How to use a Hummer TT spotter: benefits and recommendations

Spotter is electrical equipment, which is used for car body repair. If you want to carry out repair work yourself, without seeking help from specialists, then the Hammer TT spotter is just that, What you need.

Spotter selection scheme

Advantages of the Hammer TT spotter

Some people still use the spot welding machine, but more and more professionals and amateurs prefer the Hammer TT spotter. And all because, that it has a number of advantages:

  • economy. On average, the cost of labor is reduced by forty percent. Also thanks to the wiring, consists entirely of copper, the tool consumes a minimum amount of current;
  • quality. Using a spotter, you will save factory seams and an anticorrosive covering;
  • convenience. The amount of reinforcement work is reduced by forty-five percent. In addition, the Hammer TT has a special indicator, which protects the tool from overload. If the yellow LED starts to light up, unplug the tool immediately;
  • versatility. Spotter Hammer TT welds rivets, destroys dents, restores stiffening ribs, levels the surface of the machine, squats metal. All this is due to that, that the tool has several operating modes: welding of a triangular electrode, traction rings and corrugated wire, as well as sediment and heating electrodes (copper and graphite);
  • simplicity. The manufacturers have equipped the Hummer spotter with a simplified SINERGIC tuning system. exept this, in order to activate the welding discharge, just press a special button on the gun. The equipment also has a rotary regulator, which provides easy selection of the working tool and allows to change power level accurately;
  • weight. This is the lightest tool of all existing spotters of this kind. His weight is everything 14 kilograms.

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Spotter Hammer TT

How to use the Hammer TT spotter

Before using this tool, read the instructions carefully. If you apply the spotter incorrectly, then you risk not only not to repair the car, but also to harm her:

    1. Network connection. This device can only be included in the public network. Remember, what if network protection is triggered when the tool is connected, then you need to check the type of breaker and the value.
    2. Launch the spotter. To do this, turn the potentiometer. The operating mode and current of the device is selected by means of the potentiometer of adjustment.
    3. Using. The manual control button allows you to select the operating mode. Picking up the right range, connect the generator mass mode to the damaged surface of the car body. Remember, that you need to connect at a point, as close as possible to that place, where you want to work.