Categories: Finances

How to win a lottery money 5 ways + the most winning lotteries

In this issue we will talk about it, how to win the lottery a large sum of money, as well as about the winning lotteries, in which it is absolutely possible to win any person.

Definitely, everyone dreams of getting a huge amount of money just like that. There are several ways to do this, however, they all have their nuances. The easiest way to quickly get a decent amount of money or valuable prizes - winning the lottery.

For many, this topic is unique to find, as this activity is very risky. Actually, talking to experienced players, you can find several trends and rules, following which you can make the win more real.

The main advantage of lotteries is, that they do not demand anything from man. You don't have to graduate from university or seek outside support to win, there is no need to own a business or be a child of a wealthy family.

To win a prize (as material, and money), enough faith and a little luck. Thanks to the confidence in their success, many people buy tickets in the hope of victory. It should be noted, that is enough for some people once try your luck, to become the owner of a large sum, and some years waiting for the coveted win, and fate later decides to reward them for their patience with victory.

This material will provide answers to such important questions:

  1. What science says about the probability of winning various lotteries;
  2. How to make a decision, if you want to buy a ticket;
  3. Are there lotteries?, in which even a novice player can really win;
  4. Is it possible to win the lottery at all and how to bring the chance of victory as close as possible?

What's most interesting, the above questions are asked as experienced players, and amateurs (Or beginners), therefore, comprehensive answers to them will be considered below, and will provide a brief overview of effective winning techniques along with interesting facts from the world of lotteries.

so, we begin!

There are effective ways, how to win big money in the lottery. About this and more - later in the article

1. Is it really possible to win the lottery - people's opinions + an example of a big win in Russia in a foreign online lottery

There are two opposing views on this, whether it is possible to win the lottery and whether it can be done in Russia:

  • Opponents of lotteries adhere to one: to win or almost unrealistic, or in any case the organizers actually win, who sell tickets at the expense of a large number of participants.
  • The second opinion is typical of optimists and experienced players. It is, that with the help of popular lotteries, such as "Sportloto", "Gosloto" and others., You can become rich and financially independent. It has to do with that, that they have been around for quite some time and work absolutely honestly, giving people solid benefits.

It is worth noting, what to win really. At the same time, each player has a chance, after all, statistics and mathematics state the following: absolutely any ticket can be equally winning, bought anywhere. Based on this, a hefty monetary reward can be found as a player in the capital, and to someone from a small town.

However, we should not forget about this term in game theory, which is commonly called "Distance".

This indicator characterizes how quickly a person can get the long-awaited win and is the only obstacle to any victory.

The point is, that you can play like one day, and a week, a couple of months, six months or even several years, however, predict exactly when the jackpot will be impossible, after all, an unknown period of time may pass to it. And the whole secret is that, that the probability of winning is always the same, so you can get money or valuable prizes as a person, who bought her first ticket, and a player with respectable experience.

Of course, especially do not trust mystical technologies and various magical techniques, therefore they will be said only in passing, so that the material does not lose its completeness.

There is a large circle of people, which rely on chance or effectiveness special conspiracies or spells, in the existence of lucky numbers or objects, as well as the opportunity to get into the so-called winning streak. A huge number of stories are dedicated to such beliefs, which are demonstrated in popular literary works, theatrical productions, TV series and Hollywood movies.

In all this, any player, whatever he believed in, give not a magical coincidence, and banal statistics and mathematical probability of a desired event.

Of course, the need to believe in one's strengths and in one's success should not be underestimated. Does not cry out negative emotions and the fact, that the person is always more successful, which is optimistic about the case, than that, who thinks exclusively in a pessimistic way. And that's why, that player, confident in his endeavors, comes in colder and more prudent, not allowing emotions to absorb themselves.

1.1. Online lottery - what is its essence + advantages over the usual (paper) lottery

A rather interesting trend of our time is the rapid rise in popularity of the so-called online lotteries, which are quite quickly and confidently occupy positions, on which their paper counterparts used to stand.

It is necessary to consider in a little more detail the peculiarity of this area on the example of international service This organization has gained popularity, that it enables people from around the world participate in lotteries, trying your luck in the most popular competitions from anywhere in the world.

the main thing nuance, which allows you to successfully operate such services, is that fact, that users do not need to buy special paper tickets in that country, where the lottery itself is held. It is enough to find the most suitable competition on the sites and announce your desire to participate in it. The service will allow you to choose numbers, if necessary, and will offer to pay the lottery fee immediately.

The most attractive point is the correspondence of the chances of winning and the size of the prizes with the real ones! That is possible, example, participate in local European or American lotteries, winning in euro or dollars with the same chance, with which the locals play!

In this case, everyone has the opportunity to choose several draws, if there is a desire to try your luck more than once in different systems. Thanks to this, you can not miss the most anticipated events in the world of lotteries in any part of the world.

