How to choose a soldering iron: important parameters, choosing a tool for the home, pipes and chips

Though, that the modern market is represented by a wide range of different soldering irons, many do not know, how to choose the right tool, to make it convenient to solve the tasks. Sellers in specialty stores can not always fully describe all the pros and cons of each model, so it is better to look for the answer on the Internet. Before you buy a soldering iron, it is necessary to get acquainted with its characteristics and try to understand, which ones are the most important, and which - the least. You should also pay attention to the country of origin. So how to choose a soldering iron, not to be mistaken?

Important parameters

Each tool has its own parameters and characteristics, determining its functional purpose and application. A soldering iron is no exception. Choosing a specific model, it is necessary to focus on the following parameters:

Power and size

Many believe, that the bigger and more powerful this tool is, the better. However, this is not the case. If required directly for pipes, then the power and size parameters must be the same, if for chips others. There are models with a capacity of at least 10 W and above 500 W.

Operating voltage

In the most popular models, the operating voltage is 6, 12, 36 and 220 Volt. Of course, it is better to choose a soldering iron, powered from the mains with a capacity of 220 V. As for security, then the operating voltage to 36 B is the best option. If you need to buy a soldering iron for the home with the lowest voltage, then you have to buy a step-down transformer.

Type of heating element

Modern devices are mainly available with built-in spiral heaters, which are a ceramic or mica tube with a wire coating, located on top. Some models also have ceramic heaters, however, their service life is not too long, and the price is quite high.

Form of pity

There is a large selection of various thousands. It is best to choose such a soldering iron, who has the ability to change the sting. In this case, you can buy a tool, regardless, it will be intended for the house or for processing of chips.

Sting length adjustment

It is necessary to choose such devices, which have such a function. This is due to the fact, that after a while the solder begins to destroy the sting, causing notches, reducing its size, etc.. P.

Soldering iron type

If you can not choose the right tool, it is best to buy rod or pulse models.

An electric soldering iron is considered the best. It is universal and optimally combines all the necessary parameters.