Categories: Garden and town

When to plant watermelons for seedlings: auspicious days

As you know, watermelon - the largest berry, growing in the southern territories. However, today many gardeners successfully cultivate the plant in the middle lane. The success of such cultivation is determined by the correct choice of variety and favorable days for planting watermelons.

When to sow watermelon seedlings

When to plant watermelons in seedlings 2017 year? Watermelons are best sown in the first half of spring. The results of sowing will please you even more, if you carry them out according to the lunar calendar.

The monthly landing calendar advises, when to plant watermelons:


  • for early varieties of berries - 8, 12-14 the numbers;
  • for varieties with medium fruit ripening - 22-24.


  • for varieties with medium maturity: 2, 10, 11 the numbers.

To get powerful planters, seeds are sown in the phase of growth of the Moon, since from seed, sown during the full moon or new moon, plants with low yields appear. If you sow watermelon a few days before the full moon, then the germinated seeds will have a short stem. Planting watermelons for seedlings in the Moscow region 2017 year should be carried out in late March or early April. At a later procedure, the harvest may not be. These are the varieties of watermelon, which are intended for cultivation in the central regions of the country. Today, berries are successfully grown even in the northern territories. Special varieties of berries are bred, which are well adapted to the unfavorable climate of Siberia.

You need to start sowing seeds in early spring, and plant watermelons in a permanent place in May. Greenhouse berry growing will be more successful in Siberia. Landing dates on the lunar calendar (favorable and unfavorable days) Almost all fruit-bearing plants should be planted for the growing month. However, watermelon should be planted after the growth of the Moon. It is best to land in the phase of the full moon or in the second part of the cycle of the celestial body. In this case, you will get a rich and useful harvest.

These days are ideal for planting watermelon on the lunar calendar:

  1. March: 9-11.
  2. April: 1, 23, 28.
  3. May: 5-11.

All other spring days on the lunar calendar for planting watermelon are considered unfavorable.

Terms of planting seedlings

Growing berry seedlings from seed, you must choose the right day for her transfer to a permanent place of residence. The transplant can be performed almost any day, except for such, when any manipulation of plants should be abandoned. IN 2017 year transplant is prohibited in the following days: 8 June, and 9, 10, 23-25 ??days of the month.

Before moving the shoots to a permanent place, you should warm the soil. In March, before the snow, you need to scatter wood ash on the bed. After the snow comes down, the bed should be watered with warm water and covered with plastic wrap. By May, the earth will be quite warm.

Watermelon seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or unprotected soil, when the soil warms up at the root level almost to 20 ° C. Importantly, so that there were no frosts during the day, not at night. In temperate latitudes, this period occurs in mid-June. In greenhouse conditions, plants can be moved a few days earlier.

However, it is not necessary to postpone planting, as the crop may be subject to frost. Grown seedlings should be transplanted at one month of age. During this period, young individuals most easily tolerate transplantation.

Seedlings are firmly entrenched in the soil, if the planted individuals are covered with polyethylene. The bed can also be covered with plastic canisters of volume 5 liters. In this way you can create the illusion of high humidity.

Watermelon bed should be organized in a well-lit place, reliably protected from the effects of cold winds. Virgin soil, in which it is planned to plant seedlings, does not need fertilizing. In country areas, humus is added to the land for planting 10 kilograms per unit area. Ideally, with the onset of autumn, sprinkle the area with humus and immediately dig the soil. In the spring the pits are covered with complex fertilizers, preferably specialized for melons.

You can additionally warm the soil, covering it with dark material or watering with warm water when planting seedlings. All pumpkins, including watermelons, do not perceive, when disturbed by their root system. Therefore, plant them directly with a lump of earth, and the roots will remain intact, and plants will take root faster.

Watermelons should be planted according to the scheme: 0,5 meters between the bushes and 1,5-2 meters between rows. To get a rich harvest, you need to provide culture space. Each branch of the plant can reach 2,5 meters in length. In case of shortage of territory watermelons will not be able to gain the necessary weight. Therefore, watermelons should not be planted between trees. In this case, the berries will also be deficient in the sun.

In temperate regions and the Moscow region, watermelons grow reluctantly. Every year more and more summer residents gather large harvests, just planting varieties, are intended for cultivation in this or that region. so, the success of growing watermelon directly depends on it, when to sow culture. in addition, it is necessary to consider a number of other factors and follow all the recommendations for growing berries. Then you can reap great harvests.

Video "When to plant watermelons for seedlings in 2017 year »

You will learn from this video, when to plant watermelons in 2017 year.



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