Categories: Pipes

Ceramic pipes for chimneys. Advantages, rules of selection and installation

The peculiarity of such a chimney is that, that the blocks in the stone shell are made of ceramic material, and not of iron or brick. Such designs have been used relatively recently and on an industrial scale they are still little used. However, in the construction of private cottages are increasingly used for chimneys ceramic pipes.

Smoke extraction systems are created from ceramic pipes, on reliability and durability do not concede to metal and brick constructions

Properties and features of ceramic pipes

Ceramic products have properties, which favorably distinguish them from all pipes, used in chimney systems:

  • ease of operation. Thanks to the smooth walls of the pipe, inside it is not going to burn and layers of soot, which eliminates unnecessary hassles of care;
  • durability. Such a pipe can last longer 30 years, as it is resistant to corrosion and sudden changes in temperature. This effect is achieved by processing the product with expanded clay concrete mixture or a special composition of mirror steel;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of processing. Ceramic pipe is easy to cut, drilled and the quality of the product does not suffer;
  • absolute water resistance;
  • immunity to chemicals. This product is not afraid of fluorine compounds, solvents, chlorine and other chemicals;
  • security. Another advantage of ceramic chimneys is fire resistance, therefore, if soot catches fire, the flame will not spread;
  • accumulate heat well;
  • ease of installation work, which reduces the likelihood of shortcomings and errors;
  • good traction due to smooth surface. You will not have such problems, as smoke in the room;
  • nice price. Ceramics is not a very expensive material; buying such a chimney, you get the perfect price-quality match.

Ceramic pipes are one of the best materials for chimney construction

Classification and advantages over metal pipes

Ceramic pipes are clearly superior in quality and durability to brick and metal. And although the use of brick and metal chimneys has always been popular, they have a number of significant disadvantages. Example, the rough surface of brick blocks contributes to the accumulation of soot, which is dangerous. Brick is inferior to ceramics in moisture resistance, and therefore the service life of such a system is less. Metal is more susceptible to temperature changes, and also prone to corrosion. in addition, its service life may be reduced by exposure to certain chemical compounds, which emit certain types of fuel. Ceramic pipe is not afraid of this.

Ceramic pipes for chimneys are classified according to their shapes and functions. Products happen:

  • cylindrical;
  • cylindrical with a reference plane;
  • perforated;
  • granulated;
  • corrugated (have a high degree of resistance to loads);
  • chamfered (this type is more often used for sewer communications);
  • with curly ends.

For a chimney it is possible to use not only a usual round pipe, but also a product of square cross section

in addition, distinguish systems by type of fuel, for which they are designed.

Wrinkle! Some models are suitable for use in almost any furnace and boiler, as with liquid, and with solid fuel, but there are non-universal designs. Pay attention to this when choosing.

Ceramic chimney design

The complete set of chimneys from ceramics is extremely simple and convenient for carrying out assembly, repair work, system inspection and maintenance. Ceramic chimney is a modular sandwich system, consisting of several elements:

  1. Load-bearing structure (of stone, brick or concrete), inside which holes are made for further reinforcement. This will provide extra strength and durability.
  2. Ceramic blocks, covered with a special glaze.
  3. Thermal insulation in the form of plates, which rotate the pipe. They prevent the formation of condensation, deposition of soot and fuming acids, harmful to health. in addition, provide the correct temperature on the outside of the chimney, and this is important, if it passes through living quarters.

Additional elements are also included in the complete set of the chimney. They are needed, to prevent debris from getting there, branches, precipitation; remove moisture from the pipe, simplify the inspection and cleaning process, as well as connection to furnaces, boilers and other thermal equipment.

Wrinkle! Watch out, that the siphon for removal of condensate in height was not less 15 cm, and the total length of the chimney - not less 5 meters. The higher the chimney, the more traction.

If you install a ceramic pipe for heating a private house, remember, that it should be above the level of the flat roof on 1,2 m, as well as above the ridge and parapet at least on 50 cm. The diameter of the flue must not be less than the flue of the furnace or boiler pipe. The standards of the sizes are specified in GOST, their observance will provide safety at operation of a chimney.

The design of the chimney with a ceramic sleeve in the base must include insulating blocks of expanded clay concrete

Important points during installation

Installation work is quite simple and does not require too much knowledge and many years of experience. Therefore, often cottage owners prefer to cope with this task. However, there are some features, without which the installation will be of poor quality and, perhaps, even dangerous. Therefore, you should study and follow certain rules, precautions.

To make the installation process more comfortable and cheaper, it is better to carry out it before installation of roofing and rafter designs. Otherwise, to insulate the chimney, will have to disassemble the roof. If the building is wooden, then there may be problems due to shrinkage of the house. It is better to consult a specialist, which will give recommendations and calculate the time of shrinkage. Installing a ceramic chimney pipe, follow the rules of fire safety SNiP.

As for reinforcement, there are three methods of its application:

  • using corners and steel strips;
  • using steel rods with a cross section of 10 mm;
  • concreting using metal rods.

Which method to choose, depends on external factors, as well as the type and height of the chimney, features of its design and installation.

pay attention! Reinforcement is used only in that case, if the height of the chimney above the roof level is more than one and a half meters.

You can use metal rods to strengthen the chimney

Materials and equipment

First, than to start chimney installation, make sure you have everything you need.

In addition to the usual construction devices such as level, you will need special solutions. The first is cement. This is a standard mortar, which is prepared quickly and easily. The second - acid-resistant - you will need to process the seams at the joints of the modules. It consists of a special powder and water. They need to be mixed in proportions 7: 1 in accordance. Indoor temperature, where the work is carried out, should be at least 20 degrees of heat. You can use the solution only for an hour and a half kneading field, so prepare it just before, how you will install the structure.

If the ceramic pipe will pass through unheated rooms (example, loft), make sure you have materials for extra insulation.

As for the cladding, GVL or fire-resistant gypsum cardboard are often used. However, if the pipe is installed in the bath, a much better option would be CPS - chipboard. Sometimes use and SML (glass magnesite), but it is harmful to health. Due to the content of magnesium chloride, which is prone to hydrolysis under the influence of high temperatures, hydrogen chloride is released. Inhalation of such harmful fumes irritates the respiratory system, tooth decay and other unpleasant consequences.

Ordinary cement mortar is used to lay the blocks of the future chimney

installation of a design

Installation of ceramic chimneys begins with clarifying the connection point of the furnace and the foundation. It must be separate from the main foundation of the building. Exceptional case - if the foundation of the house is made of monolithic slab, which provides reliable resistance. Importantly, that the basis under a flue was as much as possible equal. A layer of cement mortar and a special module for connecting a boiler or furnace are applied to it.

Then the insulation boards are installed, then mount the outer blocks for the pipe. They should be located vertically. Watch it, so that they are also installed evenly. To do this, use the construction level.

A special groove for the sealant runs along the upper edge of the ceramic pipe. Pour it on both sides of the cleaned sleeve. Try to work carefully, carefully remove excess solution. After that, you can install a siphon to drain condensate from the pipe.

Wrinkle! Particular attention is paid to the joints of the chimney modules. All of them should be available for regular maintenance and inspection. in addition, it is better not to put them on places of passage of plates of overlappings. If it is impossible to avoid such an arrangement, then additional insulation with non-combustible materials will be required.

If all actions were performed correctly, then you get a reliable and durable chimney system, which does not require special maintenance or repair for many years.



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