Good day, Dear readers of magazine! In this article we will tell, how and where to get / get a mortgage on an apartment, house or land, in which bank it is better to issue a mortgage loan, as well as who can provide professional assistance in obtaining a mortgage.
After reading the article you will learn:
- What is the procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan;
- What documents are required, to take a mortgage on an apartment, private house or other real estate;
- What are the features of the mortgage of land;
- How and where it is better to apply for a mortgage online;
- Where to go for help in getting a mortgage with a bad credit history.
The answers to the questions are traditionally given at the end of the publication, which most often occur when applying for a mortgage.
Submitted by ??the article will be useful to all - those, who has already decided to buy an apartment or other housing on credit, and so on, who still doubts.
Applying for a mortgage is a long process. He does not accept haste and ill-considered decisions. Therefore, it is important to read this article long before applying for a loan, to have time to think carefully. In general, do not waste time, start reading right now.
About that, how to properly apply for and obtain a mortgage loan, where (in which bank) it is better to take a mortgage on an apartment or house with a plot of land, as well as who will be able to help in obtaining a mortgage - read in this issue
1. The procedure for providing a mortgage loan in banks
The state controls the procedure for granting a mortgage by issuing legislation. In Russia, the main normative act, through which housing lending is carried out, is Federal law "On the mortgage", developed back in 1 998 year.
Regulation restricts the freedom of credit institutions in the course of mortgage transactions, as well as encumbrances. The actions of creditors in this area must be carried out within the law.
But banks are given the freedom to choose borrowers. They make their own decisions, to whom to issue a mortgage, and who to refuse.
There are a number of requirements for applicants in this regard:
- Age. Traditionally, mortgages are issued to borrowers, which was fulfilled 21 year. This also takes into account the age of the borrower at the time of full repayment of the mortgage loan in accordance with the schedule.
- Profit level. When determining the maximum possible amount of monthly payment, banks estimate the total family income. Importantly, to make it more than the planned payment at least in 2 times.
- Stable employment. Ideally, a potential borrower should work for a large well-known company. Lenders are wary of those applicants, working for sole proprietors.
- Citizenship. Most mortgage programs of large banks are designed for citizens of the Russian Federation.
The procedure for granting a mortgage is characterized not only by the requirements for the borrower, but also the main parameters of this type of lending, which are reflected in the loan agreement.
The most important indicators of the mortgage are:
- Bid. The average interest rate in Russian banks is 12%. It is determined by various factors - the presence of state support, attribution to certain categories of citizens.
- Loan term. Most often it is in the range of 60 to 360 months. Much less often the term can be longer.
- The maximum amount, which can be issued. У Росії вона знаходиться в діапазоні 1 000 000 — 20 000 000 rubles.
- Fines. Before, how to sign a mortgage agreement, need to be clarified, under what conditions and in what amount the penalties are accrued. It is important to be aware, that sometimes under the terms of the contract even for one day of delay will have to pay a significant penalty.
In the ongoing economic crisis, the number of mortgages on residential real estate is gradually declining. As a result, credit institutions are forced to fight for every customer. To do this, you have to review the terms of the mortgage. The result was that, that last year there were tendencies to reduce mortgage rates.
2. What you need to know before, how to get a mortgage
Most Russians cannot afford to buy residential real estate for cash. As a result, the situation is as follows, that for many a mortgage loan is the only way to avoid long-term savings and move into your own apartment.
Statistics show that, what more 50% real estate, sold in Russia, redeemed v credit. However, not all borrowers have sufficient knowledge about the mortgage. This is often the cause of difficulties.
1) The essence of mortgage lending
First of all, should be understood, what in the modern financial world is called a mortgage.
mortgage — вид цільового кредитування для покупки позичальником житлової нерухомості, which remains pledged to the bank.
In the case of purchasing a home through a mortgage, the borrower is the owner of the property, but has no right to dispose of it at its discretion.
If until the full repayment of obligations under the mortgage agreement, the borrower ceases to make monthly payments, the credit institution has the right to apply to it penalties. Moreover, in case of violation of the terms of the loan agreement, the bank has the right to take the collateral through the court, that is, residential real estate.
It should be understood, that mortgage problems can arise not only due to overdue monthly payments.
Non-compliance also includes:
- violation of the terms of the insurance contract;
- transfer of real estate to a third party;
- violation of the rules of operation of housing;
- illegal changes to the technical characteristics (planning);
- damage to real estate.
It is important to decide on the choice creditor and mortgage program. Today in Russia for such a loan you can apply to almost any large bank. This should be borne in mind, that in Russia the average interest rate on mortgages is 13%. This is much higher, than in most developed countries.
There are several important parameters of a mortgage loan:
- subject to pledge;
- loan term;
- amount.
Each of them should be determined in advance, before submitting the application.
That the mortgage did not become hard labor, you need to be psychologically ready for it. Ideally, the decision on its design should be made at the family council. It should be understood, that for quite some time (in the middle 5 — 30 years) will have to pay not only the cost of housing, but also additional interest.
You have to be morally ready for that, that a significant portion of the family budget will go to monthly mortgage payments. And this situation will continue for decades. Therefore, the family budget will have to be planned for a long time.
It will be useful to clarify the amount of the final overpayment before applying for a mortgage. You can do that, taking advantage loan calculator or by contacting credit specialist.
overpayment is the difference between the price of real estate, set by the seller, and the final amount, which will be paid by the borrower to fully repay the mortgage and release the home from the encumbrance.
If you take into account, that mortgage rates today are quite high, and the loan term is several decades, the amount of overpayment can be quite significant. Often an apartment, bought a mortgage, dispense with 2 times more expensive, than it was originally worth.
Note. Some are frightened by the high level of overpayments. Others, dividing it by the term of the loan, consider the amount received an acceptable fee for the possibility of living in your own apartment.
You can often hear the opinion, that existing mortgage rates are predatory. But do not forget about it, existing in Russia inflation rate more than the average percentage. At the same time, banks still have to make a profit and cover possible risks.
In any case, each borrower should estimate the amount of overpayments in advance. In this case, he will know, what he should be preparing for, and when you receive a mortgage agreement, this figure will not be an unpleasant surprise.
Another important task of a potential borrower is determining the level of income, which is required for a mortgage loan. It is important to know, which is considered the ideal ratio, when the monthly payment does not exceed 40% Income. This can take into account all regular documented sources, as the borrower, and borrowers involved.
2) Mortgage loan terms
Important parameters of a mortgage loan are its conditions. Though, that each lender develops its own loan program, there are a number of important conditions, specific to any loan.
Basic conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan
1. Age of the borrower
Citizens can often get a mortgage, who have reached the age 21 year. The maximum age depends on the credit institution. It is defined as the sum of the current age of the borrower and the planned duration of the loan. Usually the upper limit of this indicator is the retirement age, increased by 3 — 5 years.
Sberbank occupies a leading position on the upper age limit. Here, the maximum age at the end of the mortgage is 75 years.
2. Solvency
The borrower's solvency ratio is crucial when considering a mortgage application.
The following parameters must be taken into account:
- the amount of monthly income;
- profession, as well as the position;
- the amount of income of co-borrowers;
- credit history.
The maximum possible monthly payment depends on the level of solvency. And the size depends on this indicator, as well as the term of the mortgage loan.
3. Type of employment
Most banks trust civil servants, who receive a fixed salary. Such employment has a high degree of stability. The presence of a higher education diploma is also tacitly welcomed.
Oddly enough, but receiving basic income from your own business, forces banks to classify the client as high-risk borrowers. The reason for this is very simple - the modern economy does not guarantee a stable business income. Even profitable activities can be unprofitable at any time.
4. Benefits
Another important condition of a mortgage loan is the availability of government benefits.
Subsidies are guaranteed to certain categories of citizens:
- young families (the age of the spouses should not exceed 35 years), which were included in the relevant program;
- family, in which the second child was born, have the right to parent capital;
- military.
The first two categories of citizens can count on state assistance in the payment of the down payment on the mortgage or repayment of part of the debt under the current agreement.
The military can count on the payment of a mortgage loan for them in the amount not exceeding 2,4 million rubles. Read more about the military mortgage in one of our articles.