The essence of online lotteries also consists in that, that on sensations and on technology purchase of the Internet ticket differs in nothing from visiting of real places of their sale. In fact, the computer player transfers the money to the system, and she in turn pays him a win if he succeeds, dealing with all the nuances yourself (buying tickets, collaborating directly with the organizers or developing their own unique ways).

It should be noted, that though online systems for participating in lotteries from around the world were created not so long ago, some of them, such as, trying to win the trust of customers, licensed by the British Special Commission, which deals with gambling.

So, the benefits of online lotteries are clear:

  1. No need to visit specialty stores or certified ticket offices.
  2. You can confirm your participation in this or that draw right at home.
  3. It is possible to take part in competitions from around the world, relying on services, who take on all the hassles of interacting with the organizers, as well as jackpot payouts.
  4. There is an easy way to simultaneously participate in the lottery in different parts of the globe, winning in the most desirable currencies.

1.2. One of the biggest winnings in Russia in the foreign online lottery is a real example

You can't talk about lotteries and not mention real winnings! In the first quarter 2016 a resident of Russia from the Moscow region bet online on a popular European lottery. Strange as it may sound, but the personal driver managed to win a phenomenal prize by our standards - 824 thousands of euros!

Winner of a foreign lottery from Russia with a very big win

Of course, he did not disclose his contact details (including name and surname), but gladly shared his experience and background. According to him, he started playing recently. It was literally a few months before, how he managed to break a big jackpot.

He lives with three children, and therefore money, especially in this size, certainly can not be superfluous. That is why the man decided to try his luck in the "Austria-lotto", learning about it online. Without special ??complexity and long wait, he broke the jackpot, who arrived safely in the suburbs. Even that was not a problem, that the man actually had no gaming experience.

All readers may have a question at once: how to catch a bird of happiness? The main methods of winning will be discussed below, and now we can dwell on a few recommendations.

Questions, associated with the probability of winning the lottery, scientists from many countries of the world also asked. First of all, they were interested: whether it is possible to develop a strategy, if we assume, that the start-up capital is in unlimited quantities? Is it possible to increase the chance of victory by any action? How real, investing without restricted, get more as a result, than it was originally, having recouped the cost of tickets for all time?

Results, as expected, quite prosaic. Thesis can be transferred as follows:

  • all numbers and combinations are different, so a certain set of numbers can not fall out more likely, than another;
  • any strategy cannot in any way influence the loss of something concrete, therefore it is equivalent to simple (randomly) choice;
  • there are no technologies, which can guarantee as regular, and a one-time victory.

It's all about the simple mathematical principle of all lotteries: in order to win something, you just have to choose, not obeying anything, waiting for the gift of fate.

Based on this, studies of exact sciences did not add confidence to experienced players, and therefore psychologists got involved, deciding to study the human factor in this matter.

The point is, that victory is influenced not only by mathematical probabilities, but also the actions of the player, who buys a ticket, makes certain decisions and chooses some numbers.

All combinations are equally likely to win, so the size of the prize will depend only on that, how many more people will decide, that you need to bet on a specific sequence. The more people choose it, the less money she can bring to each of them.

pay attention! Based on this, a fairly simple psychological principle is formed: the player must choose unpopular numbers. In fact, you need to be in the smallest company of people, because in this case the win will be as high as possible.

This idea, which is gaining more and more supporters, in its simplest form is as follows: it is possible to deceive the system in some way or to beat it with tricks, after all, the chance of winning is the same for any combination of numbers.

That is why it is worth it play against other participants, trying to guess, which choice will be the least popular. To take advantage of this psychological principle, it is enough to study the image of the average player, analyzing the factors, which can affect the style of his game.

The effectiveness of this technique is related to that, that absolutely all people think about the same, so it is enough for a player with a scientific and psychological approach to follow a simple rule: typical combinations should be avoided (Of such, which would be more likely to be chosen by the bulk of rivals), and not to succumb to stereotypes.

2. Types of lotteries and features of raffles

Nowadays, a variety of lotteries, available to the common man, quite large. That's why any novice player can just get lost in it, taking ill-considered steps and losing your money.

Specialists and experienced people, have long been fond of lotteries, always give the same advice to those, who wants to try themselves in this field: it is best to trust the most famous and great draws. It is better to give preference first domestic, after all, the rules of participation in such lotteries are always simpler and more transparent.

Such recommendations exist due to two simple facts:

  1. The larger the draw, the more prizes in it and the bigger they are.
  2. Participation in Russian lotteries is safer and more convenient, after all, the ticket is easier to buy, and the winnings can be picked up yourself, without using the services of intermediaries.

With, based on the previously described facts, it is worth noting, that there are a large number fraudsters, who are trying to mislead newcomers, offering them "winning" game technologies.

It was established earlier, that no technique can bring victory closer, however, there are ways to increase the size of the prize, if victory still came. That is why it is worth escaping from those, who offers "magic ways to always win lotteries".

