Categories: Garden and town

How to dry garlic without destroying the bulbs, in connection, rules of storage at home

Because dried garlic cloves are a fragrant seasoning for soups, seafood, meat and poultry, Many people are interested in how to dry garlic at home? There are several proven ways, how to properly dry garlic yourself so, so that it does not lose its taste and useful qualities. Today you will learn about preparing the product for drying, drying without violating the integrity of the bulbs, in connection, storage in powder form, as well as about, whether it is possible to dry garlic in the sun.

Preparation for drying

You can use vegetable varieties Kalinin, Rostov, Kirovograd, Starobilsky white, Creole, Southern purple, Ukrainian white and others. In principle, you can dry any of the varieties known among gardeners. Watering of the crop should be stopped a few days before the planned excavation. Because the ground must be dry, it is not recommended to dig up the plant afterwards, as the rain passed. Do not wait for the garlic to ripen. At this point, the leaves become characteristically yellow and are located on the ground.

In the process of digging vegetables of this degree of maturity, it is easy to separate the scales from the heads, and the teeth themselves. They can contaminate the earth. And washing teeth is forbidden, because they are able to mold. It is also not advisable to dig up the immature crop. Since its bulbs will have a loose and loose structure, due to which they will be poorly dried and stored. Garlic should be dried in a dry and cool place. Do not remove the roots, leaves and stem.

Many people practice drying this wonderful product, knowing about all its useful qualities.

But also effectively fights worms, helps treat joint pain, used as an adjunct in the treatment of liver disease.

Is an excellent prevention of impotence in men and diseases of the cardiovascular system in anyone.

Binding drying

How to dry garlic in a bunch? Preliminary drying is carried out directly on the site. It is left there after digging for a couple of days. After the roots and tops dry, and the scales will be closer to the surface of the bulb, you can harvest from the site. If this year is cold and rainy days, the drying procedure should be carried out in a room with a temperature level at the level +30 degrees and lasts no longer 8 days. Garlic with tops is usually braided into braids, which are hung in a dry place, where a little cool.

Drying without destruction of bulbs

Digging up ripe garlic, you can dry it with heads, without crushing them. It is necessary to take away for a product of the room with temperature no more + 10 degrees. Next, the garlic should be stacked in 1 layer for several months. The roots should become shrunken, and the leaves change color to brown. You need to remove some leaves and prune the roots. The stem should be cut at a height of about 2, 5 cm from the head. Storage of garlic in this form is carried out in stockings. A dark and dry place will do.

You can dry the vegetables peeled. You need to organize a clean and mature product. After removing its top layer, the garlic should be cut into plates about the thickness 6 mm, spread out on a sieve or deck, pre-lined with parchment paper. Next, drying in an oven or oven at temperature +50 degrees. Verify, whether the slices have dried normally, not so difficult. You just have to bend one in your hand, and it must break.

Storage in the form of garlic powder

You can make a fragrant powder from dried garlic. The product must be ground with a coffee grinder. This powder will not lose its odor and taste throughout 1 year. How to do it? To do this, select good heads, remove the husk from them. You can grind it not only with a coffee grinder. Some people like to chop garlic with their own hands, someone is using a combine. Requires drying in the oven with the temperature set at the level + 93 degrees.

Sometimes this procedure is performed in a special dehumidifier. Where the product is placed on 2 day at a temperature of about +35 degrees. Chop the dried garlic and pass it through a sieve, you can store the powder close 2 months.

Can be dried in the sun

You can dry garlic in the sun, if necessary to obtain a large amount of product in season and its sale. This method can not be called justified in self-drying. As laying out vegetables for heating considerably reduces in the future terms of its storage. Under the influence of scorching sun the top layer of vegetables cracks. Which affects the quality of the bulbs is not the best.

If you still have the desire to use this method, spread the dug garlic in the shade. Then its taste and aroma will not suffer. And you can add your favorite seasoning to various dishes to your liking and enjoy their unique taste. It is also advisable to dry those plants in the sun, which you plan to plant for the winter. This should be done throughout 3 days.

Video "Drying garlic"

In this video you will learn about it, how to properly dry garlic and store in the form of garlic powder.



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