Categories: Pipes

Square pipe from plastic and metal: types and differences

The versatility and versatility of square pipes today is attracting more and more attention, as a result, there is an active demand in the market of specialized products. The square section pipe deservedly became the sales leader, simplifying, accelerating and reducing the cost of production. Pay attention to such types of pipes as metal square pipe and square plastic pipe.

Square profile pipes are materials with special characteristics, used in various fields of construction

Features of square metal pipes

Square metal pipe - one of the most popular types of pipes in a wide range of rolled metal. Due to its shape and characteristics, the square profile pipe is widely used in industrial production, and in private construction. Pros of a square profile: easy to install, optimal weight, economical and reliable. Stably behaves in the test of heavy loads (pressure, vibration, fracture), justifies trust in the preparation of sustainable, high-strength and at the same time light metal structures.

Manufacturing serious and complex industrial or simple household structures, even the most unusual forms, the choice of material between metal and plastic pipes is obvious. The metal profile is wearproof, does not deform, resistant to sharp, frequent fluctuations in temperature and direct sunlight, what can you say about plastic.

The metal frame is reliable in all respects, but the house of plastic profile can be built only in the form of a layout. Although it is widely used in architecture. However, a square metal profile to use with 100% benefits will not work everywhere. There are areas, where it will be successfully replaced by the same plastic pipes, which have recently appeared on the construction market.

Characteristics of plastic profiles

Square plastic pipe - profile, which is able to replace similar metal pipes, while significantly reducing the budget for the manufacture of structures. The weight of the PVC pipe is only 20% from a metal mass of the same size and cross section. Adhesion and coupling of plastic pipes in the structure is fast and not energy intensive, So, that if necessary, you can easily replace a damaged part.

Polymer products can in many cases be a replacement for metal, making production or construction cheaper

Unlike metal, in plastic pipes there is no increase in resistance in the time interval, also the loss of pressure due to friction is less on 30% (very smooth surface). in addition, such profile is frost-resistant and plastic at low temperature (from -25oC to + 60оС), has good throughput and low thermal conductivity, so, it will not freeze water, forming "ice clots" (interest production). Another plastic pipe is an excellent dielectric and can be laid anywhere. A huge disadvantage - no resistance to static loads, which can simply crush them. There is a danger of using such pipes in seismically active regions.

Among the distinctive features of square plastic pipes can be noted:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to corrosion and oxidation (this is important for regions with humid climates);
  • long service life (more 55 years);
  • elasticity (possible arcuate bending without tension in the pipe);
  • almost complete neutrality to most chemicals.

PVC pipe withstands the temperature limit +80 оС, linear extensibility at + 60oC with the lowest coefficient among all plastic pipes.

Importantly! Avoid contact of PVC pipes with solvents (paint removers, liquid plasticizers), this will destroy the structure of the plastic and the integrity of the pipe.

PVC decomposes under the action of temperature + 135оС, while releasing hydrogen chloride. Installation of plastic pipes at subzero temperatures and in unheated rooms is not recommended, as there is a high risk of damaging the pipe when drilling or cutting it.

From square pipes you can collect a lot of useful structures on your own site, example, fence

Comparing the characteristics of metal and plastic square pipes in the production of / g nipple field systems, gutters, greenhouses, which ventilation systems, today preference is given to PVC square pipe.

When choosing plastic, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • in PVC plumbing systems, pipes do not withstand constant pressure, the service life of such pipes may not exceed several years;
  • PVC pipe is not designed to transport hot air masses and steam.

If necessary, the possibility of joining plastic and metal, if the dimensions of the square tubes match, and due to the same shape, the plastic pipe can be used as a cover for metal. Buy a square pipe made of plastic and metal will not be difficult. Choice of sizes of the parties on section, wall thickness and weight are very diverse.

Production of metal square pipes

The square metal pipe is issued in accordance with GOST from low-carbon steel St3sp, or from high-quality carbon steel 09G2S. According to the method of production, this pipe can be seamless (hot-deformed, cold-deformed) and with a seam (electric welded). When operating at pressures above normal, the finished profile is tested hydraulically, where the pressure is created according to the calculations of the formula for each profile, as well as heat treatment to relieve stress in the pipe.