The right alternative to using magic techniques is to buy an extra ticket and choose atypical numbers.

There are two main types of draws: instant and circulation. They differ in two main points: the duration of the prize and its size.

2.1. instant lotteries

This type of draw is as simple and straightforward as possible. About that, whether luck visited the player this time, he learns practically at once. About that, how to bring money and luck into your life, we have already told in one of our publications.

To determine that, whether the ticket was a winner, in most competitions it is enough to erase the protective coating in the right place (the so-called scratch layer, which is always found on the cards to replenish the mobile account). Other draws involve a slightly different way of determining a winning situation: part of the ticket comes off and unfolds.

The most interesting thing about such lotteries is that, that most prizes can be won right on the spot. If the player caught a real jackpot, then you have to contact the organizers, however, this can be done in the shortest possible time, to become the owner of a nice amount of money in a few days.

2.2. drawing lotteries

Draws of this type are characterized by, that prizes are awarded to lucky players at a certain time. Despite this, and in this type of competition there are two main types:

  1. each person chooses the numbers, writing them on the ticket or deleting them from the proposed list;
  2. all participants receive company cards with serial numbers, therefore he wins, who had this lucky number.

The first variety is considered more popular and interesting, as it allows players to feel their impact on the situation, independently choosing the numbers on the ticket.

exept this, to lotteries include such lotteries: auction draws (Produced by specific brands, who issue lottery cards to advertise their products and give out prizes to the lucky ones on a certain date), as well as various kinds quizzes.

Such actions and events are held on a one-time basis, as organized by non-professional lottery communities, and commercial enterprises.

Such competitions often involve the opportunity to receive more than one cash prize (although it is possible), and certain gifts (As from the company itself, and from its partners and sponsors).

Experienced players are advised to pay attention to such events, which at first glance may seem frivolous. Due to that, that the number of participants is limited by the target audience of a particular brand, as well as the circulation of tickets or auction products, it is not so difficult to win.

Of course, money is often much nicer, than household appliances, which may already be available, however, such expensive things, like modern smartphones, laptops tablets or even cars just can't stop.

Proven ways to win the lottery

3. How to win a lottery for a large sum of money - TOP-5 working methods

As mentioned earlier, methods of that, how to choose the appropriate numbers in the lottery ticket, there are countless. Some people try to do it by accident, others rely on complex mathematical strategies found somewhere. There are also those players, who choose significant dates for their draw as their combinations for the draw, however, experts do do not advise.

Despite this, experienced players distinguish several ways, which give a real opportunity, albeit in a minimal way, but still bring the win closer to yourself.

The best thing is, that all these technologies are available to everyone, which means that all players have the opportunity to test them in action, analyzing how true their author was, when he talked about the efficiency of his method.

Method №1. multi-circulation approach

This technology is the easiest to perform, which means it allows you to spend the least of your own energy. As mentioned earlier, all sequences different probabilities, so do not worry about choosing your own game strategy. It is enough to come up with absolutely any (as accidental, and iconic) combination, to use it everywhere.

In this case, it is enough to choose it for long period, not to think about numbers every time, clogging his head with unnecessary experiences.

Any combination can lead to victory, however, for a specific sequence, it is simply worth waiting for this triumphant moment. It is enough to regularly buy tickets and fill them in according to his invented rule every time the same.

Method №2. psychological analysis

To use this method, suffice it to mention that information, which went before: if it is impossible to go into battle against the service itself, trying to deceive the organizers and deceive the lottery, then you need to redirect all your strength on competitors.

The main requirement of this approach is, that you should simply forget about the usual numbers for all people (example, the date of a public holiday, which will be on the eve of the draw). With, to stop your choice on the least popular combinations, it is necessary to disassemble all the sequences in the head by a kind of effort into several components.

Most often digital sets are happy, which people mentally refer to the first group, are the most common among players. It turns out so, which are the most popular from 60 to 75% наявних комбінацій (the simplest or most associative).

Here is a simple example:

An example is the fact, that any number to 31 is considered more popular, than any other, and related, perhaps, with the usual numbers around us. In this case, it means, that similarly in the human head there are associations with the duration of months.

Actually, all people in those situations, when they need to come up with some numerical sequence, they immediately provoke memories of memorable dates in their heads, but the number of days simply cannot exceed 31. That is why the choice of combination should be made using more numbers, after all, they will definitely be less.

This approach will not bring you closer to winning, however, it will make it more serious, after all, combinations of this kind are simply very unpopular, so you do not have to share money or prizes with competitors.

Method №3. Playing with friends (lottery syndicate)

In this case, experienced players are advised to do so: a group of comrades goes to work together and gets the maximum number of tickets for their company.

This kind of cooperation allows you to not just do something together with friends, but also significantly increase the chance of winning, because the number of tickets is increasing, so you can try more combinations.

