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How to choose a video card for your computer

A graphics card is one of the most expensive and important components of a computer. The price of this component in gaming systems can be equal to the cost of all other components. Also, choosing a quality video card is often required for a number of other tasks. Example, graphics adapter can significantly reduce video rendering time. If the user is interested in cryptocurrency, then it is important for him to know, which video card is better to buy for mining. In each case, the requirements for "iron" are different. This article will discuss the issue in detail, how to choose the right video card for your computer for tasks, taking into account all the parameters of modern maps.


Types of video cards

In the electronics market, the range of graphics adapters is quite large, Below we will get acquainted with the three most popular types of cards to date and consider the scope of their use.


Built-in video cards are commonly used in laptops. They are a chip, unsoldered on the motherboard. Desktop PCs are equipped with such solutions less often and are usually used only in budget assemblies. It is also possible to single out graphs separately, embedded in processor, but such solutions belong to another class. However, motherboards built into the motherboard will similarly use CPU power and RAM resources.


Discrete graphics cards are completely autonomous. Such devices have their own memory and computing units. Cheap video cards have relatively little video memory, and the number of stream processors, texture blocks and rendering blocks are many times smaller, than in premium level devices. Discrete solutions are great for gaming PCs, cryptocurrency mining, as well as work with graphics, images and various resource-intensive applications.


Hybrid devices, as the name implies, representing a combination of discrete and built-in video adapter. Most often, manufacturers use such video cards for laptops. The advantages of hybrid video cards include their versatility: use of high-performance chip for games and "heavy" programs, and built-in for simple office applications.

Video card selection criteria

To solve, which video card is better to choose, first you need to decide on the tasks, which will perform this component. Many modern PC users only need a graphics adapter for office applications and video viewing. However, you do not need to buy a separate video adapter, after all, modern built-in Intel HD graphics 630, which is present in all Pentium processors 4600 and above, works great even with online video playback in 4K resolution.

For modern games, in turn, the corresponding card is required. Example, with today's most popular 1080p resolution and with maximum graphics settings GTX adapter 1060 from the popular video card manufacturer NVIDIA will allow you to enjoy stable 30 fps. In most cases, this figure will exceed 50 frames per second. If you want a similar result at a higher resolution, then you will have to part with a larger amount to purchase a GTX 1070/1080.

For 4K resolution, For maximum graphics settings and high frame rates, the top GTX is a must 1080 You. However, the chosen model of video card is quite expensive, therefore, as an alternative in this case, you can use two 1070, buying them in turn. In this configuration, the gaming PC will be able to produce even a large frame rate, but the total cost will also be higher. However, for other adapters, this approach is not relevant, after all in 10 NVIDIA SLI series support is only claimed for the three older models.

If you don't consider yourself an avid gamer, then the best solution is to buy a video card to work with office programs, watching movies and simple games. In this case, even GTX is suitable 1050/1050 Ti or RX 460/470. With a very modest budget, you can consider NVIDIA GT as a purchase 1030. This adapter is great for simple entertainment, as "Overwatch" or "DOTA 2", giving out stable 60 fps at high graphics settings.

A separate category includes adapters for mining. In terms of value for money, video cards of this class are superior to standard models. But it is relevant only for the process of cryptocurrency extraction, after all, mining devices are deprived of a number of gaming capabilities. This move allows manufacturers to reduce the cost of graphics cards, providing users with the full set of necessary functions. But it is worth considering, that due to the specifics of the warranty period for such models is significantly reduced and is all 90 days.

Who to choose NVIDIA or AMD

If there are a huge number of video card manufacturers on the market, then GPU developers, There are only two accelerators and systems logic kits in the industry:

  • AMD

These companies are also well-known among fans, both "green" and "red". Of course, experienced users will be able to note a few more brands. However, most of them are present only in the market of mobile devices or portable consoles. Intel, whose solutions are also present on the PC, is engaged exclusively in the built-in graphics for own securities.

As for the choice between NVIDIA and AMD, then there is no clear leader here. Every company has its supporters and opponents. However, should be acknowledged, "Green" is still a little more popular, than "red". But the market situation may well change, after all, AMD has almost become on a par with NVIDIA, and the appearance in the wide availability of Vega cards and is quite capable of outweighing the bowl in its direction.

The Reds are already offering more attractive prices for all their graphics adapters. AMD also often benefits from heat and power consumption. Important advantages of NVIDIA are, in turn, perfect compatibility, which is not always characteristic of "red", excellent driver optimization and more interesting branded game technologies.

Paint the virtues, the shortcomings and differences of each of the manufacturers can be very long. However, based on such considerations, it is still impossible to give the only correct advice for all buyers. Choosing a video card for your computer, you need to study the features of all the models you are interested in, as well as based on their own preferences and available budget. So you can buy just that adapter, whose parameters suit you best.

When buying a video card, keep that fact in mind, which motherboard you use and enough power supply for the selected adapter!

