Which oil is better: synthetics or semi-synthetics

Let's start with that, that the modern fuel market is full of different manufacturers, which offer a wide range of various products. As for the lubricants themselves, for gasoline and diesel engines on sale are mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic oils. Such motor oils are all-season today, almost completely displacing winter and summer engine oil.

We also recommend reading the article about it, what engine oil is summer and what is better to fill in the engine for the summer. In this article you will learn about winter and summer motor oils, as well as how to choose oil for the summer from the available all-season.

Let's add, that a single product can be designed not only for use in gasoline or diesel engines, but also to be universal. In other words, the same oil can be easily filled as gasoline, and diesel units. Next we intend to talk about it, what is the difference between synthetic and semi-synthetic oil, in which cases it is advisable to switch from semi-synthetics to synthetics, and also requires washing in the transition from semi-synthetics to synthetics and vice versa.

Synthetic and semi-synthetic motor oil: main differences

In order to study in more detail the issues of various motor oils, it is necessary to understand, what are semi-synthetics and synthetics. As you know, all motor oils have a certain base. Such a base can be mineral, semi-synthetic or fully synthetic. Then a package of chemical additives is added to the base, which each manufacturer has its own and is a patented branded solution.

Let's start with synthetics, as thanks to efforts of marketers such oil is always on hearing and is considered as a standard. Let's note at once, that it really is, but with caveats. The nuance is that, that synthetic oil is not suitable for all types of engines, but more on that below. As the name implies, the basis of synthetic oils is artificial, differs from analogues by a special molecular composition. Synthetic molecules can work for a long time in difficult conditions and withstand temperature loads, demonstrate high resistance to chemical processes in the engine. If easier, the stability of all the declared characteristics of the oil is maintained at different temperatures, protective and other useful properties are maintained for a long service life.

Synthetic oil has a stable viscosity at all temperatures (even very high), which allows you to safely operate the engine in the summer in different modes. As for the winter period, pumpability of synthetic oil allows you to easily run the power unit in severe frosts, the material quickly reaches the loaded friction pairs on the lubrication system. It turns out, during cold start the engine wear decreases, the resource of the unit proceeds. With warming up and an exit to working temperatures of the engine optimum protection is provided. Also, synthetic oil does not create unnecessary resistance in the power plant, allowing to save fuel. Thus even a thin oil film is enough for prevention of mechanical wear of the connected knots.

If the car is operated in difficult conditions (city ​​mode, riding at high speeds, frequent work on the twentieth, towing a trailer, cargo transportation, etc.), and is in a climatic zone with constant differences in average daily temperature, then synthetics deservedly is one of the best options for engine oil.

It should also be noted the resistance of such a product to aging, oxidation and loss of properties. In other words, longer service life of synthetic oils allows the lubricant to reliably protect the engine throughout the period before the scheduled oil change. This is especially true given the low quality of domestic fuel, which contains many impurities and additives, detrimental effect on engine oil. The only disadvantage of synthetic motor oil can be considered its relatively high price.

Now to semi-synthetics. Semi-synthetic motor oil is part of the "natural" mineral base, to which a certain percentage of synthetic base and a package of additives is added. In different manufacturers, the percentage of "mineral" and "synthetics" can range from 30% synthetic basis on 70% mineral to the ratio 50/50. As a result, semi-synthetics are definitely better than mineral oil, but loses to pure synthetics on a number of indicators and characteristics, being an intermediate link. If you ask yourself a question, what a thicker oil, synthetics or semi-synthetics, then it becomes clear, that the semi-synthetic product will be thicker due to the composition of the mineral base. In parallel with this advantage can be considered not too significant deterioration of properties while significantly reducing the final cost of the product.

Synthetics and semi-synthetics: practical operation

As for the choice of oil, many drivers are interested in the question, which is better, synthetics or semi-synthetics for engines with mileage or new engines. Guests are also interested, whether it is possible to fill synthetics after semi-synthetics and vice versa.

It should be noted at the outset, that the most important moment in the choice of engine oil during the operation of the vehicle is a competent selection of lubricants, as well as the correct transition from one type of oil to another if necessary. First of all, the main rule is this: such oil needs to be filled in the engine, which is recommended by the manufacturer of the power unit. The oil must meet all the specifications of the manufacturer of a particular engine. This statement is true for all motors and does not depend on the type of base, which is used in the manufacture of certain types of lubricants.

It turns out, tolerances first, and only then the basis. Note, as in the case of popular butter, example, 5w40, decryption of synthetics or semi-synthetics is not so relevant. Temperature viscosity is much more important. The same can be said then, when the car owner asks questions, 5w30 oil is synthetic or semi-synthetic. This oil can be as partial, and completely synthetic product.