In this case, experienced players advise together with friends, using the syndicate strategy, prefer game "6 of 49", as well as try collective happiness in the draw "The slogan 5 of 36 ». Apply so simple, and most importantly - an effective method, possible for other competitions. So, example, Russian Lotto will be able to buy many more playing cards.

Despite all this, one very important rule should be understood when using the described approach: when a person invests money in the general budget, win, whose contribution or whose combination it would not bring, must be distributed equally. No one is given priority.

Of course, in which case you can provide a system, on which the more people bought tickets, the greater part of the prize is given to him, however, all this must be discussed in advance, to avoid conflicts.

Let's try to highlight a few key dogmas, which cannot be violated in any way:

  1. The player cannot ask his friends for money, if he doesn't have enough for a new ticket, after all, in case of victory, disputes will begin over that, who owns the share for it.
  2. For the same reason, it is forbidden to pay for their comrades, so as not to come into conflict with anyone after the announcement of the results. friendship, as the well-known folk wisdom says, more expensive than money.
  3. Under no circumstances should new members be invited to such a syndicate without explaining all the nuances of the common cause or on a dishonest basis..
  4. It is best to beware of those people, who sow a bad mood around them, as well as those who lack faith in their own strength. Only stable and optimistic people should be in the team.

The most important thing in this case - do not forget, that all members of such a syndicate are friends and are on one side of the barricades, which means they are interested in overall success, what they would be, probably, would not get on their own.

Of history, it is worth noting, that a similar strategy of cooperative ticket buying has brought one company out 7 man prize in the amount 315 million. Dollars. it happened in 2005 year, when the hospital staff decided to join forces, dropping into the overall budget. This news shocked not only Los Angeles, but also the whole world! There are plenty of similar examples from around the globe.

Method №4. Apply the rate in an expanded form

This technique involves the following actions of the player: he devises all the desired lottery sequences in advance, and then writes them in the same fields on the ticket. In fact, there may be several combinations in one area.

The main nuance of such a complex, at first sight, approach is, Firstly, the need to take part in that draw, where everyone can choose their own numbers. Secondly, this method implies the need for large investments, as you will have to pay extra for a complicated bet.

As a result, it can pay off and bring a nice win, because the number of sequences used increases, what, actually, is the only real way to somehow influence the chance of victory.

Method №5. Participation in the so-called distributed editions

Buying tickets from the organizers, supporting deferred payouts with accumulated prizes can bring significant success. The point here is, that the distributed draws are in fact multi-stage draws.

Participants do not receive their prize immediately after the lottery, and are waiting for the end of the whole series. As a result, it accumulates a significant amount of money, which, subsequently, all the winners are heard in appropriate proportions.

Experienced game claims, that in this case the main advantage is not the chance of winning (and it is standard here, after all, it is very difficult to influence him), and his size. After all, often large companies, engaged in raffles, similarly distributed among the winners impressive amounts.

The stories of most millionaire players have to do with this approach to lotteries, when under standard conditions of victory (the chance is very ordinary) there is an opportunity to get much more, than the average circulation, in which prizes are announced before the start of a new lottery series.

We also recommend reading the article - "How to become a millionaire from scratch", where in this way: and tips for financial success.

so, exist 5 basic ways or increase the chance of victory without any tricks (indirectly, such techniques involve the use of more combinations), or raise the amount of winnings by using unpopular sequences.

At the same time, experts recommend or periodically change the strategy, or develop your own, combining several existing working methods, which have been described above.

List of winning lotteries, in which to really win

4. Lotteries, in which to really win - the most famous and most winning lotteries in Russia, CIS and the world

Modern technology allows ordinary people to participate in raffles from around the world. However, the most popular are always domestic organizers of raffles, for the common people have more confidence in them, than to foreigners.

The most popular are such lotteries with the ability to almost instantly become rich and independent person:

  • has long been known to all Keno sports (Analogues of this system of draws are available in many countries), and Sportloto "6 of 49";
  • Russian Lotto, which, if you can say so, is considered a kind of folk game, that's just with the possibility of real winnings;
  • The slogan (It has several varieties depending on, exactly how many numbers to guess);
  • prize lotteries (Residential lottery and Golden key), Which allow you to receive very valuable gifts, which are often more desirable, than a small monetary reward.

pay attention, that a good alternative to playing the lottery is binary options, where the probability of income is much higher. We advise you to start earning on binary options through this broker.

It should be noted, that such diversity speaks for itself, that all sorts of lotteries are in demand, after all, they give a real way to earn at low cost. There are other ways, how to make money fast and a lot.

There have already been cases in all the draws listed above, when a player broke million jackpot. At the same time, very often their organizers decide to use the technology of distributed circulation. Thanks to this, they manage to accumulate profits, to then distribute it in the required amount to each person, the combination of which was victorious.