Video card connection type

All modern video cards, connected to a computer via the PCI-E x16 interface connector. Depending on the specification, the bandwidth of the bus on one line can vary from 5 Gbps (version 2.0) to 8 Gbps (version 3.0).

Also 8 June 2017 The PCI Express standard was officially announced in 2006 4.0, able to provide a twofold increase in productivity (to 16 gigatransactions per second). In the same month, PCI-SIG previously announced the specification 5.0, which will improve the figure already before 32 Gbps. Standardization of this version is expected in 2019 year.

There are also PCI-E x1 and AGP interface connectors. However, today the first is used, mainly, to install other boards, as, example, Wi-Fi adapters, and the AGP system bus has changed PCI-E over 10 years ago, therefore, it can be found only on very old PCs.

Video processor frequency

Although the frequency of the GPU plays an important role, but it is not a fundamental characteristic. In modern adapters from NVIDIA and AMD, the difference in frequency between older and younger models is extremely small. So in the cards of the primary class, this figure is 1300-1500 MHz, which is the minimum necessary for games. In the middle segment, the frequency of the video processor is only slightly higher - from 1500 to 1700.

It would be logical to assume, that in high-end video cards the frequency varies within 1700-1900 MHz, and in the top - 1900-2100. But in fact it is the same, as in the middle segment of graphics adapters. It has to do with that, that frequency in 1700 MHz is enough for modern games, and performance is affected by the number of shader units included in the video processor. For different classes of devices, their number is distributed as follows:

  • weak video cards: ~ 400-500
  • initial level: ~ 600-800
  • middle class: ~ 1200-1500
  • higher segment: ~ 1600-1900
  • top devices: ~ 2500-3500

Memory type and frequency

Most modern video adapters come with GDDR5 memory. Today it is installed even in such budget video cards, as a GT 1030 from NVIDIA and RX550 from AMD. Very old and weak cards are equipped with GDDR3 memory. Such adapters will perfectly cope with undemanding tasks, but for games it is better not to buy them. The most modern type of memory now is GDDR5X, however, it is only present in high-end NVIDIA GTX premium graphics cards 1080 and GTX 1080 You.

But if GDDR5 memory is used in many modern chips, including 7 and 9 series from "green", then with each new generation of adapters its frequency gradually increases. For a comfortable game, this setting should not be lower 5000 MHz. However, in an inexpensive GT 1030 the memory frequency is equal to 6008 MHz, and middle-class models can boast of performance 7000-8000. In top solutions 10 series from NVIDIA memory runs on frequency 11000 MHz.

The amount of video memory

Most modern games don't use it anymore 3-4 GB of video memory. However, it is recommended to take a card strictly with such a volume only in that case, if you plan to upgrade your hardware in the near future. With a long-term purchase, you should look towards the GTX 1060 on 6 GB, RX 480 on 8 GB or more advanced video cards.

Given the pace of development of the gaming industry, this amount will be the minimum necessary after 1,5-2 year, and therefore it is better to take the adapter at once with a small stock. As for the maximum possible amount of graphics memory, then it is equal to 11 GB and so far found only in GTX 1080 You.

The more in the video memory adapter you choose, the more space the game will be able to keep in quick access at the same time.. If you run out of memory, the application may use additional RAM. If the game does not know how to work properly with system resources, then the game world may not be fully loaded. A situation is also possible, when some objects start to be generated near the player, and not far, as soon as a certain area of ​​the map appears in the user's field of view.

Bit size of the tire

When choosing a powerful video card for gaming, it is also important to look at the width of the tire. In gaming decisions, this figure varies from 128 to 384 bit. Keep in mind, that even entry-level models must have at least a bit of tire 128 bit, therefore budget devices, as a GT 1030 and its analogues, will not be able to provide a comfortable gameplay. The minimum required for modern projects will be GTX 1050 and GTX 1050 Ti or their analogues from AMD. Middle class video adapters (GTX 1060) are equipped with a tire on 192 bits, and for high-level cards this figure is 256 bit or more.

Technical process

The performance of the adapter does not depend on this parameter. However, it affects the heat dissipation and efficiency of the video card. In other words, the more modern the technical process, the less the graphics adapter will heat up and consume electricity. It, in turn, provide less noise, after all at sedentary work, watching videos and even unpretentious games enough cooling will provide a radiator, which will allow the fans to stand still. Modern video cards are made by technological process from 14 to 28 nm. With, unlike other parameters, the smaller the number, the better.

Energy consumption

It depends not only on the technical process, but also from the power of the adapter. The most productive cards consume close 250 W at full load, and there are enough models of the initial class 75. Mid-priced graphics cards are considered to be the most optimal in terms of performance / energy consumption, for feeding which is necessary 120-150 W.

