Categories: Garden and town

Clematis - how to plant, planting in spring and autumn, deadlines, technology + Photo

Many summer residents dream of growing clematis in the country - they do not know how to plant, which raises many questions, how to carry out the process of seeds, cuttings, layers, when it is better to do it in spring or autumn, to grow a beautiful lush plant, abundantly flowering…

Growing clematis - features

Clematis is an ornamental liana perennial, which adorns many backyards. Growing up, this curly flower looks really chic, turning even the grayest corner. To grow a rich bush and achieve lush flowering clematis, you need to plant it properly and continue to properly care for it. Where better to plant clematis, how to plant and how to take care of it later, - read on.

The following factors can affect the beauty of the plant, as incorrectly selected landing site, wrong - insufficient or excessive watering, infection or mistaken pruning.

It is important to pay attention to the choice of place for planting clematis. The plant belongs to the perennials, and grow in one place can take decades. For clematis it is better to choose shady corners of the garden, where drafts do not walk, do not get extra direct sunlight.

If this bright flowering vine, you decide to decorate the facade of the house, dachas or gazebos, planting should be carried out no closer 30 cm from the wall. Rainwater, flowing from the roof, can ruin a plant, waterlogged it.

The plant can also be planted in a sunny place, but should not be forgotten, that the incredibly bright color of the petals will burn out. The main enemy of clematis is the wind, lianas are thin and fragile plants. Planting clematis in the spring requires a support - a lattice, stretched cords, etc..
As for the soil, then the neutral soil will be optimal for planting clematis, or with a small alkali content. But the acidification of the soil is completely unacceptable for this ornamental plant.

The vine should be watered no more often 1 once a week, if weather conditions are stable. In drought, you can increase the number of waterings up to three times, one adult plant requires at least two buckets of water at a time. You want, to clematis bloomed as much as possible? - Feed it with urea granules in the spring before, as the snow comes down.

Clematis - how to plant cuttings, layers, seeds

When the bush is strong enough and increased in size (this usually happens through 4-5 years), it can be planted - the plant will definitely take root, if there are several living buds on the root collar. Older bushes will be more difficult to divide - they have a fairly strong root system, in this case it is not necessary to dig up a bush, can be limited to part, separated from the main plant.

There are several basic ways, how to properly plant clematis:

  • Growing a new bush from layering
  • grafting
  • Germination of seeds for seedlings

How to propagate clematis, how to plant it in layers, not every florist knows - on an adult plant you need to select a few healthy ones, strong shoots and place them in pre-prepared grooves, excavated at a depth of no more 10 cm. Such grooves should be placed on the outside of the main bush . The branches should be fastened with staples, cover with earth and abundantly watered. In this position the branches should spend a year. Then they can be safely dug up, separating from the main bush, and plant elsewhere.

Another good way to propagate clematis - cuttings. Preparations - cuttings - are made in that period, when the vine blooms. You can choose shoots of any age, but better young people. Importantly, to be on the handle 1 node, 2 healthy kidneys and 1 letter. You should choose the middle part of the branch. That such a stem gave roots, it can be put in water or immediately dug into the ground.

Almost any plant can be grown from seed. Clematis is no exception. How to germinate clematis, how to plant and grow it from seed, - read on.

clematis seedlings - in the photo

Clematis seed material is divided into three groups:

  • Large - germinate poorly, long and at different times. Individual specimens can germinate for six months, and even by year, usually, they are sown in the soil in August after that, how the seeds are collected
  • Medium - sown in the ground in late winter, sprouts appear only through 2-6 months
  • Small - the best option, according to experienced gardeners. It is important to stratify the seeds before sowing, enduring them 30 days in a room with a temperature no higher + 5?WITH. Then lower the seeds into the soil and insulate with film or coating. The first sprouts will appear in a month or less. Do not forget to ventilate the nursery and moisten the soil. As soon as the first real letters appear, seedlings can be transplanted into separate containers. In the spring, when the weather outside is stable and warm without frost, seedlings can be planted in a shady place in open ground. There should be at least between individuals 30 cm. The following spring, the plants can be planted there, where they will grow constantly

Clematis, how to care - useful tips

Clematis for novice gardeners - plants are not simple, but, following simple tips, even a beginner will be able to achieve a healthy and abundantly flowering shrub.

clematis in the garden - in the photo

Do not forget to cover the clematis bushes for the winter, for this purpose it is necessary to remove them from supports - to stack on the earth it is not recommended, it is better to use spruce branches as a litter or to build a wooden lattice. The top of the bush also needs to be insulated with spruce.

It is better to buy clematis seedlings in nurseries or greenhouses - in this case you will buy a healthy plant, not prone to infections, besides, you will buy that variety, which you want.

Buying a plant, ask the seller, how to properly prune this variety - proper pruning will allow you to avoid negative consequences, so the flower will bloom beautifully and abundantly.

Do not neglect mulching - use hay for this purpose, tree bark, sawdust, this vine needs moist and cool soil.

The best neighbors of this ornamental shrub are marigolds and "nails" - they protect the plant from pests.

Clematis - how to plant it properly, you now know, - brightly blooming vine, attracting the attention of others to your site is no longer a problem! Take care of the plant, and it will thank you with a lush flower.



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