Among the foreign competitions with the purchase of tickets and the choice of numerical sequence should be noted as American Mega Millions і New York Lotto, and European, in which the winnings can be obtained in euros, Euro Jackpot and Euro Millions.

pay attention! The most interesting thing is, that playing in foreign draws will cost more, but, taking into account the current exchange rate, winning can be easy phenomenal for domestic realities.

Worth it, without grimacing to say, that almost every large organization in Europe tries to periodically delight its players with cumulative prizes. In one Spanish lottery, example, could be obtained as a jackpot whole 74 000 000 euro (at the time of the draw it was more 5,6 billion rubles)! This is exactly the kind of win that La Primitiva was preparing for all its participants, which will bring good luck.

It may seem, that it is very difficult to take part in any foreign lottery, however, there is no need to look for people in another state, well, you shouldn't go there any more.

It is enough to use one of the existing services, allowing you to bet on a wide range of draws anywhere in the world. Example, allows you to take part in several raffles with stunning prizes, including. and in the Euro Millions, which is available directly in the richest countries in the world, which means she has to constantly attract players with something special.

This lottery differs from others by several pleasant features, which will help to enrich even the inhabitant of the Russian hinterland, who will buy a ticket online. There is a draw every week, which makes it possible to apply a multi-circulation strategy in practice.

Residents of the largest European countries can officially participate, however with the help online systems the contingent is constantly expanding, which is beneficial to both the organizers (more people are buying tickets), and participants, because they can join in getting solid winnings.

The most interesting thing is, that quite often the organizers decide to introduce an additional draw or a pleasant surprise for the players, to increase its popularity. There is such a rule, according to which the cash prize, which no one got for 7 days, postponed to the draw for the next week.

As a result, the following historical facts were registered:

  • the biggest prize in the history of this lottery was 183 million euros (it was later distributed among the winners),
  • and one man managed to get whole 115 millions!

Thanks to such astonishing figures, the Euro Millions draw quickly gained popularity not only in the major EU countries., but also in other countries on all continents.

The best free online lotteries with real prizes and cash prizes "Social Chance", LotZon, cranes, etc..

5. Free lottery with real winnings - TOP-3 online lotteries for real money without investments

Strange as it may sound, but you can try happiness absolutely free.

The main disadvantage of the usual lotteries is, that to increase your chance you need to cooperate (then the winnings of the individual player fall), or buy a large number of tickets at once (participation costs are growing).

As a result, relatively recent projects, which give a person the opportunity to win a prize, without investing a single penny! The secret of such services, which can be easily found on the Internet, is, what they earn on advertising, and since the chance to win, as in any other lottery, little, then they work not only to the delight of the players, but not to my detriment.

About that, how to make money online without investment and cheating, we told in one of our articles, and here, how much you can earn with zero investment in free online lotteries, read on.

Here, profits can range from small amounts (about from 2 to 20 rub. per day) to the striking (there are jackpots to 300 000 rub., and experienced players thus manage to get a normal salary on the computer without start-up capital and special efforts).

Despite the simple principle and reality of such projects, it is best to read the rating of the most popular and reliable services, to avoid falling into the hands of fraudsters.

1 place. Social luck

"Social Chance" is a clear and profitable project, who plays his jackpots every day. The maximum lump sum is 10 thousand rubles, But, compared to the usual lotteries, no investment is required here!

There are several advantages of the project:

  • clear site interface, as well as its fullness (there are pages with frequently asked questions and complete answers to them, there are articles about the service itself and the basics of its operation);
  • resource specialists have developed the so-called "honesty control", thanks to which any player can check, that he was not deceived and the system guessed a specific number, rather than changing it during the game (it's easy: before the draw, the person downloads the archive with the number, which is password protected and can be opened thanks to the key provided after selecting the number);
  • large table of prizes.

The last moment should be mentioned in addition. You need to guess in the system 6 numbers. Profits increase from 1 pennies in 10 times for each guessed number. In the case of good luck, the winnings increase to the maximum - to 10 000 rub.

Each player has a certain number of attempts. After registering and providing information about yourself, you can get to 6 game chances.

Performing simple additional actions allows you to gain more attempts on a permanent or temporary basis, which makes it possible to significantly increase the probability of reward!

2 place. LotZon

This system is somewhat less popular, however, it allows you to get the best prizes. The principle of the game is exactly the same, as in the previous lottery, so players will also have to guess 6 numbers, however, a complete match is already estimated v 300 000 rub.! And all this without investment.

Such generosity of the organizers is due ??team, that the resource has already gained its wide target audience, and constantly places a large number of advertisements, for which he receives money.

Sharing your earnings with people, the system provides a constant influx of visitors, for which advertisers pay.

The principle of the game is quite simple: issued to each user on a regular basis 7 tickets, which is equivalent 7 attempts. Each card has a numerical sequence up to 50 NOT included. There is a raffle every day, which is the choice of prize combinations. The system itself checks for matches and makes a payment, if a person smiles good luck.

so, in this project there is the following table of rewards:

  • for correctly guessed 1 the number the player receives 5 intrasystem scores (these points allow you to continue to receive bonuses and participate in the big draw);
  • for 2 and 3 numbers are paid 30 and 75 pennies, respectively;
  • correctly guessed 4, 5 or 6 numbers bring 30, 3 000 or even 300 000 rubles!

