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How to get out of drunkenness effectively at home

One of the forms of human alcoholism is binge drinking. This condition is characterized by a long period of consumption of spirits without pauses in sobriety. There are different ways to do this, how to get out of a binge. The term of removal of the person from this condition depends on individual features of its organism.

What is a binge?

The state of intoxication can be observed in drinking people already with 2 stages of alcoholism. There is an opinion, that binge drinking is a person's psychological dependence on strong drinks. In fact, it still has a physical and biochemical basis. The duration of a state of constant intoxication increases in a person as his experience as a chronic alcoholic increases. This condition is accompanied by deep depression. Ethanol decomposition products accumulate in the body, who do not have time to get out of it.

Drunkenness can be treated with medication, psychotherapy and folk methods.

From the point of view of medicine, binge drinking is a manifestation of a person's persistent dependence on alcohol. At this stage of the disease a person is not much different from an addict. He constantly needs to nourish his body with a new dose of "strong". With each glass of alcohol drunk, its dose increases, and the time between alcohol intake is reduced.

Prolonged unconsciousness is directly related to withdrawal symptoms. Interruption of binge drinking causes a person to break. He has nervous breakdowns, autonomic and somatic disorders of the body.

How to quickly get out of a binge?

It is impossible to get a person out of a state of drunkenness instantly. At least it is necessary 2 days. On the second day after starting treatment, the patient's condition begins to change for the better. The rate at which a person gets drunk depends on their health and the treatment they choose.

There are different methods of doing so, how to get a person out of a binge. Very important, that the patient himself mobilizes all his efforts and desires for recovery. In some cases, withdrawal from binge drinking at home is much more effective, than in the hospital of the narcological dispensary. Basic principles of binge treatment:

  • fortified food;
  • removal of depression;
  • elimination of side symptoms.

The longer a person is unconscious intoxicated, the harder it is for him to get out of a binge. Many people do not understand the difference between these, how to stop binge drinking and get out of a hangover. These conditions can have similar symptoms, but completely different in mechanism and severity.

The transition from a hangover to abstinence occurs in drinkers after drinking alcohol for several days.

Not every man likes to visit doctors and is ready to tell strangers about his addiction. Folk ways can help this category of people. These include methods of doing so, how to get out of drunkenness with the help of funds available at home. It is impossible to self-medicate without the support of people living with a sick person. Some of them know, how to get a drinking man or woman out of a binge.

Of great importance in choosing the method, how to get out of a binge have the following factors, as:

  • The length of time a person is under the influence of alcohol.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed daily by patients.
  • Presence of chronic diseases or injuries.

The sequence of home treatment

Quick exit from binge drinking at home is carried out with the use of some drugs. Among the effective means of combating the disease:

  • White or black activated carbon.
  • Essential fort.
  • Mezim.
  • Valokordin.
  • Atenolol.

The scheme of interruption of drunkenness

Any interruption of binge drinking is carried out according to the scheme, which includes the following sequence of actions:

  • It is necessary to begin treatment with the termination of consumption of strong drinks to patients before a night's sleep. It should last at least 9-10 hours. During this time, the body is cleansed of some fusel vapors, which remain with him after drinking.
  • Immediately after waking up the patient is given to drink a glass of milk, kefir, water with lemon or any other beverage. Fluid is needed to restore the disturbed water-salt balance in the patient's body.
  • One way, how to quickly get out of drunkenness at home - taking medication. Along with drinking after waking up you need to drink 6 activated charcoal tablets, 25-30 drops of valocordin, 2 mesima capsules and as much essential forte.
  • Breakfast should be discarded. The best way to do that, how to help the body cope with hunger in this state, there is chicken broth. It is not recommended to include solid foods in the diet for breakfast.
  • After drinking and eating the patient should be put to bed. A prerequisite for that, how to get a patient out of drunkenness is a limitation of any communication. Strict bed rest must be observed for at least 24 hours. Very often in this state a person does not know, how to fall asleep after a binge. There are different ways to do this, how to help the patient cope with insomnia. Simple and affordable folk remedies to improve sleep are drinking honey and valerian decoction, dill or dried poppy seeds.
  • The next day of treatment at lunch the patient is given to take 2 capsules mesima and esentiale forte and fed broth or liquid soup.
  • After lunch, the patient can be taken for a walk, which should be under the control of loved ones. Its duration can be up to 2 hours. This is another method, how to get a person out of a binge. After a walk in the fresh air, a person significantly improves sleep and general well-being.
  • Dinner is served no earlier 7-8 hours of the evening. By this time the person feels a strong feeling of hunger, but it cannot be overfed. The patient is prepared porridge or soup.
  • Immediately after dinner the patient is put to bed. After drinking, this is the best way to recover and accumulate energy. In those cases, when a person suffers from insomnia, he does not know how to fall asleep after dinner and he is not helped by folk remedies, you can drink a sleeping pill.
  • The third day of treatment is better to start with a cup of invigorating coffee. In the morning the patient is served a light breakfast and medicines, which were given to him on the second day.

Starting with 4 day in the diet are introduced dishes, stopping the patient's craving for alcohol and fill the body with energy.

Throughout the process of withdrawal from binge drinking, a person should receive plenty to drink.

It is very important for the patient during this period to have a calm state of mind. Nothing should drive him crazy, incense, irritation or discomfort. You can fight depression by watching good movies, listening to good music or walking in the fresh air.

Recipes for herbal infusions from binge drinking

Folk medicine contains many different recipes, how to quickly get out of a binge. Among them are decoctions. Many folk recipes have been used in the practice of treating alcoholism and binge drinking for centuries and have proven effective..

Recipe number 1

The drink is prepared from the roots of calamus and angelica. Juniper fruits are added to them, hypericum, mint, wormwood and yarrow. On 1 a glass of boiling water is taken 1 tablespoon of herbal collection. Drink a drink before 3 liters per day. The broth not only helps to break the binge, but also perfectly cleanses the human body.

Recipe number 2

The broth is cooked over low heat 1-1,5 kg of oats and 3 l of water calendula flowers over 30 minutes. After that it is added 100 city. calendula flowers and insist 12 hours. Take the broth on 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.

What is useful to know?

Drink, as well as a hangover is a consequence of alcohol consumption. Its duration can last from 2-3 days to several months. There are many different ways to do this, how to stop binge drinking at home. Before, how to choose a method of treatment must determine the type of binge. Doctors distinguish between two types of this disease - true and pseudo-drunkenness.



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