Smoked in the oven: we smoke fish, wings and lard

There are two traditional ways to smoke in the oven: using liquid smoke and foil with sawdust (best alder or apple). But since the first method is not considered natural, it is better to use it for quick cooking of smoked products on the fire. But soaked ready-made food with natural smoke improves not only the taste, but also finds a uniform golden-amber surface.

Considering, that each product has a different structure, then time and recipe, naturally, is different. Consider three examples, how to smoke lard, fish and chicken thighs at home. The process must take place in an electric oven, unlike gas, sawdust in it will smolder, without causing smoke.

How to get smoked lard

For any smoking in the oven requires the presence of a grill and a deep deck. The lard should be well salted before cooking, then rinse and lie on the grill in the refrigerator for about a day, to get rid of excess moisture. Foil is spread on the bottom of the deck and sawdust is spread on top of it, the oven is heated to 90-95 degrees, then a little higher is placed lard on the grill.

Average cooking time 30-40 min. But to achieve this smoky effect, you can hold the lard up 2 hours, while slightly reducing the temperature.

Smoke the fish in the oven

Fish in the oven is prepared in a similar way, just before, than to put it on the lattice, each should be wrapped in greaseproof paper (tracing paper). Before that, it should be marinated and slightly dried with a towel. Preheating of the furnace is also carried out, and set a low temperature on 45 min.

Recipe for hot smoking fish at home

In some cases, the fish does not form a golden surface, but it tastes better than expected. To feel the pronounced smell of smoking, the dish should be allowed to cool.

Smoked chicken thighs in the oven

Like previous products, chicken hams are processed: pickling and drying. A deep container with wood shavings is installed on the bottom of the oven, slightly above the lattice, on which the ham is laid out. Foil is spread over them, so that the smoke accumulates directly under it. It is necessary to preheat the oven and set only the bottom heating to 300 degrees. This temperature is enough, to turn the timer on 20 min. Will 30 minutes, while the sawdust is smoldering, the contents can be kept with the oven switched off.

All these methods allow you to easily and intricately tricks to get a real smoked product. Unlike smoked meats, cooked on the street in smoking cabinets, at home the dishes are juicier and more fragrant. In addition, the kitchen will not be enveloped in smoke, vice versa, the room will be filled with a pleasant woody smell.

Possessing a wild imagination and experience in culinary business, you can smoke everything in the oven, what the soul desires: homemade sausages, pork ribs, chicken wings, the main thing is to use dry sawdust, which do not emit resinous and toxic substances. This can spoil not only the product, but also the oven, which will then be difficult to clean. And the foil should be used with a thicker thickness or laid in several layers. Preheat the oven with sawdust, so that they have time to catch the heat, this is the only way to succeed in the smoking business.

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