Categories: Garden and town

Zhukovsky early potatoes - a description of the variety, Photo, which lead to overheating of the gasoline or diesel engine, characteristic, maturity

Zhukovsky early potatoes - a description of the variety, reviews of which are quite numerous, and positive, has a good yield, but you need to know, when to plant and how to grow, when the ripening period comes, to dig up vegetables, because these factors significantly affect the taste…

Zhukovsky early potatoes - in the photo

Zhukovsky early potatoes - a description of the variety, Photo, which lead to overheating of the gasoline or diesel engine

In Russia, potatoes are an integral part of most dishes, therefore, breeders are constantly working on breeding new varieties. An example is Zhukovsky early potatoes - a description of the variety, reviews of which you can read later in the article. This potato belongs to the group of pink varieties, its popularity can be easily explained by the large number of its characteristic advantages:

  • Zhukovsky potato bush is compact, semi-scattered, with a moderate number of stems, but a fairly large number of branches
  • leaves are large, dismembered, dark green color
  • flowering potatoes do not last long, characterized by mass, fruits after flowering are absent
  • Zhukovsky potatoes have an early ripening period, so you can start digging after planting through 2 months
  • differs oval tubers, smooth skin, blunt tip and flesh, which has a sweet taste and does not darken when cut
  • the color of potato tubers is red or pink, they have a few small points; the average weight of the tuber is from 100 to 120 grams
  • According to many summer residents, stands out unpretentious and long-lasting

Zhukovsky early potatoes are a table variety, characterized by average taste, potato tubers are resistant to mechanical damage with automatic harvesting.

In addition to all the above, this variety of potato is resistant to rhizoctonia, nematodes, cancer, parshi. Zhukovsky had few shortcomings in potatoes and the most serious - poor resistance to late blight. With a large amount of precipitation, potato leaves are covered with late blight. Also an additional disadvantage is the deterioration of the taste during late harvesting of potatoes, which becomes less crunchy when fried and not as tasty after cooking. But, most early varieties of potatoes suffer from this problem.

Competent planting of Zhukovsky early potatoes

Zhukovsky early potatoes - a description of the variety, Photo, which not everyone knows, for all its unpretentiousness, requires a competent attitude to the growing process:

Zhukovsky Early Potato Harvest -
in the photo

1. Choice of planting material - potato tubers are suitable for germination, whose mass does not exceed 100 grams, at the same time they must be of high quality, without any signs of disease

2. Preliminary preparation of tubers - what to do the proper germination of potatoes before planting, it is necessary to stack tubers in boxes on some numbers or simply to scatter in a hothouse an embankment under a film. The optimum temperature for potatoes has a wide range and is +4? + … 20? C, keep that in mind, that high potatoes should not be poured. Scattered lighting should also be provided for potatoes. When germinating in the potato tubers should be periodically turned over. Necessary potatoes and disinfection, for which potassium permanganate is suitable. About good germination is judged by the presence of sprouts in potato tubers, whose length is up to 1 cm. Good thick sprouts say and the readiness of potatoes before planting. Although Zhukovsky potatoes are an early variety, you can get a good harvest in a short time with additional preparation of tubers, to do this, they should be placed in moist sawdust or peat - this method will promote accelerated root development, and before planting, should be treated with wood ash ( on 50 kg 2 glasses)

3. Preparing the soil for planting - to get a good harvest, Zhukovsky potato variety is best planted on sandy or loamy soils, pre-fertilized with organic matter. Preparation of the site for planting potatoes according to all the rules is carried out in the fall. To do this, dig the soil to a depth of 25 cm, then make overcooked compost (5-6 buckets per square meter) and ash, and in the spring additional application of nitrogen fertilizers is required, Amophos will do well (on 1 m? From 5 to 10 G)

The best time for planting Zhukovsky potatoes will come, when the soil temperature warms up to +5? + … 6? C. Landing should be done in rows, from a distance of 60 or 70 see between them. There will be enough space between the potato tubers 25 or 30 cm. The depth of the bookmark tubers should be 6 cm.

To accelerate the development of potatoes, should be covered areas with planting fiber or film, that will protect potatoes from possible frosts, and at the same time, will increase soil temperature.

Caring for potatoes to achieve high results

The first seedlings of potatoes usually appear on 10 or 15 day after planting. At emergence of young sprouts of a potato it is necessary to carry out hilling. Thus potato sprouts need to be covered with an earth layer from 2 to 3 cm, which will serve as additional protection against possible frosts and stimulate root growth, that in turn, will be a prerequisite for increasing yields.

In May, we should start fighting Colorado. Folk remedies from the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes will help gardeners cope with it quickly and efficiently. Also in this manual destruction or processing by various means will help:

  • performing dusting with corn flour
  • sprinkled with pine sawdust between rows
  • use of insecticides (Corrado)

It is also important to perform regular weeding of potatoes with simultaneous hilling. When applying fertilizers in autumn and spring, additional fertilization of potatoes will not be required. This variety does not need watering, but in excessively dry summers, potatoes can be watered. If these conditions are met, you can expect a good early harvest.

Zhukovsky early potatoes - a description of the variety, whose photo you now know, has become widespread in gardens and orchards. There is nothing strange in this, because the benefits of this variety are difficult to overestimate. Zhukovsky potatoes have early yields, as well as large, smooth and strong tubers, which are stored for a long time. Therefore, it was appreciated by many gardeners and gardeners.



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