5 stages of obtaining a mortgage loan
3. How to get a mortgage loan - 5 the main stages of obtaining a mortgage
In many ways action, carried out when obtaining a mortgage, determined by the credit institution, in which it is made out. each bank independently develops lending conditions, forms the composition of the package of documents, sets requirements for the borrower. Moreover, credit institutions decide for themselves, how long the application will be considered.
pay attention! Some banks promise to issue a mortgage quickly and without unnecessary problems, presenting everything 2 Here you can get a loan of up to five hundred non-taxable minimum incomes. However, it should be borne in mind, that such concessions are NOT free. For convenience you will have to pay a high down payment or increased interest rate.
Despite the nuances, which exist at registration in various banks, there are several stages, specific to any mortgage agreement.
Stage 1. Real estate market analysis
Many professionals recommend choosing a property to buy before, how to contact the bank. But some experts are convinced, that you should wait until then to find a loan, until all issues with the bank are resolved.
However, even in the second case you will have to analyze the real estate market in advance. This is due to the need to indicate in the mortgage application the amount of the planned loan.
It is important to understand, that the loan will buy only certain real estate:
- apartment on the secondary market;
- ready housing in new buildings;
- an apartment in a building under construction;
- cottage;
- private house.
Some credit institutions issue loans for building a house, but such options are much less common. Such programs can be found, example, in Oschadbank and Rosselkhozbank.
Choosing an apartment, should be understood, that some owners refuse to sell their real estate on a mortgage. This is especially true of buying a home on the secondary market. Therefore, it is important to warn property owners about their desire in advance. This approach saves time, as it prevents misunderstandings and refusal to sell during the transaction.
Banks are also attentive to real estate, which is planned to be purchased on credit. You can get a mortgage only to acquire full-fledged housing, which meets certain requirements.
Each bank sets the criteria for choosing housing independently. But one sign is common - real estate does NOT have to be old, emergency or intended for demolition.
It is also important to understand, that the mortgage will not be issued without a valuation of housing by a specialist. Credit organization confidence is important, that the size of the loan corresponds to the value of the purchased real estate.
Stage 2. Choosing a credit institution
Every borrower, choosing a credit institution, guided by their own criteria and preferences. But in any case, most borrowers pay attention to interest rate. For many, this figure is crucial.
Choosing a bank for a mortgage, it is necessary to address at first that, whose services the prospective borrower constantly uses. In this case, you can count on loyalty and more favorable lending terms.
Professionals give other advice, who is concerned about the choice of bank:
- it is important to clarify the terms of partial early and full repayment - there is always the possibility of increasing income, which will lead to a desire to reduce the amount of debt;
- borrowers' feedback should be analyzed, who have already issued a mortgage loan in this bank;
- it will be useful to make a written list of questions to the loan manager, it will help not to forget important moments;
- the borrower should calculate his monthly income in advance, in case of its insufficiency it is necessary to find the co-borrower.
Many people are shocked by the amount of overpayment when signing the contract, as well as a monthly payment. That these sums did not become an unpleasant surprise, should find out, how much they will make, in advance.
Stage 3. Applying for a mortgage
You need to apply for a mortgage loan in the maximum number of banks. This increases the likelihood of a positive decision. If the approval comes from several credit institutions, just choose one of them, in which conditions are most favorable.
What documents are required for a mortgage?
Each bank has the right to establish its own list of documents, which are necessary for the mortgage.
But, you can select the following documents to obtain a mortgage, which will come in handy everywhere:
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- marriage certificate;
- birth certificate for each child in the family;
- copy of employment record book, made and certified by the employer at the current place of work;
- certificate, confirming the level of income;
- certificate from the psychological dispensary about that, that the borrower is not registered.
If you plan to attract co-borrowers, each of them will have to prepare the same package of documents. in addition, when the property will be selected for purchase, the bank must submit documents for it.
Stage 4. Mortgage insurance
If the bank, based on the results of the application, agrees to issue a mortgage loan, the procedure of operation begins. Its first stage is insurance. This procedure is required. Costs, arising in the process of insurance, borne by the borrower.
It is important to know, that it is obligatory to insure only the subject of the pledge, that is real estate, purchased. Concluding contracts with insurance companies in other cases is voluntary.
However, in order to minimize risks, banks are forcing borrowers to insure their own ability to work in all possible ways., health and life.
The result in this situation is one - at the expense of the buyer of the apartment insured risks of the credit institution. At the same time, the borrower remains uninsured against unforeseen situations. If an insured event occurs, the assigned payments will be transferred to the bank. The borrower will not get anything.
It would seem, voluntary purchase of insurance policies means, that this service can be refused. However, to avoid this, credit institutions increase the rate in the absence of insurance. In this case, you should carefully calculate, which will be more profitable.
In other words, it is necessary to compare overpayment on a mortgage with a higher interest rate with the amount of overpayment at a lower rate, but taking into account the cost of insurance.
As a result, to insure, probably, will have to. And here there is another unpleasant moment - most often the insurer is chosen by the lender. It provides the borrower to choose from one or more insurance companies, with whom he cooperates.
At the same time there is a high probability, that you will have to buy a policy at not the most favorable rates on the market. The only way to save money is to invest comprehensive insurance agreement all the necessary risks at once.
Stage 5. Concluding contracts
One of the most important stages of a mortgage agreement is concluding a loan agreement. Like any other deal, it should be read carefully, without missing a single point.
Don't forget, that you should read the loan agreement TO моменту його підписання. If any points in the contract are unclear, don't be shy about asking a loan officer.
During the study of the contract, maximum attention should be paid to the financial parameters of the mortgage. The amount of payments is meant, their appearance, fines for late payment. Ideally, the bank should provide the borrower with a payment schedule for the entire term of the mortgage loan.
Simultaneously with the signing of the loan agreement is also Real estate purchase and sale agreement. Way, how the money to pay for housing will be transferred to the seller, is set individually for each transaction. This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell.
So, This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell. For those, This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell, This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell. This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell.
4. This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell: This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell
This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell, This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell. This can be a transfer of funds to the account or a cash transfer using a bank cell, who decided to become homeowners using a mortgage loan, do not even imagine, where to start registration.
Professionals recommend, primarily, to calculate their own financial capabilities.
It is important to clearly understand the size of the following indicators:
- accumulation, which can be transferred as a down payment;
- the cost of the desired housing and, accordingly, the required amount of the mortgage loan;
- amount, which the borrower is willing to pay monthly as payment.
The size of the future mortgage is one of the most important indicators, which must be evaluated before the application.
The loan amount is most affected 2 indicator:
- amount, which the borrower is willing to transfer as a down payment;
- the amount of monthly income, which is possible to document for the bank's assessment of solvency.
Indicator 1. Down payment on the mortgage
It is easy to calculate the amount of the first mortgage payment. Every borrower can handle this task.
To calculate the down payment, it is enough to do everything 2 steps:
1 step. First of all, necessary find out the value of the planned real estate acquisition. To do this, just visit the real estate search site on the Internet. It selects a real estate option, as close as possible to the planned purchase of housing. To calculate it, you need to remember its cost. If there are several relevant options, for a more accurate estimate, it is desirable to take the average cost. After that, one percent is calculated for the amount received.
Example, the average cost of the apartment, similar to that, which you plan to buy, is 3 000 000 rubles. To find out, how much is 1% From her, need to divide the cost by 100:
3 000 000 / 100 = 30 000 rubles
It turns out, that the cost of one percent of the selected housing is 30 000 rubles.
2 step. then follows to calculate, what percentage of the cost of housing the borrower can pay for themselves. To do this, estimate the amount of savings. The resulting figure must be divided by the cost of one percent of the apartment.
If you consider, what the borrower's savings are 900 000 rubles, it turns out:
900 000 / 30 000 = 30%
In other words, the borrower owns thirty percent of the value of the planned purchase of the apartment.
This indicator allows you to choose the appropriate mortgage program. Don't forget, that one of the most important indicators of a mortgage is the percentage required to pay the down payment.
in addition, the size of the down payment is understandable, what amount of credit will be needed. In our example it turns out, that the mortgage application should indicate the amount:
3 000 000 — 900 000 = 2 100 000 rubles
This amount is not enough to buy an apartment for cash.
