is to make a lot of money, better not even start. failure is guaranteed.

So, such a practical goal must be present, but the main thing must be some spiritual goal, or mission, that gives consumers something, what they need now. Focus on the mission.

Read also - "Business ideas from scratch. Guide to starting your own business »

example, Henry Ford's mission was to, that the car became available to all people, and was not the prerogative of the rich - this is a very strong mission, that's why it became so profitable.

so, in the first place it is necessary to put the satisfaction of the requests of as many consumers as possible.

people - Not stupid: they feel, when they want to earn more, and when the business is created for that, to cover some of their needs. You don't have to start from scratch. You can choose an existing area of ​​business, but give it a more efficient and simple structure. Or you can offer goods and services, which are scarce in the market, competently organizing the delivery system and organization. If in doubt, the help of a qualified expert will not be superfluous.

After, as you have the very idea and mission of the business, you should work on it, how to make a business successful and make a profit.

To do this, experts recommend:

1. Work on improving your communication skills.

Because you constantly have to deal with people, you need to take seriously the art of communication. Attend oratory and psychological trainings. Having got acquainted with the basics, start applying the acquired skills in practice.

2. Create a team.

Just don't choose people, based on their current financial situation. Choose those, who is ready to grow and develop, not giving up at the first difficulty.

3. Become a leader.

You do not need to rape yourself and undergo all kinds of training, promising to develop leadership skills. Just be determined enough, to be the first to take on difficult tasks and show initiative then, when others are afraid.

Wealth test. Depends on your answers (beliefs)

11. The final exercise is a test of wealth

This is a kind of final exam, which we found in the contents of the book Roberta Kiosaki.

The answers to these 12 issues help you understand, what reality you live in now and what kind of life you would really like to live.

Question №1. Imagine, that you already have all the money in the world. You no longer need to work one day in this life! What will you do with the vacated time?

Question №2. Imagine, what you (and your husband / wife, if you have a family) today resigned from the usual work. How will your life change in this case? How long will you be able to hold out, if you follow that way of life, to which they are accustomed?

Question №3. If you are still far from retirement age, think, when you want to get away with it. Will it be sooner, than retirement age, or later? When you retire, you will get more, than you get today, or less?

Question №4. If you could choose from only two options: life with a high-paying job or life, in which you do not need a salary, - whichever option you choose? Given this, what characteristics can you give to your current lifestyle?

Question №5. What is more important to you: go through the options, what to spend money on, because you have too many of them, or puzzle over it, as if to set aside more money? Given this, what characteristics can you give to your current lifestyle?

Question №6. If you could choose from only two options: life, in which you no longer need to work for it, to get more, or life, in which you need to work tirelessly, to get as much as possible, - whichever option you choose? Given this, what characteristics can you give to your current lifestyle?

Question №7. How do you think, investing is a risky venture? How do you think, whether you need to have money, to make more money? You would like to learn how to invest, without investing their own funds, without risking anything and at the same time receiving a high percentage of profits? If you were given someone else's money for that, so you can invest them, you would take this opportunity?

Question №8. List 6 man, excluding family members, with whom you seek to spend most of your time. How they relate to finance? Putting his hand on his heart, you would call it the attitude of the poor or the attitude of the middle class? How many of these 6 the man could well get away with it, being young and rich? Given the answers to these questions, think, it's not time for you to make new friends?

Question №9. If you could choose from only two options: creating and buying assets for that, to get rich, or reliable work with a stable salary, - whichever option you choose? Given this, what characteristics can you give to your current lifestyle?

Question №10. Imagine, that you are offered a billion dollars for it, to resign from your current job. Will you agree?

  • If this amount is more important than the current place of work, then why aren't you ready to go looking for that amount right now? What keeps you going?
  • If this amount is less important, Why? You can do much more with these tools, than you do now!

Question №11. What more accurately describes you: you make money regardless of market fluctuations or live in fear, that the market will collapse, and you will lose your fortune? Why is this happening?

Question №12. Let's say, it would be possible to arrange everything completely differently in that, as to your financial situation. What would you do differently? If it really can be implemented, why you still don't do it?