Cooling system

Commercially available video cards are divided into active by cooling characteristics, passive and "dropsy". First, as the name implies, involves the use of fans. Depending on the type of card, their number may vary from 1 to 3 and even, in some cases, 4 things. Fans are used to remove heat from the radiator, connected to the graphics processor. The advantage of this solution lies in the high cooling efficiency and balanced cost. However, such video cards make a lot of noise during loads.

Water cooling, by the way, manufacturers rarely use it in its pure form and it is usually combined with active. But even such a hybrid solution can significantly reduce card heat and system noise. You can completely get rid of the hum of fans only with the help of video cards with passive cooling. The price of such adapters is also affordable. However, using only the heatsink does not allow you to effectively cool the game cards at high load. Therefore, passive cooling is used only in simple video cards, as a GT 1030.


You need to pay attention to the size of the video adapter in that case, if your body is smaller than the average Midi-Tower. Too long graphics cards in this case may simply not fit inside or prevent the installation of other components (example, SSD or HDD). Top adapters are usually very long (in the middle 280-290 mm). Entry level video cards, in turn, do not require large dimensions, therefore, their length is often within 170-190.

Middle class devices, in accordance, are located in the middle between the specified values. However, manufacturers often release such graphics cards in abbreviated form, so users can build productive gaming computers in Mini-Tower enclosures.

As for the thickness of the video adapter, then it is not measured in millimeters, and in slots, which the device occupies in the case. The cheapest and simplest cards can be single-slot. Other video adapters usually take up two slots, almost always closing one of the connectors on the motherboard.

External connectors

Video cards are equipped with external connectors for connecting monitors. After installing the adapter in a PC, all interfaces are located on the back of the computer. However, a modern gaming graphics card may also have a pair of HDMI outputs, directed inside the case. They, in turn, are intended for output to the front panel of the system unit, what is needed for VR helmets. In addition to the HDMI interface, on which it is possible to transfer not only images, but also sound, on the video card can also be located 3 other types of connectors:

  1. VGA. Component interface, which until recently was used as the main output. In new video cards it is rare because it is not needed. Today you can only connect to the CRT with VGA, as well as inexpensive and old LCD monitors, therefore, this type of output is present only on budget adapters.
  2. DVI. Digital interface, which allows you to directly transmit the signal to the monitor, TV, plasma panel or projector. Due to this principle of operation provides better image quality compared to VGA. This output is present on almost all modern graphics cards.
  3. DisplayPort. Modern interface, presented on most models of video cards. However, many monitors are not equipped with such an input, so use it as an alternative to HDMI will not always work.

Additional points, to which you should pay attention

Having considered all the most important criteria for choosing a video card for PC, we could not miss the additional options, which, however, do not affect the performance of the graphics adapter, but are in some situations quite necessary.

SLI and CrossFire support

In times of AGP prevalence (accelerated graphics port) the question of compatibility of the motherboard and video card often arose. However, now such devices, as mentioned above, connected via PCI-E x16, which is on all motherboards. So, if you plan (immediately or in the future) install more than one NVIDIA or AMD card, before buying a graphics adapter, you only need to consider support for the SLI or CrossFire motherboard, respectively. Cheap boards do not support any of these technologies. Premium models can support both at once, but such a solution is implemented only in some motherboards.

Version and frequency of shader blocks

Particular attention should be paid to the frequency and version of the shader blocks. Modern models use a version 5.0, and in older maps, previous solutions are used. The higher the frequency and version of the shaders, the more effects the graphics adapter can reproduce. From this parameter, example, depends on the quality of motion blur, various effects of particles, quality of processing and plausibility of hair reflection, as well as the ability to demonstrate bulky fog and realistic water.

Extra power

When buying a good video card is average, high and top class, it is important to pay attention not only to the power of the BZ, but also for the availability of additional power outputs. Gaming adapters may have one or two connectors, where 6-pin or 8-pin contacts are connected.

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Which video card company to choose?

Commercially available graphics cards are not manufactured directly by NVIDIA and AMD. The latter produce only reference versions of adapters, which are not intended for general sale. However, if you want to buy a video card directly from a graphics accelerator developer, then it is possible. For example, NVIDIA offers its own products on the official website. However, so far this opportunity is not available for all countries and regions. Other graphics cards, which are presented in online stores, are created by partners of "green" and "red". The top five most popular brands are:

  1. Sapphire
  2. Gigabyte
  3. MSI
  4. ASUS
  5. Inno3D

According to reviews of video cards on the forums, these manufacturers offer the highest quality products with thoughtful cooling and excellent performance.


To choose a good video card for a modern computer, first of all you need to decide on your requirements and budget. To users, wanting to save, it is worth looking at the solutions from AMD. At a lower cost, these cards show excellent results, sometimes even significantly outperforming competitors. If you want to buy cheap, but a good video card from NVIDIA and other options are not acceptable for you, then it is worth looking at the decisions of the middle class, which are not equipped with additional features in the form of illumination and other functions. Such options will not improve the performance of the video adapter at all, but increase its cost by 2-5 thousand rubles.



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