If necessary, companies can produce square pipes of non-standard length and cross section (according to the technical conditions of the manufacturer) by rolling a round pipe.

A special machine with streets is needed for the production of square section pipes

The dimensions of a standardized standard metal pipe are presented in the table.

Table 1

Size outside,


S intersection, sm2 Wall thickness,


Mass, kg, 1m
1? 1 0,343 0,1 0,270
1,50? 1,50 0,543 0,1 0,425
1,50? 1,50 0,7710 0,15 0,606
2? 2 0,743 0,10 0,582
2? 2 1,0710 0,15 0,842
2? 2 1,370 0,2 1,076
2,50? 2,50 0,943 0,1 0,741
2,50? 2,50 1,370 0,15 1,08
2,50? 2,50 1,77 0,2 1,40
2,50? 2,50 2,140 0,25 1,67
2,50? 2,50 2,48 0,3 1,96
3? 3 2,170 0,20 1,70
3? 3 2,64 0,25 2,07
3? 3 3,080 0,30 2,42
3? 3 3,50 0,35 2,76
3? 3 3,88 0,4 3,05
3,20? 3,20 4,20 0,4 3,31
3,50? 3,50 2,57 0,20 2,02
3,50? 3,50 3,14 0,25 2,47
3,50? 3,50 3,68 0,30 2,90
3,50? 3,50 4,2 0,35 3,31
3,50? 3,50 4,68 0,4 3,68
3,50? 3,50 5,57 0,5 4,36
3,60? 3,60 4,84 0,4 3,81
4? 4 2,97 0,20 2,34
4? 4 3,64 0,25 2,84
4? 4 4,28 0,30 3,36
4? 4 4,9 0,35 3,86
4? 4 5,48 0,40 4,30
4? 4 6,57 0,50 5,17
4? 4 7,54 0,60 5,93
4,2? 4,2 4,52 0,3 3,55
4,2? 4,2 5,18 0,35 4,07
4,2? 4,2 5,8 0,4 4,57
4,2? 4,2 6,97 0,5 5,47
4,2? 4,2 8,02 0,6 6,31
4,5? 4,5 4,88 0,30 3,83
4,5? 4,5 5,6 0,35 4,39
4,5? 4,5 6,28 0,4 4,93
4,5? 4,5 7,57 0,50 5,95
4,5? 4,5 8,74 0,6 6,87
4,5? 4,5 9,8 0,70 7,70
4,5? 4,5 10,74 0,80 8,43
5? 5 5,48 0,3 4,31
5? 5 6,3 0,35 4,95
5? 5 7,08 0,40 5,56
5? 5 8,57 0,50 6,74
5? 5 9,94 0,6 7,80
5? 5 11,2 0,7 8,80
5? 5 12,34 0,8 9,70
6? 6 7,70 0,35 6,04
6? 6 8,68 0,4 6,82
6? 6 10,57 0,5 8,31
6? 6 12,34 0,6 9,69
6? 6 14 0,70 11,00
6? 6 15,54 0,8 12,20
6,5? 6,5 13,54 0,6 10,63
7? 7 10,28 0,4 8,07
7? 7 12,57 0,5 9,87
7? 7 14,74 0,6 11,57
7? 7 16,8 0,7 13,19
7? 7 18,74 0,8 14,71
8? 8 11,88 0,4 9,33
8? 8 14,57 0,5 11,44
8? 8 17,14 0,6 13,46
8? 8 19,6 0,7 15,38
8? 8 21,94 0,8 17,22
9? 9 16,57 0,5 13,00
9? 9 19,54 0,6 15,34
9? 9 22,4 0,7 17,58
9? 9 25,14 0,8 19,73
10? 10 21,94 0,6 17,22
10? 10 25,2 0,7 19,78
10? 10 28,34 0,8 22,25
10? 10 31,37 0,9 24,62
11? 11 24,34 0,6 19,11
11? 11 28 0,7 21,98
11? 11 31,54 0,8 24,76
11? 11 34,97 0,9 27,45
12? 12 26,74 0,6 20,99
12? 12 30,80 0,7 24,18
12? 12 34,74 0,8 27,27
12? 12 38,57 0,90 30,28
14? 14 31,54 0,6 24,77
14? 14 36,4 0,7 28,57
14? 14 41,14 0,80 32,29
14? 14 45,77 0,9 35,94
15? 15 39,2 0,70 30,77
15? 15 44,34 0,8 34,81
15? 15 49,37 0,9 38,75
15? 15 54,28 1 42,61
18? 18 53,94 0,8 42,35
18? 18 60,170 0,9 47,23
18? 18 66,28 1 52,04
18? 18 78,17 1,2 61,36
18? 18 89,6 1,4 70,33