Giving honest, thorough answers to these questions, you will get an objective picture of that, which represents your life now. Perhaps, this is what motivates you to make drastic changes.

12. Real stories of people, who became rich on their own

Here are four stories, which inspired a large number of modern entrepreneurs. If there is interest, you will be able to find details of these stories and thousands of others on the Internet.

so, four inspiring people, who managed to earn a fortune without the help of wealthy relatives:

  • Steve Jobs

Pioneer of the era of IT technologies, genius, who created the information world in that form, in which we observe it now. Steve was adopted by an ordinary middle-income family. Studying at the university, he often ate in the temple, so as not to starve, and lived with friends.

Quitting training, he set up computers with his friend. Subsequent sales gradually led him to the creation of the now famous company Apple, which allowed him to become one of the richest people. He died: 5 October 2011 p

  • Oprah Winfrey

Born into a poor African American family, this woman was able to become a TV presenter, actress and producer, the first woman billionaire in history.

Forbes has repeatedly recognized her as the richest and most influential woman on the planet. There are rumors, that Oprah is personal adviser to the President of the United States.

  • George Soros

He was born into a poor middle-income Jewish family. Having started his work with a haberdashery factory and a salesman, he worked hard, to make your dream come true and engage in stock market activities. He earned about two billion dollars in one night.

Today, George is a successful American financier and entrepreneur. He created a whole network of charitable organizations.

  • Donald Trump

This businessman owned billions, but lost its fortune in the 1980s. He surrendered? No, he restarted his path to wealth and today owns capital in 3 billions of dollars. Candidate for President of the United States.

13. 10 advice from Donald Trump

In his book, the entrepreneur gave 10 advice businessmen, based on their own experience. Some of them may contradict some of these tips, that I have already given in this article, after all, everyone has their own opinion. Think, it will only help you decide on your own.

Advice № 1. Dress according to your cultural and social status

Donald believes, that you can't wear cheap clothes, because she “speaks of us before, how do we open our mouths ». He is not against cheap shopping, if no one knows the price, but the clothes should look decent.

Council №2. Take care of your hair

Council №3. Become your own financial expert

The billionaire says, that known cases, when professional financial advisers led companies to collapse, so it is better to risk yourself. Learn, reading business magazines, communicating with influential people, to minimize the likelihood of failure.

Council №4. Be able to stand up for yourself

Who does not want to trust even his closest friends, Trump advises: press - answer the same, insult - attack. "Eye for an eye", - the Old Testament advised us, and who doubts the wisdom of this book?

Council №5. provoke others

When you sit at the negotiating table, express carefully prepared, provocative phrases. They will help to evaluate the interlocutors: their reaction will be clear, what they are.

Council №6. Avoid shaking hands

When the tradition of shaking hands is a thing of the past? In the worst case, it can cause infections, and it is important for entrepreneurs to stay in good health.

Council №7. Pay attention to detail

Memorize all the events, deeds and words, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Council №8. Listen to your intuition, obey your instincts

Does not matter, how many diplomas and work experience do you or counselors have. Your inner voice is your best friend, which will give barely noticeable signs, by which it is possible to understand, whether to make a deal or meet with certain people.

Council №9. Be optimistic, but always be prepared for failure

Not wasting on negative experiences, you will save your inner energy. On the other hand, being prepared for ups and downs, you will save yourself from unexpected disappointments.

Council №10. Enter into marriage contracts

Definitely, not the most common advice for Russians, but quite clear from the lips of man, who lives with the mind. Trump says, that sometimes feelings overshadow the mind, and it seems, that you will always be together, but this is a wrong course of thought. Without a marriage contract, you can easily lose that, to which he aspired for many years.

As far as everyone knows, in Russia, marriage contracts today do not have such legal force, which refers to Donald Trump, but times are changing.

14. What to read, look, to get richer?

Recommended reading

Robert Kiyosaki's book - Rich Dad Poor Dad

The book "Think and Rich" - Napoleon Hill

Watch the video - The secret of wealthy people. How to become rich and successful?