The most interesting thing is, that the service gives the opportunity not only to take part in the usual lottery, but also play games with other users or visit a blog. At the same time, you can get nice prizes for the accumulated points: from trifles to modern technology (Smartphones and laptops).

An interesting point is that fact, that you can withdraw money from the site on 3 popular service: Webmoney, Yandex і Qiwi. There is an opportunity to replenish a mobile phone with the help of won funds.

3 place. cranes

In this case, several services of one orientation are combined at once.

Users of such systems are invited to simply go through each half an hour or year and use a random generator to get your game number. Depending on the range, in which she got, the size of the prize is determined.

Of course, you can spend a lot of time on such services, however they offer though small, but absolutely real and stable earnings (enough to top up the phone). You will first have to start a special wallet, which will accumulate money in a single account.

The most popular resources in this area are the following services (Arranged in descending order of profit per hour):

  • PayeerFaucet (15 kop for 60 min);
  • PayeerFree і After-Hour (5 pennies per hour);
  • EasyBonus and WinRub (on 2 cop. For 30 and 20 minutes respectively).

Though, that such services pay very little, they do not need to choose combinations, after all, just press a button and generate a number. In this case, payment is guaranteed, although it may be small.

So, online raffle systems are suitable for all those, who wants to spend their free time usefully.

The creators of free online lotteries with real winnings claim, that their projects are not a form of gambling, since they do not require players to make any investments.

Despite this, participation in such systems is rather protracted, as it gives the opportunity to win as 10 or 300 thousands (В SocialChance, where there are many chances, and in LotZon, where additional users of the site can play various applications with other people, accumulating bonuses and exchanging them for very attractive gifts), and a very small amount (to 15 pennies per hour from one service), using the services of so-called "cranes".

The latter type of system allows you to save money without much effort, example, for mobile or low-cost, but, compared to real lotteries, will not help to get rich and become a wealthy person at one time.

6. The biggest win in the lottery is real examples of people, which broke the big jackpots in the history of lotteries

Of course, as experienced players, and beginners want to know more about other people's successes, to understand, whether to associate with lotteries at all. That is why they will be considered further real stories, which not only cause envy, but also confirm, that you can just earn a little, and break the real jackpot!

It is enough to find a suitable game for yourself, understand strategies and learn to choose the right combinations, which would not be chosen by other players.

Спочатку варто розглянути вітчизняних щасливчиків. He is the most significant person among Russian players Albert Begrakyan.

This man is remembered as a novice, and experienced professionals, who has been buying tickets for a long time, but good luck awaited him. He had to wait a bit, to win, which he had dreamed of for so long.

Success caught up with him in 2009. At that time he worked as the simplest security guard, and therefore could only dream of big money. The case changed everything: Albert bought another ticket, filled it with combinations, who were happy. He played Gosloto and broke jackpot. That time he managed to win the whole 100 000 000 rubles! This success is called a record by many experts.

Among married players, one married couple is immediately mentioned, who managed to become a multimillionaire in one day.

A couple from Europe bought a lucky ticket from EuroMillions. Kristen and Colin managed to really snatch the feather of a bird of happiness in 2011. Now the day of winning the lottery is a real family holiday, because they managed to get 185 000 000 euro, which is one of the biggest prizes in the history of such competitions, if not taken into account, that he fell on two.

Earlier, the winners of the main prize from Mega Millions were Americans Ed Naibors, who dedicated his life to truck driving and lives at the time in Georgia, and the Messners, who was originally from northeastern New Jersey.

These people were able to guess the combinations to get a super win in size 390 000 000 dollars! Of course, the prize had to be shared between the couple and the truck driver, however, the fact remains: ordinary people managed to break a big jackpot in the popular lottery, becoming incredibly rich in one second.

And although it happened in 2007, confidence in that, that lotteries give even a small one, but quite a real opportunity to get insane amounts of money, from such stories only gets stronger.

Returning to the domestic industry, I also want to mention the Russian Eugene Sidorov. To this man, who himself was a native of the capital, managed to win whole 35 000 000 rubles. It is worth noting, what for 2009 year this amount, due to the more stable currency situation, was even more attractive, than now.

So no wonder, that Eugene was an experienced player, who every time he bought another ticket hoped for success. In the end, he also found proper use of your money. He did not blow them away, as many do, and profitably invested them. About ways, where to invest money so that they work and earn a monthly income, we have already told in one of the issues of our magazine.

What Eugene did ?. He, Firstly, bought a car, what, in principle, is a fairly common practice among winners. Secondly, he decided to put together a small business in the village for the rest of the sum, to further receive a stable income.