Indicator 2. Level of solvency
Another very important indicator, necessary to calculate the mortgage, is the level of solvency of the borrower. Understand, what income should be documented for the bank, easy.
necessary first use any mortgage calculator, presented on the Internet. The cost of real estate is entered in a special window, the amount of the available down payment.
As an interest rate you can specify the average value in the market. Today it is 15%. The loan term can be taken for 20 years. After pressing the button to calculate the amount of the monthly payment will be known. For this example, this value will be 27 653 ruble.
Traditionally, the amount of confirmed income should be at least c 2 times more monthly payment. This requirement is imposed by most banks.
For data, given in the example, it turns out, that income should be equal to:
27 653 * 2 = 55 306 rubles
This is the income (usually wages) must be confirmed by the bank certificates.
It is important to understand, that it does not have to be solely the personal income of the borrower. Most banks allow you to borrow for mortgages co-borrowers. In this case, the calculations will be the total amount of confirmed income for all participants in the mortgage.
Not everyone understands, why banks require such, it would seem, inflated income. In fact, this approach is advocating way to protect the borrower from financial problems. After paying the mortgage payment, there should be enough money left (at least half the income) for a normal diet and the purchase of other necessary things.
However, it is not always possible to document the adequacy of income. The potential borrower may have other informal income in addition to wages. This raises the question: will have to give up the mortgage?
In fact, there is 2 options, which can be used in such situations:
1) Still, submit available documents to the credit institution. In most cases it will go refusal. However, some banks approve mortgages in those cases, when the amount of payment is close 70% Income.
in addition, it is possible to obtain approval for an amount less than stated. Truth, in this case you will have to pay a large amount of the down payment, or choose a cheaper apartment.
2) Use the help of a credit broker. Remember, that with each refusal of the bank to issue a mortgage, information about this is passed to the Credit Bureau.
Naturally, similar data in the credit history may influence the decisions of credit institutions in the future. Therefore, when aware, that there are various problems, including income level, it is better to turn to specialists immediately.
Credit brokers carefully study the information and documents provided by the borrower. After that, they prompt the future borrower, in which credit institution he, probably, will be able to get the first time positive Decision.
Brokers are trying to present such options, in which the loan amount will not be reduced. in addition, they know well, which banks do not need certificates, and additional income is sufficient to describe orally.
It should be taken into account, that experienced brokers have connections with a large number of credit institutions. This partnership allows you to help clients get the right amount on a mortgage on the most favorable terms.
Is it possible to take a mortgage on an apartment with a bad credit history?
Due to the low financial literacy of Russians, as well as due to the crisis period, Today, many people have problems with credit history. Quite naturally, that this is the most common cause refusals on mortgage applications. Therefore, future borrowers often have questions, whether you can get a mortgage with a bad credit history.
First of all, must be understood, what about past defaults on consumer loans or credit cards, probably, it will be known to the bank. Even in those cases, when solvency has changed for the better, the client will be assigned in any case high-risk status.
Still able to help get a mortgage credit brokers. They are aware of various programs for clients with bad credit history. Therefore, they are able to obtain approval for a mortgage even in such a situation.
In any case, the broker's income depends on the number of loans, for which they helped gain approval. This approach guarantees, that the broker will make every effort, to achieve a positive solution for your client.
Details about that, where and how to get a loan with a bad credit history without proof of income and guarantors, read in one of our articles.
It turns out, that when applying for a mortgage do not be afraid, the main thing to start. It is important to decide, what kind of housing you want to buy and understand, to what extent it corresponds to disposable income.
If it becomes clear, that there are any problems, which may prevent a positive solution from being reached, you should immediately contact the brokers.
Detailed guide, how to take a mortgage loan for an apartment or house
5. How to get a mortgage on an apartment, house or other dwelling for 5 simple steps - step by step instructions
mortgage registration - a difficult and long process. Therefore, it is important to carry it out in stages. Before starting the process, you should carefully read the step-by-step instructions, which describes the algorithm of actions, being made. in addition, important to know, how to carry out each step with maximum efficiency.
Experts recommend starting the process of choosing a property, planned for purchase. In this case, it will be clear, what amount of mortgage will be required, what should be the down payment. Other lending options also depend on the cost of housing.
Step 1. Selection of real estate
Quiet, who decided to buy a home in the mortgage, primarily, worries the question: what real estate is lent by banks?
Today, you can get a mortgage loan for almost any property:
- apartment in a new house (new buildings) or on the secondary market;
- cottage or country plot;
- private house.
Banks also lend to participation in equity construction. in addition, in some cases, you can apply for a loan to build your own home.
At this stage, the borrower must be careful to assess their own capabilities, they should be properly reconciled with their own desires. This approach helps not to be disappointed in the purchase and not to hate the mortgage after a few monthly payments.
In the process of choosing a home to buy, the goals of the future borrower are of great importance.
The first option - citizen improves living conditions, buying an apartment of a larger size or with a more prestigious location. With, usually, there is a fairly large stable income. Such borrowers more easily agree to part with new housing in the event of any problems.
The second option - cases, when the mortgage is issued in order to acquire a single home. In this case, borrowers make every effort, so as not to lose your own property. They take the loan more seriously.
Choosing real estate, should be borne in mind, that credit institutions have serious requirements for the extracted objects. At the expense of mortgage funds will not be able to buy emergency and old housing, as well as real estate, which is located abroad in Russia.
Step 2. Search for a credit institution and mortgage lending program
When choosing a credit institution should take into account the goals, as well as the potential borrower. It is important to understand, that even in those cases, when the citizen liked the bank, It does not mean, that the mortgage will definitely be issued. Simply put, to approve a loan application, it is important to reach an understanding between the lender and the borrower.
Though, that the interest rates in most banks are about the same - they are close to mid-market rates, there is always a chance to choose comfortable lending terms.
State benefits, if any, must be used in those cases as well, when the registration process will be quite difficult. Even a slight reduction in interest rates in the presence of the right to subsidies leads to significant savings. Over the years, it has flowed into dozens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles.
You can select a number of parameters, which should be considered when choosing a credit institution, as well as a mortgage program.
The main parameters of choosing a credit institution:
- reliability, as well as the bank's reputation;
- real customer reviews, who have already issued a mortgage through this lender;
- the maximum possible loan amount;
- the amount of the down payment;
- terms of full and partial early repayment, the presence of fines for this procedure;
- the obligation to draw up insurance policies, as well as the amount of insurance premiums;
- the amount of fines, as well as the procedure for their accrual in case of delay.
For those, whose salary is not completely official, you should choose those programs, which allow to issue a mortgage without certificates and collateral.
There are also conditions, which provide for the issuance of loans on the basis of certificates in the form of a bank. However, such programs involve higher interest rates.
Step 3. Preparation of necessary documents and registration of the application
Much of the success of the mortgage is the proper design of the package of documents. Each bank develops its own list, however, you can make it mandatory for everyone.
List of documents for obtaining a mortgage, required by all credit institutions:
- application or application for a mortgage;
- documents, certifying the identity of the borrower, guarantors and co-borrowers;
- copy of employment record book, certified by the current employer;
- income level certificate;
- relevant licenses and certificates for private entrepreneurs;
- documents for the property planned for purchase.
for privileged category of citizens the package of documents will be more voluminous. Additionally, papers will be required, which confirm the right to benefits, as well as the permission of the authorities to use subsidies from the budget.
Step 4. Signing a mortgage loan agreement
The most important stage of the mortgage is the execution of the mortgage agreement. Before signing the agreement, it is important to read it carefully from the first to last point.
Special attention should be given to those sections, which are written in small print. The ideal option - take a sample contract in advance and study it at home. Even better - read the agreement to an experienced lawyer.
It is on the basis of the mortgage agreement that the borrower receives the right to transfer the loan to pay for the purchased housing.
At the same time do not forget, that until the full fulfillment of obligations under the mortgage agreement, the property will be located pledged to the bank. Without the permission of the lender, the borrower will not be able to dispose of it at its discretion. That is, he will not be able to sell, donate or exchange the purchased apartment.
Step 5. Completion of the transaction
Russian law stipulates the obligation to insure a mortgaged apartment. However, banking organizations are usually not limited to collateral insurance. They often require a life insurance policy as well, health and other potential risks. Naturally, you will have to pay for each insurance.