The method of production of a certain size of metal square pipe is included in the standard:

  • pipe from 1 to 12 cm thick. walls from 0,10 to 0,8 cm - seamless cold-formed;
  • pipe from 6 to 18 cm thick. walls from 0,40 to 1,4 cm - seamless hot-deformed;
  • pipe from 1 to 10 cm thick. walls from 0,10 to 0,5 cm - electric welded.

Importantly! The radius of curvature of the corners of square pipes should not exceed the wall thickness of the pipe, multiplied by 2.

Pipes of any size are available with length restrictions, established standards

Standard sizes of pipes:

  • measured. length of hot rolled pipes 4 — 12,5 m;
  • measured. length of cold rolled pipes 4,5 — 9 m;
  • measured. length of electric welded pipes 5 — 9 m;
  • Nemirna. length of hot rolled pipes 4 — 12,5 m;
  • Nemirna. length of cold rolled pipes 4,5 — 9 m.

When choosing a metal square pipe, you need to clearly define the dimensions, wall thickness, crossing, whether they meet the requirements of the object under construction. This will determine the strength of the metal structure.

Marking of square metal pipes must contain:

  • name and trademark;
  • pipe dimensions;
  • the length of the pipe;
  • number;
  • mass;
  • the mark of the technical control department.

Production of plastic square pipes

The production process of PVC pipes is continuous, simple and environmentally safe. And unlike the production of metal profile does not require large expenditures of electricity, therefore the price of a square plastic pipe is much lower.

The technological process of production begins with the mixing of polymer raw materials with plasticizers, dyes, antistatic and special additives in the hopper. After melting and softening in the extruder, the shape of the future tube is formed by extrusion. Then the product is cooled and calibrated. Square plastic pipes are often made of polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polyethylene. The square pipe shop can be located in a room with an area of ​​100m2.

The raw materials for plastic square pipes are polypropylene and other polymers in the form of granules, to which dyes and other substances are added

Plastic pipe marking is a short set of information, characterizing the product for the convenience of the consumer. It contains the following information:

  • quality mark (ISO 9001, EN ISO 9001);
  • trademark;
  • material used (PP-H 100, PE 63);
  • dimensions and wall thickness;
  • denomination pressure (PN);
  • fraction and maximum operating pressure (drinking, GAS 4,);
  • batch number and date of manufacture.

Square plastic pipes have quite different sizes, their areas of application are also different.

Properties of a square plastic pipe in such field of application as ventilation remain stably demanded. This is due to the fact, that the characteristics of this type of profile demonstrate the maximum quality factor of engineering systems with long service life. Pipes are made of high quality PVC plastic, which, Besides, not prone to burning. Square PVC ventilation pipe indoors, where a large number of people gather, be it a restaurant, supermarket, gym or cafe, - this is the best choice.

Ventilation system, made of plastic, will not cause any further worries, if you follow the rules of assembly. The quietness of the ventilation system depends on the cross section of the pipe, and to reduce the likelihood of clogging, the ventilation pipe should be covered with an antistatic solution.

It is interesting! Plastic square pipes, unlike their metal counterparts, practically do not create any noise effects.

A wide range of all kinds of square pipes makes it possible to choose the material, meeting the requirements for the manufacture and subsequent operation of the object. Buying quality products and following the rules of construction will make any design durable.

Building anything is a serious and responsible process, therefore, to make the right choice among the abundance of materials is not easy. Wide range of metal and plastic square tubes, in any case, will be useful.



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