Categories: Smoking

Smoked perch - a recipe for cooking in a smokehouse

Smoked perch is one of the most affordable delicacies for smokers. The dish can be varied, due to the existence of many recipes. You can cook everywhere in the smokehouse, even in an ordinary high-rise kitchen, good modern models allow you to do this. So, you can eat treats, without fear of possible carcinogenic poisoning, which are obligatory in commercially prepared fish. The following methods can be prepared, as usual, and sea bass.

Importantly! For smoking at home you need to use wood chips or sawdust, such, like cherries, Cherry, apple or apricot. You can use alder. In all other cases, you risk spoiling the dish with an unpleasant odor or taste.

Preparing to smoke

Preparation for cold processing of fish is similar to that, how to salt or pickle perch for hot smoking. Small carcasses can not be cleaned or gutted. Large fish are best cleaned, decapitate and remove the intestines. Then you just need to fill the perch with salt, not afraid to oversalt. The fish will take exactly as much product, as much as she needs. Salted fish is placed in a container, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 24 hours, before smoking. You can salt without a refrigerator, then the process should be completed within a few hours. There is another recipe - perch can be marinated in brine, adding to the water, except salt, spices to taste. After removing the fish, before smoking, it should be soaked in cold water for half an hour, and then dry.

Hot smoked perch

Ordinary and sea smoked hot perch is prepared in a smokehouse at a temperature of up to 60 degrees C. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish and can vary from 2,5 hours to 6. Hot smoked perch is important, that during the first half an hour-hour the temperature regime was strictly observed , then it can be reduced to 50 degrees C.

How to cook smoked carp

How to cook hot smoked perch and features you can see in the video.

cold cooking

Cold smoked perch cook longer. The recipe for salting or marinating is the same. Dried carcasses are placed on a rack or hung on hooks. The temperature of the smokehouse should not exceed +30 degrees C, you can smoke the product in a day, if the fish are small, more carcasses are being prepared for 3 days.

Chemical composition and caloric content

This species of fish is rich in nutrients, smoked product is not inferior to fresh:

  • the product contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids;
  • many macro- and trace elements: calcium, potassium, iron, copper, iodine, zinc, chromium, molybdenum and others;
  • many vitamins: A, WITH, V1, B6, B12, E, RR and others;
  • a large amount of protein, a little fat, carbohydrates are absent.

The caloric content of perch is low - all in all 165 thousand calories on 100 grams of product. The perch is hot smoked, compared to cold, caloric content may be slightly higher, but not much.

Useful properties

Smoking perch does not deprive the fish of useful properties:

  • a large amount of protein helps maintain good physical shape;
  • it is useful for intense brain activity;
  • fish promotes important metabolic processes in the human body, including in the formation of DNA;
  • the product regulates blood sugar;
  • has a beneficial effect on mucous membranes and skin.

Tips for storing smoked perch

Smoking perch at home involves large batches, which can not be eaten immediately. So, there is a problem of product preservation. Depending on the term, on which you have decided to leave the perch, you can save it:

  • In the refrigerator: to 5 days - hot smoked fish, to 10 days - cold cooking. It is important to check the carcass for availability before use / lack of mucus. It is the first sign of corruption.
  • The product is in the freezer, depending on the temperature, can be stored for up to six months.

If you have interesting information on the subject, how to cook smoked perch, share it in the comments block.



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