The bank has no right to force to conclude additional insurance contracts. However, in order to reduce their own risks, lenders make every effort, to force the borrower to buy a policy. Therefore, if you refuse to insure any risk, the bank may increase the interest rate.
The last stage of the mortgage is registration of the contract of sale real estate in Rosreestra. At the same time, another important document is being drawn up, which is called mortgage. This agreement confirms the existence of encumbrances.
So, Mortgage registration is a strictly regulated process. Knowing the step-by-step procedure helps to buy real estate on credit is much easier.
The nuances and features of the mortgage on land
6. The main features of the mortgage of land
In the mortgage you can buy not only residential real estate, ah land plot. Such lending has a number of nuances. Without taking into account the most important characteristics, the mortgage of land becomes impossible. Even in those cases, when the deal is still done, it will be inconsistent with the law.
1) Characteristics of the subject of the mortgage
The initial stage of the mortgage of the land is to identify the main features of the subject of lending. The need for this is due ??team, what exactly this approach allows us to understand, whether it is possible to buy a specific plot of land on credit.
The land plot must meet certain characteristics:
- no ban on turnover;
- no restrictions.
If the subject of the mortgage does not meet these two criteria, lending can be considered a violation of Russian law. Both criteria are discussed in more detail below.
1. Restrictions on the turnover of land
Mortgage rules set, that the subject of the pledge cannot be property, for some reason limited in turnover, removed from it. This concerns, including lending for the purchase of land.
According to the land legislation it is possible to allocate a number of sites, which are subject to traffic restrictions:
- forest fund plots;
- agricultural land;
- plots, who have been contaminated with radioactive substances, as well as other hazardous waste;
- plots, which have undergone degradation.
2. Ban on bail
Defining, whether a plot of land can become the subject of a mortgage, should be considered, that the law prohibits the pledge of certain objects. Them, including, include:
- Earth, owned by the state or municipality. The ban on the pledge of such plots is explained by the need to preserve the integrity of the territory of our country, as well as to consolidate the land reserve, owned by the state. The government has the right to transfer such plots to the economic one, as well as operational management.
- Part of the land, the size of which is less than the minimum area. This indicator is determined by regulations, accepted subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as local governments. This applies to areas of different permitted and intended use. There are restrictions, that in different regions the share of land used is different. That is why the lower and upper limits of the area of land are different.
2) Other features of the mortgage of land
In addition to the described features of land mortgages, which are related to the subject of the pledge, distinguish and others, also very important features.
The first concerns the ratio of the pledge of land and buildings. In most developed countries, land mortgages also imply the guarantee of all, who is on it buildings.
Unlike foreign countries, Russian law divides 2 type of pledge — land and buildings. It turns out, that at the mortgage of the land plot erected on it buildings in the pledge NOT are.
Quite naturally, that such an approach introduces an imbalance. Therefore, in most cases, the parties to the agreement are trying to draw up simultaneous pledge on land and buildings.
In those cases, when the contract does not provide for a simultaneous pledge, if a foreclosure is applied to the land, the right to which the building is located remains with the owner. in addition, in this case on part of the land, which is occupied by the building of the mortgagor will be сервітут (The right of access through the site to the building on it).
The last important characteristic of a mortgage loan for the purchase of land are additional documents, and terms of the contract. They can rightly be called features of the mortgage on the land. If at least one of the items is missing, the registering authority has the right to refuse to conduct state registration of rights to the site.
Additional terms of the mortgage agreement for the land plot
traditionally distinguished 2 додаткових умови іпотеки земельної ділянки:
Condition 1. The assessment of the mortgaged land should not be lower, than the regulatory cost. In other words, land cannot cost less than the lower limit of value. When calculating the regulatory cost, primarily, the actual area is taken into account.
in addition, specific properties are also taken into account:
- relief features;
- soil characteristics;
- location.
It is important to pay attention to these characteristics. Don't forget, that incorrect calculation of these indicators is often the cause of litigation. There are known cases in practice, when in connection with the incorrect determination of the boundaries of the site the court decided to deprive the owner of the right to use it indefinitely.
Condition 2. Наявність додатки до іпотечного договору. It complements the plan, which displays the boundaries of the site. Such a drawing is issued by the Committee on Land Resources.
So, mortgage of land has a number of features. It is important to study them carefully before applying for a loan.
7. Where better to get a mortgage / mortgage loan - TOP-5 banks with favorable lending terms
Today, the financial market has a large number of mortgage programs. Moreover, often even within one credit organization a number of different conditions are developed.
In this situation, it is not easy to choose a bank with better conditions. Ratings can help you cope with this difficult task, compiled by professionals. so, in which bank it is better to take a mortgage, consider below.
Tested banks with the best mortgage terms:
№ | Credit organization | mortgage program | Interest rate,% annual |
1 | Bank of Moscow | New buildings with state support | 11,75 |
2 | DeltaCredit | 11,5% of new buildings | 11,50 |
3 | Gazprombank | Apartments, state-supported townhouses | 11,00 |
4 | Ugra | mortgage standard | 10,90 |
5 | Tinkoff | New buildings with state support | 10,49 |
About that, where it is more profitable to get a mortgage loan and in which bank the most profitable mortgage on housing, we have already written in a separate article - we recommend reading it.
8. How to apply for a mortgage online?
In today's world, a huge number of issues and problems are solved using the capabilities of the Internet. This concerns, including, mortgage.
Submitting an application online is a very convenient way to get a loan. It fits perfectly, who has no free time.
Algorithm of actions for making an online mortgage application via the Internet
mortgage registration online allows the borrower to avoid having to visit the offices of a large number of banks. Without wasting time on consultations with credit specialists, the borrower independently calculates the parameters of various mortgage loans, analyzes and compares them.
using a special mortgage calculator, you can easily determine the approximate amount of the monthly payment, overpayment size and other important parameters. The calculations help the applicant to find out, what amount he actually get in the mortgage.
It is important to understand, that the following parameters are taken into account when determining the amount of credit:
- profit level;
- available own funds, which will be directed to the down payment.
It is also important to determine the term of the loan. Not only the amount of payment will depend on it, but also the amount of overpayment.
The term for repayment of the mortgage is determined by several parameters:
- amount, provided on credit;
- interest rate;
- level of solvency, which affects the possible amount of payment.
An important result of the calculations is also the amount of overpayment. The borrower must take into account the wrong rate, which sounds in the program, a effective. In other words, the amount of overpayment is affected not only by interest, accrued, but also various commissions, as well as additional payments, including insurance.
You can use any mortgage to calculate online calculator. Many sites, devoted to finance, place similar programs on their main pages.
An example of an online mortgage application through the bank's official website is a calculation using a loan calculator
Don't forget, that you need to know exactly to get the most reliable data not only the rate and the required amount of the down payment. importantly also take into account all relevant additional payments and commissions selected by the program, insurance premiums.
Often the calculation with a mortgage calculator is approximate. To get the most relevant reality data, it is best to contact a loan officer of a particular bank.
Note. If during the study of information, presented on the Internet, questions remain, you can always call the numbers listed. This approach allows you to quickly clarify unclear points.
The next step is filling out a mortgage application form. It is best to apply to several banks at once. This will save a lot of time. In case of refusal in one credit institution you will not have to start the search from the beginning and wait for consideration, which when applying for a mortgage is quite long.
If a positive decision is made by several banks, it is enough to compare the received offers. Then choose the best option, others simply go unnoticed.
To apply, just visit the website of the selected bank. Traditionally, this is where a potential borrower's application form is filled out.
The following information is entered in the loan application:
- personal data of the applicant;
- place of work and income level;
- family composition and total income;
- the amount of liabilities;
- information about the planned purchase of real estate.
Usually the mortgage application form is more detailed, than on consumer credit. Moreover, it is considered longer. This is due to the large term and amount of credit. Traditionally, the term of consideration is in the range of 1 to 7 days.
Review of credit brokers, who provide mortgage assistance
9. Who provides assistance in obtaining a mortgage - a review of the top 5 mortgage brokers
Not everyone can afford to take out a mortgage loan on their own. This process requires significant time, moral concentration. in addition, to properly understand the peculiarities of the complex process of mortgage lending requires at least a minimum of knowledge in the field of finance. Quite naturally, that not everyone has such abilities.
