How to assemble a floor fan: instruction, video

How to assemble a fan yourself? This question is especially relevant in the warm season, when the heat is unbearable, and to buy the conditioner or split system there is no possibility of any sense. It arises because of that, that the instruction vaguely describes the process of assembling the product or there are details, at first glance superfluous or it is unknown where they are installed. Everyone can solve this simple task, even a person far from technology. The work will not take much time, and the result will be the long-awaited coolness.

types of fans

Fans of various systems remain a popular way to solve the problem of creating more favorable living conditions. According to the method of installation, they are divided into the following types:

  • floor;
  • ceiling;
  • desktop.

The last two varieties, in most cases, do not require assembly after purchase. Ceiling options must be installed in a place prepared for their installation.

Models differ in power, sizes, blowing area, number of speeds, the level of noise produced during operation and various additional functions. The floor fan remains one of the most common ways, allowing to cool down, increase the level of comfort. Widespread use is due to the low price of this type of product, ease of operation and installation, low energy consumption, mobility, universality (blowing from the fan the wind refreshes even on the street). The technique takes up very little space.

There are the following types of floor fans according to the method of operation:

  • axial are devices, equipped with an electric motor and blades (prisoners in a net casing), which, when rotated, set the air in motion;

  • radial - mechanisms, made in one case, inside which the rotor with blades draws air, and then pushed back;

  • bladeless are round frames with the engine, which absorbs air and pushes it out with acceleration.

The first option is the most common type. It does not affect the whole room, blows on separate sites. The question of assembly arises when buying an axial version of the fans

Step-by-step guide to assembling a floor fan

There are products on the market from different manufacturers. Installation of models differs insignificantly, for this reason it is possible to allocate its general scheme. Conditionally the process of that, how to assemble a fan, can be broken down into 3 stages:

  • mounting the bottom of the device;
  • assembly of the upper department;
  • checking the efficiency of the purchased equipment.

This is due to the design features of the product. One of the options is shown in video on video. You can start the process by assembling the bottom or top - there is no difference.

Axial floor devices consist of the following elements:

  • supports (example, crosses);
  • telescopic tube;
  • protective cover;
  • paddle wheel;
  • electric motor.

Additionally, the models may contain air ionizers, remote controller, but this does not affect their installation.

mounting supports

Instructions for assembling the bottom of the product are as follows:

  • the device is unpacked;
  • if the support is made in the form of a cross, then the crossbars are inserted into each other perpendicularly;
  • connect them and the bottom of the vertical riser with the inner tube with four bolts;
  • on end faces of support establish caps, which the device will be in contact with the floor;
  • put forward a telescopic tube and fix it with a plastic nut at the required height.

Another type of base - disc - is also fastened with bolts and nuts.

Assembly of the upper part of the structure

Then collect in this sequence:

  • the rear grille of the casing is fixed to the drive part, planting in the grooves and tightening the nut;
  • mount the impeller on the motor shaft exactly along the connector;
  • fix it with a special nut;
  • install and fix the front grille;
  • insert the tube into the motor unit and secure it to the rack with a locking screw, located at the junction of these parts.

There are options, where the seat of the shaft without grooves and then the impeller is fixed with a screw. If the engine is disconnected from the button unit, then with a screw (or bolt with nut) they are connected.

Assembly of fans from different manufacturers is identical. You can see this, watching such videos: