Categories: Pets

Dog nicknames: how to correctly and accurately choose a nickname for your pet

Choosing the right nickname for a dog is not an easy task, as it may seem at first glance. Faced with this task, first of all you need to pay attention to the breed and pedigree of your four-legged friend. It will look funny, if the name "Manfred von Richthofen" will be an ordinary mongrel, and the nickname "Ball" - a Japanese miniature poodle, especially given its "expensive" origin: a puppy of this breed costs more than five thousand dollars.

How to choose the right nickname for a dog?

Pedigree dogs have their own names, and must meet certain requirements, which depend on their pedigree. To do this, you can visit a dog organization, where you will be given information about your dog's breed. Choosing a nickname can be greatly simplified, if the seller has already assigned it to the pet. But this does not mean, that you have to leave the former, but, remember, that as reported above, the nickname must meet the requirements, which reports, usually, the breeder himself. Don't give a dog a human name, as some passers-by may turn to your call while walking.

And is it necessary to fool the head at all about this? So, this is necessary. Remember the catchphrase “What do you call a ship, so he will swim ". After all, you do not argue… It follows, that animal nicknames directly affect their behavior and character, and therefore, and destiny.

Gave a name - gave a destiny

What determines the nature of the dog? Its character is influenced by five main components:

  • Breed. It determines the character and habits of the animal.
  • Heredity. That fact has long been known, that the future character of the baby depends on the character of the parents.
  • Education. The dog's behavior can be corrected by its owner, the result depends on his diligence.
  • Date of birth.
  • Alias.

According to American astrologer and veterinarian Donald Wolf, the character depends on the zodiac sign, under which the dog was born (just like humans!). So, based on this fact, you can calculate the future nature of the pet. So, if you need to choose a nickname for a dog, then be sure to consider this. This is especially necessary, if you are going to train her. Properly chosen name can greatly simplify the training process.

The famous French zoologist Cuvette agrees. He thinks, that a dog is a useful acquisition for a person. In addition to what has already been announced, he is sure, that even the phonetic combination of the dog's name sounds, able to influence the line of her behavior, remember this, picking up different nicknames for your pet.

Summing up all that has been said, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that the selection of nicknames for dogs is not so simple. There are a huge number of nicknames for dogs, if desired, you can find more than one hundred completely different from each other. Dogs, regardless, whether she is thoroughbred or not, very intelligent and cheerful creatures, so try to choose a nickname, which will correspond to her character and behavior, if this is not taken into account, then you can further ruin her fate.

You can come up with your own version of the nickname, which will be absolutely unique. If you can not decide on a choice, then below is useful information about each name, which take into account the breed, complexion and size of the pet and will certainly help to make the right choice.

dog nicknames


  • Hell - translated from Hebrew means "jewelry". This beautiful nickname is well suited to a purebred dog of the Great Dane or Greyhound breed. She looks very pretty, by nature - sometimes capricious. Good for training, does not always play with children.
  • Addie is a born watchman, well trained, but the character is complex. She is spiteful, everyone has enough hands, depends on your mood and attitude of the owner, which can bite. To love, when she is treated like a human being, neat. Her inner state is determined by the eyes.
  • Adela - from the Old German "noble". Completely recognizes only his master. Such a dog should be treated strictly. Cannot be trained immediately. This nickname is given to collie breeds, shepherds, pointer, mittel schnauzer.
  • Adeline is fine, gentle, trusting, easily admit children. She is a contact, smart and cheerful. Interesting, what about the cat, which is also a pet, Adeline to be friends. This nickname is most suitable for purebreds, rather big dogs: Saturday, black terrier, Carrie Blue Terrier, Irish Terrier, setter.
  • Aza - translated from the Hebrew "strong", "sturdy". Likely, the nickname was taken from Kalman's play "Gypsy Aza". The name leaves a mark on the dog, born in winter are restless and nervous. It, usually, room dogs, who do not live in the yards. They are always happy to greet their owners with a loud bark. Distinguished by courage and loves to travel by car or train.
  • Alide - the oscillation of sounds indicates the complexity of the character. It requires rigor. The dog is mobile, playful, likes to bark at passers-by. Good for education. Those born in winter are characterized by restless temperament, without a leash it is better not to walk with them. Alide is the decoration of any exhibition, such dogs are beautiful, that's why they are always medalists. Suitable for Doberman, boxer, rottweiler, sometimes a Mittelschnauzer and a Bulldog.
  • Alva - from the ancient Hebrew "dawn". This dog has a restless nature, she is unyielding, nervous, although good and agile. They train well. Playing, may not hurt to bite out of harm's way. The nickname is suitable for large and small dogs. Poodles, collie, German shepherds, Newfoundlands are such breeds, which nickname is most appropriate.
  • Alma - from the Latin "graceful". This nickname is often found in the yard, and in purebred dogs. The yard manners are kind and good-natured. They give birth to many puppies, to children, those who feed them are easily attached. Unpretentious, easily get in touch with new owners. Among the thoroughbreds, this name is called Central Asian, German, South Russian shepherds, Moscow guards, their character is somewhat different from the nature of outbreds.
  • Amonda - from the English "almonds". This nickname is only for purebred dogs. This is a good hunter. She is good, she has a good feeling, loves to play. Not very loyal to the owner, that's why sometimes he gets into all sorts of trouble. Loves children. Nickname for basset hound, bloodhound, drathaara, kurchaara, pointers.
  • Protein is good, unpretentious, do without the owner, prefers freedom and hunting in the woods. She is mobile and cheerful, has an excellent sense of smell. Squirrel - a nickname for huskies and Spitz.
  • Bun is a domestic dog. She is good, kindly, with everyone in friendship. If she is not at home, children build her a booth. Gives birth to many puppies, with whom he parted carefree. Everyone feels sorry for her and feeds her.
  • Vesta - from the Greek "home". The name is appropriate for Pekingese or Japanese henna. But the choice is up to the owner, he can call this nickname a dog of any breed. Vesta is vulnerable, unable to withstand brutal treatment. She is beautiful and funny, well trained.
  • Gloria - from the Latin "glory". Playful, interesting and good dog. Very homey, a little capricious. A favorite of all family members. She is clever, graceful. The nickname is suitable for small pocket dogs.
  • Daisy - from the English "daisy". The character is very difficult, especially winter daisies. They may suddenly roar, bite or run away. This is a good watchman, tender, caring mother, never takes food from other people's hands, it is not recommended to walk without a leash.
  • Dominica - from the Latin "dominant". A dog with such a beautiful nickname is fussy, restless, does not allow anyone to himself. Obeys only the owner. It is not necessary to let out without a leash, will do nothing without a team. Proud, neat, excellent watchman. Suitable for large purebred dogs.
  • Zilla - Hebrew "shadow". The character is balanced, proud. It must be treated strictly. She likes to pose for the camera, at the exhibition. Changing the owner is painful, ??is worried. She has a good sense of smell, inquisitive. This nickname is called dachshund, Scotch Terriers, basset-hounds.
  • Irma is restless, difficult to train, it should not be removed without a leash, as it is able to bite and touch a cat. Respects the hostess more, than the host, she is a good watchman. The nickname is the bull terrier, mastiff, Dobermans.
  • Lorna is emotional, playful, good dog. Respects the owner, does not like to play with children. Loves traveling. Needs care, very neat. In puppies is prone to lung disease. Suitable only for terriers, seter, bloodhound.
  • Tina is quiet. Very sensitive, home. Allows himself to be stroked by strangers, if there is grief in the family, then cries with the owners. He understands everything, good and kind, it seems, that is about to speak. The name is suitable for indoor and ornamental species.
  • Hilda ??- kind to the owners. He doesn't like children very much, afraid of drafts, prone to colds, ill severely and for a long time. Needs special care. Those born in winter are more resilient. Suitable for purebred dogs.


  • Ike is brave, strong, large. Domestic dogs are well-behaved. Are reliable guards.
  • Amethyst is proud. Very attached to the host, difficult to bear the loss.
  • Cupid is a nickname for a big dog. Good, dogs loyal to their owners, mobile, are good watchmen.
  • Barkhan is stubborn, fortune, loves only his masters. These are strong dogs, it is necessary to walk only in a muzzle and on a leash, because they can bite any dog. They are subject to education. Take prizes. In battles they have an excellent reaction. They serve well at the border and in security. Smell is great. The nickname is suitable for shepherds and Great Danes.
  • The whirligig is black or resembles a wolf. The dog is calm and well.
  • Gaston - from the Old German "guest". Nickname for purebred dogs of noble origin.
  • Gordon is strong with a good sense of smell, amenable to training. It is given to purebred service dogs.
  • Vulture - bold, strong, is not afraid of anything. Compliant, persistent, in winter it is more complex. The nickname is suitable for large service dogs.
  • Jack is kind, strong dog, has good watchmanship, without a leash can kill a cat. When training skills are developed slowly. Suitable for purebred and domestic dogs.
  • John is good, impressionable. It is better not to let go of the leash. Love the hostess more than the owner. The nickname is suitable for purebred small dogs, hunters.
  • Icarus is a beautiful nickname for a good dog. Suitable for large, strong dogs, executive, love your owner, well trainable, good watchman.
  • Quint is calm. Strictness is required for training. These are good, executive dogs, unloved cruelty.
  • Keane is fast, bold. The nickname is given to large dogs. The character is kind, good, a good athlete comes out of Keen.
  • Micah is gentle and affectionate, loyal to the owner.
  • Morgan is calm, loving people. This is a good watchman. In winter he is able to ride children. Nickname for a big dog.
  • Simon is a good housewife. A great dog of the St. Bernard breed, Newfoundland.
  • Hart is strong, calm, bold, not afraid of water. Good for training. The name fits big, hunting breeds.
  • Charlik - pocket, toy dog, happily meets the owner. Defenseless, beautiful and often sleeps in the host's bed.


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