However, abandon the idea of buying a home, having issued a mortgage loan, not worth it. A much better solution may be to use the help of a professional intermediary between the borrower and the lending institution. This is what the so-called mortgage broker.
Such a specialist is usually aware of the peculiarities of a huge number mortgage programs, presented on the market. He is able to help anyone to choose the most suitable and profitable lending option.
Most often in large cities whole intermediary organizations, who provide services of credit brokers. Such intermediaries can be found in small settlements in large real estate agencies.
In the Moscow region, experts highlight 5 companies, are recognized leaders in the brokerage market. They are discussed below.
1) LK-credit
Though, that this broker has been operating in the market relatively recently, he has already earned an impeccable reputation. Customers in this company do not require any prepayment. Payment for services provided is made exclusively under the contract, that fits.
2) Merchant Credit
Employees of this broker have experience in management, as well as security services of various banks.
Due to this, the mortgage is known from the inside.
3) Credit Solutions Service
Submitted by ??the company successfully operates in the market with 2010 year.
The company provides brokerage services as a physical, and legal entities.
4) Mortgage selection
The represented broker was formed in 2012 year.
As individuals, and companies here are guaranteed a positive decision on applications from Moscow banks.
5) Credit laboratory
All employees of the company have significant experience. They are able to prepare their customers for any, even the very specific requirements of creditors.
It is advisable to seek the help of a broker not only to save time and nerves. Intermediaries help to get a mortgage in unusual situations, which are complicated by any negative factors. In some cases, such companies are not just intermediaries, but also guarantors for their customers.
Turning to brokers, it is important to carefully study their reputation. This will help to avoid cooperation with fraudsters. in addition, it is not necessary to transfer money to pay for services to at the time of obtaining the loan.
Practical advice on how to properly and profitably take a mortgage
10. How to properly take a mortgage - 5 useful advice from professionals
Today, mortgage lending is quite popular. Of course, not all, who decided on its design, have specialized education - financial or legal. Therefore, the mortgage must be taken seriously and prepared.
It is not easy to get a really good loan. To save nerves and time, and buy your own property without any problems, importantly carefully study the most important nuances of the deal yet TO подачі заявки.
In addition, it is not superfluous to listen to expert advice. This approach will help avoid most problems.
Council 1. You need to get a mortgage in that currency, in which the accrual of basic income
The main rule when applying for loans of any type - to enter into agreements only in that currency, in which the borrower receives a salary. The reason is simple - when receiving a mortgage in foreign currency to pay the loan will have to buy it at the expense of ruble assets.
It exists risk of exchange rate growth. Such a situation will inevitably lead to an increase in monthly payments. This threatens not only the reduction of solvency, but also the complete collapse of the payer.
It was in this situation that they found themselves, who was tempted by the low rate and in 2013—2015 years issued a mortgage in foreign currency. The sharp rise in the exchange rate led to that, that in ruble payments increased approximately v 2 times. At the same time, wages have not changed.
The result in most cases is deplorable - borrowers are unable to fully meet their commitments. Many even had to sell a mortgaged apartment.
Advice 2. You should not overestimate your own financial capabilities
You should not immediately decide to buy a huge apartment, if the level of income does not allow to spend huge sums on loan servicing every month.
In the field of finance there is a rule - the cost of servicing the commitments should not be more 30-40% income. The critical value of this indicator is 50%. If the mortgage payment is more than half of the income, this will inevitably lead to a deterioration of habitual living conditions.
Most Russians forget about the above rule. Many apply for mortgages with payment, which exceeds 70% Their income. They believe, the main thing is to buy an apartment, without thinking, how will repay the loan.
As a result, there can be no question of a full life. If a problem is added to the already tense financial situation, delays occur. the result is spoiled credit history.
The most important conclusion arises. You can't overestimate your own financial capabilities. Living conditions should be improved gradually.
Initially, the mortgage can be issued the minimum amount required to purchase a small apartment. It is possible, that by the time of full repayment, the situation in the mortgage market will change.
Today there is a downward trend in rates. So, probably, in the future it will be possible to issue a mortgage on more favorable terms. Then it is worth if you want to change a small apartment for a large one.
Advice 3. It is important to choose the best time to get a mortgage
For any real estate transaction, it is important to choose the right time to commit. The same applies to the registration of a mortgage loan.
Often the situation with the purchase of real estate can be postponed for some time. In such a situation to get an apartment at the expense of borrowed funds should be in those moments, when demand falls on them.
Ideally, you should wait for the minimum demand, to be sure, that the deal was made at the best time.
It would be a mistake to get a mortgage and buy an apartment, when the market is lively. In this case, probably, subsequently, when interest in real estate declines, and prices will go down, the borrower will start biting his elbows.
Council 4. The contract should be studied as carefully as possible before signing it
About that, that the contract should be signed only after careful study, everyone knows. However, not all of these rules are followed. At the same time, this agreement specifies the basic conditions of mortgage lending, specific to a particular transaction.
Particular attention should be paid to the sections during the study of the contract, які стосуються additional costs. Many borrowers are not serious about various commissions and insurance premiums.
At the same time, banks usually require insurance annually in certain companies. The result is a rise in mortgage prices by an average of 1% for a year. Such overpayments are an unpleasant surprise for inattentive borrowers.
Council 5. It is necessary to take care of the creation of the so-called airbag
It should be on a separate account (preferably a contribution) keep funds in the amount of several monthly payments. Ideal amount - from 3 to 6 credit contributions.
There are several reasons for this, for which this money should not be paid for early repayment:
- Many banks do not like to pay the mortgage early and set additional fees for this procedure. Therefore, it is often unprofitable to make partial early repayments.
- In case of early termination of the deposit, the client in most cases loses the already accrued interest.
Therefore, it is better to always keep such savings in a separate account. They can be an effective support in case of difficulties.
Even in those cases, when the borrower loses his job, with the help of an airbag, he can continue to repay the mortgage on time.
So, listening to the advice of experts, you can make it much easier for yourself to meet your mortgage obligations.
11. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Applying for a mortgage is not an easy task. Therefore, often even the advice of experts is not enough. Unusual situations often arise, which require an immediate solution. That is why later in the article the answers to the most common questions are given.
Question 1. What is the return on mortgage interest?
Everyone, who decided to take out a mortgage, important to know, what is the interest return. Under Russian law, the borrower has the right to repay a portion of the money, who went to him to pay the mortgage.
Not everyone understands, that it will not be possible to return the payments themselves, but only part of the income tax on the amount, aimed at such costs. This procedure is called property deduction.
The borrower is entitled to a refund of 13% from the amount of interest paid by him on the mortgage for the previous calendar year. The right to receive a deduction arises only in cases, when the borrower has income in Russia, taxable at the rate 13%.
The return is not made by a credit institution, and the state. Therefore, to obtain the appropriate funds should contact the tax office.
Question 2. I want to take a mortgage on the room. Is this possible?
Not everyone can afford a mortgage loan worth several million. But that's what you need, to buy a full apartment. By the way, about how to buy an apartment in the mortgage and where to start the process of buying future housing, we wrote earlier.
If you still want to have your own home, the only way out is - make a mortgage on the room. The same option is suitable for the use of parent capital. Not everyone can afford a full mortgage if they have more than one child in the family.
Most investors with a small level of capital consider the rooms as promising option for investments. Such real estate can be rented. After full repayment of the mortgage, the room can be sold.
Moreover, when buying a room in a hostel there is a chance to get under resettlement program in case of a decision on its demolition. As a result, buying not quite a full-fledged property, you can become the owner of a decent apartment. By the way, often when resettling housing is provided in new buildings.
All the above reasons lead to this, that the issue of using this type of lending remains relevant.
Applying for a mortgage to buy a room has a number of features:
- Find a bank, who will agree to give a loan to buy a room is not easy. This is directly related to the subject of the mortgage. Liquidity in the real estate market for rooms is low. Therefore, if you do not repay the loan to sell it will not be easy. This situation significantly increases the risks of the lender.
- The benefits for the bank from such agreements are small. The cost of real estate is quite significant, and the interest received is insignificant. This is especially true in those cases, when part of the mortgage is repaid early at the expense of parent capital.
But, exist cases, when credit organizations are very enthusiastic about lending to buy a room:
- In the case of a mortgage secured by other valuable property, яке дорівнює за вартістю або дорожче нерухомості, purchased.
- Якщо потенційний позичальник в силу ряду обставин є власником всієї квартири, крім окремої кімнати. У цьому випадку банк більш охоче піде на угоду.
Tim, хто вирішив в кредит придбати кімнату, should be borne in mind, що банків, що видають іпотеку на такі цілі трохи.
Банки і їх умови кредитування на придбання кімнат представлені в таблиці:
Credit organization | ставка | термін іпотеки | amount | інші умови |
Sberbank | 13,45% | 30 years | individually | Список документів аналогічний традиційної іпотеці |
СКБ Банк | 14% | 12,20,30 years | From 350 000 rubles | Можна залучити до двох співпозичальників |
МТС Банк | individually | 3-25 years | 300 000 — 25 000 000 | Перший внесок повинен становити 10-85% |
Bank of Moscow | From 14% | From 1 to 30 years | individually | Чи не кредитує придбання кімнат в гуртожитках, можна оформити іпотеку на кімнату в квартирі Початковий внесок не менше 20% |
Росевробанк | From 13,5% | From 1 to 20 years | У Москві і Санкт-Петербурзі до 20 millions, в інших регіонах — до 10 | Існує програма зниження ставки до 11,75% |
Транскапіталбанк | From 13,5% | To 25 years | 500 000 — 20 000 000 | |
банк Зеніт | 21,5% — 26% | From 1 to 25 years | У Москві до 14 millions, в регіонах до 10 | Перший внесок мінімум 20% |
Question 3. What you need, щоб отримати іпотеку за двома документами? Які її умови?
Більшість росіян можуть придбати власне житло, only оформивши іпотеку. Найчастіше це дуже тривалий процес, що вимагає збору великої кількості документів. Однак сьогодні величезна кількість банків пропонують послуги іпотечного кредитування.
У зв’язку з величезною конкуренцією і боротьбою за кожного клієнта на ринку з’являються нові привабливі програми. Example, possibility оформити іпотеку всього по двох документах.
Quite naturally, що при бажанні отримати такий кредит, в першу чергу виникає питання, які документи для цього знадобляться.
перший документ, перш за все банк зажадає від потенційного позичальника пред’явити громадянський паспорт. Обов’язковою умовою є наявність в цьому документі штампа про постійну реєстрацію на російській території (simply put, прописки).
другий документ зазвичай позичальник може самостійно вибрати із запропонованого списку. Традиційно він включає:
- військовий квиток;
- свідоцтво про реєстрацію в пенсійному фонді (СНІЛС);
- посвідчення особи військового або співробітника органів влади;
- закордонний паспорт;
- водійське посвідчення.
Що стосується умов іпотечного кредиту, в кожному банку вони індивідуальні. Незважаючи на це з них можна виділити ряд загальних.
Основні умови іпотеки, яка оформлюється на підставі двох документів:
- Немає необхідності підтверджувати платоспроможність.
- Завищена процентна ставка в порівнянні з іншими програмами. Виняток становлять позичальники, які в даній кредитній організації мають зарплатний або пенсійний рахунок.
- Обов’язкова наявність початкового внеску, який найчастіше знаходиться в діапазоні від п’ятнадцяти до п’ятдесяти відсотків вартості нерухомості, purchased.
- Більшість банків дозволяють залучити позичальників.
- Usually, відсутність комісій і обмежень на дострокове погашення.
- Необхідно надати документи на житло після отримання позитивного рішення про видачу кредиту.
- В обов’язковому порядку потрібно оформити страховий поліс. Якщо відмовитися від даної послуги, ставка буде збільшена.
- За прострочення платежу діють штрафи.
Оформлення заявки на іпотеку здійснюється як зазвичай:
- Заповнюється анкета. You can do that, звернувшись в офіс або на сайті банку.
- Дочекатися рішення кредитної організації. Терміни на розгляд заявки в різних банках істотно відрізняються. Moreover, в деяких випадках кредитні організації їх продовжують.
- Надати на розгляд документи на об’єкт нерухомості, якщо отримано позитивне рішення по заявці.
- Підписання кредитного договору, внесення початкового внеску і оформлення страховкиі в разі, якщо банк схвалює обрану житлоплощу.
- Pодпісаніе договору купівлі-продажу, а також перехід власності на нерухомість позичальникові і оформлення її в заставу банку.
Credit organization | amount | вік позичальника | ставка | term | Перший внесок | інші умови |
Sberbank | У Москві і Санкт-Петербурзі 10 000 000 rubles, в інших регіонах — 8 000 000 | From 21 року до 75 years | From 11,4% | 1-30 years | From 50% За участю в програмах державної підтримки — від 20% Для молодих сімей від 15% | Розгляд заявки протягом 2 робочих днів |
VTB 24 | From 500 000 to 8 000 000 | From 14,5% | 1-20 years | From 40% | Розгляд заявки за 24 years | |
Bank of Moscow | From 170 000 | From 15,95% | To 20 years | Для покупки житла на вторинному ринку Термін розгляду — добу | ||
Россельхозбанк | individually | From 14% | From 40% | Можна вибрати аннуітентние або диференційовані платежі | ||
МТС банк | From 300 000 to 25 000 000 | 21-65 years | 3-25 years |
При оформленні іпотеки за двома документами важливо дотримуватися деяких рекомендацій фахівців:
- Ретельно вивчати умови іпотечної програми TO моменту подачі заявки.
- Використовуючи передбачувані термін і розмір іпотеки, а також ставки, комісії та додаткові платежі розраховувати з використанням кредитного калькулятора параметри майбутнього кредиту. Після цього важливо зробити ретельний аналіз і порівняти з іншими банками.
- У відділення кредитної організації варто йти only then, коли будуть зібрані всі необхідні документи.
- It is important to understand, що схваленням заявки банком для позичальника іпотека не закінчується. Vice versa, вона тільки починається. Крім внесення щомісячних платежів щороку потрібно продовжувати страховий поліс. in addition, більшість банків вимагає надавати довідки про відсутність заборгованості по комунальних платежах.
So, для багатьох позичальників іпотека за двома документами є ідеальним варіантом. Вона дозволяє істотно заощадити час на оформленні необхідних документів.
Майбутньому позичальникові не доведеться збирати величезну кількість довідок. При цьому цілий ряд банків пропонує за подібними програмами не менше вигідні умови, ніж за традиційними.
But do not forget, що придбати квартиру в кредит не вдасться без наявності істотного початкового внеску. Moreover, при оформленні іпотеки за двома документами нерідко потрібно підтвердити його наявність.
Question 4. Як оформити іпотечний кредит під заставу наявної квартири?
Традиційно в Росії позичальників оформлюють іпотечні кредити під заставу нерухомості, purchased. Далеко не всі знають, що існує також можливість при покупці нерухомості в якості забезпечення надати кредитору наявну у власності квартиру.
in addition, в деяких випадках банки і зовсім пропонують оформити нецільові позики під заставу нерухомості. Всі описані випадки також є іпотекою, характерною особливістю якої є отримання коштів в кредит під заставу нерухомості.
Що потрібно знати при оформленні іпотечного кредиту під заставу квартири
important to understand, що за відсутності вимоги про цільове використання коштів, одержуваних в іпотеку, ризики для банку на багато разів. Найчастіше результатом стають менш вигідні умови за такими програмами.
Однією з умов іпотеки під заставу наявної нерухомості there is that, що житлоплощу позичальника буде виступати забезпеченням по іпотеці. In other words, банк офіційно оформить заставу.
У будь-якому випадку заставні зобов’язання оформляються в реєстраційній палаті. Тому розпоряджатися власною квартирою позичальник більше не зможе. Без дозволу банку житлоплоща не вдасться продати, подарувати і передати у спадок. Натомість позичальник отримує можливість витратити позикові кошти на придбання нової нерухомості або (якщо це передбачено договором) на свій розсуд.
It is important to understand, що іпотечний кредит під заставу наявної квартири, як і інші фінансові послуги, має власні advantages and shortcomings. Перш ніж погодитися на оформлення кредиту такого типу, слід ретельно вивчити їх.