So, thanks to these stories, two simple conclusions can be drawn:

  1. win, buying lottery tickets and choosing combinations, really;
  2. during the game you can become the owner of not only standard rewards, but also solid prizes or even jackpots, which will require a little luck.

That is why any beginner is advised not to give up the draw, if the first edition did not succeed. The main thing is a cold-blooded approach to the case and confidence in the upcoming victory.

7. Frequently asked questions on the topic

There are several questions, which are constantly asked as people, who want to join the world of lotteries, and the players are more experienced. Only after their consideration and discussion can you start the game.

Below is a list of the main nuances, which excite everyone, with their detailed explanation.

Question №1. How to win the "6 of 45" lottery?

This game is one of the most popular, therefore, most questions are asked about it.

The main task of the lottery consists in guessing the maximum number of numbers, so everyone, who bought a ticket, interested in finding certain nuances and tricks, which can help achieve the desired success.

It is worth noting, that the chance of correct selection of all sequence is very small. He is somewhere 0,000012%.

This probability of winning speaks for itself, що джек-пот хоч і possible and theoretically get it real (some lucky people from all over the world have been considered before, who managed to become millionaires), BUT ось на практиці мета ця є навряд чи дуже досяжною.

Despite this, there are quite attractive chances to match fewer elements of the selected game sequence, so you need to learn a few tricks, which will allow you to get even the maximum, but even a very nice prize.

To begin with, you should listen to the following tips:

  1. Before you start the game you need to prepare a blank paper and something, what you can write, to mark those numbers on the sheet, which you plan to choose. This is done for that, so that in the process of filling out the ticket nothing distracts from the planned strategy (example, blurred printing or any extraneous symbols on the ticket). If you prepare in advance, that is, a chance to use your own intuition. Suddenly an inner voice will tell you something?
  2. You can write all the combinations separately, which were victorious in previous editions. enough to take close 10 series (All information is available on the Internet), to try to trace a trend. There will definitely be a group of numbers, which are successful more often than others. It may be related, as with pure coincidence, and with the peculiarity of the mathematical programs of the lottery organizers, so it is better not to neglect it.
  3. 45 perfectly divisible by 3 parts of 15, which means, that each player has the opportunity to "scatter" their numbers in these unique groups. With, given the same effectiveness as random selection strategies, and technology, associated with the use of their personal "magic" combinations, can or be placed on 2 numbers in each zone, or one priority 4, and in others on 1. You cannot select sequence elements, standing nearby. Experienced players are also advised not to collect numbers in a certain place on the playing card, and distribute them evenly.
  4. Any player can collect statistics at least for the last 3 circulation. This makes it possible to exclude those numbers, which have been recently, because often they do not move on to the next draw.

So, playing "6 of 45", necessary, Firstly, allocate such an amount in advance, from which you can part for free. Secondly, plan not the biggest win, to choose a strategy for him, and not be very upset, that the jackpot passed.

Question №2. How you can win in the "Russian Lotto" and "State Housing Lottery" - what are the secrets?

These games have gained widespread popularity due to this, that the gameplay itself is known to everyone, who never even tried her hand at lotteries.

In fact, these are commercial versions of the popular "Bingo", in which you must select from a list of numbers, and then check, they proved victorious.

The first mention of such a game came to us from afar 16 century. Then such entertainment quickly began to gain popularity in Italy. It later spread to Germany and France, acquiring their modern rules.

Thanks to the simple gameplay lotto is one of the most popular types of raffles, to which scientists have devoted more than one serious study.

The first known man, who devoted his time to creating a theory of bingo, was a financial analyst Joseph Grenville. It was he who suggested, that the potential player should distribute the numbers as evenly as possible, choosing about the same number as the little ones, and large. Besides, the analyst believed, you need to balance the numbers, which are divisible and not divisible by 2 without residue, as well as those, ending in a certain number.

The British Leonard Tippett advanced a little further. He spent his whole life studying statistics and trying to find patterns in bingo. As it turned out, based on the number of available game elements, it is necessary to prefer in such lotteries those numbers, which are close to the middle of the game sequence, ie to 45.

Importantly! Unfortunately, no expert in statistics, nor has the economic analyst been able to develop a truly effective strategy, after all, certain numbers fall out randomly, so, in theory, evenly distributed on the playing field, without grouping in any particular place.

It is worth noting, that game of Russian Lotto, also, as in the Housing Lottery, can bring success without problems, what the statistics say. Only a few numbers remain regularly unused, so there are always winners. And every time a considerable number of them.

According to statistics, wins approximately 3, 4 or fifth player, which means, that each purchased playing card brings closer to the winning prize.

At the same time, when filling them, one piece of advice from experienced players should be taken into account: you cannot use the same sequences for all tickets everywhere.

No one can say, which combination will really be a win-win, however, the more options - the greater the chance of victory.