For this reason, common questions such as "mineral water, synthetics, semi-synthetics for diesel or gasoline units "are secondary. To make it clearer, you can pour a can of quality and expensive synthetic oil into a new engine, then the motor will eventually become unusable, as the oil is absolutely not suitable for this unit by tolerances. The same is true for other types of oil.

You need to understand, that at the stage of engine design the manufacturer takes into account a number of parameters:

  • operating temperature modes for this engine;
  • the degree of load on the components;
  • gaps between parts, etc.. d.

After that certain requirements to oil are put forward, which, essentially, is a working fluid. For this reason, only the recommended oil or such lubricant is poured into the new car under warranty, which is a valid analogue. So, if such oil is in the list of recommended, new engine is better to fill synthetics, which meets all manufacturer's specifications. If a semi-synthetic product is offered, then you can choose a more expensive synthetic analogue of the best quality. Let's add, that most often in such actions there is no special meaning, as timely replacement of semi-synthetic material according to the regulations will be a reliable guarantee of cleanliness and serviceability of the engine. We hope so, with the new motors everything is clear.

Now imagine the situation, when the unit is already somewhat worn out or after buying a used car with an unknown history, the owner is faced with the need to change the oil. In such cases, it must be clearly understood, whether it is possible to mix synthetics and semi-synthetics, as well as the transition from semi-synthetics to synthetics without the risk of damaging the engine.

In such cases, it is highly desirable to know, that was previously filled into the engine and how long the engine is running on a particular type of oil. Now let's answer, whether it is possible to add synthetics to semi-synthetics. The general rule is this: in emergency cases mixing of synthetics with semi-synthetics and semi-synthetics with mineral oil is allowed, then the oil at the first opportunity is immediately changed to the recommended with washing. It is forbidden to mix synthetics and mineral oil!

The point is, that even a simple change of manufacturer without changing the type of oil (example, changes 5W30 synthetics from one manufacturer to similar 5W30 synthetics from another company) is already a reason to flush the engine before changing the oil.

We also recommend reading the article about it, whether it is possible to mix motor oils. You will learn from this article, in which cases it is allowed and why it is usually not recommended to mix motor oils.

The reason is the balance, which cannot be drained completely and there is a risk of unwanted chemical reactions of the additive package from the old oil with the new. The conclusion is as follows, to switch from one type of oil to another engine must be flushed.

Now about the expediency of such a transition. It is necessary to consider, that for cars with mileage synthetic oil is not always the best solution. This statement is true for older engines, which were developed at that time, when mineral oils were widely used. The point is, that such units are simply not designed for "liquid" synthetics, the gaps between the parts are quite large. As a result, the quality of protection of internal combustion engine parts may deteriorate, oil pressure problems occur, leaks in the area of ​​the seals, gaskets, etc.. d. As for more modern versions, which at the same time work normally on mineral oil or semi-synthetics, such engines accumulate deposits during operation, oxidized sludge, etc.. P. If you take into account, that the engine must be flushed before changing the oil type, then it is worth understanding, that aggressive washing will wash away the specified deposits. For this reason, the engine seals may start to run less efficiently, passing out liquid synthetic oil.


Given the above, it becomes clear, what:

  • for units with mileage, the risks often increase when switching from semi-synthetics to synthetics, and not vice versa;
  • it is not desirable to switch from one type of oil to another without rinsing;
  • the transition should take into account the feasibility and possible complications after such a replacement;

Also note, that a rapid transition from synthetics to mineral oil is not recommended. In this case, it is optimal to use a semi-synthetic product. I would like to add more, that with all the advantages of synthetics, its use in a civilian car, which is operated in normal modes, not always justified.

With that in mind, that synthetic motor oil more expensive, semi-synthetics for cars with mileage approx 150 thousand. km. will be a more correct decision. By the way, the same can be said not only about engines, but also about other nodes. Example, the current topic is synthetics or semi-synthetics in manual transmission.

If the car is new, then you can pour synthetic oil into the gearbox, if such lubricant meets all manufacturer's specifications. Synthetics may be too thin for wear boxes, the transmission will start working louder, jamming can be observed when the transmission is engaged, crunch, increased wear of synchronizers, etc.. d.

Let's summarize

If you take into account all the information, above, then the fact is quite obvious, that use pure synthetics in the engine and gearbox is optimal in two cases:

  • if the car is new or has a minimum mileage;
  • the machine is first operated on such oil, and there are no problems during operation;

In other situations, semi-synthetic motor oil may be a viable alternative. The main thing is to always keep in mind the manufacturer's tolerances, as well as that, that any oil has a limited service life and requires replacement strictly according to regulations.

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