Серед плюсів кредитування під забезпечення наявного житла можна виділити наступні:
- Більшість кредитних організацій більш лояльно ставляться до позичальників, готовим передати в заставу наявну житлоплощу. Тому багато хто з них пропонують нижчу відсоткову ставку за такими програмами. Truth, останнім часом деякі банки стали знижувати ставки за традиційною іпотеці. Therefore, it is possible, що найближчим часом ця перевага може зникнути.
- При іпотеці під заставу наявної нерухомості для банку не є принциповим об’єкт, який планується до придбання. В результаті за такими програмами легше придбати квартиру на нульовій стадії будівництва. in addition, забудовника позичальник може вибирати самостійно, необов’язково, щоб він був акредитований банком. Також об’єкт нерухомості може бути будь-який — дача, кімната в гуртожитку і інші варіанти, під які більшість банків кредитувати відмовляються.
- Вже згадана програма пред’являє гнучкі вимоги не тільки до приобретаемому об’єкту нерухомості, але і до самого позичальника, в тому числі до його платоспроможності. Традиційно іпотеку під заставу наявної житлоплощі можуть оформити росіяни у віці від 18 to 65 years. Importantly, щоб у позичальника і його сім’ї був стабільний дохід, достатній для погашення кредиту.
- На відміну від кредитів без забезпечення розглянуті програми припускають максимальний термін договору 30 years.
- Важлива перевага полягає у відсутності первинних внесків. Деякі кредитні організації з метою додаткового залучення клієнтів позиціонують цей кредит як іпотеку без першого внеску. Детально про іпотеку без початкового внеску ми вже розповідали в одній з минулих статей.
- Традиційно по подібних схем відсутні штрафи за дострокове погашення.
Бажаючим оформити кредит під заставу власної нерухомості слід знати і про недоліки, характерних для таких програм. Якщо не ознайомитися з ними до підписання договору, можна згодом зіткнутися з великою кількістю неприємних несподіванок.
До мінусів такого роду іпотеки відносяться:
- Далеко не всяка нерухомість підійде в якості забезпечення. Банки уважно ставляться до предмету застави по кредитах розглянутого виду. Не вдасться оформити іпотеку під заставу приміщень, включених до фонду старого житла і призначених для знесення і розселення. Банк не стане кредитувати під нерухомість, знос якої перевищує 50%. Також в якості застави жодна кредитна організація не візьме квартири з дерев’яними перекриттями, а також при наявності в ній незаконних перепланувань.
- Ніхто не оформить кредит на повну вартість наявної нерухомості. Максимум, що вдасться отримати, — 70% Ринкової ціни квартири.
- Високі витрати на страхування. Probably, доведеться застрахувати життя і працездатність позичальника, subject to pledge, а також квартиру, purchased.
- Продати закладену нерухомість при необхідності навряд чи вийде. Банк, probably, не піде на таку угоду. Тому до моменту укладення договору варто відразу уточнити всі умови, які поставить банк при подібній прохання.
Для банків іпотека під наявне житло також має істотний недолік — високий рівень ризику. Він пояснюється відсутністю початкового внеску. This leads to that, що банків, що пропонують подібні програми, небагато. Naturally, що кожна кредитна організація розробляє власні умови кредитування.
Можна виділити кілька параметрів, характерних для іпотеки під заставу власного житла:
- валюта кредитування — рублі, долари або євро;
- мінімальний вік позичальника — 21 year;
- ставка залежить від валюти кредитування, в середньому по рублях вона становить 16% to get a travel loan;
- максимальний термін кредиту — 25 years, іноді досягає 30 years;
- сума видається позики рідко перевищує 70% Вартості нерухомості, що передається в заставу.
Певні вимоги пред’являються і до житлоплощі, під забезпечення якої планується оформити позику:
- при наявності перепланувань все вони повинні бути узаконені, що підтверджується документально;
- комунальні платежі повинні бути повністю погашені;
- можливість використання нерухомості для комфортного проживання — в будинок повинні бути підведені електрика, вода і опалення;
- квартира не повинна бути під обтяженням.
It is important to understand, що певні вимоги пред’являються не тільки до житлового приміщення, але і до дому, в якому він знаходиться.
Будівля, в якому розташовується закладена нерухомість, має відповідати наступним параметрам:
- кількість поверхів в будинку повинно бути не менше п’яти;
- безаварійний стан будівлі, немає необхідності зносити або реконструювати його, розселенню будинок також не повинен підлягати;
- рік зведення не раніше 1950-го.
So, крім істотного кількості позитивних особливостей іпотека під заставу наявного майна має цілий ряд недоліків. It is important to understand, що в разі неможливості вносити щомісячні платежі по іпотеці, можуть виникнути суттєві проблеми. Виникає ризик втрати переданого в заставу нерухомого майна. Його можуть виставити на торги.
in addition, є ймовірність втрати всього належного позичальникові майна (Тобто навіть тієї нерухомості, яка була куплена на позикові кошти). Тому при вирішенні оформити іпотеку важливо тверезо оцінити свою платоспроможність. Зробити це потрібно з урахуванням не тільки сьогоднішньої ситуації, але і тієї, яка може виникнути в майбутньому, аж до закінчення терміну договору позики.
Question 5. Чи можу я взяти іпотеку на частку в квартирі?
Далеко не у всіх є гроші на покупку не тільки повноцінної квартири, але і її частини. При цьому може виникнути ситуація, коли терміново потрібно викупити частку в житлової нерухомості, а зайняти грошей просто нема в кого. У такій ситуації постає питання — чи реально отримати позику саме на придбання частки квартири.
Останнім часом ситуації, коли іпотека потрібно не на всю квартиру, а саме на її частину, перестали бути винятком. Reasons, за якими громадянам доводиться викуповувати частку, Reasons for the disappearance of the image.
У яких випадках можна брати іпотечний кредит на частку в квартирі
Найчастіше іпотеку на придбання частки в житлової нерухомості оформляють в наступних випадках:
- Право на спадщину виникає у декількох далеких родичів. Жити разом при цьому можливості немає, а продавати квартиру повністю не хочеться.
- При розлученні відбувся поділ нерухомості, але один з подружжя не бажає відмовлятися від проживання в комфортних умовах.
Вище названі тільки ті ситуації, які зустрічаються найчастіше. Однак життя непередбачуване, і заздалегідь знати, з якої саме причини може знадобитися купити частку в квартирі, impossible.
важливо врахувати, що кредитних організацій, готових видати іпотеку на придбання частки в квартирі, не так вже й багато. Якщо ж такий банк все-таки знайдеться, варто бути готовим до того, що умови по такому кредиту навряд чи виявляться досить лояльними. Ставки по іпотеці на частку можуть бути дуже високими. Нерідко вони досягають 15% annual, а часто і більше.
Тому стати єдиним власником квартири, в якій на сьогоднішній момент громадянину належить тільки частина, probably, буде непросто. Доведеться докласти велику кількість зусиль і витратити багато часу, щоб домогтися бажаної мети. Але впадати у відчай в будь-якому випадку не варто. Шанси отримати іпотеку хоча і невеликі, але все-таки є.
Умови іпотеки на придбання частини житлової нерухомості багато в чому визначаються цілями, які при цьому переслідує позичальник.
Найчастіше виділяють 2 типу кредитування для придбання частки житла:
- Громадянину належить певна частина конкретної квартири. При цьому він бажає стати повноправним і одноосібним її власником. У такій ситуації іпотека потрібна на покупку останньої частки нерухомості.
- Майбутній позичальник бажає купити частину (Example, room) в квартирі, до якої ніякого відношення не має. У цьому випадку після здійснення операції громадянину буде належати тільки певна частина нерухомого майна.
В обох зазначених вище прикладах отримати іпотеку на здійснення угоди буде непросто. However в першому випадку отримати іпотеку може бути набагато простіше. Пояснюється це різницею рівня ризику в двох ситуаціях. При покупці останньої частки банк може зажадати на момент видачі позики оформити заставу на вже належить заявнику частину квартири.
The second option передбачає оформлення позики на досить велику суму без надання забезпечення. У такій ситуації банку може здатися мало в якості гарантій повернення надати підтвердження платоспроможності. Більшість банків при оформленні іпотеки на першу частину можуть зажадати додаткове забезпечення. Це може бути як інше майно, що надається в заставу, так і залучення поручителів.