Raisa Osmanova shared her secret of success. She managed to win a decent amount (2 million. Rub.). At the same time she bought at once 10 tickets with 970 circulation of Russian Lotto. The woman herself could not believe in her success for long.

She bought it 2 the simplest playing cards and 2 groups on 4, where combinations of numbers up to 90. The winner was a regular ticket, which allowed Raisa to become the mistress apartments. She says, what most importantly - do not despair, after all, she herself no longer believed in her victory, when watching the broadcast of the draw.

So, of course - winning the lottery is an event random, however, the probability of a positive result can be increased, buying more tickets and adding variety to your combinations. You should not choose numbers, consecutive.

Question №3. What a tax on winning the lottery?

It is easier to solve this question than others, after all, the legislation has a transparent scheme of taxation of such profits.

Of course, share money, which were obtained in such a simple way no one wants, especially if the gain was small, and a lot of money was spent on tickets. Despite this, participants in all lotteries will have to pay a standard income tax in case of success.

pay attention! This means, what needs to be given 13% From the amount won.

What to do to the winners of the Russian Lottery and other competitions, in which you can get property? The lucky ones in such games will also have to pay tax.

According to current laws, a person must take care of himself, in the first place, on filling in the tax return. Also, each winner is obliged to pay the calculated amount in the relevant institution of his district. And it must be done, to avoid liability, to 15.07 next year.

Question №4. How else can you win money without investing right now?

This topic is of interest to experienced lottery players, who get tired of it later, that you need to constantly spend your money on the next edition, and so on, who realized his desire to get rich, however, does not want to take risks, investing in any business.

There is a myth, which everyone has heard at least once. It is, that good earnings require serious investment. This rule only works for the average daily life. In the world of excitement, you can win big money by buying just one lottery ticket, and without spending a penny.

All free methods are based on online systems. They can be divided into several groups:

  1. Gifts for registration on various services. Most often, bonuses delight new visitors to online casinos. For the money provided, which are instantly detected on the game deposit, you can place different bets and increase your capital.
  2. Free card game contests. Most often, various tournaments are held for all known poker. As an advertising campaign, large casinos attract talented players to participate in their competition for free. The winners are awarded real prizes and nice financial incentives.
  3. Gifts from bookmakers. Due to the huge level of competition services, allowing you to bet on the outcome of various events, attract users with bonuses, replenishing their internal account immediately after registration. This way you can not only try yourself as a player, but also to earn if you have enough experience.
  4. Promotional offers and all sorts of free sweepstakes. This is often done by all the same online casinos and bookmakers, after all, filling a site with useful information and various automated programs is actually easier, than to attract the target audience. That is why it is worth following all sorts of events in such services, so as not to miss the benefit and get free bonuses.

In this way, each person, having internet access, there is a real opportunity not only to take part in lotteries from around the world, but also earn extra money without a single drop of investment. This is done quite simply. It is better to immediately reject all doubts, because they have no place here.

The reason, on which bookmakers and casinos arrange distribution of money, bonuses and prizes quite simple: Due to competition, it is very difficult nowadays to get a sufficient target audience.

And since such institutions spend less on an advertising campaign, than real organizations, they can afford a more effective way to attract new users - incentives with money, which can then either be spent inside the system, multiplying in case of victory, or in some cases get your hands on certain actions, if you take part in a contest or promotion.

You can also win big with minimal investment by playing binary options (just guessing the price direction of the "asset"). We recommend working only with proven binary options brokers, example, Olymp Trade.

8. Conclusion

It's time to take stock. At once it would be desirable to note some facts, which were previously mentioned, however, they should not be forgotten:

  1. It is real to win the lottery, since their organizers, Firstly, are well-known companies, who monitor their reputation and have state registration, so their actions are controlled by different structures. Secondly, the chance of victory is best illustrated by the happy faces of those, who won, which appear here and there around the globe. Their emotions can be understood: they became rich in an instant or received a valuable prize.
  2. The chance of winning the jackpot is very small. On the other hand, get less winnings, which in all this will still remain solid, much more real.
  3. There is no strategy, which would guarantee success in all situations. But there are several technologies, which allow both to increase the size of the potential gain (this requires or constantly uses a large number of unpopular combinations of numbers, or buy a larger stake in the syndicate), and its probability (this is more difficult, but this can be done by analyzing previous draws and filling in a large number of playing cards correctly).
  4. Believe in yourself and your strength. Most of the lucky ones celebrate, that they, Firstly, have long since joined the lotteries, a, secondly, always tried to believe in their own strength.

Don't forget, that everyone can play, however, you should always stay cool and calm. Only a measured approach can help win in tandem with patience, after all cases, if someone is lucky just like that - units. Most people go long enough to win, as in any other case, although this does not affect that fact, that the lottery is a way to make a profit quickly.

At the end of the topic, we advise you to watch the informative video "How to win the lottery - the secrets of luck", where you will find out, how to really increase your chances of winning:



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