Categories: Garden and town

Good luck potatoes: characteristics and features of variety cultivation

To get a good harvest of potatoes, gardeners should approach the choice of vegetables carefully. We suggest you pay attention to the variety of potatoes Luck, which has become quite popular today. In this article we will give a detailed description of the appearance of the bush, description of its characteristics, as well as the peculiarities of planting this variety.


Potato Luck was obtained as a result of selection work of domestic specialists. In the description of the appearance of the bushes of this variety of vegetable crops should include average height. Usually undergrowth bushes up to 60-70 centimeters. There are a lot of leaves on them, which makes the plant very fluffy. The characteristic matte green color of leaves suits the description of Luck. If the plant has no diseases, then the color may be deep dark green. This shows, that potatoes do not need watering, that the necessary microelements and minerals are enough for it in the soil.

Inflorescences are white. Petals on flowers are usually strongly bent down. This description is suitable for healthy potato seedlings.

The shape of the tubers themselves becomes round and slightly elongated after ripening. Usually the surface of the root is smooth, has a thin skin of white or cream color. The benefits of good luck gardeners include a thin skin, which distinguishes this variety from most others, as their skin is quite thick and dense.

The surface of the tubers is covered with small sprouts. There are not many of them, but this does not affect the quality of the potatoes. To extend the shelf life of these vegetable varieties should be cut off these sprouts, as they begin to germinate, taking nutrients from the tuber itself.

Video "Potato varieties"

This video tells about potato varieties, weather resistant.

Characteristics of the variety

Variety Luck usually grows in the middle lane. He is unpretentious to weather changes, drought tolerant, low temperatures. With good stability, this species gives a very good harvest. Quickly adapts to climate and surrounding weather conditions.

New potatoes can already be harvested through 45-50 days after planting. The tubers weigh about an average of about 120 grams. Potatoes are well preserved, if it does not have access to sunlight. Does not rot during prolonged storage, does not spoil.

Gardeners describe, that the flesh of the Good Luck potato has a white or cream color. The roots contain about 15% starch, has a medium density. You should also pay attention to the taste of potatoes. Many confirm, that this variety is great for cooking a variety of dishes.

Good characteristics of good luck should also include good resistance to disease. This variety is practically not prone to late blight, rotten. Almost always has a good appearance, resistant to mechanical damage.

Due to such descriptions and characteristics, gardeners often began to plant good luck in their summer cottages, and farmers began to get very high yields.


Seed variety can be grown on different soils, because it is adapted to growing in any conditions. However, the method of planting and growing varieties is reduced to recommendations for tillage, preparation of planting material, soil fertilizer.

Even with the positive characteristics of the potato Luck gardeners must follow certain rules when planting tubers in the soil. The first thing to remember, that potatoes need periodic warming of the earth, therefore, the landing area must have constant access to sunlight. The beds are best located from north to south. The temperature during planting potatoes should not be less 10 degrees of heat. Lower temperatures may not allow planting material to take over.

Experienced gardeners recommend keeping the distance between rows close 70 centimeters, and the distance between the holes should be at least 20 centimeters. After placing the roots in the soil you need to level the soil well, compacted it a little.

When to plant

The characteristics and description of the land plot indicate that, that the place for growing seed varieties is better suited for planting, if it used to grow legumes or various perennial grasses.

Seed potatoes can be harvested in early summer, if planted no later than mid-April.

If the spring in the region is still cold enough or unplanned frosts have begun, then you can prepare planting material indoors (if planting will be carried out from potato seeds). When growing Luck with the help of tubers planting will have to be postponed until warming. When the soil warms up to 15 degrees to a depth of about 10 centimeters, you can start planting. It is desirable to complete planting before summer.

Some farmers focus on the surrounding plants and trees. The time for planting potatoes is determined after the appearance of buds in birch and before the beginning of flowering cherry.

Landing technology

First of all, farmers need to prepare the soil. Though, that Luck is undemanding to care, you should take care of that, that the ground was plowed, and fertilizers were applied in a timely manner.

The soil should go away after frost, only then can you start planting potatoes in the ground. Seed variety, which has an early maturity, usually grows in any conditions. Even in bad weather, luck can give a normal harvest, if farmers provide proper care for the crop.

Seed cultivation of potatoes requires more time and attention, however, you do not need to leave the workpiece. This approach allows you to take full advantage of the harvest, collected last season for their own needs. So, every year you can grow potatoes with seeds. Experienced gardeners after the first seed cultivation prefer to leave the tubers for next season, alternating landing techniques.

Seed planting requires timely fertilizer. The description of feeding reduces it to two types: root and foliar. I put organic fertilizers under the root system, and the ground part is fed with special solutions, to enrich the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and other components. If you timely fertilize the land for potatoes good luck, then its roots will quickly absorb all the nutrients.

When planting potatoes with tubers, the technology is followed in the same way, as for other varieties. They are cut into several parts, that on each piece of a root crop there were "eyes". From them the stalk will start to sprout, which will be knocked out of the ground. The aboveground part should be regularly sprayed with pesticides.

Before harvesting, you need to cut the tops in two weeks. After that, you can collect roots.

Good Luck Benefits

Paying attention to the characteristics of the potato variety Luck, the main advantages should be highlighted:

  • resistance to temperature changes, drought;
  • resistance to many dangerous diseases, which can significantly reduce yields;
  • well preserved and practically does not germinate;
  • can be planted early in the ground, as well as to gather earlier;
  • good appearance, which is an important characteristic for entrepreneurial farmers;
  • with proper care gives a very high yield.

Due to this characteristic, many farmers have been planting this variety of potato on their plots for a long time. Today, Luck is already a very common type of vegetable crop, and you can buy seeds for sowing in almost any specialty store.

Video "Choosing varieties of potatoes"

An overview of the best types of potatoes is given in the video.



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