Розглянемо обидва випадки більш докладно.
1. Іпотечне кредитування на придбання останньої частки
Якщо прийнято рішення оформити іпотеку з метою покупки останньої частки в квартирі, варто бути морально готовим до того, що доведеться підтвердити право власності на вже належить заявнику частину.
In other words, потрібно зібрати пакет документів, який дозволить однозначно ідентифікувати позичальника як власника частини об’єкта нерухомості.
Крім того потрібно підтвердити:
- Стаж роботи на останньому місці. Для цього знадобиться копія трудової книжки, завірена роботодавцем з обов’язковим зазначенням, що позичальник працює донині. При цьому згідно зі стандартними вимогами термін служби на останньому місці повинен бути no less 6 months.
- Solvency. Заробітна плата повинна бути не тільки стабільною, а й офіційною. Наявність такого джерела доходу підтверджується довідкою 2-ПДФО або відповідної декларацією. Якщо з яких-небудь причин підтвердити дохід в повному розмірі цими документами не вдається, деякі кредитні організації дозволяють заповнити довідку за формою банку. Quite naturally, що в цьому випадку ступінь довіри до клієнта буде нижче.
In general, банки кредитують останню частку набагато охочіше. It has to do with that, що в кінці кінців заявнику буде належати повністю об’єкт нерухомого імущества.В таких ситуаціях можливо в якості додаткового забезпечення уявити вже належить на праві власності частину квартири.
Більш низький ризик банків веде до того, що в описуваному випадку умови будуть набагато привабливішими.
Серед основних характеристик позики на останню частку можна виділити наступні:
- середня ставка на рівні 16% for a year;
- максимальний термін договору знаходиться в діапазоні 5—25 years;
- наявність початкового внеску у розмірі from 10% вартості купованої частки (в деяких випадках допускається його відсутність).
Позичальник повинен розуміти, що банк зажадає від нього надати в заставу не частина нерухомості, purchased, а цілком житловий об’єкт, включаючи останню частку. Іншими словами відразу після того, як громадянин оформить квартиру повністю себе в власність, він втратить право розпоряджатися нею до моменту погашення кредиту.
2. Викуп єдиною частки
Отримати іпотеку на викуп частки в квартирі, до якої позичальник не має відношення, much more complicated. В цьому випадку нерухомість не стане повністю належати власнику після проведення операції.
This leads to that, what кредитні організації вельми неохоче видають іпотеку на придбання частки. Саме тому знайти банк, згідний надати позику на придбання частини об’єкта нерухомості, яка не належить позичальнику, practically impossible.
important to understand, що розглядається кредитування передбачає передачу в заставу банку тільки частки apartments. Продати її в разі проблем з поверненням боргових коштів буде практично неможливо. Навіть якщо зробити це все-таки вдасться, навряд чи ціна буде вигідною.
Для отримання іпотеки розглянутого типу позичальникові доведеться докласти чималих зусиль. Перш за все потрібно буде постаратися переконати банк у своїй платоспроможності. Потрібно буде довести, що є цілком реальна можливість своєчасно і в повному обсязі виконувати зобов’язання по кредиту.
Банк пред’являє серйозні вимоги не тільки до позичальника, але і до купується частці.
Придбана частина нерухомості повинна відповідати таким умовам:
- ідеальне технічний стан;
- прийнятний рівень ліквідності;
- повну відповідність всім технічним нормам;
- місцезнаходження в хорошому районі міста.
It is important to keep in mind, що ставки по іпотеці на єдину частку традиційно мінімум на 3% above, ніж при придбанні останньої частки. Naturally, що постійна робота, офіційний регулярний дохід і чиста кредитна історія в такій ситуації є обов’язковими. Moreover, may be needed додаткове забезпечення у вигляді застави майна, поручительства або залучення позичальників.
So, шансів отримати іпотеку на єдину частку дуже мало. Але вони все-таки є. Правда для позитивного рішення доведеться докласти чималих зусиль.
Question 6. В якому банку краще взяти іпотеку?
Every borrower, вибираючи банк для оформлення іпотеки, звертає увагу на різні умови кредитування. При цьому для кожного громадянина найбільш значущими є різні характеристики.
При виборі іпотечної програми найчастіше порівнюють:
- the amount of the down payment;
- interest rate;
- лояльність відношення до позичальнику.
Однак далеко не у всіх є час, сили і бажання самостійно проводити аналіз умов іпотеки в різних банках. В цьому випадку можуть стати в нагоді рейтинги, що складаються професіоналами.
Credit organization | Назва програми | Bid (в% річних) | Розмір першого внеску в% від вартості житла |
Собинбанк | заставна нерухомість | 8,00 — 11,00 | 10,0 |
зв’язок Банк | твоя іпотека | 9,50 — 12,00 | 10,0 |
Sberbank | Програма з держпідтримкою | 13,00 | 15,0 |
Alfa Bank | На вторинне житло | 14,80 | 10,0 |
VTB 24 | Іпотека на покупку квартир на вторинному ринку | 14,90 | 10,0 |
Question 7. Де і як отримати іпотечний кредит на квартиру, якщо зіпсована кредитна історія?
У Росії до недавнього часу багато банків оформляли споживчі кредити всім охочим, without thinking, чи зможе позичальник повернути борг.
Після того як настала криза багато громадян виявилися не в змозі виконувати взяті на себе зобов’язання. Результат виявився плачевним — більшість позичальників безнадійно зіпсували свою кредитну історію, в їх досьє виявилися позначки про простроченнях і відмову від внесення платежів.
Після деякого часу деякі громадяни із зіпсованою кредитною історією захотіли оформити іпотеку. Однак вони стикаються з небажанням банків співпрацювати з ними. Як бути в такій ситуації? Невже доведеться відмовитися від ідеї купити власну квартиру?
Варіанти отримання іпотеки з поганою кредитною історією
Насправді впадати у відчай не варто. Even in those cases, коли кілька банків відмовили у видачі іпотеки, there is no guarantee, що згода не буде отримано у всіх інших.
Сьогодні кількість бажаючих взяти іпотеку стає все менше, це призвело до того, що багато банків (особливо регіональні) стали більш лояльно ставиться до охочих оформити іпотечний кредит. Нерідко вони погоджуються не брати до уваги минулу кредитну історію.
Рекомендуємо також прочитати нашу статтю про те, які банки не перевіряють кредитну історію позичальників, де ви знайдете список банків, не перевіряти КІ.
Є й інший варіант виходу зі складної ситуації — звернутися за допомогою до іпотечним брокерам. Більшість з них мають власні зв’язку з банками, їм набагато простіше домогтися схвалення для своїх клієнтів навіть в тих випадках, коли кредитна історія безнадійно зіпсована. Moreover, досвідчені фахівці ринку брокерських послуг можуть домогтися знижки з процентної ставки.
Знайти брокера неважко. У великих містах діють цілі компанії, які надають посередницькі послуги. У невеликих населених пунктах можна звернутися в популярне агентство нерухомості. Багато з них мають в штаті подібного фахівця.
Naturally, за послуги брокера доведеться заплатити. Однак витрачені гроші з лишком окупляться. Адже вони допоможуть заощадити величезну кількість часу, нервів і грошей.
12. Conclusion + video on the topic
So, оформити іпотеку не так складно, as it seems at first glance. Truth, з одним застереженням — якщо у позичальника є постійний офіційний дохід. Але і в інших випадках при належному старанні можна домогтися бажаного результату.
But it is worth bearing in mind, що оплачувати отриманий займ на протязі не одного десятка років буде непросто. Тому ще TO моменту підписання договору важливо ретельно проаналізувати свої фінансові можливості. У деяких випадках краще ненадовго відкласти отримання такого серйозного позики.
На закінчення рекомендуємо переглянути цікавий відеоролик про те, як отримати іпотеку на квартиру самостійно, де ріелтор дає корисні і практичні поради для новачків:
Питання читачам!
Чи збираєтеся ви найближчим часом брати іпотеку на квартиру або іншу нерухомість? В якому банку розглядаєте можливість оформлення іпотечного кредиту?
Ми бажаємо читачам фінансового журналу «» успіхів у фінансових справах, простого та безпроблемного оформлення іпотечних кредитів, а головне швидкого і якісного їх погашення.